Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 27, 1939, p. 7

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a the georgetown henu wednesday evening september 27 1939 weekend v meat sped als pork shoulders is 23 forkutts osntjdflb stung legs of lamb 27- shoulders of lamb i9e ifian hank stewing lamb 225c choice tkndek rolled veal roasts 23 lean stewing veal 2 29c vuhe beef mbkcs shoulderroasts 1 9- 28 boneless eollkd prime rib roasts country stxtb sausage zgjss- 2 k 29c numbkb 1 cooking onions lo 23c kraft vklvkkta cheese 259 canada year book ready jfordis- trlbotion bb pnbtttbttoa of tfaa um edition or the canada year book punnehed by nutiorimtton of too ban w d baler mnteur of ikade and oonuwroe li aniwunood by toe dominion bureau at a- fne tfrnafli yotdf book b the offldal erattatlml annual ol the countiy tend oontatni ft tborouilily up todata aooount of the natural ramus of the ixmtoton and omit delop- bwnttt history of the country its institution lta demgmphy toe af ferent branohes of ptodootton trade teiwportatton finance education etc within tfae limits of a atntfer volume of ikeflodal and economic condition of tte dominion this new edition has boon thoroughly revised s tjkt ineludeelnallltbcbapteis the tat- est inf anoatton available up to the date of borne to press the 1839 canada year book extend u6 over 1j00 pages dealing with all phases of the national life and more especially with those susceptible of a statistical i 1 in the introductory matter this gtres a picture in figures of the remitjoibl pr which the coun try has madestnoe the first census of the dominion was taken in 1871 sbtty- ght years ago ad parts of the volume have been carefully- revised and brought up to date the latest information appearing to the date when each section was aent- to press is included under section 1 of chapter vhx agriculture a spe del subsection explains the ltm1g operations of the canadian farm loan- board since its inception in 130 fur ther progress has been made thlsyear in completing the framework of chap ter xtcii transportation and com municationsespecially in regard to fart vii that deals with badio com munications chapter xx prices- has been revised especially in relation to subsec 2 d with special sale ssfwltllnfi e notice according to the special war tax act 8 will be added to all accounts where hydro is used for domestic purposes this tax to apply beginning september 12th 1939 georgetown hydroelectric commission watch our window worn weemxy ks catum nouu ahd i harshnullow pineapple sundae 13c 2 lor 25c longs confeelio nery phsjes when lightning strikes prices arwtoost of living under which hearting a new subsection summarises the latest results of a special study on family living expenditures now being undertaken by the bureau as a phase of the nut survey the material of chapter xx vh judical and peni tentiary statistics branch of this bur eau in the present edition a complete list of special articles and of signifi cant historical or descriptive text that has not been subject to wide change and is therefore not repeated is given following the table of contents this list links the 1939 year book with its predecessors and indicates the extent to which the year book must now be regarded as a series of publications rather than at a single volume- there are over thirty maps and charts contained in the volume and a photogelatlne insert illustrating the special article on noxious forest in sects three lithographed maps are included m commemoration of the royal visit to canada may 17 to june 16th 1939 eotour plates of their majesties king george vi and queen elizabeth together with official pictures of inci dents connected with the- unveiling of the national memorial and of the royal assent to legislation of the 1939 session of parliament appear as frontterpiece at pp 11551160 a short account of the royal tour across can ada together with a condensed itiner ary is given persons requiring the year book may obtain it from lh kings printer ottawa as long as the supply lasts at the price of 150 which covers merely the cost of paper printing and bind ing by a special concession a limited number of paper bound copies have been set aside for ministers of religion bonaflde students and school teach ers who may obtain copietvat the nom inal price of 50 cents each aehimillei qptcopy theatre thursday and friday 