Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 4, 1939, p. 6

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the ceorgetowa herald wednesday evening october 4th 1939 of enteral to the farmer mkw imoalwhqhts tarn potato bags bmce july 1 l wtoen important attentions were nude in fee standard ate ot bags la which potatoes are gswtjifl tor sale the adoption at the new legal weights has been proceeding anoothly theee new weights aps dow the only legal standards lor potatoes stacked in cotton jut or mean bags tor sale they are 100 ux 50 lb 26 it and 16 lb the weights tor potatoes prepacked in paper bags ire 10 lb mad 15 lb the regulations under the fruit vegetables and honey act which legalised the new weights on it abolished the 80 lb and the bo s wtuoh were extensively used in dominion particularly in eastern the abolition ot the 80 lb and the 0 lb bags together with the new com putation of- weights has brought about many advantages jwtn to the buyer and to toe seller tfie new bag weights are computed in quarters ol the hun dredweight and it ill be easy to re cognise on sight the differences in wight when the mags are on display for example the difference between the 100 lb and the 75 lb bag and be tween the 75 lb and the so lb will be eadily apparent the 50 lb bag should dot be teraiwn fo- a bushel as the legal weight for ab ushel of potatoes is 60 lb under the old system it was not ao easy to distinguish between the 80 lord tweedsmu1r to visit plowmen fwwtac inlcrnjfcm1 ualti and farm machinery at brockvlue oec u lord tweedsmuir oovernoroeneral of oanaoa will vist the famous inter national flowing matoh and farm machinery demonstration at brock- ville on october lnhjames r hen derson president ol uwlbtematlonal announced today the plowing match the largest ot its kind in the british empire will be held at brockvllle oct 10 to 13 inclusive the cream of canadian plowmen in addition to competitors from other countries wil compete for over woo in prises i the outstanding importance of this event to ffrnaiam agriculture and to great britain is seen in the attendance of the kings representative at the in ternational good plowing is the basis of good crops and good crops must be the rule if canada is to do her agricul tural duty to the motherland during the war it is expected that the attendance at the four day match will exceed 100000 the largest exhibit in the history ot the match will be housed in the ten ted city over a mile long with im petus being given to agriculture far- fe and 90 lb bags when these bags q be more than keenly lnterea- were aflerd for sale simultaneously ted in the modern equipment on dis- tbe buyer was likely to be confused in pjy the interest or fair dealing and tmifor- horseshoeing competition is un- bttity ot business the abolition ot the ique no other similar contest is held so and 80 lb bags is beneficial all ta canada over 40 entries are expec- nund it will also tend to decrease the v of different sises of bags the shipper will have to stock and it will encourage the use of new bags in stead of secondhand ones especially in western canada the 1 lb bag hasbeen in extensive use v throughout canada and because it is the principal bag container for atoes in the united states it is re- i as the import and export trade bags in which potatoes are sold carry a tag on which the name and i duress of the grower or packer is dear j marked together with the cor rect rade and weight of the contents jvpbbpaking winter quarters for lasers sanitation cleanliness of the lay ing house and stock is an important factor in the succesful management of any laying flock the presence ol dirt and flltn in a laying house or pen har bours those parasites and diseases which prevent economical production the season for a thorough cleaning is usually at the lime when the older birds arc culled out and before the pullets are brought in from range the mnniin most suitable are august and september this period of the year al lows the house to dry thoroughly the procedure in the cleaning of the bouses of the poultry dlvlson of the experimental farm nappan states m h jenkins poultryman at the farm is as follows 1 remove all feeding nesting and yoosting equipment 2 brush celling and walls and re move the litter irom the iioor 3 hose the walls and floor to sorted any dirt that is stuck thereon 4 scrape all comers and crevices with a threecomered scraper 5 the walls and iioor are scrubbed with a scruobing brush or stubs of old brooms using a good coal tar disinfec tant in either warm or cold water one pint of the disinfectant to lour gallons of water is used at nappan 6 after the house has been thor oughly gone over with the disinfectant it is hosed again the solution removed and the house allowed to thoroughly dry and air out 7 alter the house is completed all the equipment is gone over wlui the game solution and in the same manner 8 after a thorough drjing out is af fected by sunshine and wind the equip ment is returned to lis place 9 the final stop is to put in clean treh