Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 25, 1939, p. 6

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page 6 the georgetown herald wednesday evening october 25th 1939 i our farm cage items of interest to every farmer interesting outline early agriculture the cctual beginning of agriculture tn canada cannot be stated definitely as crude attempts at cultivation by the native indians were reported by the earliest recorded visitors to the country writes dr o s h barton deputy minister dominion depart ment of agriculture in the 1939 can ada year book jaques cartler in 1535 reported that the indians around hochelaga at the foot of mount roy al where montreal now stands wore cultivating small patches of land for the proquctlon of malse the huron ihiani living in the area close to lake huron and georgian bay are al so reportedto have been growing com peas and beans when first visited by the white adventurers since the arrival of the first french colonists in acadia canadian agricul ture has gone through several rather distinct stages the early settlements in the maritime provinces and que bec with comparatively slow develop ment until 1750 from 1750 to 1850 set tlement of upper and lower canada was in full swing and agricultural growth was steady it not rapid after confederation and the completion of the canadian pacific railway in 1888 the development of western canada was rapid and agriculture in eastern canada went through a period of re adjustment in the light of develop ment in the western provinces historical information dealing with the first period ot settlement ls found chiefly in the reports of early visitors to the country and early records of settlement schemes the first recor ded white settlement in canada was at port royal now annftnnlis nova scotia by a group or french pioneers in 160o here the settlers cleared and cultivated small plots of land on which they grew maize pumpkins and beans cows were brought out by poutrin court in 1606 the first real farmer is said to have been louis hebert who started farming in 1617 on the site of what is now quebec otj agriculture m upper canada ontario was also introduced by the french the first settlement being established by fron- tenac at kingston in 1671 confirm superiority vanguard erban oats the yield obtained from tests of oat varieties conducted over eastern can ada in 1939 again oonftnn the merits of the two new varieties vanguard and erban vanguard originated from a cross between banner and hajlra made by the cereal division at the dominion rust laboratory winnipeg it is high ly resistant to stem rustvipens ear lier than banner or victory and is conside ed to be in the same general class from a yield standpoint in non- rust years m years tfhen stem rust of oati ls bad vanguard outyleld banner victory and erban by a sub stantial margin t the districts in eastern canada to which vanguard appears to be parti cularly wen adapted are now fairly vtell known by the cereal division of ficials m ottawa who are alwavs glad to assist farmers m coming o a de cision us to the variety they should choose erban originated at the ontario agricultural college from a cross be tween early ripe and banner it ls recommended for districts in eastern canada where tear rust rather than stem rust is liable to occur it is not resistant however to the forms of leaf rust which occur in the prairie provinces from a jield standpoint erban vanguard and victory are much in the same general class in most districts in non rust vears but where leaf rust is a serious factor erban has proven definitely superior since these varieties arc of very now time to buy certified potatoes egg dealers fined several convictions for violation of the egg regulations were recently re corded in different parts qf canada an edmonton alberta dealer was fined 00 and 10 costs for purchasing eggs as a second receiver at a flat rate wlthouu grading a montreal produ cer was fined 15 and costs on each of four charges or 30 days in jail for selling eggs as a wholesaler below the grade stated a kamsack saskatche wan dealer was fined 25 and costs for purchasing eggs as a first receiver at a flat rate without grading a tor onto dealer was fined 120 or ten days in jail for selling eggs as a wholesaler below the grade stated and another toronto denier was fined t75 for de llverlng to wholesalers eggs below the grade stated onions maintain stronfc lead at montreal fri it tlrminal all the potatoes sweet potatoes peas and beans and spinach put together cannot equal the ontons more than 7500 000 pounds strong that go through the montreal fruit terminal in a ear less than 3 000 000 pounds of potatoes are received and des patched acccording to