Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 25, 1939, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventythird year of publication wednesday evening october 25th 1939 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa regiment cooks to receive sixweeks course on dietetics army i itve f01 krvrmy vattrac will hake attractive sponsored by the toronto dietetics association prominent lecturers and instructors will give six weeks course inaietetics at the lome soots ca sp base depot under the command of ltcol louis keene ed this course is designed to raise cooks to attain the maximum attractiveness in food preparation to make them appreciate how much hap piness and contentment they can give the troops whom they serve by pre paring and serving each food in per fect condition to teach them to take their jobs seriously and instil in them the pride that comes with serving food perfectly to eliminate the somewhat slipshod method of the past and to make the greatest possible use of army rations with the equipment that will be available in order to do this they must have an elementary knowledge of dietetics as well as sklu in the best methods of food preparation with such a foundation it should be possible for them to serve palatable well balanced meals too reduce waste and to avoid loss through spoilage the intention is to use only army rations andthe utensils supplied to the army this course will be carried out by jneans of formal teaching demonstra tions lectures by specialists and by practice in cooking- it is expected that the result will be twofold 1 better meals and better health for the men 2 greater interest in their work on the part of the cooks and an increas ed respect for the position they hold in the army lecturers and instructors miss v m ryley chief dietltion t eaton co ltd miss n l pattlnson director of household science central technical school toronto miss e middleton ba central technical school toronto dr jessie brodie ph d director faculty of household science university of toronto dr f tisdall pediatrition member of na tlonal council in nutrition sick chil dren s hospital toronto mr albert vierin chief chef t eaton co ltd mr cliff c toner asst chief chef t eaton co ltd major n l stew art the lome scots 1qm1 lieut d c heggie rcamc capl c a hamilton the lome scots major g p doty the lome scots qm oakvllle record star in the ne w s of the week news behind the news of the past few dayi is the intense preparation for a long and serious war being made at ottawa toronto and other cana dian governmental centres behind closed doors and without the accom paniment of publicity our elected lea- ders our paid public servants and re preventatives of business enterprises have put their collective noses to the grindstone bent on transforming plans for a tremendous war supply organi zation into an accomplished fact great britain s mission recently augmented by further arrivals from the old country is busy advising can ada what is needed at the centrp operations industrialists are project ing new factories and additions to ex isting plants and adequatejsteps are being taken to make sure- there shall be sufficient competent workmen man the factories when the big ma chine s finally thrown into high gear already scores of airminded yo in great britain and canada s sister dominions are packing up their duds to join an empire group or air fighters to be trained at a hundred air fields dotting this country provided there is no unforseen development citizens of canada will be witnessing the awe some spectacle 01 massed flights early next year and by then thousands of young caradians will be invited to join the air foree grad tally the general public is com ing to the realization that prime mln ister chamberlain was not resorting to propaganda when he warned the empire to get ready tor a war of three years or longer determined to fight u nil hitlei is beaten and hit lerism banished the allies have ap parently settled down to a siege of germany preparing steadily for a grand offensive later on if necessary but saving as mam of their own men as possible in the meaiuimi it ls not unlikely th it futurt tlstoiv book tii show that this situation is the it i on why onlv one canadian dl v lsioii is in training so far with no w call t lor its transportation across je ulin ir whv care ls being taken ntum tlnie shil bi ptntv ol men left 0l m counttv to furnish vvoikmen in au ft torus mid ptronml lor u officers wives form auxiliary to lome scots mrs arnott early is convenor for this district wives of officers and men of the lome scots peel dufterln and hal- ton regiment meeting in brampton on friday of last week organized the women 5 auxiliary to the lome scots mrs louis keene is president mrs b v conover brampton ls 1st vice- president mrs elgin wansborough shelburne 2nd vicepresident mrs m m wyndham oakvllle secretary mrs roy lent brampton treasurer the following were elected district convenors mrs f herbert chlsholm oakvllle mrs anderson brampton mrs dr a a montemurro streets- ville and port credit mrs o n fitz gerald orangeville mrs arnott early georgetown the auxiliary which