Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 4, 1939, p. 7

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the georketown herald wednesday evening october 4th 1939 page7 auction sale mam tamm stock bwpuwent8 feed su5d fuknitck1 the undersigned has reoetrod m- strauans from che administrator of the estate of the late george earl wilson to sen by public miction at lot 8 7th line esquesmg on wednesday october 11th 1b3s at 1 oclock horses 1 grey perdieron geld ing cattle red cow 6 yrs milking boon cow 4 yrs hiking roan cow c yrs milking red cow 8 yrs black better 3 yrs 2 twoyearold steers about 1000 lbs and 1100 lbs 4 year- old steers ptos 1 sow yorkshire 7 plgs yorkshire 10 weeks old implements blrnler mh 6 ft cut nearly new mower mh in good condtton reaper mccormick deerlng a osed very little dump rake cmh f wed drill mjh 11 hoe culuvntor deerlng 13 tooth disc mjj har- rowe 3 sections sulky plow lia quebec no 21 walking plow floury ho 21 wagon m-h- nearly new bay rack wagon high set bench sleighs set pleasure sleighs cutter buggy scutqer root pulper clipper grain and seed cleaner new hay tork bay fork car slings sling car ren frew scales 2000 lbs bagger wheel barrow oil drum 40 gal planet jr garden seeder garden cultivator post hale digger post hole spoon lawn mower electric motor hp emery quantity of galvanized pipe quantity of oak plank grass seeder colony bouse 10 x 12 buoiceye brooder stove hooter incubatox 125 egg feeding troughs drinking fountains crois cut saw forks shovels whlffletrees and numerous other articles grain and hay 500 bus oats 400 bus barley quantity of choice alf alfa hay poultry 35 leghorn hens 1 year old 100 leghorn pullets harness set double harness set single harness number of horse col lars furniture all enamel clare bros jewel range 2 quebec heaters coal or aood kitchen cabinet near ly new 2 extension tables beatty electric washer side board couch small churn clothes rack oak bed washstand 3 small tables kitchen cupboard hall rack 7 kitchen chairs 6 dining room chairs axminstcr rug 11 x 16 walnut book stand 100 ft garden hose farm also the farm consisting of 100 acres more or less being ijot 8 on the 7th line of the township of es- quesing on the premises are a good 8roomec brick house bank barn 42 x 72 horse stable 24 x 48 pig pen and driving ihed 24 x 60 and garage hjdro installed prevsure water sys tem in houte and bam for terms ani concii ions of sale of real estate apph to kenneth m langdon solici f m tor georgetown or to fnnk w wil ii son administrator terms of chattles c ish humetarrc cleili treasurers sale ot land tor taxes towtv of georgetown county of iialton to wit by virtue of a warrant issued by the mayor of the town of george town bearing date of the 15th day of june sale or lands in arrears of taxes in the town of georgetown will be held at my office at the hour of 10 oelock in the forenoon on the 8th day or november 1939 unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid notice la hereby given that the list of lands for i sale for arrears of taxes is being pub lished in the ontario gazette on the 6th day of august 1939 on the 2nd day of september 1939 and on the 7th day of october 1939 and that copies of the list may be had at my fire prevention week oct 814 in canada and the tjblted statu the week of october 8th to 14th is being observed as fire prevention week the dominion fire prevention association in cooperation with provincial fire marshals local fire chiefs and others are working together with civic organi zations in the furtherance of the alms of fire prevention in times of peace it has been consid ered a patriotic duty to prevent fires irj order to conserve our national resour- how much more so is it in times of war when it is most essential par ticularly as we are perhaps fighting for our very existence that nothing be wasted and fire is as devastating as war and just as wasteful about 300 people are burned to death and a much larger number are injured by fire in canada every year the re corded loss of property byyllre in can ada during the 15 years 4923 to 1938 exceeded 550 000 000 in other words at our present burning rate approxi mately one human life is sacrificed and 100000 worth of property is des troyed every day in the year fire is no respecter of persons every man has a responsibility toward his neighbours and that responsibility should cause every rightthinking per son to pause and consider what he owes ths community in which he lives we owe it to ourselves but in a greater degree to our fellow citizens to permit no condition to exist upon our prem ises that will invite a visitation or fire a great majority of fires are so easy to prevent that it is certainly a moral crime to tolerate the things which bring them about cities and towns like individuals reap wl at they sow to permit the erection of fire traps to fail to provide an abundant and reliable water supplj and means of using it or to fall to ap- pl the everyday rules of fire preten tion is to constant face a menace of heaij fires and sweeping conflagra lions wh tolerate a condition whiclwiot onl lewei tribute upon life and prop erry but in effect i an added cost to the conduct of cverj feature of business nctivlty and increases the bur- l den of the people in providing the nec- essitles of life i we cannot afford to go on and be in different to it all fire prevention week is a particular ucvtc set aside to call atttntion to the menace of fire and just as we must throw our whole strength aeminst the forces which aim to destroj our hbert so should we bt prepared to butt it tin other terrible demon fire art jou doing our part fringes oi gold by edra walters mio king idfcntn officials of tk industry pretention