Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 1, 1939, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening november 1st 1939 page 7 his excellency lord twcedsmulr i governorgeneral of canada will i give a message to canadian listeners during ho remembrance day broad- cut o be presented by the cbc in cooperation with the canadian le gion of the british empire facrvice i league saturday novenibe 11 at i 7j0 to 830 pjn est his excellency refill speak from ottawa ard his d- j dress will be directed particularly to iafbe veterans of the great war the first hail of the programrre will be l devoted to the mergory of the fallen tand immediately following lord 1 tweedsmulrs rematfcsr- the mendel ssohn choir under uie direction of jdr h a pricker will glv a progrun t patriotic music including the na tal airs of england prance and and the broadcast will originate it at the eaton auditorium torunto and the audience will consist largely 1 of legion members benjamin britten the british com- 1 poser who wrote young apollo dur- tag his first visit to caatda this past 1 summer and dedicated the work of alexander chuhaldln ana us cbc i melodic strings orchestra is now i working on a number of new com- i positions m new york where he will i remain for the winter hets-aeeom- jpanled by peter pear who asslsteo i him in a recital of mr britten own i song arrangements which was pre- 1 tented to the national netwert from j the toronto studios last june mr i britten made a special trip to toronto i in august to be assisting irtit dur- 1 jng the world premiere of young i apollo by the chudaldin orchestra an interesting series of special kapeakjers one each week will be featured on the farm broiiiast fjr the ontario region during the win- i ter months the farm broadcast de- 1 partment is at present working on this new series of interviews whcn i irlll begin late m november and will i be heard each thursday thereafter i from cbl toronto during the vgu- i lar broad time at 12 30 to 1 00 pin est 1 this series will seek to bring to the farm broadcast men and women who mellknown in canadian agrlcul- i tore interviews with agricultursts j from other countries will also be in bcluded so that through cbc micro- phones their ideas may be presented 1 to canadian farmers the cbc will broadcast the drat performance in canada of cotillon by arthur benjamin the australan- bora composer lecturer and pianist now a resident of vancouver cu- lon gay and amusing and based or early english dancmgtunesvhas been announced as the principal work to be palyed on the broadcast portion of the toronto syjnphony orchestra concert under vhs dlreouon of sir ernest macmulan on tuesday nov ember 21t 10 00 to 1100 pm est frommassey hall toronto on this date thevguest artist will be the dis tinguished hungarian canadian vio linist jean de rlmanoczy who ha been heard many times in recital over cbc networks from vancouver and as soloist with the vancouver sym phony orchestra obc spontaneous purveyors of musical nonsense the happy gang made another highly successful per sonal appearance recently when their tunes and chatter captivated a 1200 capacity audience at the eaton audi torium the occasion was the air commodore fellowes dbo chapter iojxe gala evening and it is re ported hat the chapter members were as delighted with hugh bart- letts goon stories as are the most ardent happy gang fans who tune in each week day at 1 00 pjn est to cbc stations for this musical jam boree listeners frequently hear a radio hfcihouncer closing his programme with the words we hope you have enjoyed listening to this programme as much as we have enjoyed present ing it not always convincing says cbcs frank willis but in the case of his programme nocturne heard sundays at 1030 pm est from to ronto it is apt poetry is mr willis great passion with sailing and tra velling and he says that no man can have a better companion in lonely places than a book of verse this is one programme which is all fun and no work for the producer john adaskln who has performed for years as a concert artist and who has produced many of the outstand ing musical broadcasts on the cana dlan air during the past five yean from cbc s toronto studios had mike fright the other day when bob bowman of the cbc special events department decided to take listeners back stage at masse hall to see just what goes on at a toronto symphony orchestra rehearsal be in- tenlewedjcr adaskln who is the producer in charge of broadcast ar rangements mr adaskln fctxnra nearly every microphone