will look after the needs of the families of the regi ments men will meet in brampton once a month meetings of the varl ous districts being held more often the first object of the auxiliary ti to raise enough money to buy shorts and shirts for the men of the regi ment and to buy wool for knitting socks ard sweaters normal rifle club dr stevenson brought his moving picture outfit to the range lasl night and entertained the members for over a half nour putting on the screen war scenes iom china and japan and al so the norval rifle club members in di here it positions while shooting the outdoor range the members joyed the pictures very much and many thanks are due the dr for the interest he takes in the rifle club another pleasing event took place when the members presented charlie meredith with a wellailed hamper of babies requirements his wife recently presented him with a set of lovely twins a boy and girl may they live long charlie to comfort you in your old age ls the wish of the rifle club the scores made in the aggregate event follows m atkinson 100 r w hall 99 h nurse 99 a w wilson 99 a b robertson 99 w lisk 98 c meredi h 98 f johnson 98 g w wil son 97 a reee 93 mr ii d w sun da wi h ballinafad c mremrv ir gtorgt eva bt kiun b fat luil oi proceeds of draw for lions patriotic work in an effort to ral funds for pi trtotit work the georgetown lions club will hold a lucks m mber dnw on thurda november 16 li the prize lu b drawn for is novtl ls i ft ill coisim of a nurse doll dressed in sj5 00 cmidim bills the doll ls on cusplrtj in d brill a co s store win dow the pr ze will be drawn for at the greeorj theatre on the above date a 9 30 pm when the picture being shown on the screen ls confession of a nazi spv starlng edward g ro binson however vou do not have to be presnt at the theatre to win the lions club will appreciate the support ot overv citizen in heir ef forts to ralse monev for such a worthv cause tickets are now in circulation get jcurs now funas used exclu sivelv for patriotic work q i ihfitd ippn tn oi ii st li ict omnium lit vn mr ow 1 xlkl m baud w ill hold their nk off ring meeting fn a lmrt progrimme will i tin 1 i dnn ind mrs a hometown will uve an our m s loinrv r j kerr acton died last wednesday the following obituary notice is taken rom the acton free press the intimation on wednesday morn ing that r j kerr had passed away early that morning came as a great shook to this community and through out the entire countryside and prov- mr kerr had been about as us- ual until thursday he visited with his sister and other relatives in forest last weak and during his visit there he officially opened the forest fair and joyed a little family re union when he returned home during the week end he was not feeling well and he was persuaded by his doctor to remain in bed he gradually became worse and in spite or loving care and atten tion he passed away early wednesday morning we doubt if any man in this com munity will be more missed than r j kerr his was a busy life but he al ways took time to do a large share of communltjtwork and was deeply in terested in acton and its welfare his early days were spent in erin town ship on a farm and it was not unti about twentytwo years ago when he removed to acton that we became in timately acquainted with r j kerr he resided for a while on young st until hls- fine new home maplehurst was completed on bower avenue he never retired as many who leave farm life the very active nature of the man forbade that while he never lost or forgot his love for erin township and the friends of early years from the da r j kerr came to make his home in ac ton this community had his unswerv ing loyalty as an auctioneer he was known throughout the countryside and hls knowledge of stock and mar ked ability at this work made him greatly in demand far and near that recognition of his ability remained right until the end rp matter how hard we may try we can never put into print the sum mary ol the usefulness of r j kerr in this community from che first he earhe to acton lit fcavt hls energy ind abllitv in the success of acton fi r hls work here is so well known to all that we need hardly mention it then a recall the dnvs whn mono wis being ralstd and tht park en ti mce was being improved it wis r j kerr who was lirtly tesponsibk for tlils rmprovtm nt wt could to on withou end down those twenty two year ud the same ould tx said of hls mn in cverv phase for good of community life in municipal affurs j- crested and it lit halton lad shot during pheasant hunt last week by wilfrid eggleston ottawa october 24 so many things are happening in so many different spheres of action that it is not easy m a concise review of the week to seize upon the more significant items and weave them into a complete story even more embarrassing than the wealth of material ls the fact that much of what an alert correspondent hears cannot be told because it might divulge useful information to the en emy the government is attempting satisfy some of the legitimate curiosity of canadians by launching a series of periodic broadcasts on the work of the fighting services canada