Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 4, 1939, p. 4

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page 4 the georgetown herald wednesday evening october 4th 1939 pre holiday specials at s i l v e r s swing into fall with a new outfit from silvers mens underwearfall weigh combinations a splendid garment in button and buttonless styles 98c mens overcoats now is the time to buy your overcoat the prices are bound to advance as the season progresses see our selection 1595 mens sweater coats all wool cardigans a flat knit sweater that is suitable for wear under coats 179 mens work boots sturdy split cowhide work boota buy them now while we have them in stock at the low price of 198 mens sweaters brushed wool sweater coats with full length zip- ps 295 ladies wool dresses beauti ful new styles in wool materials that will be very practical for fall wear at 295 girls all wool sweater coats sizes up to 12 years while they last they go at gg ladies wither coats truly a group of coats to be proud of the seasons loveliest styles in boucle ma terials trimmed with silver rx per sian bombay and mink marmot furs we purchased these coats before the prices went up and wise shoppers will take advantage of the prevailing low prices a message to our customers 5 commodity prices are advancing daily no one is able to say how high prices will go having made extensive purchases for fall before the outbreak of war we are now able to offer a storefull of sparkling new merchandise at prices considerably lower than the current retail market offers we want you to know that we shall not raise the prices on any merchandise that we have on hand comparison will show that now as always good clothes cost less at silvers silvers dept store phone 375 where your dollar goes farther georgetown four georgetown brides choose last of september for wedding hall miss barah mutant bralaby elder daughter of mr and mrs p bralaby georgetown became the bride of char les lester hall son of mr and mrs w w hall sunderland at the unit ed church last saturday afternoon rev p o overend officiated the bride given in marriage by her father wore queens blue with navy accessories and carried an arm bou quet of pink roues she was attended by her sister miss daisy bralsby who wore a tuscan grape frock with black accessories and carried bralrclut rosea the groomsman was mr wm brals by later the bridal couple left for a motor honeymoon through eastern ontario the bride travelling in navy sheer embroidered with pink and navy price lucas sl georges church of england was the scene of a pretty wedding when emily alice daughter or mr and mrs chas lucas was united in marriage to joseph hiluard price son of mr js h price and the late mrs price of acton rev woo thompson offl elated and the wedding music was played by mrs reg williams the bride who was given in marri age by her father wore a gown of turquoise blue talleta nd net with a halo of net and pink and blue flowers and carried a bouquet of talisman roses and forget me nots her ma tron of honor mrs elmer fisher sis ter of the brldegrodaa wore pink or gartdle with headdress match and carried a bouquet of johanna hill roses with static the groosman was mr emmerson patrick and the ushers were messrs john t lucas and herb taylor the reception was held at the home of the brides parents the guests be ing received by the brides mother in a gown or naiy striped sheer with a corsage of better times roses after a short motor trip mr and mrs price will make their home in acton born steep on wednesday september 27 1939 at the private patients pavi lion toronto general hospital to mr and mrs norman steep of guelon a daughter died wheatley in toronto general hospital on mondaj october 2 1939 thomas wheatley beloved father of harold l wheatley aged 19 years the funeral will be held from the borne of h c moclure maple ave georgetown on thursday oct 5th service at 2 jo o clock interment in blllcrest cemetery norval in memoriam presswood in memory of private john preiswood killed in action october 1 1916 soldier rest thy warfare oer sleep he sleep that knows no break lng dream of battlefields no more days of danger nights of waking sadly missed by mother bro there and bisters tracey in jovlng memory of driver herben james tracey who died october 2nd 1918 a helping hand to all he knew be