lhe manager of the terminal which is a subsidiary of the canadian national railways and there is only hall as much spinach as potatoes estimated individually instead of b the po ind then are more than 10 600 000 radishes nearly 7 500 000 shal lota more than 3o 000 000 cirrots 2 800 000 heads of cabbage nearly cent introduction the supplj of seed three times as many heads of kttuce ls naturally omewhat limited names in the terminal thirc are 15 nptn ol growers whose fields were inspec- hg rooms foi the convenience of tht ted for certification or registration 16 000 000 pounds ol tomatots thuj are duri lg he past summer maj be had itciivi t iirj vt ir from the plant prooucts division i dominici department of agriculture ottawa and it ls strongly urged thai those farmers who reside in dis nets subject to attacks from either stem mat or leaf rust and who have not ill readv secured seed of one of these var 1 every year many growers of seed potatoes throughout canada who have good seed crops have to sacrifice the major part of their crop as table pot atoes tn the autumn on account ol a poor domestic market for seed al that season of the year those who are situated near the atlantic seaboard can usually dispose of a good percen tage of their crop to fill the keen ex- port demand tor certified seed but it is just as necessary for the other seed growers to sell at least a part of their crop to help tide them over the winter according to john tucker chief in- spector plant diseases dominion de partment of agriculture it would aid i the seed potato industry very materi- ally and incidentally afford the com mercial potato growers the opportunity to get some of the best seed at reas onable prices if a practice of buying eed in the early autumn when the seed ls more plentiful and cheap were adopted the seed growers too who had fields which barely made the grade for cer u flea i ion this year should be on the lookout now for supplies of disease- free foundation seed of the highest quality such seed is very limited in quantity ind is usually snapped up quickly by the export buyers good loundauon seed will cost a little more but is worth it to replace all seed honln signs of defeneration this will materially assist in making oerti fled seed growing less hazardous and at the time time improve product v it and decrease cost of production mar inal certified seed is quite suitable for table potato production but should not be relid upon for seed production the district inspector in charge of the eed potato work will give unbiased information on the quality of anv seed growers crop in canada right now nadlan apples f i jmadaa finnt i orchard 1 plenty of them too lhaae that nor- m mally would be exported overseas mm well aa our own usual generous supply and thanka to the higher minimum grade requirement a there are greaterthanaverage qualities of the finer fancier hijthergrotfe eating apples so all through this years apple season order hheral quantities of canadian apples for eating cooking entertaining and for jelly- pi ojjer a fall will lulp t i leiies should gas storage of food i divsion as soon as possible as the sup e with this griss the following y i should bt allowed to lo into the in view of the importance of iiie conservation of fod particularlv in time ol war an article in the latest is- sue of scientific agriculture on car bon dioxide research ls of special in terest the time honoured method of preserving food by storage in low temperature rooms states the writer can be materiallj improved by the ad dition of carbon dioxide to the atmos sphere this ls harmless b pro duct gas which can be used to restrain the growth of micro organisms and j concomltanl spoilage and the me- tbod of its use is known as gas stor age while new to north america this method has been applied commer dally on a large scale in englind for some time about 200 food preserving piantshaving used it in 1939 to a var ied list of food products such as fish fruit vegetables eggs dnlrj products and meat it should be of great slg nlflcance to meat packers in canada and the united states that australia and new zealand shipped to enland in 1937 a total of 75 000 000 pounds of chilled bee fin gas storage the product arriving after an average trip of 28 days in better condition colour and bloom than ever before gas storage is not a panacea for all ills afflicting the processing transportation and storage of foodstuff but it ls regarded as a step in the right direction pl will lot ukclv last long i farmers whose helds of vanguard hn t mnln lor frban were not ins pern d mm find lh r a demard from buvers who are pre i ir pared to take a chance as to the pur doni li v uv ind enuineness of the sped of ei