utter and till the feed hoppers thus the house is reedy for the young mock troma nge at such large matches it is some times diiflcult to have access to suffi cient land to concentrate activities in a small area the ontario hospital farm and adjoining properties at brocfevule comprise a compact and otherwise ideal site all competitive classes and other features may be seen with a minimum of walking the horse show friday oct 13th will be larger than formerly as 30 pri zes are being offered totalling 500 there has also been a marked increase in the number and value ot prizes for plow classes special features this year include an increased number or educational dem onstrations and exhlbts a new inter county tractor competition lor young men the champion plowmen from the british isles and the transcanada class the plowing match is but a short distance off no 2 highway adequate parking arrangements have been made eery farmer owps himself a visit to this greatest ol outdoor farming com petitions new telcnrf alon tube can pierce fog hue a television transmitting tube that can pierce fog and haze to pick up scenes fortransmtsslon through the ether has been developed in the laboratories of the radio corpora tion of anwita the screen of the new tube picks up scenes by the heat waves given off by object in the scene tech nically these are known as infra red rays and unlike light waves they pierce fog and haze thus what is primarily projected on the screen is not a light image ot the scene but a heat or infrared im age instead of being photoelectric as the ordinary teleeye or icono scope of the television pickup cam eras the screen is thermoelectric that is electric potentials are gen erated in it when heaf waves strike it the thermoelectric sensitive screen is disclosed as being a fine film ot germanium a rare earth metal mounted on a thin sheet of mica when bie heat image is projected on it localized potential differences appear in the film as a result of tern perature differences in different ele mental areas of the heat image these correspond to lights and shod ows of the scene now when the imagannttie screen is scanned by apencil beam of electrons electri cal currents are released from the film corresponding with the lights and shadows of the scene these impulses are amplified and convert ed into a visible image correspond ing to that broadcast with the new tube it would be pos sible lor example to televise a hot electric iron or a stove in a dark annual short courses in agriculture and home economics may be held at nelson as a result of the interest and activ ity of tht nelson women institute nelson and vicinity will have uie op portunity of having the annual winter short courses conducted b the local branch of the ont dept of agricul ture r has been suggested that the courses one in home economics for the young ladles and the other in ag riculture for the young men will be held at nelson during january of 1940 at an organization meeting held in the township hall recently mem bers of the tp council officers and members of the w i and other inter ested letders were unaminouly in fa vour of the courses being held provid ing asuffloent number of young people are interested to this end a canvass ing committee composed of muriel freeman jack hamilton donald peer albert hunter marlon galbraith john vansickle jean harrison jean alder- son geo mccormack logan heslop mary breckon and elsie bowcn were appointee to make an immediate sur vey of the district those interested should immediately contact one of the above committee orsend their names to mrs morley watson tansley sec retary of the nelson women institute or to agricultural representative j e whitelock at milton the hands set back it is being sakt once more that the war now being fought will ruin civili sation war llseil is uncivilized but us presence in the world even on a jarge scale will not wreck civiliza tion it will not stop toe clock oi flnmmi progress it will aimply so back the bands bauig supmjks apatguatk commenting on increased cost mt- and surgical supplies r- burst dean ol we ontario college of pharmacy said today that the cost ot drugs was affected in two ways but that shortage would not be so acute m during the last war in wartime prices of crude drugs mportcd from china italy bpain and other countries increase because people employed tn couectlng or bar- tuttnji them are assigned to other jgnflrpaynig employment while in ne nlmihi all imported from bvt jm1 mmai countries toe dlfflcui- ff ot ottalnlng shipment to added to km uiiwiliii in the country ot origin be said in tha meantime be said can- ada and toe united states are vary booh lea dependent on imported otmrakmls yiy dyes and other jm itftt a y to export many gwktaams which we bad to import tn turkish slave ruled as queen over egypt in all of egypt no woman wai so beautiful as sharrudurr although he was but a turkish slave girl the mighty sultan salih fell in love at his first glimpse of her and made her his favorite wife the sultan died and his son too so the