Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 27, 1939, p. 9

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the georgetown herald wodncaday evening september 27tfr 1 939 m ouan face wnttr better fed real mtwactkta m loaowmg that the coal m your bm m goaranbscd get this s and confidence now there only one coal in the irofu coloured blue as voor guaran tee of qoahtt that bme coal the world finest anthracite order yoor supply today olue coat the hbcot song br oocal touna oeraldine smiled over at the anxious ace dpposite but aa she would have been honest enough to admit that smile was wholly false and summoned only to reassure de- lora smith but perhaps geraldlne you can not aord to let my share of the rent go andlftut advance me tfie40 i need eprty dollars thought the girl in amazemeqt how in the world service phone w h kentner son phone 12 georgetown htw ii hugh undsay brampton phone 450 15 main street south radios phoco stewartwarner stromberg carlson motorola hugh lindsay georgetown phone 11 main street north refrigerators electric washers kelvinator frigida1re domestic and commercial service radio service tubes kelvinator maytag easy service says hitler oily tightening hneaiwndownncck the fodowing edito m th smith alls beoordhem impressed us ee- pedaqy when we read the pros and eons aa to the right of the canadian broadcasting oompany to allow hit lers address to come over the oanad ian airway and we pass it on to our madera for penmal hitler made hta nrst speech since ibe nasi invasion of poland m danstg r on tuesday when he welcomed the free city into the fold of the retch beside condemning britain in fals aemllrjtterical fashion hb chief eon eern atcmed to be u endeavour to place the- gudt for the present war fronthknaett to others whether he zembaes tt or not hat thee was wasted i are eoncer- treaty not capable of amnv itnorillrw in poland dm- tsotobad and uqed ktt toad asaanc them ad in all s snaadb wncosnpoabd of wah i jstpy which be convicted 1 as the ottawa germany has talked matters over with russia and our objectives are ex tremely limited hie nightmare of british states men should now be dismissed ger many wants to achieve a lasting peace we have no war intentions ag ainst either rngimnfj or prance this is not the ritler who minks be can go on with this war and win it it is the hitler who sees that he faces desperate consequences that he is be ing tracked by nemesis also it is hitler who told the world from hie sports palest in germany last september that with the sudetan returned to germany he would have no other territorial ambitions in bur- ope the hitler who betrayed i gobbled up austria who lied broke his word to mr chamberlain who went back on his pledged word at munich who crucified csecno- stovakla woo trampled upon a non- aggiiiatan taealwttn poland this m a word is the biter whose hands are dripping with the blood of count less victims to polish cttfcs and on polish plains thehmer who la an wared by wantonly murdered women a c trom4betr graves of the ne speech was t heard in canada through me faculties of the canadian broadcasting oorpnranon the o bo ha since bean a ilk l for peroutt- tag the btojutatft by many who con ned it should have bean banned frankly the r cannot egreejtmt the speech should have been one raasrwi offered by m toronto paper was the it would put doubt into the nttpda of oaneitrstw ee to whether hit ler is not right after ell n in peech would effect the morale of the canadian people then the morale of the citizens of this dominion is very very low in our opinion every speech of hitler should be heard by cans dlans which would only emphasise all the more the great hypocrite braggart and rtfr be has been or has be come every time he makes a speech similar to that in danxtg on tuesday be only tightens all the more the knot in the rope around his neck from the viewpoint of democratic sanetbink ing and christian people throughout the world news but if hwsf can haul t t their own weight just before the completion of the liverpool and manchester railroad in england the company offered a prise of ftve hundred pounds 3500 for a locomotive that could run at least 10 miles per hour and pull three times its own weight three engines com peted for the prise which went to george stephenson on october s 183 for his famous rocket which with 12- tons attached made the remark able speed of 9q miles an hour today theetoo engines of the can adian national railways the largest streamlined steam jtocomotives in the british empire are capable of reach- tog a speed of 100 moeeen horn the l tn working order with ten der weighs to excess of asojfloq pounds or 3ts