Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 25, 1939, p. 2

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page 2 the georgetown herald wednesdayevening october 25th 1939 the georgetown herald phone no 8 j m moore editor and publkher garfield l mcquvray assistant editor a weekly newspaper devoted to the best interests of the town ot georgetown and surrounding country including the villages oi glen wil liams norval umehouse stewarttown balllnatad ana terra cotta issued svery wednesday evening at the office on main st georgetown subscription rates 1jw per year in advance united states soc additional single copies 3c both old and new addresses should be ilven when change or address is requested advertising rates legal notices 12c per line lor first insertion 1c per line ifor each subsequent insertion readers 8c per line lor each insertion if in black face type 6c per line additional notices qualifying as coming events such as concerts entertainments society church or or- gujnuon meetings etc 8c per line minimum charge 2fc reports of meetings held gladly inserted free in memorian notices 50c and 10c per iiao extra for poetry birth marriage and death notices 50c small ad vertisements one inch or less soc for first insertion and 35c for each sub sequent insertion display advertising rates on application w although every precaution will be taken to avoid error the herald ocepts advertising in its columns on the understanding that u will not be sahte for any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless a woof of such advertisement is requested by the advertiser and returned to 5se heraia business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error oorcectlon plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error o noted is not corrected by the herald its liabilityshall not exceed such proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the space occupi ed by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied by such adver tisement the herald does job printing ob all kinds thl soun of the leaf annual report of neighbor- bushed and cool the bird cries siow jhood workers association at twilight how swift the sun sinks burning in correspondence the west the editor jor in the eening first thi of autumn holds the petals of the flowers press- buw silently he last of summer ltn and vine leaves whispering under the windows xan to let the fleeing season pass and suddenly against the forming darkness the hapes of trees spring reeling in to sight how solemnly the sound of one leaf falling holls like distant thunder through the night robert wtstrand october the georgetown herald georgetown out dear sir your co operation and that of voiu papni in the work last summer oi giving holldaj s to children in the countiy was much appreciated the successful result oi oui joint efforts can be seen in the report whlcb 1 am mailing to you under separate cover ihls rtport trie to gie a fe ial picture of our fresh ail work and the country homes branch of it desiibed on page 14 and lo with cordial thanks for the muust w j jou shoved in this project and the lhy space jou hae devoted to it strang sluceruv ours i time sud fiky f n siaplcford i ll to the n int general stcrtturv tl jl vnur husl md t possihh yv brief outlint of the m m to to tin counti ihcyre sometimes grateful by wu11am smith ann clntod newsp ipera i 4 rs mill wusa good and rath er pretty little widow her five i hildrcn adored her and usually nbtjed her which is significant sht iud never smiled merrily since the lay her husband died finely fighting the worst blaze that had ever oc curred in the history of peaceful dannsville dora mill v as a dressmaker and a good one though if she hadn t been quite clever with her gjirden us well making it support the hun jry five and supply early peas to some of the neighbors it tfcas hard to see how she could mnv ep meet her attractive face and pleal manner had called forth at leas one offer of marriage but shedreaded the tftect of a stepfatlit on the af fairs of tin five which she was co pably directing to certain definite ends derrick was to be an electn tal engineer he kiuw of course thai this meant tmmense effort on his own part for dora neer dis guised that triumph meant work fanny was to be a designer tom was too small