l ftred such buvtrs however would r m bt wtll uiv se 1 to ccure at ikst a a sdldur w it to his colom 1 and asked lor leave to jo home to help his wife with her fall house cleaning i don t like to refuse you said t hi ol jut 1 but v just rt ct ived a letter from vour wife saving thit you an no u1 around the house 1i oklur nued and turned to m at tht door he slopped turned marked persons ing and preserving youll enjoy them li iii be doing e your try a mennely and sfjtvick at the same llm nd remember canadian apples are govern men graded ask to see the grademark oi the container when you buy umrkrllff srrrirr dominion department of acric t lture ottawa o buy by grade buy with confidence apples and halloween i app es scoop out centre with a tea- poon cook pulp to sauce consis- i tencj adding a little water if neces- arv prcs through a sieve to remove core an 1 seeds sweeten to taste and j fill appiecups for sf v ing colon i ill x hi ind 1 1 t mimed i he in of i hem eed tv of regxsttred i order to insure a upplv i matcml for future ue old ef ontario cattle for us teacher brightlv as we walk out of doors on a cold win ers morning and look about us what do we see on every hand class as a man gloves mr ches er p wil ird snll river mass h just piirrhi ini i hipmin of eihton lie id nl piiibed hcl on fop inn rattle from bm 1i r m the roi hit s ol well tin on hnlton and per mf t d gale sa es agent for wilhn- on counlv and wm robin on st ps isent for hnlton countv is isted m the pirchwe of these e cellent animals tiim en nbiti it tn lie hipmeni were f t mallett s sons palmers on tho himmond moon f n id fvrrxtt c oxb rothsav f a niwhonsi bnmpton chts cimptxll inclrwood samuel dirnell guelph r cooper a son mono road s a t i i hi mp son gorketovvn amos bnibncier mooietitid j h booth moorerield c w stovel a son rookwood j d macdonald inglewood w d mcki r m rockwood archie mrfarhem pa mcrsion j d gale guelph mr farmer get youi m i inn in lon d t in gruss i ill ks ii i ion slum d lx iiv ii to tir illl i i s- s 11 in vnit in in ilui it ill w 1 t on li lnwn n hie in 1 ill ii iiniil fin jer inform tioi nn ser fie turf problt ms such ls till i in f 1 11 ihil triss uvvns unci tx v be ob ained from n r on ision of for ki p nuts centr 1 fm ininitn fnrm ottawa a t i v luu 1 is h hr k m id lp one mbrrlla auction sale posters at this ofrce mum inm r ire no doubt oi it mpaltin 1 oklmg auction slts tl mn we prim r ur jxv t r our prlc s nre j n ht ind workm mslup hrm 4 las 5 8 georgetown herald blitzkrieg vs trlth haltowccri aslhe feast of apples ha it six da 1 inificance this ar it herr hitler intimates in his strident vvi afford an opportumt to support wa that he could teach the british tht ipy u of lhe government of can governnmt sonu thing about propa- idt for co opt ration in bringing about ban the charge interests us be- i 1 itm r onsumptum of apples during cause ir busines ls in part concer- the n t few mom lis an abnormal ned with the propagation of ideas and quaiitiiv of apples has betn thrown on principles propaganda itself is i respectable word none mort so thtre is the college of prapianda composed of carlinals of tht church of rome and in olo una honour d oifcinization of i he churth of england ls lhe society itrwovi wiili tht hisior of mankind for the propagation of the gospel 4n since the creation when adam was foreign pnrts from the latin pro- ikinteti to dress the garden of eden niaius to propagate ls to cause to- kii p i t up ls 1115i tht up jcoitinue oi multiph and propa- tht canrdlti market througt i he rur luilmtn ef luppin iwct a n r esult of urn tht pple is more elaselv ated with h how i n hi i anv o her fruit or vtkt ble indeed the apple l s in fnteei imioita to tht here- or sets of principles are- in ihis fuin n f o h r istknhar s 1 uiri blliein ss i tlieiv nre p 1 ippl l 1 v in pif r time bt ol ovtrwhi lmintr lada basici vvlvolp human race bv doctimts in it kind of th ulksemin u j iikiired in tlie lore since 1914 ihe vvoid of ancient re- n tlnn iooo veirs up soils uspectabiluv has developed a we rf salt to show smisur ronnotiiion blunily propa- h ipe the outline lhiici i is i visioned bv hitler ls the tn a gent rous bin i rammini of lies down the uiroaus of rt tht rt vv i m n gullible cltipil of ones own country of or other countries or all countries m de that i tivltv n is lomlorting to find in it so great an authority as hitler the belitvi tint brltlsh leaders to whom loo for guidance and leadership lacking in kill it probablj never i i thp appli tnts on om i the other inl nasons win iked wuhhilloween it tht u ttv il of po s mmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmm mm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmm put your hogs