was so kind so generous so true on earth he nobly did his best orant him jesus heavenly rest evir remembered by mother father and brothers glen williams ballinafad liquor revenue since the passing of prohibition ptvrnment control of tb sals fivaar has poured a net revenue of more than oil 000000 into the coffers of eaght provinces according to the dominion bureau of statistics this figure represents the aggregate net profit that the largest eight provinces have derived from their government ily controlled operations over periods tarylng from nine years to nova sco tia to eighteen years in quebec and british columbia prince edward is- land last remaining haven of prohibl hon la aolne in having failed to parti miss lone oakes of mimlco spent the week tnti with her iiuer mrs r shor ttfl rev and mrs a o w foreman re ceived a cable on friday uiat their son sherlock foreman had arrived safely in england miss helen cdpk fcas left to spend ie winter with friends in kitchener the w m s held lheir september met tint t the home of mrs a mc ka lie roll call was answered with gilng an item of latest itrnperance news a short period was tlien demoted to buslnes the topic ink n from frontiers of service was given by mrs r warne mrs b vannatter then led in the worship dervice mr and mrs ackroyd have disposed of their property on the town line and move to inglewood in the near fu ture the jo nt thank of ft ring or the w s and mission circle was held tuesday night miss marjorle miller a missionary on rurlough from africa was the special speaker and gave an interesting ac count of the work being carried on in means school at dondi members of the georgetown auxiliary were present and had charge of the de votional exercises the theme being love and brotherhood beautiful vocal selections were given by members of erin melville and churchill auxiliaries which were well represented refreshments were served and a soc iaj time was enjoyed by all the funeral of the late john mclaln took place from the united church on saturday afternoon rev a o fore man conducted the funeral service and interment took place in providence cemetery on the ninth line the de ceased was a life long resident of this community at the present time the annual net itnom accruing to these eight prov- lams from this source is running aotne- vtaare m excess of f2700ooo0 and the eomm expenditures of the eight yovbwm concerned upon sundry ser- vtoes of major importance to the dtt- t 1x7000000 upon roads and sjbmil taasportktton serrloet fsljooo- 00 upon airlitance to acriouhare h0qimx m other ward the em- nt w from tee 000 trolled and sbttaji of alcoholic beverages to i y lu arc sufficient to meet matt bottay on the rn siunders wife of pirio sn inders who elite miadenl on frld j last took pact urn hr late residence in tra falttr tcwnsl i on m ndu afternoon it fmrimn cmel r milton r w c brook in nil conducting the 10 the floril tnb us were many and bet itlf h testifying to trw high es n in which deceased viu held b hi r man fi lends ind neuhhr rs the late saunders 1 survived b her hus band and two sons c 1 n 13 and ed ward ng 5 ci amplon gilbert reeves the marriage took place on satur daj in georgetown baptist church of mtss mar elizabeth reeve daughter of mr and mrs arthur reeve to mr charles w gilbert son of mr and mrs george gilbert ot milton the church was beautifully decorated with gladioli and ferns rev e g baxter officiated and the wedding music was plajed by miss m yo tng and during the ignint of the register mrs w chalmns of toronto sang because gnii in mamafit by her father the bride wore a gown of pink uiftita with llorai headdress and earred a bou cut oi bronze mums she was at tended bj mrs william reeve is mi iron of hoi or and miss betty ritchie is br dt maid wiio wore towns of robin eg blue with ribbon luaddress mi bo iquet of veltow mums riie kumimsmin wis mr ernest gilbert brother of the troom and the usher were mum robert reeve and jame gilbert a a reception wis he d ifterwareis at le home of tie brid parents wli r t 1 b li mother recti wd 111 a gown empire blu trt e with mattlilnt lions meet georgetown lions olub met on monday evening to the moolbbon hotel order kelly m the chair after the kings health the min utes and correspondence were read report was made on the doll on which tickets would be sold this doll dressed