Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 25, 1939, p. 3

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n 7 the georgetown herald wednesday evening october 25th 1939 ftp the womens page international jnilorm sunday school lesson betty barclays halloween helps you all kuow what halloween representti you all know how novel dishes are needed to make the party a success so here are home recipes my contribution to this year a festivities incidentally the recipes are good long alter hallowe en ts over sweet dreams punch 4 cups freshly made chilled decaffeinated coffee 1h pints ice cream grated nutmeg pour the decaffeinated coffee over a pint of ice cream in a punch bowl or big mixing bowl and blend lightly with an egg beater until the ice cream is partly melted sprinkle with grated nutmeg vanilla coffee or chocolate ice cream combines well with the coffee flavor to make decaffeinated coffee by the percolator method use 1 heap ing tablespoon decaffeinated coffee regular grind for each cup tvi pint of cold water pour cold water into pot set basket in pot and put coffee in it cover let percolate slowly and gently 15 to 20 minutes for a 4cup percolater use cup coffee lima and ham loaf 1 cup cooked dried limns h cup ground hnm cup chill smite or catsup 2 ert beaten 1 teaspoon minced onion 1 tablespoon melted mitlcr 1 cup craeker crumbs kb te ispoon salt a totsporfn pepper rub i imns through i coarse 6tr liner a id him c cpu prpifi r ill mil butter imi eraikoi in i in f pin n u ionally with the melted butter serve with brown gravy orange frosted doughnuts for 24 doughnuta allow 1 good slied doughnut for each guest frost with orange- tinted icing made by creaming together well 3 tablespoons butter t cups powdered sugar 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons orange juice 1 teaspoon grated prang e rind orange vegetable coloring as needed magic butternut pie i14 cups 1 can sweetened con densed milk 2 eggs separated 1 cup butternut meats or other nut meats 2 tablespoons granulated sugar unbaked pie shell 8 inch thoroughly blend sweetened condensed milk beaten egg yolks and finely chopped butternut meats percolator pour into unbaked pie shell bake in moderate slow oven 325 f 25 minutes or until set cover with meringue made by beating egg whiten until stiff and adding sugar return to oven and bake 10 minutes or until meringue is brown recipes for parlor fun the newest recip for parlor fun is contack an exciting new game plnjed with 36 trlingular pieces each lde with a different color and number th object or the game is to mateh iolors and numbers and to mnki coring totals a stream lined development of domino teh nique that s easv to learn another onion l sure way to fid the so lal ico shine j breaking prchh m is tjuirk it a il pun till i beverage alcohol and social progress international temperance sunday sunday october 29 1939 golden text know ye that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of clod 1 corinthians 6 9 lesson passage mlcah 2 9 11 luk 21 2931 3436 corinthians 6 911 be what thou seemest live thy creed hold up to earth the torch divine be what thou prayest to be made let the great masters steps be thine family decay 911 a minister who had lived for forty years in a rural district was inter viewed by a journalist among other questions he was asked what he had observed concerning the use of bever age alcohol the aired minister began recalling tragedy after tragedy accl- cessary reconciliation to god the genesis story of the fall la the bio graphy of individual lives we have left a state of innocence and entered a state of guilt in greater or lesser degree the tragedy of eden is reenac ted in every life sin is both deed and condition but the condition antedates the deed we are responsible not only for what we have done but for what we are when we recognise what we are the desire is awakened for some thing belter some of yon 11 paul gives an ugly list of vices in verses 9 and 10 the evil possibilities in our natures are sufficient to frigh ten us were it not for the transform ing power of the grace of god some of the people to whom paul wrote had been morally defeated yet through christ they had learned the power of victory a bad person who becomes tood is an unanswerable argument piul was enthusiastic in preaching the gospel because he had seen people transformed by the power of the lord jesus and by the spirit of the living god can the gospel of christ do nnyuiin tor an addict to alcohol help can be found if a drinker will face all the painful facts about him self and deal with them patiently un der god failure to be part of a sufficiently creative scheme of living is also at the root jf much drinking life seems so useless when life takes on new meaning and purpose the de sire for alcohol passes away usually those who become part of a tide creativity find that it washes away the back ftdles of life in whirl moods public health in germany the report on germanys public heatlh eivlce prepared by the divi sion of public hygiene of the reich s department of the interior appeared in berlin in august as this informa tion was sent out by the berlin wmrco directions for knimng sweaters hans sleeveless sweater 2 no 7 needles if tight knitter us no 6 9 to 10 oz 4 ply fingering wool double knitting for back gas on 80 stitches knit 2 plain 2 purl for 4 inchest knit plain until sweater measures 2ft inches in all knit 28 stitfiee ande 1 slip on to extra needle ton off next rponaenrof the journal of the xm- st ior neck tlv erlcan medical