Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 4, 1939, p. 5

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening october 4th 1939 pae 5 milkfed roasting chickens for your thanksgiving dinner fbesh picnic sttlf porkshoulder8 1 lean meaty pork butts 23 genuine spring legs of lamb 27 shoulders of lamb 19 lean flank stewing lamb 2 25c choice tender rolled veal roasts 23 lean stewing veal 2 29c prime beef shoulderroasts 19 boneless a rolled j mwi hvp4w prime rib roasts 28 country style sausage iarbe casto88 2 b 29c number 1 cooking onions lo 23c kraft velveeta cheese 2 bx 59c special sale p wm king ks gflopy wellington county historical research society eleventh annual meeting kiss e appklbk georgetown gave address on historical there must be something vital in this research work when several hun dred persona in the county rather to gether annually in a busy season to note the progress of their society the meeting was held in the mem orial hall of the oac guelph with the morning session devoted to busl- in her report of centre welling ton miss ada currie stated that din ing the year their efforts had bees directed towards gathering village histories reporting also for the mu esum committee miss currie mention ed the gift of two very old maps of the county and of a cutter nearly one khndred years old made by a mr smiukof hlllsburg colonel pritchard veteran and con venor ofhe military committee stress ed the necessity of keeping records of present military activities in the coun ty and closed his report with general halgs message to the soldiers before one of the battles in the great war our backs are to the wall we are fighting for our lives and the british empire responding to a warm welcome miss appelbe of georgetown stated that her address would just be a talk about the value of odds and ends of research and used as an illustration the copy a letter written from do wing street london england october 25 1827 to john gait secretary of the canada company at guelph mrs anne anderson perry owner and editor of the elora express gave a very n and shall we say prophetic address mrs perry said we face an unknown orkl extraordinary changes have confused and compllcat ed our lives we need courage to lace the realities of life instead of side stepping them if the principles ol democracy are to survive we must have men apdaomen of character people honac learned to do their own thinking the world ii in revolu tlon we have a wonderful oppor tunity in america we ma have i chance to evohe a new culture o living church news scripture text and w all with open face be- homlnz as in a glass the glory of the lord are chanced into the ante image from glory to gtsry even as by the spirit off uu lord s cor 3 is st georges charch rev woo thompson rector eighteenth sunday after trinity holy communion 8 ajn sunday- school 10 am matins 11 ajn evensong 1 pm adult confirmation lecture immedi ately after evensong st albans church glen williams eighteenth sunday after trinity holy communion 9 30 am sunday school 2pm evensong 3 pjn relief account 6803 lor september baptist church rev e g baxter minister 2 00 pm worship service thanksgiving message monday bypd rally at new dundee thursday 8 pjn quar terly congregational meeting of church a cordial welcome awaits you at this church weekly rush specials silk hose ladies fullfashioned silk hose lor one week only 85c for 69c 1 10 lor i ladies rayon hose 22c misses silk and lisle fine ribbed hose 7 to 8 vi 29c regular price 39c to 45c misses mercerised fine ribbed hose 7 to 8j2 19c knutingjwool 3 ply ins andalusian wool while stock lasts 2 or 25c 4 ply lambe wool 15c 2 ply zephyr wool only a few shades left 20c for 10c flannelette blankets 70 x 90 ibex flannelette blankets 249 70 x 90 candy stripe blankets 249 70 x 90 plain white blankets 2j agents for langleys cleaner and dyers mcbean co- 1 phone 64 georgetown sunday oct 8th at 10 am sundwr school and bible classes 7 pm public worship the minister mg will preach everyone welcome the united church rev f c overcnd b a minister sunday school and bible classes at 10 am harvest home thanksgiving ser vices will be held at ii am and 7 pm the mid week meeting for pray er and bible study will be held on wednesday eveninu at 8 o clock watch our window strawberrynut sundae 13c 2 lor 25c pom weekly ice cream specials and ocmviftjiloluh longs confectionery ont theatre friday october 6 society doctor mystery try with virginia brace and walter pldgeon comedy pest from the west cartoon nicks coffee pot fox news saturday october 7 man of conquest the story of a mans heroic straggle against dictatorship wtth richard dbr and gall patrick cartoon im just a jitterbug chapter 5 fighting devil dogs mitt at 1 a monday october 9 union pacific romance and adventure in the building of a railroad that joined the atlantic and tbe pacific with joel mccrea and barbara stanwyck cartoon barnyard baseball tuesday and wednesday october 10 and 11 each dawn i die thrill pfctvre wrut janes cagttey and george baft comedy somewhat secret cartoon sea svouts miammlmnmwvma7ws council met at 8 pm on tuesday evening in regular session major jos gibbons was in the chair reee davis nd councillor jo hall thos lons and k r mcdonald present engineer ro smith presented a re port on the pacing programme communications were rend from se- cretarj local council of women k langdon canadian legion and red cross society moed bv ljons seconded t hall that the treasurer paj the relief commission ihi sum of 68 03 to paj september accounts carried movtd bj dai is seconded b hall that n snyder be granted tin privl lewes ol obtaining scrap from