on tlie market faste and get better quality higher prices get steadier better egg production and get a full ten months production produce all the milk the breeding of your cows permits and get lower milk production costs with master feeds master pi starter master pig feed concentrate master 41 hog concentrate master laying mash red head egg mash clo master fleshing pellets master oc pellets master poultry concentrate master dairy concentrate gainmaker dairy feed master calf pellets walter lawson stewarttown master dealer phone 84r22 ml m m m w m m lvi m m m b m m m m m m m m m m llits plnvttl an imiwrtani part occurrc 1 to him that the government dl m iitted i v if t children of a di niocraev cuniot be successful m ho use in house asktng for in dilcminitiug untruths and deep apples in he sarin w as in tur loval bones wt fetl that our in canidi snlini hallow t tn sui t smt ti do not wlsh to dp so on iv pomona was the italian fimdamenutl questions at least of fruits partiru irlv apples offkiai uttt ranees since late aug- vi d her festival the duck usi itut demonstrates that the mail ipples in tubs of wn er wis a j or ovnimnt which lies has some i ind wet went fi pomon t rhilort n nppli ofrit v jomn 111 oi lebratlons in the homes al the same t me the eve ol hie 31si of cm tober and lhe pre ceding davs iround the rnd of the month wt re ihi occasions of harvest iikfothir eert monies in various conn trlts particularlv in britain and other countries undi i lhe swav of the druids when chnstianltv was established and the 31s of october named as all hnl lows evr or halloween as the vigil of hnllowmass or al saints daj it was onv natural uiat mam of the pagan festivities which were tn accordance tht li ir ls never ham- lered bv facts fxixrlence has shown that hit it rt iu i ble hearers always it is a much longer task and one re quiring the eercle of patience to catch no with all the lies those who havt bet n misled are reluctant to ad mit that uiev have been fooled tra- gicnllv fooled in the case of the ger mans fimdimenial truths can be grasped bv the majontj yet destruction may overtake the nation or the great busl- ness or tlie individual if there ls not iti the chrlstian religion were adop ue constant propagation a prepar- ted or continued in use bj the christ i edness or truth will bring defeat to twd pagans particularlv the merry campaigns of mls in formation especi- or- customs associated with the all t war can expect to win only apple and in these times at hauowe l a hgbuilng war en it still ls the principal association j thls organization adheres to tho in the festivities tor uie occasion ap- truui emanating or bellev- ples hoi or cold are alwavs welcomed at halloween parties here are some recipes appropriate to halloween taffy apples 2 cuo siicar 1 teaspoon cider vinegar i cup water a fw grains salt boil together until it cracks when dropped in cold water remove from fire and set over a pan of boiling wa ter add a few drops of red vegetable colouring wash and polish medium suted red apples insert a wooden skewer in blossoms end of each and dip appe in syrup turning until well coated place on waxed paper until cool apple faces red or yellow apples may be used insert cloves to represent eye a blanched almond for a nose and cut a silt formpuut children show or lglnallty tn creating different facial stcaawd apples steam red apples until tender re- mow skin carefully the red blush wfll remain on the apple serve oold wltn cream plain or whipped ante cava out a slice frcta itoe stem of red cd have emulated from hat great philosopher the late p t bamuffl that jou can fool some of the people all the umeall the people some of the time but not all the people all the time we are interested in work ing for individuals and organizations who would constant enlarge that group of people who are seldom fool ed most canadian institutions are we belive sincerely endeavoring to win a wide and correct understanding we have helped and are helping in a number of instances we can help others the printed word completed splendid record the jersey cow broadview eminent hiss owned and tested by f w rud- deu sons georgetown ontario has recently completed a splendid record of h421 lbs of milk 725 lbs of fat with an average test of 625 st 10 rears of age in 3s5 days and baa barn awarded a gom medal certtftcata bjrthe canadian jersey cattle ohm the jersey cow royalist rushmc no owned and tested by r j gra ham oeo ontario has recent ly completed a splendid record of 10- 710 fee ox mflk 507 ite of fat wttli an average test of 413 as a senior two year old tn 306 days rok i l daughter of the sirtwr mi brtmpton favorite royalist

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