2 nights sept 28 and 29 made for each other musical swing opera going places with tan stewart and ban cartoon beach picnic fox news satnrcvy sept 30 rose of washington square i the rate of i comedy chump takes a bump cartoon robin hood make good- chapter 4 fighting eevil dogs 1 haa at 1 sua tuesday and wednesday october 3 and 4 broadway serenade tihaswmlta sbwbwewewiwi hwkmafwdwanm awawaaa sji w ataa wean jnasssssa jaaedsaaaa avow jafita ana- ass baaw thrift with fish if you want to be thrifty and whe ther we like it or not most of us just have to be buy whole fish with head and tall left on there are several val uable reasons for doing first you can tell whether the fish is fresh or not pull blight eyes and gill arm fins and tails a sure way of determin ing this important point secondly the head tau bones and skin should be used to make fish stock and thus get extra value from your purchase after washing fish thoroughly cover the trimmings with cold water add salt outside stalks of celery or celery leaves onion carrot bay leaf and paratey if you happen to hare an those on hand and sunnier gently for about an hour pour through a strainer prom this stock using canadian sal mon halibut or cod the following de licious soups can be made to make vegetable seem 3 quarts of fish stock 3 large carrots 1 large tunip 2 large onions outsid stalks of celery finely minced pr carrots turnip onions and string the outside stalk of celery mince all wry finely with a french knife on a board clover with tiling water seasoned with salt and until tender beat the soup stock tben add the vegetables togetherwlth the water to which they werecooked it may then be thickened with dour and water stirred smooth or wltt cooked rice or barjey biee xssaateseem wrth flam stack 1 quart of fish stock 1 cup of tomato r cup of cooked rice x tbsp of tomato catsup or 1 tap woroflatershire sauce floyd gibbon 5mfarate ftu beat the fish stock add the strai ned tomatoes add the cup of boded rice atjow ao to boa op together and tar be thickaned if mntsnto jwmtak bursmtr at home or ao to nawmrlal jf jerry howard had not been 1 sp altogether good to look upon so interesting because of his very critical amused attitude toward life and so adored by the two aunts who had presided over his home since he had been left an orphan at is per haps no attention would have been paicvto hiar of in jnjrla given looks and wealth and youth the public is always annoyed at the refusal of a young man to marry wed like to see your wife in this home before many years jer ry little aunt lidn often said to him as they sat before the library fire afterdinner aunt susan busily knitting across from them were getting old and its silly to pretend well be here forever you need ive got all i need jerry pro tested gaily kissing her affection ately as he arose to pace up and down the rug dont worry and dont drag any more girls here you two frauds theres been something impossible about every one of the four now i come to think of it the things i most dislike in girls were embodied in those four the first one simply strewed things all over the piece and since ive had years of your orderliness that came hard on me another one told me everything i said did or thought was utterly wrniderful and if theres any thing i dislike its hypocrisy or stu pidity seems to me another one was boisterous and noisy and youve taught me to like quietness and peace but that lost one laura any woman he continued as he got out a cigarette and lit it any wpfrian or girl who deliberate ly puts on a pink hat tells the world that she is irresponsive to all beau ty and weak and frittering menial ly it absolutely kills attractive ness laura was quite nice until she would go and put an that hat of hers and 1 always ran when i saw it i couldnt be nappy with a girl who offended me in these ways im fnr from perfection myself but im selfish enough to want it inmy wic aunt lida looked at aunt susan and aunt susan looked back each tried to speak and failed and finally they spoke together half fearfully were were terribly sorry jer ry they got out but we have an other visitor cording tomorrow her grandmother is an old friend of ours and marion is on her wayout west and we thought wed like to see her we jerry howard burst out laughing heer up he cried ill be ex actly as nice to your guest as i can ill do everything the per fect host