assoc i itions w efforts lb low induh nil alont tht hifchw ijs in tlmi itiiotno nits ind inui tlwir ned out the fu trucks uid to bt r iimr doint o 110- lift ioan revelled in the scented warmth of the great hall as she stood waiting it must be very pleasant to live in a home like that and when she followed the maid s black silk frock into the goldand white elevator her sense of luxuri ous well being increased no one would guess that the outside world was wrapped in snow and that the bitterness of the cold wind cut harshly you may go minette directed the blueeyed mistress of the rose suite when her maid had gone alice grant regarded the waiting joan with a grave intentness i had a reason for telling madam jerrold lo send you svith my gown do you like to go to the theater yes i go sometimes she re plied i have a ticket for fringes of gold for tonight i expected to go with a girl chum who has disap pointed me i 11 give it to you on a condition yes murmured joan that you pretend you are me you resemble me in your general nppearance blue eyes dark hair and slimness i want my evening to myself and i m announcing to the household that it 11 be at the bijou theater you needn t mind the sub terfuge which harms no one in ftfljtf the blue ejes grew mysteri oiis7 the gift to me of three hours will bring a great happiness to tvo people joan pondered evidently this pampered fiirl lonued for the free dom tht poor tiijosid the maa qucrade as alice grant pointed out harmless exchange of identities minette smiled demurely as she slipped the gd little gown of sap plnre velvet over the m ircelled head of the bliop e minette was in the steret and would it company the pseudo miss grant down to her nt my t ir as joan took a last peep nt herself snuggling her dun into tht siher fur of hei splendid vrip she fancied she s iw a min s face staring at her from the doorway she wheeled ab tit but the space between tht curl uns was eniptj all the wa to tht tht iter she tried to decide whcthti kit sp irkhnfi skip today the average whltoenon up to the age of is has about one chance in of eventually dying of tubercu- kvla barely 30 years ago the chances were twice as great this ts the encour aging information given by one of the great insurance companies operating in the united states and canada this change is due to the unremitting ef forts of antituberculosis societies physicians and philanthropic people working on this continent as is the case with many affections the chances of eventually dying of tub erculosis for males of any age are sub stantially greater than for the average female of the same age the chances of an eventual death tor the newly- born males are 35 in 1 000 while for females they are but 25 in 1000 for both sexes the chances increase slight ly as th child grows older and reaches a maximum of 37 in 1 000 at about 15 for the boy and 26 in the 1 000 at about 10 for the girl at ag- 35 out of every 1 000 32 will eventually succumb to tuberculosis while for females of the same age this disease will cvenually claim 13 out of every 1 000 tuberculosis still has an attraction for persons of middle age for at age 50 the figures for males and females are 23 and 13 respectively the foregoing marks a distinct ad vance over conditions prevailing in 1920 when 65 out or every 1000 newly- bom males and 58 out of 1 000 new born rerrales were doomed to die in 1937 the corresponding figures are 3 and 25 practically the same rates of improvement are noted for the older ages for each sex all these figures are for white people and while statis tics are not the most alluring sort of literature their publication should help in commcinc the public that consis tent progress has been made in tht period against the white plague dash rosrur on gas mioomr a 30mue dash on a gasoline jigger is not childs play but when life or limb is at stake such a hardship may be the more easily endured as it is jus tifiably attempted recently a oel- oude suffered a severely gashed hand cutting wood at brunklld man and the canadian national railways sup plied a jigger and rushed the woun ded man to winnipeg where an opera tion was performed upon arrival tt job printing efficiently executed here ifobobs fay faju fob stolen hub that hoboes in the west haw a sense of honor was indicated when group bf them sent to the agent of tta canadian national railways at kan- loops b c the sum of 30 as con science money for rides stolen m freight trains the hoboes did not glvar their names winnipeg officials of the railway sta ted that the incident used to occur fre quently in the past but has not beeai known to happen during the past flew hello jimmy auntie w walsh is the worm turning addressing industrial men in a ent safety bulletin general manager r b morle of the industrial accident preventon association- wrote tt has been suggested that a few iwti ao commerial truck drhtrs were anath ema to the avemv rimer of a pleisure car and that within the lah few ears the situation has been entirely reer sed if thls condition is true it must be due to intensixe education carried on b those in rharci of commercial whlcles to see that the drhers opene their truck with a minimum of loss ind ircidenl mr fore suggested that fleet op erators nssim in a surv which ls be me pn pi red on this point he asked for information on she following points i h i i tilt aerige truck driver more aroful mid comixment tlinn the aver passenger car 2 if tit il ees in the hid btcn real oi hoi ext ittd hr n f a in in fui just i figment of wh utt fa ige drhi k drhe tnt ha mndt him so and 1 agge uons hit ou ftr plan- t i v tin tlrimn habits of liiom i p rate passentir rir j he tut hboou be without telephone i tm mighty handy to call relation and adahboura