is of course fighting the financial economic and ideological fronts as well as la military way it would be just as reprehensible to dis close some of the financial and eco nomlc secrets as well as the military ones fortunately most people realize that many things are going on all over the country about which they will not be aware until the hostilities are over and that it is not in the public inter est to disclose them they accept the situation numerous board t one index of the far flung activity of the canadian government ls the way in which boards and commissions aie springing up at the capital taxing the floor space and other facilities during the recess some of the ses kmal apace ls being used but when parliament ls called it will have to be kiven n a temporary orrtce build ing ls i be rushed on wellington street to be built it ls said in four weeks space has been comman atttlf beadsworth of oakvillk victim of mishap which marred twoday pheasant shoot halton county s twoday pheasant shoot on friday and saturday waa marred by- the fatal shooting of jack beadsworth 19 popular young oak vllle boy the accidental shooting oc curred on saturday about 3 45 on the cox property about two mile east of oakvllle on the north side of the lakeshore road beadsworth was in a party of three the other two being bert rook a chauffeur aged about 45 and bert halsey aged 35 an employee of the appleby school west of the town a shot from a 12gauge douleiar- relled shotgun struck young ibeads- worth tn the chest and face from about 25 feet as he came around a bend in the gully where the hunters had scar ed up a pheasant according to halsey the gulley zig zagged in two or three places and when the three of them had started out they were in a line with beads- worth in the middle for come reason beadsworth got out of sight said halsey and i fired one barrel at a bird and mis sed but followed the flight of the bird and let go with the other barrel he said that beadsworth was not in sight and apparently came running around a bend when he heard the first shot to see what had been shot and ran into the second shot he just put one hand to his cheat and said i am shot and then came on towards me and dropped just be fore he reached me said halsey it ls said that at the place of the acci dent the weeds are fairly high and they may have hidden the victim from view rooker halsey and beadsworth started out in the forenoon and hunted west of the town not having much luck they decided to try- the eastside after lunch beadsworth came into town and had lunch and was picked up immediately after by the other two i have been hunting for years and aecred at jiort notice litother office a leas vcars with bert rooker builduw private lessees being rather andneve had an acci bny fortunately n uti chii ot ilu unceremoniously ousted or the govtrnmtnt the confedera on and justice buildings are avall- ible and tin ntw supreme court btildmt will bt finished before long residuum rtnials are being affected o and tht realtors expt ct tliat b tin pihi f the vear practice ij all kecnlv hoilsr ind an irtmenls will be occu lt his pi it he nr ls protracted public i ion i sun to be accentuated be lli id cur of tlu will til of k4nnurrrs d ha o ci ii mt nt hi i 0ir rticl i in iibn ioils lo piokrn ipuis on alie id oi tli- conn in v ntttiril jitt oiiuno s hould ft 1 that the whole ptcted neod or mort now kind aid halsey neither had ever hutned with young beadsworth be fore the said beadsworth was out hunting on fri- daj with hubert haw tin a friend of the lamilj and got his quota of birds he was ver fond of hunting and guns hls father at the home on wilson street said jack was very fond of gumr tin re is almost a room fulf of t tlu bu wn born in oakvllle this ls the second accidental death in the amilv it vounier brother having been drowmd in lake ontario some ten or twthe ve rs ao jack was the only hi a left hls mother died in oak- vi if tbout a ear ago cum warden lt lie braj said fhat iil wi the first fatal v in history of p it us ml shoo tint in h ti on o his know edge ocii ixlll flltlll transcen is ih mkirtinci of bulling over rovincial rights whether one agrees oi disit with the opinion lint in hn wiurwiv deveopmem is a sound economical venture most xmpl vill nod in approval whin mr hcpbuin backs up iils talk of unified naiioiil effort wltii iction that must go itimm his pervmal feelings operators held dinner meeting id vn b i it sv t a farewell dinner party i glamoro is tales of the canadiin i northwest mounted police from now on will be chinged bv the deletion ol the hoise now that cars and motor cycles nave replaced the faithful ani i mal defence minlster rogers has ai halton uub teams take high standing in provincial contest classes i ren their horses to anj one who will on fridaj evening oct 20 the ta care of them properlv in fact main circle of knox presbyterian wo- onawa citizens can rent r mens association entertained at the st from the mounties for as intle home of mlsses hume for two of their as one dollar a month and keep members mrs r waldie and mrs what with the farmers sending uieir w c bessej who are leaving town