aa a wartime nurse will have ber costume co of currency of a value to 26 tickets will be 25c it was deckled to hold a welner roast at col bauantlnes on thursday even ing i lion ballantlne was appointed by chief kelly as chairman of lions war work the club to be behind him if any necessity arose for aotton with out the possibility of referring the matter to a meeting lion moclure vseputy-distrlctgov- ernor spoke of the coming visit of dis trict governor herb hall that will be at the next regular meeting and a full attendance is expected it was decided that the closing ode during the time of war should be the national anthem instead of the maple leaf the meeting then closed with god save the king 00 teaching day in new school year in the school year which opened on september 5 and closes on june 38 1939 there are 200 teaching days as follows september 19 october 22 november 22 december 16 january 31 february 21 march 15 april 22 may 22 june 20 the following are the holidays during the school year thanksgiving day october 8 chrlst- i vacation schools close december 22 and reopen january 3 easter holl day close march 21 and reopen april 1 vjctdria day may 24 kings birth day exact date not yet proclaimed bobby sorter picks a winner rmm vatoema tftsaleas to r h3s oadwikr with toronto hocky pkjtr tor hart- boroa ud outor tcama be iioocof the beat ud brat abad aoroand athlete inr poet hen la bja tula foe fceephtgfit i ital kniaehcn sakal every morning of my life it keep me reiular and n way of hinkin that more than half the acctct of wood health i maim mend kruatben to an thoae aub- kct to rheomallc pains o i recommend kruschen end y to auj that rcaolt from laulfy diminatlon ol potaona fcwikneonlalda ml blbl refined mhelv alt i mportant to the wtubdnj t mankadv tbeaeaaju in combination promote rexiuar and proptr f nncuonlni ot the oibiu of elfintaauo kpihebcod lra f taatckm la tea cv coffee or la a kum xil water bottle its toiumri- 7sc shoe factory to start in erin a group of erin business men are ne gotiating to open a shoe factory to be known as the erin slipper shoe fac tory on the second floor over roy pergttons garage we understand they intend manufacturing felt slip pers for a start and enlarge as the busiheos develops mr oscar stekovhch of kltcnener formerly of erin will be the foreman of the factory for some time he has been neg otiating for the development of this project and now it is rapicly i a reality b ibj m im how moilur wprt nd a cor ko lilt- mum liit tin co ipl lit i mo or inp tin br dt lmllim sun o brtwn fiikii li twd wltli liui uxtwrii on tlilir rt t i wil risidt m toronto 2sx milton mr and mrs j sloski announce the engagement of their only daughter jessie of brampton to mr cyril knight mn of mr knight and the late mrs knight of milton ontario mr and mrs j w sergeant wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter ruth elliott to ar thur donald gibson only son of mr and mrs john gibson oakvllle the wedding to take place quietly early in october crown attorney w l dick who un derwent a second and serious operauon in oalt hospital on monday last is doing as well as can be tvw1 married jn st pads airha church south porcupine on saturday sept 23rd at 730 pm by the rev j b woodall oarollne busabetti reg n ony dmighter of mrs and the late hicks loekridge tainworth to wil liam colin johnson read b so eldest son of mr and mrs duncan held mil ton tbc funeral of the late our oorzul acton pics pruiklin ner and bus nicol vicrc home from ouclph dr hi raid f mown of copper cliff litod lis parents mr ind mrs john mow a last week end rev dr nnd mr mrmath of npr mnrktt were gust f rc g c and mrs girford on tued constr iction of the ik w home for mr a g clarrtdge on hls proper t on uie highway just east of acton is pro pressing well and the walls arc now ik irlj finished for the second time within the past tvo jears the bam on the farm or david mannnn crewsons corners was destroyed b fire on tuesdaj the 26th threshing was in progress at- the farm when fire appeared to start in the sep arator and spread rapidly until the w hole building was ablaze it is thought that a slone going into the machine was the cause of the fire a little acton home was indeed sad dened last week when mrs ernest w sutsworth passed awny in st joseph s hospital ouelph on monday septcm ber 18th in