the town gump for 200 work to be under the supcriision of chief mar shall carried moved b ljoils seconded b hall uiat b liw no to n ithorize the held mid xreasun r of the town to borrow the sum of s18u138 to otr the cos of lajing pan menus on mam edith nri other sireeus until the de bentures art sold be now re id a lirst time carried mo ed bj mcdonald seconded by daits that b law no to authorise the head and treasurer of ihc town to borrow the sum of 18 43138 to coier the cost of laving pavements on main edith and other streets un the debentures arc sold be now read a second and third times and finally passed and the seal of the cor porition be attached thereto carrteo moved by lions seconded by davis that by law no to authorize the is sue of debentures to pay for the municipality s share of the re surfac ing of the connecting links from the town limit at the golf links on maple ave to the intersection of church and main streets be now read a first time carried moved by hall seconded by mcdon aid that by law no to provide for the issue of debentures to pay for the municipality s share of the improved surfacing of the connecting links form the towr limits at the oolf links on maple avenue to the intersection of church and main streets be now read a scond and third times and finally passed and the seal of the corpora tlon be attached thereto carried moved by mcdonald seconded by lyons that bylaw no to amend by law no 3611 of the town of george town and to provide for angle park ing on main street be now read a first time carried moved by davis seconded by hall that by law no to amend bylaw no 3611 of the town of georgetown and to provide for angle parking on main street be now read a second and third times and finally passed and the seal of the corporation be attach ed thereto carried continued on page 8 air 111 ots robot lniqoe wind indicator for dublin a new airport dublin s new 400 000 airport at collins t on n is beinj titled with a novel tpe of land in t direction indicator which cleierh disiennrds sudden gusts of win 1 but clenrli tlls pilots tho average wind direction dc it nod and made b a british film messrs chance bras ltd i the robot indicator vvi 1 bt the first of iti type in an aerodome in the world the position of it main vane alters onlv whin i d finite t hinge of wind d rert n t ik s plac md ls muiiilaln- k1 for i y t n m 1 1 ki f sciund it l pil of it mote control and lemo e nidi it ion the officer in the control u v nil si which wav the wind l bwi l b mereli glancing it i re h i t hl dtsk mid can also i if net ii mth t ilie controls in m i tn m tnual in tin mil ill position he indi nt ir c i b i i ted into anv position i md kt pt tit n on switching back i to autoin ith control the indicator will lmmtdiitelv t ki up correct position according to ht an ran wind dlrec tlon other equipment for guidance ol iir aft iilludts i mi e long line of conti ct iirii let into the ground i to ns ist i r i it o 1 md in foggj i weather j the i cw ilrport will not be com pit toil be ton n xt print but it ls ex i pet ttxi thi limited use will be made or it this wmt r there are 300 acre f ian iiiik artsi b it 700 cn s have been acquired fer future extension for who in n the busy straggling throng withdraws to search his heart ta some sttn ps k ttvos puts out tin- swept caporah acid feet fat that sral turn and chw oh ohmii odog oh in fho boom of your bond ond rub thorvushtr mo aoeh foot rutttlr ot mo iho oaloi tososl tho rubuns in tf csisjptjs as ct j i oj joaossoww mot oonphsmon umehouse mrs fnxi shelboume visited with f rlt ikls in loronto over the week end mr and mrs earl scott of toronto it the home of mr and mrs jos scot l on smdn mr and mrs thomas oscar and family of guelph at mr and mrs emit milltr mr a nd m rs 1 ed morrow of to ronto at mrs robt lanes mr and mrs w t mills and miss helen spt nt the wee k t nd at their cottage here communion service was held at the presbyterian church here on sunday the united church service was with drawn in favor of the churchill an niversarv services the regular meeting of the girls lookout club of the presbyterian church was held on saturday at the home of mrs a c patterson mrs a benton read the scripture lesson artcr which shirley wright led in pracr jean given gave a book re v lew ttcosur v illey owe hill read the topic from the house of windsor shirley wright read a poem milk for the cat mlss ivens and shirley wright tied on the an swers in a bibical contest next meet ing ls to be held at the home of misses olive and jean given save with safety atyour rexall store get relief backacha specials for this week rexall kidney and bladder pills 60 for 50c 1 package envelopes and 70 sheet pad both for 19c baby laxative c c thoat gabble 25c carbolic soap 3 for 14c whisk brooms veast and iron tabs 100 for 79c bayers aspirin 22c 39c 9sc roxbakx hot water bottles 69c 2 aart sfa s5efuly guaranteed yoo can always shop to advantage at your rexall store halibut liver oil capsules 50 for 90c tjufi low ptopft ricdni cress corn a bum0n salves 0 each try it today 50 get tbe benefits derived from atlantic sea kelp by taking nova kelp tablets iso for 79c 300 for vl39 750 for 279 robbs drug store phone 7l x we deliver the rexall store georgetowns uttoa ta tha shqdow hvtt cfkb v9j0 evory sot cso 6jo7 aj furniture at the lowest prices in history we are prepared- to care fog- your immediate requirements at the prevailing low prices which are within reach of your present buying power buy now and buy british made in canadian factories by canadians h c mcclure home furnishings store phone s4w

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