association before the ins m iutc for fn iotn war commenced lhe figures quoted shoulder then bt p neefc snit 6 stitches make 1 and khlt to end of row increase as abo every seconal ridge until theiecareo stitches on- the nedles tils wluform v totr neck break wool and jom to other- shoulder and knit the same way as the otner side then knit the 80v stitches plain until with the 10 ridges of shoulder it measures 19 inches then 4 incites or ribbing this finishes- the f rcr t sew up sides leaving finish exn holes and neck with one row of loo believed to be correct they are of interest to all as bearing on inter il condition in germany the r umber of marriages in 1938 64363 is given as an increase from 9 1 to 9 4 per thousand canada s rate is 79 and blrlhs 134q911 an increase from 18 8 to 19 7 per- thousand tcan- adas rate is 205 families with two and three children appear to bo on the increase the general mortality in i lj f il german has remained unchanged 22j the mortality rate for tuberculosis i f decreased from 69 to 63 per hundred 61neie croc thousanc persons as compared with canada s rate of 54 6 deaths from intluenza receded but more deaths oc curred from pneumonia poliomyelitis greatly increased and there was a fur ther increase in diptheria and measles mortality the reports on conditions of the nations jouth criticizes chiefly immo derate cigarette smoking and prema ture manual labor the most unfavourable sections ltuiitl hmftvuj utl lluqtuj u- 1 luuh hutcl ui lilt 1j1 vwulip iiiuuiu dents quarrels farms lost through stagnate there are authenticated ine re on adults concern farmers debt crimes followed by jail sentences luldes in all of which beverage alco hol had been factor in several ca sus a hole families had disappeared occasionally iffhocem members of fa mllies had suffered because of the in temperance of another member of the family beverage alcohol had been a factor in destroying family life and had theieby been a factor in rural de populaicn less efficient public schools and weakened churches a visitor to iliat- communiy would not receive the impiession that it was intemperate vet q nun who hid ministered to two ucation generations was able to name family after famlij in which beverage alcohol ji id been ilu cause ol disinttini predicting ihr iuture 29 jl prophesies ibout itself leavi it it ml gni when sudden conversion takes wues hard manual labour and birth place and all desire passes away frequency are asigned as the reasons questions for discussion oanitatlcm is ndt what it should be in 1 whlci l the moil dangerous home mill eelons partl3 because married or public drinking women are engaged in outside work 2 should liquor consumption be re- befiuse ol the large size of the slrictedli wartime families however some of this is 3 why did christ wam his followers due to a certain scarcity of water analyst di unkennels lack of beds and bedding has disap- 4 is drinking i disease or a simpiom p in ol energetic steps 5 what reasons do yotrhcar former including the jailing of large numbers drink rs b for to al abstinence ol py clans midwives and persons in i lesson outlines copyrighted bj uw ordinary walks of life the number of inunialional cjuncil of religous ed abortions is everywhere deplorably usui by permlssion high i radio repairing 12 yean experience we specialize on this work sanford son phone georgetown hv 1 ls aim and bias soon the tree will t foliage on i tret tsoii spring sum halloween table dainties use honey for sugar in cooking canning authorities our families vitamins or the road to v betty barcltj claim that barelv half o rich or poor ret enough ninerals to speed them on abounding good health surely thls should not hold true around halloween when fruits and fruit drinks are truliponal refresh menus in fast wimoraius lemons apples pears and gripes in market there ls not the slightest excuse for anj healthful minerals and itamins pro u vlded bv fresh fruit dishos esptciall important tor vitamin c and other p health promoting factors is the daih lon m blass ol orange juice ltmon juice contributes the same healthful food elements to fruit punches to salad j dressings and to many foods with which it is used as a flavor accomptni ment the recipes that follow while cshci ally appropriate for hallowe en arc equally good for other lutumn festi vlucs your famtlj will thank ou lor the salad while your guests will relish the doughnuts and fruit punch made trom lhese quantitj recipes halloween salad serves 6 8 1 tablespoon granulated gelatine v- cup ocld water v cup orange juice heated but not boiled cup orange juice not heated 1 tablespoon lemon juice w cup sugar sprinkling salt kit cuo orange pieces drained 1 cup shredded raw carrols k cup chopped walnut meats soak gelatine in cold water 5 mln utes add heated orange juice hom is n super stturaitd solution of snails and as sm li rm be sitisfac j tonl ued in replacing other sugars in efmikwif cunning or presenilis pro p idd c i un tntrtl rue lire lollow id if ni and mixr difftr in that uiar is wft lontninint no moisture or it id whi t honev conslsl of diflcr dit kinds of sugars in solution vith wa ir iiid oti tins a small amount l of icid explains c b gooderh im kiv ptrhap the chief j now tlint the soms mdictte tha b ar fr ut b tti mii rtad the mir i iiiimn in the same m mm r it is tyscb t to make predictions ubou soria n tor when tin dom nion of ruiidi pentls in a retail fashion nun two hunditd million do mrs an niia v ujn ario is f rms of beerikt ilroliol it is safe to predict thit hit re wi 1 u i lj it