and tdck aid if need bal low rates tor farm homes ill ducd isp of no m ioiuim ni of mi in dtfetti notice is further given that in the vent of all lands not being sold on november 8th 1939 the sale will be adjourned to the 16th day or novem ber 1939 at the same hour on which day the municipality intends to pur chase any lands for which the total amount of taxes and costs is not of fered treasurers office this 4th day of july 1939 p b harrison treasurer sweet caporau radio repairing is tears expetienee we specialize on this work wiuhhu tin condition lie usir niim iiiim- mil bt usffi lonstinlh and as long l ui m hai cled without establishing con t ict wj h the ground through a ined mm such as i wattr pije ridtator hot air roeister etc no shock will be re celved hut the hazard ls iwas pre tnt for instance if defective electrical equipment is handled by a x rson standing or sitting in a bi htub or shower bath a fatalitj is almost inevl table when it is realized that i vol tage as low as 20 to 30 volts ma pass sufficient current under conditions of low groufid resistance to proxe fatal the hidden darircr which exists in the common 110 120 voltage will be better appreciated as a matter of fact equip ment requiring an extension cord should under no circumstances be used in a bathroom another serious hazard prevails in a batcmnt where a defective washing machire or pump motor maj produce a dangerous electrical ground condi tion similar conditions may be encoun tered with brass sockets or extension cords on irons or toasters and these should never be handled when stand njf on a damp floor or when any part of the bodv ls touching a water pipe or when the hands and feet are wet ther- seems to be a mistaken im prcssion that minor shocks are not harmful and in tact may even be ben eflclal thls theory cannot be too strongly contradicted and if a shock ls received when working around the fac tory or in the home the power supply should be disconnected and the source of trouble located and corrected befor further use the point to keep in mind is the hid den danger which is lurking in all el ectrical equipment and the fact that if conditions approaching those which prevail in a bathroom are present any one of those socalled trivia shocks may prove fatal i j sanfokd son j oaoannrni sajkmm j the giant totem pole at jasper sta tion in jasper national park alberta served by daily transcontinental trains of the canadian national railways ts an outstanding example or primitive native art a cow in zebekeny hungary has given birth to a calf with two beads which have four eyes two tongues and only two can tki in it miss ci ii in thing to sij si it othormst it s j nl for you where did ni gt t her gown join sw icri then hit her lips and h h rself in h ind she d giv en her word and she would not break it she d hid her night of nights dressed for the first time in e irs as she wished ociupinj i good seat at tht beautiful the itt r shed en tered fairyland ie nothing to s she said lifting her head to meet the sparkling skeptical eyes of the man in the mirror the little room was empty except for the two of them dick grant held out his hand come my sister is out in the car waiting it was a mean trick but joan winters you ve given me something i never thought to pos sess faith in a woman s word alice wants to marry for love and i laughed at her i told her there was no loyalty in the world i said if she could prove her stand that i would give my consent yes said joan flushing be neath the ardor she read in his face then i may go i 11 return her frock tomorrow he slipped the fur wrap about her no you are lo come home with us tonight and let us make up to you for what we did and little joan he added bending as they passed out into the snowy night you are going to let me prove to you that there is romance left in this drab old world fringes ot gold had given joan some happy hours and the romance of the mimic scenes became woven with the real emotions of life for just three months later she became mrs richard grant use larger collection plates the collection plates used in mis sion churches in the far north are larger than those used in city churches little money is in circu lation in the north and worshipers attending church heap the collec tion plates with dried muskrat akuurmstead these are turned into buy now at lowest terms ever offered lftiv sounds too good to be true k a new clare hecla the furnace that spells freedom from your heating worries installed in your home now before spring house- cleaning for only 5 00 down its the opportunity thousands of home owners have been waiting for a special offer from canadas largest makers of warm air fur naces see your clare hecla dealer with out delay if theres not a dealer near you drop a postcard to clare bros co limited at preston ont for details of this remarkable offer lowest down payments lowest monthly payments jogfea qoocl only ludil wit 31s attention tenants if your home need a new furnace show hu ad to your landlord he can pay for the new farnace out of the rent saves one ton in 7 exclusive acvantages of cmre hecia furnace steel ribbed fire pot heres the secret of i h e c l as extra i heat and greater i fuel savings this i patented steel i nbbed firepot has three rimes the heat radiating surf see of ordinary nrepots extracts every possible heatunit from the fuel and tends it into your rooms in stead of up the chimney fused joint radiators anotherpatented hecla late fused joints metal welded to a no earnest or bolted connecdona re main gastight dosttight airtight for the life of tin furnace g r muckart plumbing heating tinsmithtng and electric whung phone 319w or j georgetown

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