products to market in motor truck- at 6 jo the ladies gathered around aid plowing their fields with tractors tables laden with fruits of our bounti up armj turning its back on the anl ful harvest grace was sung and a m th racing season over at cana- chicken dinner then served when all dlan tracks and the rojal winter fair m uvw ui 165 reamroftuobo cacho- thorized the rcmp at rockchffe to mrolmmt of 330 men the irovincial interclub contests necessitated the judging of l which were held at the ontario agrl of grain ind small seeds is wtll as 1 college on frldav last brought the an wenng onllv of ten questions nrtous phases of crop production thesf team members represented xii inn enro of 5057 young men prancing a ir fl no nmw to had partaken of the good thing pro vided mrs wyatt president of the circle paid tribute to the guests for their cooperation and helpfulness at all times she also expressed the deep for regrets of all the members that the tt were soon to bid farewell our loss will be enothers gain our best wishes go with you to your future homes mrs johnson and miss frank then presented mrs waldic and mrs bes sev wtth morocco leather handbags both ladies spoke very feelinglj and thanked the circle for their kind thought the remainder of the evening spent in happy intercourse cancelled for the jear it appears prett alsma season for the horse meeting of local council of women the local council held their oc tober meeting at the home of mrs woo thompson after the usual business was concluded mrs ofievee the vicepresident of our red cross society addressed the meeting she gave a aboft history of the red gran tn england and told of her ex perience during the last great wat ha date no definite instruction have been received so for the present some wool has been purchased for the ladies wbo wish to knit mrs j squires kindly offered her borne for the noveaeber meeting the citv of toronto ls reaching out oe revenues in tiiese times ol the abolition of lax exemptions now enjojed bv private schools col lection of increased taxes from chain jtores rnd gasoline service stations and the repeal of certain corporation income tax exemptions are proposed the interesting feature of increased emergency taxation ls their tendency to stick of the taxes imposed as war measures during the last great war as about the only one to be abolished was the entertainment tax and now i there is talk of that going into force i once more desple the ruling of the supreme court that the canada temperance act is valkf in huron perth and peel gaged in an agricultural project semi one of the 315 clubs organized hroughout the province durliih 1939 hilton was represnted bv teams in the swine foil grain and datrv cattle projects in swine the team members were geo flsher georgetown and alton breckon freeman who placed econd o the champion team from durham county the foal club con it t brought out 39 teams and here the halton team of herb reld and angas mcnabb both of georgetow n who represented the acton foal club paced fourth with angus mcnabb the second high man of the entire con test fortv teams battled for suprc- mac in the grain club project which here the acton gnln club repn ed bv jack van goozen of acton and bruce re id or georgetown placed 6th in diirv cattle 33 clubs were repre sented with the milton holsteln calf i club represented bv jehn vanslckle palermo and fred bell of freeman thls team while not llsted among the prize winners gave an excellent in r 111 finifliii involves a com i iiw of n s luni some o i in b n doni ix fore the wa l p halton garage h onbreak but t has been necen ii v o oorrliiim tin information i 1 1 111 rtsoine of cinuln for iimii hi insoinblv will known hr wi h hie c madiaii socielv i tci inn atricullu ists in con n 11 w h ikrlciiltural schools and 1 his l iviinoie for inv dnrtnip 1 hi riiiitl s ind admiiilstra ors sim krl 1 survev of technical re- eiich n other lints is bung made a lurrt st p of tint kind wis the meet m list wetk of the employment ag emits o as to take stock of the skll d w 01 km n and assist in placing su h nt 11 as thev arc needed bv in dustrj fimn ial resources have been ap piaised ind the first mobilization has taken plice funds are being placed it the disofal of the british govern ment to assist them in buing wheat nd ot icr air supplies from canada interesting to note the change 1 count of themselvts and thev together york before lt was considered prac with those prenouslj mentioned are tlcable lo float the first canadian to be congratulated on the honours war lwn i won for the countv of halton i conservation of supplies i the event was culminated b a canadian essential war supplies larselv attended banquet tn the col wool nickel and other metals war ge elinlntr room where under the equipment etc ls being conserved and ctiairmanship of president g i chris no exports are being permitted except tie the vouthful audience enjojed an bv license this serves to prevent sup- execjjent programme which included piles reaching the encrtjj and also to idlfress bv hon p m dewan mini- prevent stocks being sold when they ster oi agriculture for ontario counties