by its first name but he admits that he was so nervous during the impromptu inter view on the subject of mikes that he could hardly keep his voice above a whisper nervous young artists take courage here is a radio veteran who knows how it feels i cbc listeners who enjov the brilli ant twopiano arrangements of scott malcolm and reginald oodden may be interested to know that these two young canadians have played before distinguished concert audiences throughout canada and the united states many of the arrangements they play are their own and it has been their good fortune to win suc cess with the performance of works ranging all the way from bach to the ultramoderns they have also con trived to suggest on two pianos the tonal effects heard in a full orchestra federal remembrance day ceremony to be broadcast the feeling that canada s is the peace tower of um parliament buildings the annual re membrance day ceremony will be held on parliament hill and broadcast from ottawa by cbc to the nation al network on saturday november 11 10 451130 ajn est a simple service will be held in the presence of the governorgeneral lord tveedsmulr prime minister mackenrie king canadian dignitar ies or church and state the diplo matic corps and consular representa tives of many countries with thous ands of troops of the ottawa area and many more than that number of veterans and civilians a choir conducted by cyril rich wood will open the programme with o canada and brigadier w w foster and maurice olivier will read short messages of remembrance after which the guns will signal a two minutes silence the end of the sil ence will be marked by the last post echoing between ifie parliament buildings at the conclusion of the closing hymn reveille will be sound edby trumpeters far above on thi gallery of the peace tower retur fostek hewitt returns for new hockey season with his usual cheery greeting hello canada and hockey fans tn the united slates and newfoundland foster hewitt will inaugurate a new series of saturday night hockey broad ca ts on november 4 at 9 00 pm these broadcasts which will origin ate in the maple leaf gardens tor on saturday november 11 cana dian dignitaries members of the dip lomatic corps and citizens will gather before the peace tower of the par liament buildings at ottawa to hon our remembrance day prom par liament hill the canadian broad casting corporation will bring to lis teners of the national network t fortyfive minute broadcast of the cerem beginning at 10 45 ajq est the above photograph m taken during last years ceremony onto will bring to listenersplay-by- play descriptions of all saturday night home games of the toronto maple leafs throughout the winter months foster hewitt is a veteran hockey announcer and his vivid commentar ies during the past years have gained foithlm a host of admirers from coast- tocoast speaking from the gondola high above the playing surface hew itt will rail the playas the maple leafs meet the boston bruins in their first official national hockey league game of this esason the losing side little algernon ito the old lady who has jui arrived and whom he has ne ver seen before so you re my grandmother are you old lady yes on your fathers side algerron well you re on the wrong side 111 tell ou that rtirht now kkoztmm the new ford cars for 1940 three jears ago j frank willis earned an international radio reputa tion for his dramatic reporting of the now historic moose river mine rescue since that time he has been a very busj personality of the cbc stall last ear he spent six months in the antipodes is exchange producer for the canadian broadcasting corpora lion to the australian broadcasting commlvion he returned to canadi just prior to the roal visit and again assumed the role of commentator on coast to coast tour since his tlsfir to toron o a lew monins j ii tius bein in charee of feature primmitaitons these hate lnclud cd of furs the storj of 22 important improvements added to fundamental ford features represent the most advanced engineering in jthe lowprice field what do the ford cars for 1940 ofcr to match tbar brilliant new beauty new comfort convenience quiet aafiety and the roomiest richest interiors ever designed or a ford car they have a host of interesting new features there is s fingertip gearshift conveniently located on the steering post an improved transsusason is nmisnsll easy to shift new controlled ventilation improved shock absorbers improved apring sospenaaon and a new ridea a combination of new features make the new cars