to be seriously in clmed toward any calling and the lwiniwere mere babies therefore when gerard filey owner ot the filey iron works drove up to the tiny house and asked for dora she was surprised and just a little frightened tom would throw bahs possibly his ball had broken a sitable window but no ytiu are mrs milt asked filey i am replied dora won t you correspondence to the editors of ontario 87 of the cost of education in on tario is paid locally out of the limited revenues of individual municipalities 13 is paid by the provincial govern ment in the form of grants rleh communities can have better schools better equipment and libraries and wed paid teachers we find these conditions in a few large centres that have gown wealthy at the cost of the rest of the province if jour ccmmunlty is a smaller city town vlllatte or township it is harder for your people to support the big end of the lost of education and you pro bably get along with a relatively lower stindard in accomodation and equip ment and you probably do not pay your teachers as well these state ments of course apply generally only if it would be a good thing to have canal educational opportunities for every child in the provin and if at same time it would be desirable have a provincial salary schedule for teachers how can these two objec tives- be realized when the sources of revenue and the extent of revenues of the municipalities arc at such a wide variance and when these municipalities have to raise locally the big end of the cost of education is it not reason able that if the government out of its man additional sources of revenue were lo pi for hair the cost of edu cation i could enforce strict provis ions regarding buildings equipment services and teachers salaries that bob peace a kmschen boostei ays wf4acl sc you ihould read what bob pom aur about kriuchcn salla i ooiutder knucbeo salts exoeuetu a a preventive aaainm common autncnta that bring dttcomlort and worry towoplc in all wnlka o life the body require certain mineral aalia and he dally dole of knuctjen ii a good way to set iliem into i he lyucm mjt kfmitktn try normal tnvwll jut a uttlcand it usbnlutely tamclea in codec or tea keek me feeling v0uno and ml kruachcn la a combination of aercml hizhly re fined mineral nit one lor example combata ccea icid bo common in eae of heartburn another aid the kidneys to eliminate potiona bloodstream and won not try krunchen salta tuning immediately and tee for yourwdf bow very little it com to fed like a minion dollar bottlci 20c bc cnj time table standard time owlnc bet 7jm a passenger and mall 1003 a passenger and mall 4b p passengers for toronto 9 41 p passenger sunday only 831 p going west passenger and mall passenger daily except saturdays and sunday saturday only passenger and mall passenger sunday passenger saturday night only from nov 4 to apr 27 609 pji a 15 pj 645 pji going north- mail and passenger mall and passenger said the lining di to u 11 you ved m life ik v of it following ii ciu childrtii branch the of jicroas the quiet hills she walk5agam and in her wake the slender gen 1939 showed a counlr homts 1 greater inteitst otk than vr beioie xhe count home- department us tntiitlj separate i nans uh from bolto i c imp and irranu i i their atiire heads above the burnish lcj for cludnn tn count rj homti ed plain within a tadlus oi lit miu of loron and asters tramble in a purple drift to transportaiwn md medical m 1 sp llion art irraiietl b lh n w a the calm of udeltss noons u in her inrough co rj hum ixjmi eyes mi tilt liomms art for tlitn deep slumbtr guildi the crjstal of lt wlt cim i 1 2it citv clul her strutm i w lt ol uuod a hohdaj in her slow smile a hidden wlsdom u lvi1 vitk oi man ti omuio- lies u d nirtmi j our h and in her touch a solact for losrt jgff xnt r p i 1 ihitk is slu filc in d d stud pji ful ii did his duty said quitlly ktd j refined 1 s isn txpit ssion 1 t ned to t xpl hi i miuht i lost i dreams above her tnatch tlic restless swallows t rn on languid wing and wlierlmi iwivs from sight and vhrough htr shadows enmson sumacs burn then ancient bt icons on a windless height the mi ao of he un is hers to hold in affron liaf ind heaw itsw 1 tsd tern and in soft wreathing mlsti htr hands ma fold the untthatine glor of the morn uid i tximn of tquilltd