slave girl became the queen of egypt and ruled in a lavish fashion like every faithful moslem the queen desired to go to mecca to pu rify herself and to win peace of soul writes walter monfned in the mil waukee journal onewho has made that journey is called hadji and for the rest of his or her life is ven erated by all of the faith she traveled from cairo to mecca in a gorgeous litter borne by cam els with her went a resplendent procession thi trip uas long and difficult but the queen won that full consolation which her faith af forded in the years that followed the beautiful shagru could not go to mecca again but she paid her tnb ute to islam by sending handsome litters filled with renal gifts after she died her pious min ivors kept up the custom and each vear sent a company of pilgrim with presents the load of rift vn called mah mal which me in- something that carries or supports winning plowmen to visit old land sajlada tea donates new feature of the international plowing match which will be held at brockvllle this year is the trans- atlantlc class sponsored by salada tea company as a result of the generous oontrlbutton rf that com pany the plowmens association plans for the first time in its history to send canadian representatives ov erseas to compete in matches in the british isles consequently much new interest has been aroused among farmers throughout the province addition to the trip and gold and suver medals to the two transat lantic winners salada is donating twelve cash prises for this event tot alling s150 00 purthermore branches throughout the province will each have a salada special event the first prise being 10 00 in cash and the right to com pete at the subsequent international match not btumped theres no stumping the post office treating fungus infections fungus infections of the skin which produce eruptions resistant to ordinary treatments of which se vere cases of athletes foot arc typi cal have been caused to subside by an electrical treaimtnt devised by professor howard w hagrard and drs maurice j strauss and leon a greenberg of yale uim ersitv these infections are resistant to treatment because the fungi thai cause them become imbedded deep in the skin tissues where fungicides applied to the skin cannot reach them the yale scientists devise a method of getting copper as a fungi cide deep into the skin by ionto phoresis or transporting it through the tissues by an electric current treatment lasted from two weeks to six weeks and the average num ber of treatments was six the eruptions turn blue and healing takes place under this surface insects have thousand eyes although we possess only two eyes each of which coordinates with the other so that we see a single im age our eyes see with many mil lions of individual lightcatching cells called rods and cones states the better vision institute the re tina or image screen of the human eye is made up of approximately 130000000 rods and cones repre senting the individual sensitive nerve fibres or groups of nerves which carry sight messages to the brain the human eye has only one lens the common housefly how ever sees everything as a mosaic or jigsaw puzz because each of its 8000 eye units acts as an inde pendent lens or lightcatching ap paratus thus the fly and other in sects really have thousands of eyes trfifc farmers needing money to finance improvements which good business judgment approves are invited to consult with our near est branch manager the bank of montreal recognizes the need of farmers to keep their properties from becoming run- down and their equipment from becoming obsolete bormwmg to keep your farm in good working condition should be profitable it is a construct we fose of credit our local branch managers are familiar with the needs of farmers in each locality they welcome applications for loans having a constructive purpose bank of montreal established lb 17 w latk wftete imall accounti at welcome georgetown branch a c welk manager destroy weed seeds following threshing should be placed in pit to rot de clares j d macleod weed expert of ontario dept ot agriculture at this particular time of the year after threshing has been completed there is a tendency on the part of j many fanners to give little thought to lhe disposal of weed seeds says j d macleod weed expert or the ontario dept of agriculture toron to the main objective in the con trol of weeds is to prevent re in testa tion it is therefore of ital impor tance hat all refuse containing weed seeds be placed in tightly woven acks immediately after thrething and ed cleaning and disposed of in such manner as will destroy the germin ating power of all seeds it is a known fact that weed seeds ill pass through the digestive tract of live stock without the germinating power being destroyed therefore if the threshing machine does not re move small weed seeds and if they are not removed by the fanning mill before the grain is fed whole chop ped or rolled there is a possibility of the soil being reinfefited from this source this is true particularly