tons and ca haul more than ten tunes their own weight canadas pofulatfonis ujmjm popu of canada on dec list 1838 was estimated tttde by the do- minlon bwssanof stetteues at lumjbm an increase of asjmo cosspared with 1907 there was an jnc than to every p of canada on tario ponoiaanri was hmstjooo compared vjmh iurr tua m can l do it it simply means 1 11 have to draw it out of my rainy day savings and then 1 11 have to pay all the rent geraldine sat lost in thought forgetting that she was supposed to reply i m planning to leave my violin with you as security why miss delora that s absurd why should you speak of security when its a matter between friends i m vei glad to be able to ac commodate you the strained look left the tired middleaged face and deloras opti mistic expression returned it s such a wonierfutchance my dear i never even hoped to visit green viue again my earnings have been so inadequate lately but now i can see my old friends and gonhrough the house where i was born the- more practical of the two swallowed a sigh this unusual de mand on her resources meant that she must give up her intention of getting a season ticket for the sym phony concerts and tom had prom ised to reserve a seat for himself up in the gallery she knew that he had wanted to treat her to the seat but his mother was ill and h s ivion ey was needed now if she tele phoned her admirer that she d changed her mind about going to the winter concerts he might be lieve her to be piqued because he had not presented her with them if only she had not satd anything about it she could not of course hint at her reason for not going delora smith was absurdly proud and would refuse the invitation that opened up a vista of happiness if she had any idea of what the loan of 40 really meant delora was a visionary iiv ing from month to month on the scant returns for her exquisite nee dlework i ii pay everything back when 1 return delora was saying her cheeks quite rosy with anticipa t n and geraldine if it isn t ab- l j utely convenient i can sell my j violin you remember mr homer i offered me 70 for it j geraldine was tempted to answecf 1 it she thought that an excellent price for an instrument that was never used it was not even an e rloom but a violin that had been 5 to delora s father as a gift in i turn for a greal kindness i cannot play it and it s of no l to me but gcr ildine it does k so nice and musical lying ross the end table don t ou 1 k it really lends an air of re cmcnl to our tiny living roo n to geraldine it was merely some mg to dust for delora had put tht hbby old case away in tie top of t r closet but if it meant a bit of duty in the barren life of her r end the girl wanted i cr to keep t tom was upset at geraldine s hange of plan for he had bought his own ticket and delora returned n a day of bitter rain and caught old her visit had been pleasant but her illness now frightened her geraldine lost two days work at the office to care for her and had drawn again on her savings for dainties lor the sufferer so instead of feel ing self righteous over the fact that she d been able to do a favor to delora geraldine wished she had not tried to play providence there s the telephone i expect the doctor wants my report it was tom 5 voice that answered her i called for you al the of fice he said contritely have you been ill geraldlne explained with a glad little thrill in her heart the circum stances and tom evidently sorry for his former churlishness said he would be right out to call he arrived with a bunch of roses for the invalid and then his glance falling upon the violin in the corner asked if she thought delora would enjoy some music through the open doorway delora listened raptly to the lilting notes of the gypsy love song that took her tack to the moments of lost youth but geraldine sat amazed at the depth and resonance of the music why tom she cried that is real music i had no idea you played at ajl he laid down the bow and looked over at her with a nuzzled gleam in his eyes i never had such an instrument hi my hands before he acknowledged where did you and such a treasure she told him of the 70 offer made to delora he examined the date mark and then made a telephone call to mu sic dealer the dealer tells me that this is a genuine richard duke violin from the markings snd the date of 170 aid tom a moment later be will five you around 700 for it kin delora in miss deloras heart there was east relief groan ftae worries but in the hearts of tom and geral dine there was muted song of the little god of pagtf 7 a sunny disposition to a recent building development brectt every row of bouses exactly alike was erected on