her 26th year she had been ill only a short time mrs sigsworth was before marriage agnes jean mcbain a daughter of mr and mrs chester mcbain and she was bom in nassagaweya township but had been a resident of acton for some years five years ago she was joined in wedlock to ernest w slgsworth be sides th bereft huband she leaves two little daughters shirley and marilyn the latter a babe of only a few months her parents and three brothers and one sister also remain to mourn her early passing they are george ches ter and william and miss mary to all of these who have been so sadly be reaved sympathy of many friends goes out free press miltaklr mabte a q nit ueddmg took plan m si tnoiyt church of england saturduj tu woo rhompsoii olncmung whin miss ella blanche ma bet duugh ur ol mr and mrs gilford m ibe ot ixjtirk man was married io alfred whiuikcr on oi mrs wlutaker and the late mr william whiiakcr of oak ille hit brldt wort a travelling suit ol oxioru gnj wilh spruce gretn hat uid 1 corsagt of whik rosebuds bht was b in mairliibf by htr brothtr mr gtorfct ma bet ol toronto and was at itded by mrs james weather ton of toronto who wort a london grey suit with rosebud corsage tjie groom was attended by mr robert cliapman ol lindsay immcuiutely after the service mr and mrs wlutaker set out for a motor trip thnugh the new england states to new york they will makt uieir lionu in oakvllle health report the following is the report of com municable diseases by the mjojl to georgetown board of health for september 1939 diphtheria 0 scarlet fever 1 chlcawnpox 0 tofantl paxalysta tyutauad lever whooptsc ooogti cerberoepjnal meomcttts epidemic ashgrove the autumn thankoffering meet lng of the ashgrove wjtjs was held on tuesday oct 3 wllh mrs c b dick presiding ladies were present from norval and georgetown auxlli arles mrs m o wilson and mrr cummings of nonal conducted the devouonal exercises a vocal duet by mrs p lajdjaw and miss florence laidlaw was much enjoyed mrs sut- cufle of toronto was lhe guest speak er her address was most impressive and uplifting show lng the deeper and fuller meaning of t and thankoffering mrs fred wrig glesworth expressed in fitting words the appreciation of the ashgrove so ciety to mrs sutcllfle and all those who took part in the program at the close of the meeting the ladies retired to lhe basement where a dainty lunch was served the y j u met on monday even log oct 2nd for their reopening meeting the president mr j rud- dell conducted the ornlng exercises after which mr john hunter the de vouonal convener took charge the topic was taken by mrs frank wil son a short recreation period brought the meeting to a cvwa miss mary moqee is tywiing few days with miss l wrlgg an invitation has been extended to the me of the ashgrove women institute to meat with u svswmrt- town branch on oct 12th asagrove auinlversaxy set tlws wilt bs held on oct staxl rev j oommt of nerval will be the speaker at owning service and ber j w lxatst of hilton in the evening news from the nyal drug store combat winter colds with cod liver oil vitamins we carry a complete stock of vitamin- products featuring parke davis a b d capsules hal1ver oil capsules and natola capsules special prewar prices 1 olive oil 4 ounces 25c rlsin mineral oil 16 ounces 49c castor 4 ounces oil 25c pries on these commodities have already advanced 101 to 201 ol r prion remmn the sil special news the famous nyal 2 for 1 sale begins next wednesday october 11 remember the dates wednesday thursday friday and saturday october 11 12 13 14 maecor macks drug store phone 327 we deliver georgetown bread flour 299 campbells tomato soup 32sc peas green valley brand 2 15c nto 4 16 m tin macaroni barir cm baft 29c royal brand mincemeat 2 lk 25c mannings dtjtlkx cream sandwich biscuits 2 lfc 29c corn syrup brr h1vs or obown brand ik tta 5 b 16 38 perfection brand matches 3 box pkg 18c masopts 3 ol jar potted meats lie rolled wheat 23c 1 la bac pineapple juice 2 for 19c 14 oa tin early morning coffee lb 29c aylmer 10h oi un tomato juice 3 for 10c pot barley lb 5c diced 2 sqat tin carrots 5c sliced 19 oa net pineapple tin 9c cranberries lb 19c rokav grapes 2 1b 19c mcintosh apples 6 qt bsk 19c celery stocks celery heart cauliflower 5c 8c 2 for 25c ddlfe radish 2 for 5c dominion o

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