should do except tall in ove with her nervously the two aunts awaited marions arrival and 30 minutes fter she came they were swamped ul w almost in tears whatever snail we do for 10 lays aunt lida queried of her sis- cr when marion had gone to her mom did you ever see anyone who mnccd around more or laughed so luich or had such a funny nose nd her hat went into one chair her bag into another and what was it she said as she grabbed up lot silverframed picture of jerry she said quavered aunt susan tremulously she said right out isnt he adorable is this jerry oh i think hes splendid and concluded aunt lida in a hushed voice her her felt hat- it was that shade of pppink at dinner that night when jerry was home to meet their guest tears came to the eyes of aunt susan for marion with the impish face was a bundle of laughter and talk she told jerry frankly three times he was marvelous the next morning when marion appeared in sports clothes she was wearing the pink hat and she danced off to meet jerry approach- ing in his runabout his smile in view of the hat his aunts decided- was nothing short of heroic all that day they suffered vicariously with jerry driving his lively visitor to the country club and the golf links pink hat laughter and chatter for eight hours at a stretch its pitiful they told each other that night after the two had re turned from histnanner one would never dream what he is go ing through t for the rest of marions visit they dutifully picked up after her en dured the radio and shut their eyes to her choice of colors for she seemed fond of that shade of pink and it was frequent h her ward robe they found to their surprise however that they- were sorry to have her go when the last day of her visit arrived there was some thing about the child which had stolen into their hearts her gayety her real sweetness her saucy face before marion goes jerry told them we want to teu you that shes coming backagain to stay i expect you cant believe it for im hardly able to myself to think that a perfectly wonderful girl like her self should ever care for mel drawing her closer lsakisaedher the pink hatuarushad bis face but he s unaware of the fact it dawned on th aunts that he did not even know it was pink that was what happened to a man when me lightning struck i she was just mad for yon jer- ryi the two uttle ojd ladle chor- used ana meant it weekly rash spcdab 1 sax hose ladies fulfasruoned silk hose for one week only 85c for 69c 110 for 89e ladies rayon hose 4 22c aes silk and lisle fine ribbed hose 7 to 8j4 29c regular price 39c to 45c mercerised fine rm hose 7 to 814 19 ranrnng wool 3 ply iris andalusian wool while stock lasts 2 for 25c 4 pjy lambe wool tss 2 ply zephyr wool only a few shades left 20c for 10c flannelette blankets 70x90 ibex flannelette blankets 249 70 x90 candy stripe blankets 249 70 x 90 plainwkite blankets ft 1 229 agents for langlevs cleaners and dyers phone 64 co georgetown save with safettrat your rexall g j for thi wm rbxa1a bronchial syrup 50c alulta will aoca seltzer 29c 57c hcks vapo acb oe blni nose obops 2 bavkbs astoun- xu jso sfa mbuw ul mentholatum mistc or s3 km on alww iin to a isc 5v xle st idwilafe now is the time to fortify yourself against colds we can toll sovply f cvd lher oil cod unr caplr bfelibat liver oil capmles alplmrota etc oa 50c 100 catsup flavor 35c get trsppl7 of cbofco dutch bulbs while ik mu is c nabcis8cs crocus idufs btacrniss robbs drug store phone n we deunr thbbexa1x stobs geokgetown i i welcome to georgetowns ninetythird fall fair while at the fair drop in and say hello at alcptts fair day specials mens shoes black or brown newest styles j2 js 0 u fine socks pure wool elastic top or regular halfhose 35c p work shirts good quality 59c forsyth shirts new patterns reg 200 at 150 e alcott phone 378 georgetown church news if je tkeo ke rkaa wtlli christ i then he netlitbc when coritt stttoth oa the rittt and of oos col 1 l rer e o bsxtsr sonlstar 1 pjn ghutcb aebool doasob ior ut 7 mn wustalp sorrioe iadts sop per itondy 8 pm byjm7 instsas- tton of ooobra asuaadaor pjs prmosr meeuns a sek to sb hnnmer bar d i rmkt ssptlmh woe will be bald at no oct ljt ot loajn sundst nboa sod 3sase at u l ship and nmil of the lomnt supper brenhk ssrrlca wm be wbh- dtawn on aeodaiit or ttie tftuted anbt omsb tsistaj sjghv

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