relief easts i record pn son pipilatlon and in unmng num btr ol highway arcidints st itlstirs how that incrta ed lacihtas tor drinkin inert as the prtvihnie ol ilrunkt in vs bj t rage ilcolml reeiiici tin ritio of ncoer trom pntumonli p rson who ilnnks bter and no mm ls fiw unit is lik 1 to cimrael can iks mi k nid n mi ma its is i lm ol b nw thf u oi br it lovtrmd in inm koln nh the hit fo 1 in jin is li take llnd 34 6 imd in i wit he p irut ipitetl in lamiliir witi tin in tin od li t inn n d mm w irnuik li t it 1 that final and di ike li irkul tim dbvm hit- in soul to bi t i habit out ol noki lg ill rtmn than if sutar alone ls us- il m r sis i ui i uli caki s ennk it and oth i we ncd to be on iiarl come tibcs in which hone is ued in mui di ibinti tirts will kiep molst for a fhnnkud but long period of time without any dc- grow tcriortion of flavour in fact the flau u k t inrit on tin ivtriki in vour will usual impiovc with storagi likh o bicomi mldiils ilmrui honi may replace all mirtt in alcohol ias bei n called thi crt t ca cs a icre the amount of swot teninj decuvi r or alcohol tin llitatir matt rial ls small such as in muffins i it m iki pronilsi s tint n tannot fill find bread tilt follovin rules are fil it ls a minn into whith tin un based on cxh rlmtiital work that has it inkloi an be mileel chrlm s conn the central experimin si is to ovtreome ti fa m otuiwa with honcv in coo ked foexis and by following the e rules hi m cijx m i tw adopted to the use 01 honev i meimire houc always m the li quid form if it is granulated heal over wam water until it is liquid 2 for every cup of honey used reduce the liquid called tor in the recipe by one fifth 3 one cup of honey ls as great in sweeten ng power as one cup of sugar 4 use to teaspoon of soda to each cup of honey 5 increase lhe amount or salt by s to tea spoon g when substituting honey for sugt- in cake reduce the liquid of stir the recipe by one fifth and use half i drink to dissove gelatine add unhealed honey and half sugar fruit cake is orange juice lemon juice sugar and i inv ex tptlon uj this rule and all honey salt when beginning to stiffen add may be used 7 in milk puddings le orange pieees carrot and walnut chill in individual molds until firm tjnmold on lettuce press seedless ral bins hvo tops of molds to make faces oranjr frosted doughnuts for 24 doughnuts allow one good sized doughnut for each guest frost with orange tinted icing made by creaming together well 3 tablespoons butter 2 cups powdered sugar 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons orange juice 1 teaspoon gtated orange rind orange vegetable coloring as needed hot spiced fmit punch serves 24 i quart cider 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup granulated sugar two inch piece of stick cinnamon 6 whole cloves quarts orange juice 2 cups lemon juice orange and lemon slices combine cider brown and granulat ed sugars cinnamon and cloves boll t minutes mix with orange and le nan juice which have been heated just to the boiling point be sure they do not boll pour into punch bowl jtoat cilces off orange and lemon on top lor garnish serve immediately txx mugs fillings and such like add trthohey with the thickening agent e g flour or cornstarch it should also be remembered that honey from dllfcrent sources varies greatly in flavour oenerally speaking the lighter the colour of honey the milder is its flavour experiments have also been con due ted with satlsfactory results on the use of honey in canning in the manu lac ure of icecream honey may be used in place of sugar and in addi- lon the honey will impart a flavour of its own so that no other flavouring need be used honey may be used in many other ways and housewives who are interested in it as a substitute foi sugar are advised to write the public ity and extension division dominion department of agriculture ottawa onl for copies of the following pam phlets which are issued free honey and some of the ways it may be used and its canning time down where i live said the wta dsor man we grew a pumpfcm so big that when we cut it my wife used one- half of it tor a cradle well milled the man from to ronto thats nothing a few days ago right here two fullgrown police men were found asleep on one beet kimxi o nplaee the nitrative unh the lo hive he tells m to watth and pra that we maj moid temptation and withstand temptation religion nn glv the abiding satisfaction to the spiritual joarnings ihtl the alco hollc mlstakinl craves deed or condition 10 examination of oiir own live i of world conditions wrong end tragedy it is idle to sa that we arc as we arc because the world ls as it ls much truer ls it td snj lh it world ls as it ls btcailse we arc i we are the trouble ls not alone in our separate deeds but in our na ture on characters there are evil deeds hint we do not do yet we dcsln to do them and have to check ourselves trom doing them al times we stand aghast as gods spirit lajs bare the subterranean depths of exlstence the ne testament means something b such words as lost and perish our alienation from god makes it nc- fall millinery j jj misses claridge an- nounce the arrival of new fall millinery styles to suit any taste m colors to suit any scheme missesclaridge main st georgetown nrjuu block tjpitahi jj mcintosh apples 21 carrots 2 7c large bunches cabbage 5- finn heads bananas 7 spmial priok wtth tin ncupson ol candy t srtrtaj wgjit ml wt nmm tl rifht t ml carrolls maia street georgetown free delivery phase 3st t

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