both sides of a city block bouse with a southern sold before one of the houses facing north was disposed of sunshine la important to the life of every famuy and the house where the living room gets plenty of sunlight sells better than the one which faces north some of you young people need to realize the value of s sunny personal ity youth fs not quite so carefree and joyous a time as some people would like to believe it you may have the responsibility of making some of the most momentous decisions you whl ever be called on to make to the choice of an occupation for instance it is ex cusable therefore if you sometimes feel anxious confused and even heavy hearted that is quite different from a frequent indulgence to fits of the blues or in habitual grouchiness how ever nothing counts more in yoor future success than a sunny personal ity and the sooner you try to achieve that sort tfae better for you sad but glorious memories there whl be in later years occasions for other sad but glorious memories the second great war has begun and out of it among other things win rise perhaps a history which will tell ita never tobeforgotten tale of servloejto the cause of liberty peace and justice thetouths who are at our street cor- nefs older men and perliap women as well as the youngsters of ship canal guard duty with their active service regiments will as the years roll by be remembered as the saviours of human ity war is a sad and dreadful spectre of world history particularly such a war as will be waged before the con flict closes but better that war than the more awful soulsearing spectre of a peace at any price lflkjnij ai ibaiawj lit fcllal hi tome sls rcfllfbebl the county regiment h allied with roygjubtec rifles and lancaabire fushiera of britain and hag brilliant trads- tioiis to uphold training of the recruits of the active service unit of no a infantry base bepot of the lome scots is well under way at brampton it is evident that the job of training is in good hands because after only a week the unit is i sm shape everything moves to unison while they are on parade to see them you would think that they were old hands and had been to train ing for a much longer period the axinpuries themselves shine like a niggers neel one thing for example that might be pointed out is that the door handles have been polished for the first time in years inside and out everything has been cleaned up first class to make for oonrfortahle quarters for the regiment it is expec ted that the mobilised unit will stay there over the winter every morning for the first period the troops parade to the roselea grounds where they have physical training in this as in all activltfes all are treated alike the officers noo s and privates take the setting up exer cise and at the conclusion they enjoy a shower or dip in the swimming pool a recreation room for the private in the armouries building is under rules set up by the men themselves here they may read play cards or take part in other recreational activities there 1 is a similar room for nonconunlsslon officers last friday the troops men and of fleers alike received the first of three itxnoculations for typhoid and also the first smallpox vaccination on 1st sept 1939 lt col louis keene e x the commanding officer or the lome scots p d h regu was ordered to mobilise the first con tlngent of the regiment in the form of the lome scots cabf being a headquarters and two companies of an infantry base depot immediately col keene commenced organising this new active service unit which will form park of the two divisions being mobilized throughout the whole dam lnlon for overseas service col keene still commands both units and when the first contingent is separated from the lome scots njpajta regt then the regiment will continue under the command of col r v conover v o who will recruit the nfam regt to full strength as soon as passible in or der that this regiment will be in rea diness and efficently trained to be cal led upon to form part of the second contingent the lome scots p d h regt is the only regiment in the 5th in fantry brigade consisting of the algonquin regt the saut ste marie sudbury regt the grey simcoe regt and the lome scots regft called upon to form a unit for the first contingent land the officers nc os and men are justly proud of the honour that has been conferred on the regiment this honour reflects credit on the efflc lency of he rfglmei t in its previous j annual training and the counties of peel duffer in and hulton should be i proud that their county regiment has been cal ed upon for this important task the lome scots ca5p the ac tlve service personel is being