in the case or the smaller weed seeds such as wild mustard worm seed mustard small seeded false flax pigweed lambs quarters bladder campion chicory white cockle plaintaln cinquefoil rlbgrass ox- eye daisy etc it is therefore impor tant that a maximum of weed seeds be removed from the grain before it is fed to live stock and that these seeds be disposed of immediately rotting of weed seeds has proven a satisfactroy method of disposal a pit may be dug in the ground the size depending on the quantity seeds to bt disposed of after weed seeds have been placed in this pit it should be coered with chicken wire or a screen to prevent birds from gaining entrance a heating and rot ting process will take place and after two to three months the votality of all seeds will hae been destroyed a home made incinerator may be constructed bj removing the top from an oil drum and providing a draught door and grate at the bottom waste poured on weed seeds and light bulky refuse among the seeds will per mit air to enter and will help the burning a large tile part of a smoke stack or an container which will stand lots of heat could be used some of the larger weed seeds such as wild buckwheat wild oats wild vetches etc have a certain amount of food vaue if these are being chop ped in grains the plates of the chop per should be in good condition and set very close choppers of the ham mer mill tvpe tilted with a 120 mesh screen nill make a more thorough yoo when chopping grains containing weed seeds mr macleod slates helpful advice the husband drew up his chair be side his wifes sewing machine dont you think its running too fast he said look outl youll sew that seam wrong mind that corner now i steady slow down mind your finger 1 whats the matter with you john said his wile alarmed fve been running this machine for years 1 well dear i was only trying to help you just as you help me drive the car parade nifty letterheads and other sta tionery printed at this office phone no 8 for your next order normal canada imports from ger many about 511000000 worth of goods amuuiu of which about s4 per cent are manulaclured or partly manu factured goods to tins total should be added imports valued at approxi- matelj souuuoo from czechoslovakia also mainly manufactured goods automatic cessation oi iraae between canada and oennany due to the war is uiuj uniiteiy to be a serious factor in this country s economic posit ton as lhe lota imports ol german goods account lor oniy between one and two per cent of canada annual purchases canada and germany certain tariff concessions were maoe by each coun try with the object as lar as canada was concerned of increasing canadas exports of wiieat and other raw ma terials in the ear following the signing ol the agreement canadian exports to germany increased ixom s45599t to 7s282o imports from uerman increased irom 907665 to li6ta28 in the same period whue german goods will be barred from canada until the conclusion of hostilities it is obvious that boycot- ung ol such goods now in canadia wholesale or retail establishment would be a futile gesture tneae goods nave already been paid for and their purchase has assisted the cana dian producers ot primary products to boycott them would be merely to injure the canadian distributor wbos purchases oi german products have been in accordance with the dian governments policy ot ing canadian foreign trade the quickest way to cut new bn is to dip your knife in boiling wa every few minutes wipe it dry fore cutting letter addressed to uw lady tn the pink knit suit lakesbore informa tion booth toronto was delrnred promptly and correctly to miss barbara bnoau it was from lata d f rraaer of adartde njo tbank- mg uim bregmas far aid can lira praaar and bar part dorlnc a tftit to the queen catar weekends in jail new zealand is to adopt the amer ican method of punishing intoxicat ed motorists with jafl sentences served at weekends originally magistrataa imposed fines but when such action did not appear torba meeting tfaa case terms ot impris onment war imposed ordinarily unprisohrocot however maant that tb o lost pay and poaaibh his p which unpoaad a hard ship on ttm wma and chodran un der the ex ibfolam value l it 14 koh new homes or to re pi a ronf will rive the utmost m yfhin of prolrotmn from dn variation of trmprrattirr m rnmlford aihtt1l s1hu- notour oonibinntioitn thore an old wornout roof a branlford noting value ib rnina winter ntormn and extreme liuill into rrantford hoof it be obtained in many pleamnfc a brantford roofing dealer near you who will glndl submit an cslinwite of coat and exptnm the ntanv drirwme fen turf- of and extra prnieruon that ran br obtained from n rrantford roof more than thirty en cxprnrncr in the manufacture of roofing material ensurf that brantford asphalt slate will ge unex celled vnliie wfather profit tkmi and beaut brantford roofs sold by reliable itakn mrymhert brantford roofing company limited brantford ontario for sale br georgetown lumber co ltd

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