in x it kink of my mail rial ji mtudt he has ly umurlit nht be vi u know i hoiisi bin it i 1dbt vou rd i f it n m wift slipped ubinf in switirl 1 i m alone 1 u stt i ii 1 in v r sorry fi ik- win m 1 m ihits all ii i kr ow ir h uv vh judncd i bit is and i ni pirti ularly n mi ii in bttlcr bihit s nil h ih it dora id n it ki it i s or susj id ul do you suppose your local council would be interested ii you took this questions up in jour columns in an advocaci to make educational oppor- the province would have equal edu catlonal opportunities in order to be come prepared for the unequal enough struggle for existence do you suppose your readers have ever thought about these very simple matters and how their neglect keeps education in ontario from becoming fully modernized and universally avail able in its mast complete form to ev en child whether that child happens to be boin and raised in a rich com munity or in a poor one in the past two jears the depart ment o education has increased the grants for education bv three million jn ars but the amount contributed by thf provincial tnasury will still have lo be mukip led sneral times in or der to taring th piovincial expendl ture up to 50 of the total the gov- i rnmem is denocrntlc and would only bt able to makt an outstanding step ifter lh ptop themstlves showed tlieir desire for it your community and reduce your local taxation why not get back some of the money for your community that it has given and continues u give to the big centres and the en trenched financial industrial and bus mess interests how could a redis tribution of wealth take more practt cal or more desirable form yours very sincerely a c trusler field secretary ontario educational association sweet capormj ii i sh we optical needs vary tin re un never be a set ruts for 11 tins or recommending g isei the human eye has so m uiy anaiorus hat very u us a dulinct one it re- j es train tt d sall to re- pecialize m ehe examination and gooa itmizc and irescrioe iilsss con ut o t walker r o optomftrlst eyfstgiit specialist brampton who ui at robb drug store georgetown the mwond wrdnnday of every month or you miymit t walker at ht alrcv in rramptw bte time tab1 leave georgetown to toronto a 7 08 a m 928 am 12 18 pm c123 pm a 38 pjtt 648 pia 9 03 pjn to london 10 os usa x1120 ajn 305 pan cx2a pm ay445 pjn tm pm bboo pjn dxll05 pjn exll0 pjn i except sun and hoi b sun and hoi c saturday only d except sat sun and hol e bat sun and hol x to kitchener y to stratford tickets and informaton at w h long phone 89 gray co acta lines directory p r watson dj s bldjl georgetown office hours 9 o 5 except thursday afternoons peace upon the circle of htr i deep peace and lumber flowing like f a sea ls and all lit r dusk is fhkd with undtr n lm ra j from raper flimes of gentji mem- just 1 iuer t iildn rtsp tor our c vnada from the sea our canada from sea to sea pour signs of alor knows the thistle and the fleur de ls the si amrock and the row for haidihood thi thistle stands the shamrock ii for grief the lily and the rase join hands to make the maple leaf bu as our northlami summit witif and all our bowers hae fled the homesick hrirt t rn nom ikur when maple leacs turn red hegretful broods the autumn air the green fades out to gold and bark the outland brothers fare to hetrts they knew of old and though the wandered far and felt the ancient tie weir thin tirej- know the indent mother knelt to take her childien in so all our maples hill b hill as summtr meets its close awake ind flame and rhe us stlll tlit insr of fngland s tom ithur strmm r munitj uh it it ljs1 for int it tin w oik kind lnd trt jolnll 11 ith uu cliilcli and added f hit idea lolld t with pn stcotid or third h ir favoiirnblt roti that lit r ing itqimln 1 of the com wlsh l had foi it is jnle ir s i m lo t rml if u ut in m oi 1 knew tr h if 1 milli 1 orth thi ilort botl 1 111 dn 11 tki and lor our own and i wush mou hsopli would do thf imi it seems so llltli and it docs i it so much h iiness 111 ii wi i grtaiet ttalization tills ummtr that odir folk might also 1 net 1 rest md chatigt stttnteen moihus wr git 11 holidays in llirte is tin fnlhtrs win tsked lo comi t one fnihot w ls united to usit 1 homi whnc lis iliuikliiei viius 1 u t he did not fttl hi should ltae ht ttty anditht