trained and is rapidly becoming an extremely smart unit as the weeks of training progress knowing the quality of the men their is no doubt that this 1st contingent will give a good account of it elf xhen called upon to go overseas recruits will be taken at once for the lome scots npam and trained in their local headquarters this reg invent is unique in the fact that it is one of the few highland trewed regl ments in canada and its history 1l bound up with the three old counties of peel duffetin and halton having in mind the splendid record of these counties in the last war recruits should flock to join its ranks this regiment being i trewed regiment is fortunate in being able to equip its members with uniforms and equipment from the be ginning of training the regiment is allied with two famous british regiments the royal ulster rifles and the lancashire pu sillers and has brilliant traditions to uphold training will commence tmmedl ately weekly at the following arm ouries brampton thursday evening oakvlbe monday evenings milton thursday evenings georgetown monday evenings acton thursday evenings shelburne tuesday evenings orangevute tuesday evenings bolton port credit streetsvllle with brampton recruits of good physique character and willingness to train for an oppor tunity to serve their king and country will be accepted at any or the above armouries apply to the officer in charge at any of the above points clearing auction sale far far stock imple feed and furniture the undersigned has received in structions from the administrator of the estate of the late george earl wilson to sell by public auction at lot s 7tb line esquesing on wednesday october 11th us at 1 o clock percheron gtyl- hor3es 1 grey mg cattle red cow 6 yrs milking roan cow 4 yrs lnilklng roan cow 6 yrs milking red cow 8 yrs black heifer 3 yrs 2 twoyearold steers about 1000 lbs and 1100 lbs 4 year- old steers pios 1 sow yorkshire 7 pigs yorkshire 10 weeks old implements binder mjh 6 ft cut nearly new mower mh in good condlton reaper mccormlck deering used very little dump rake m seed drill mm 11 hoe cultivator fdeerlng 13 tooth disc mh har rows 3 sections sulky plow mjl quebec no 21 walking plow fleury no 21 wagon mh nearly new hay rack wagon high set bench sleighs set pleasure sleighs cutter buggy scumer root pulper clipper grain and seed cleaner new hay fork hay fork car slings sling car ren frew scales 2000 lbs bagger wheel barrow oil drum 40 gal planet jr garden eeeder garden cultivator post hole digger post hole spoon lawn mower electric motor hp emery quantity of galvanised pipe quantity of oak plank grass seeder colony house 10 x 12 buckeye brooder stove hoover incubator 12s egg feeding troughs drinking fountains cross cot saw forks shovels wtoiffletrees and numerous other articles grain and hay 500 bus oats 400 bus barley quantity of choice alf alfa hay poultry 35 leghorn hens 1 year old 100 leghorn pullets harness set double harness set single harness number of horse col lars ftrnrrurb all tft dam bros jewel range 2 quebec beatem coal or wood kitchen cabinet near ly new 2 extension tables beatty electric washer side board couch email churn clothes rack oak bed wsshstand 3 small tables idtaheo cupboard hall rack 7 kitchen ohfitra 0 fining room chairs axxninster rug 11 x ir walnut book stand 100 ft garden hose farmnajso the famv consisting of 100 acres more or less being lot 8 on the 7th ltoe of me township of brr quealng on the premises are a good airplane study of hay fever thorough nationwide study of pollengrains which cause hay fever and some kinds of aettuna to be made by scientists in airplanes is to be un dertaken by the united states the study whleh win extend from the oulf of mexico to alaska across the mtic to frgtnh and across the eacaoc to chtoa is an effort to ond howmohet pollen is carried to the sir how high u to lifted by wind our- resits and how far lt can travel mr o c duxham ctdef botanist of the abbott laboratories ofaicego la charge of the work plans to fly about 10000 miles on commercial air during the cooring months to expose st various altitudes microscopic slides covered with oo to codaot pollen andf bb win have a afafctaie kb- and gerai- moratory iiushjliii aim a aoru muaioth rbsxtestlaaitex feve uooa of toe sasxblee cesected 41 x 72 horse stable 24 x 4 pig pen and driving shed m x 00 and garage efydro tostalled pressure water sys tem in bouse and barn for terms and conditions of sale of jeai estate apply u kenneth m ramgrtno sbttet- tcr aaonjetown or to frank w wil son ad ml n istrator tmbafs of ohattiafjn flash currie majoc ivhjtiv clerk

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