quieter in operation tbeynave big powerful hydraulic brakes they have new sealedbeam headlamps that are safer stronger and stay bright longer they have ae famous 85jip ford v8 engine winch blends asunder smoothness with pius the fundamental foid featutes 22 important ford improvements for comfort mon room hmd ntw coauolbd vo- talarthwri new tomon bar nd fbitirr i aptng wawpenaloti sdut- ting shock mbmaat t a dnrcr mmt nawtype nmtmmt front mm back new floaimgedg mmcmtvot for convmbke n rapetip c evm v j frank willis gold and last veek a da in the llte of a recruit he will also act as producer o several other feature presentations now being arranged bjp i the cbc these broadcasts will cover i fishing transportation and other subjects or similar importance mr wills ts also heard as narrator of reading and poetrj on nocturne isundas at 1000 pm born and raised j in nova scotia frank willis was edu- cited rt kmcs college school upon gradual on h- decided to pursue an artistic cireer since that time he 1 has distinguished himself as artist loet anr actor in addition to his brotdcasmg ac ii ea iiirui iriits ot tire week thnrsdav november 2 730 lat pm sons by jean cle mom a quir ir hour of ballads b frch baritone jean clement from mon rta 8 00 830 pm one man s finuh another interesting rpl ode in the iife of the barbour fam- ih from hollywood 10001100 pjn the music hall more tongs by bing cosbj ith john scott trotters or chestrajrom hollywood 11 151130 p m star dust musical interlude ith blaine ma the viollnit asnd leo barkin pianist rroro toronto fncht november 3 9 009 30 pjn fast freight actu alit oradcast prepared and presented bj the cbc special events depart ment from toronto 10 00 1030 pm sonirs of empire varietj programme with onhestra and soloists from van couver 1030 10 45 pm learning and remembering talk on psychology b dr millj harrower from montreal 1130 12 00 mid woodhouse and haw kins corned team and orchestra from winnipeg saturday november 4 1230 1 00 p jn the children s scrari book varietj programme for child ren from toronto 1 00 730 pjn larry cross and company instru mental group directed by harry nlsh- olson with songs by larry cross from toonto 9 001030 pjn hockey broadcast the rtrst of this seasons saturday night broadcasts from tor onto i035 1130 pjn nbc sym phony orchestra symphony concert conducted by arturo toscanlnl from sunday norcanber 5 11301200 j the souther- nalres songs by negro male quartet from new york 1001j5 pjn old country mall talk by r bert baaed on letters- from england from toronto 2 002330 pjn tore miisleale soloists and concert orchestra directed by james obartson from winnipeg 30000 pjn phil- harmoiucsyrophony of new york symphony concert conducted by john barbiroui from new york 63o6j00 pjn moments of melody or and solotata directed by mmrjorte payne from hahta 630a4s pjn the world today a review of the weeks news by edgar mclnnla from toronto 73oj00 pan cbc string symphony all string orchestra raeted by alexander ohodaldm tram toronto 9301000 pjn the road to yesterday music and songs of ye directed by boland oodd from toion o 10 00 10 30 pm drama radio drama directed bj rupert cap- inn from montreal mondar november 6 230 3 00 pm rochester civic orchestra svmphonj concert con ducted b guj fra er harrison front rochester 7 007 15 p m gcrhardt soger interview with gerhardt so ger prominent german democratic social ltader from montreal 8 00- s30 pjn toramj ricgs and betty lou varietj programme with freddie richs orchestra fom new york 103010 45 pm dogs in harness talk b axel nielson from winnipeg tuesday noremtter 7 830 8 5 o m tuesday night party varietj programme with walter o keefe and man martin from new york wio 9 15 pm malcolm and oodden recital by scott malcolm and reginald oodden from toronto 9 15 930 pjn canada s fighting sex- ices talk bj a member of the de partment of national defence from ottawa 10 0o- 11 00 p m toronto symphony orchestra symphony concert conducted by sir ernest mac mulan from toronto wednesday november 8 415430 pjn redated furniture talk by jessie bethune from toron- 8 0030 pjn canadian snap shots actuality broadcast and or chestra directed by samuel hersen- horn from toronto 9301000 pjn music by faith orchestra and solo ists featuring arrangements by percy faith from toronto 113013 00 mid oowlers old timers old time music directed by jimmy oowler from win nipeg for sale 200000 face brick lumber etc wrecking haltm brick hnl ml tenm crjua out aptnyon job n v

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