possibuitj oi t ttlnst s l u work but tw was ptrsuadtd to no for man if t hi lps nd i i 1 1 ctnui ih r he del j e jackson dentist xray office hours daqy 9 to 5 evenings 7 to 9 pbone 224w georzetowa leroy dale kc m sybil bevnett ba barristers and solicitors mill s reet georgetown ont kevneth m lwgdov barrister solicitor noury pnbtio first mortgage money to loan office oregon theatre bidg mill at phone 88 georgetown frank petch licfn sed a l ctioveer for the counties of peel and raltt prompt str ce telephones cheltenham 26 r 23 geomeown 61 r s pos office che enham walter t evans co general insurance ocean steamship service real estate halo su north georgetown r tr m i id sdud k end nd thrtb injojed tlie i f r nrst llmt iirst hoiidi v fouitctn vtars an lift v mm who thouuht fid lad cf 7i who ih in 1 notsj lirm of ill irs is if it t tl cit horrt ban not had an outnir for n ilur iltli nj tn do hut hi m f thin 1 quiirur ot a ceniurv but tl dnes tr inhl n pretu 1 1 s ph sirnt a quit t vacation bj hi 1 cheeks ind th it tht tu 1 1 lis wtirt shi particular j en- nu hiti lined iht flshmt beeral mothers vv t with their llttlt ones were imiwd 1ils imi bv hnmcvsi who wtit nit well tioiirh to undertake tin full rt spon 1 iljl 1 jii hlldren alone such kind ul s rt tilved in mutui sati faction f nm as if i bel ted npk uth lh o111 one of the tnnedies of po and tfae prompt wiping out b hitler and stalin of its bo scout or nnitition numberiiig 13041 boys and leaders poland has always sent ktrcng com in gents to world bo scout and rover bcout gatherings includlnir the 3rd world rover moot held last julj in scotland hltier previously had ban ned scouting in his own country then in austria and czechosiovakla mus- aollnl did the same in italy notwith standing the strong support of scout ing by his holiness the pope the dice tators objection to the scout move ment ls its code of international youth friendliness rringemeni mo ler with on eirfht months old babv writis i would like to sta i 1 it vi aw frjm the hustle iij tit of the c tj mrs jones is a ttl person and thtf bab just iaurhs vi r time mrs jones looks at her w will never be able to thank you enough 1 r this wondtrful opportunity on the other hand a hostess writes 1 think wt have made a new friend and we will be a long time forgetting the happj days we had while mrs brown was with us special thanks should be given to the clergy in the county districts 38 of whom wholeheartedly cooperated to the press women s institutes and women s missionary societies as well as to the 740 hostess who opened hearts and homes to their little guests why do you call your boy friend ewry thne he calls he r ad her- toakes a utue progreca ht iskcd t lutdlmi 1 llttlt n tared for po c most nnnd olor to s grew some f their it she aid hilton s best advertising medium- earn to care modt stly i ou t nred lor 1 inn but if 1 11 d let nit takt t ire of vou i m o darn fond of tht kids for the lirm time the difference in ik ial position dawned onwira i m only a fireman s widow she i said m father was foreman at the iron works he said he was an inventor and thai s how he made his money after all we re americans and i don i think it matters can t you like me just a little he coaxed i love you dora i can t give you what i gave tom whispered dora but i re spect you with all my heart and i love you for your goodness to us arf i guess ill have to be satisfied with that then maybe in the years to come you may grow to like me little better he smiled half wist fully as he took her into bis arms buy i the colour guarantees the quality unmm t irr w cm a- m frr m cm ubj- p monuments pollock ingham successors to caer worth gait ont designs on request phone 208 inspect our work in greenwood cemetery a m nielsen 25th year of practtte chiropractor xray drugless therapist lady attendant office oer dominion store georgetown hours 2 5 730 9j0 pm closed hnrsday phone lmw patriot was accused of stealing a neighbors pig well now patrick said the judge when you are brought face to face with wdow malone and her pig on judgment day what account will you be able to give of yourself when she accuias you of stealing you said the pig would be there air said pat well then hi just say mrs makney there s your plgt

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