and in the district of maul- toulm the ontario government has determined on aggressive enforcement or the ontario liquor control act in these territories this seems to lead to conflict and perhaps a rich harvest for lawyers traffic officers have issued a warn ing that the will lay information against motartsuufho fail to dim their lights when approaching other motor cars there are plenty of them and there should be a harvest when the etnptgn starts halton plow club prominenl at international match at broekville the big international plowing match and farm machinery demonstration which tms year was held near broek ville broke all records from the standpoint of contestants true wea ther conditions were somewhat- adverse which resulted in a somewhat lower attendance than the previous year nine plow boys from halton compet ed and gave an excellent account of themselves tn the intercounty com petition open to teams of three boys each halton placed sixth with twen tytwo counties competing the hal ton team members were grant baker freeman leonard lister hornby and ivan taylor moffat in the individu al classes spencer wilson norval won a first and third in the open tractor classes harry picket of hornby third the hajton branch of the ontario gar igc 0xntors association held uieir tular meeluig thursdav even- mi october 12 and was in the form of 1 dinner meeting held in the vic toria lunch rooms at burlington with in exceedinglj good attendance mr j l mckindlev the branch president presiding the committee in charge for the venin are to be congratulated for the plendii manner in which the dinner was arranged and handled a short business session immediately followed the dinner the text of the agreement between garage operators aspociaion and insurance adjusters association was read and discussed by the m nbers it was agreed by all that thus contentious point had been j settled fairh and equitably to all con cerned several other points of business i came before the meeting for discus sion considerable interest was shown in the manner in which the items were dlscussed and such criticism as was voiced was of a constructive nature and prompted by a sincere desire to sse the association progress along sound ines to higher levels of achieve ment than ever before a special feature of the evening was the attendance of members of the executive of the inietprovlnclal au tomobile association mr j mctag- gart advertising manager a phelps held manager and j a mallon seere- tary mr mctaggart then explained xdor or capiul except to permeable ln j nn textures of thu new vws ls also 1 banned automobile club this new automo- the next mg news item wlnblhe buc aub have sevenu new features in their policy to offer to automobile hich 25 vears brings in the early lazes ol the list war the shoe was m the other foot canada had to be finance bv london and later b new are likely to be needed in the early future in this country s war effort the export of steel scrap and iron scrap is completely prohibited the ln the trans atlantic class which brought together the champion jointer ember plowmen from all parts of the pro- vinoe claude picket of the same ad dress was sixth ln walking plows and eighth on tractors ivan taylor of moffat was second ln a class of forty- two in walking plows open to those who had never previously competed at an international while ln second class jointer plows which brought out up wards of fifty plowmen in both stubble and sod grant baker was 8th and 18th kenneth brown hornby 12th and jack taylor of freeman 18th these wins indicate unmistakably that arrival here of the australian and new zealand air missions the british mission is already establishing itself and a great job of planning and 00- i ordlnalon will be under way in nov- best and also augurs well for the an nual county match to be held drumquin on nov 3rd two are indicated at fall assizes peel county grand jury brought ln true bills on tuesday against william yarranton and alfred h fonger each facing manslaughter charges yarranton is charged in connection with the deaofwcsyearold james cation inmate of the house of re fuge at brampton the charge against fonger arises halton plowboys can oompete wlthjjltam jhe death of highway traffic fred r blucher who waa fatally in jured while on duty on the queen elisabeth way sept m owners not now known in any other policy one of the big points of the iaa is that its policy is based on the need of mechanical service to the policy holder the nearest competi tor in the provinec of ontario have about five hundred service depots the ljui which is affiliated with ontario oarage operators association have now two thousand depots in the pro vince in a very short time any auto mobile owner can secure an the in formation regarding the policies of the iajl at any garage or service station displaying the sign of the ontario oarage operators associa tion a vote of thanks fit extended to the visitors for their efforts in brmemp the policies of the ijla to the mem- ben of the halton branch the meeting tu then adjourned tt meet in uuton in november

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