Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 3, 1940, p. 2

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f the georgetown m4 hli wnd niisiday evening january 3rd i94bl tottreats of the town ur the villages of olen wu- fadand terra cotta issued st oeortetown if m black face type so per line additional notices qui rw swto- mflh ii concerts entertainments society chm i herald easiness office duly tsrecuair plainly noted in writ advbrrusxnotatbsxesal not mr line tor each subsequent insertion 1 uc per line for first insertion be per line for each quallfrtnaaa huich ui or reports of tfis -i- 80c and 10c per poetry birth maftiage and death nouces 50c small ad- vwxuements one inch or less 60c for first insertion and 35c for each sub- awiuent insertion display advertising rates on application although every precaution- will be taken to avoid error the herald pto advertising in its columns on the understanding that it will not be me jbr any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless a of such attverugenient is reqwated by the advertiser and returned to cotpsfated in apriirws7 and service was actually in effect between van couver and seattle as early a- sep tember of thauyear purlng 1038 the company airaaft became erfaniniar sight in thesk as they piled their way regularly across the country on survey and training flights and began carrying express and over some sec tions of the route malls bui it was in march 1039 that- the overnight mall schedule was inaugurated be tween montreal ottawa and toronto the prairie cities and vancouver and it was a month later that the tca by the advertiser and with such error thexeon and in thatase u any etror so noted la not corcted by the herald its liability shall not exceed- such proportion of the entire cost of such advertlsemeat as the space otfcupl- att by the nced-erna- bears to the hole space oocuplect by suchadver- tawmrni the heraijddoes job printing op all kinds a prayer for the new year roh grant us vision ood this year tp carry our banners up the timeless hills to peace ttorn our swords to plowshares this we ask thee sound the bugle god and bring re lease prom hatred that so long has held us captive- vrom greed that looks on lowlands not the stars too long weve groped each in his little kingdom oh take from us each hurting thing that mars jhelp us this year to walk the cosmic highway that goes where fields are green arid rivers clear to watch bright sun lay rugs on april meadows to brave the winter without cry or fear to know seedtime and harvest will not perish that day must come if there has been ihe night that months will pass unchanged in rhytlmic cycle sometime somewhere the pattern will be right give up this year frontiers that are un conquered that lie uncharted in the human bresit bad mans dog by clarence l vose in ourdumb animals mcdonaldwas reared and hated by man and beast in the forested valley 3 british columbia where he lived and trapped he was known as a- dan gerous violent man he was a bully to his scattered neighbors and the cruelty lie displayed in trapping even revolted other hardened trappers men avoided him when he came by and women called their children in and closed the doors but by far the most open haters of mcdonald were the dogs of the neigh borhood whether or not it was the scent- of trapped a n 1 malson his cloth ing or that they could seie his m- joate cruelty dogs at his approach wcud go blto a savage frenzy prom ihe smallest terrier to the largest mas tiff they giowled and barked and had to be called off from biting him when he dogs in the settlement twgan bark ing ferociously pedplewould say mc donald the trapper ts coming and often they were right mcdonald hated dogs as much as they haled him and he was afraid of them whenever he saw one com ing toward him he would aim his rifle at it until the owner called it away many a pet came up missing when the owner was not there to rescue it as the years passed old age came to the trapper and he became mild under its influence no longer did he 17 8b y fik nhboh out netrled to sinai flesh bruised by thorns hearts val iant in the test lead us through wildernesses dear god and bring us this time next year to gayer braver days when we shall come again as grateful children whose hearts arc tuned to richer hymns of praise new years resolution x will start the new year gladly with a clear and noble aim 1 will give unselfish service to enrich anothers name j will speak a word of courage to a soul enslaved by fear i will dissipate drab discord with the sunshine of good cheer i will be sincere and humble to the work i have to do i will not indulge in censure bat will praise the best in you i will keep my mind and body sound and flexible and pure i will give my time and study to the things that long endure x will do- what i am able to advance a worthy cause 1 will strive to lessen evil and obey gods righteous laws x will pray to him to guide me jh the straight and narrow way 31 will shun false pride and folly jand 111 live my best each day slumber song 1 think ill join the army and ac quire a jinlform although i will admit i have a some- jrhat puny form say chest is only thirtytwo my waist line slightly more 3cr shoulders are a trifle round my height is five feet four and yet i htnk theyll take me be cause to make things right xtj promise that ih1 wear my pink pyjamas every night jk may not be a fighting man in fact i know im not it sooner s rthome than run the risk of getting shot aut he needs a lesson and i think st only fair tjiat i should overcome my fears and strive to do my share and who is better qualified to teach ihe dirty sweeps than one like me who always weir pyjamas when be sleeps ot late weve heard a lot of people eriacto the way our gvremment conducts the war but x should like to say vbe goteminent is very right the cr yery wrong the war will not last long 3tor- hetme win collapse and all 11s ttkttersdje of fright wyhetr the see our- boys arrayed in jnik pjrjataw every night thetranscanada l ajjjes in 1939 sj hungerford preakumt for the travelltngand shipping pub lic of ca the transcanada air reality in the year that just closed t t was in per cent of scheduled miles were com- military service we have- it is true began carrying passengers ta double tlon of a hangar at moncton was be- daily service was established between lethbrfllg calgary and edmonton in july montreal ottawa and toronto were llnkedbyi plane leaving in the morning and returnhrgthe same night this service wasaugmeted on novem ber 1 by a plane flying inthe opposite direction at the sams time the tca pushed on to its eastern ter mlnus at moncton in dall famili zation flights on which express and a limited amount of mail on an ex perimental basis was carried early in th4 new year the montreal-monc- ton section will become part of the re gular transcontinental operation the response of tffecanadian public to their- national air service has been most gratifying during the nine months from april 1 when the first travellers flew across the dominion we carried nearly 22000 passengers each of the first live months was bet ter jhan the one preceding it until the peak was reached in august n september there was a slight drop and another in october but november was third only to july and august and it was estimated that it would be ex ceeded by december business we ex pected a heavy volume of travel dur ing the- summer- when our aircraft could not accommodate all the traffic that offered but the rise in november and december usually quiet months in air travel was particularly encourag ing some of this may be attributed to the increased tempo of business brought about bv the war but an im portant factor is the growing ar- consclousness of the canadian people up to the end of november trans- canada air lines had carried 402263 pounds of mall in november the total amount was 41596 the largest volume with the ttgeeptlon of auk us t wlieri 43994 pounds were carried with in estimated increase in december when the holidays help swell the malls the total for the year will be more than 440000 pounds air express has shown a gratifying increase in volume the amount car ried 4n march was about 90 per cent greater than the february total april showed a 60 per cent increase over march and may a 50 per cent increase over april in november 7046 pounds were carried the greatest volume of the year the december fltnire was- not complete at the time of writing make friends with them most them could not forget his past actions however and left him alone he was lonely old man whose life was un- brtghtenod jjy jhlendshlp with man or beast thei one day someone gave him a puppy it became the talk of the valley that mcdonald had a dog some predicted that it- wouldnt last that the dog would fear and hate him like dogs always did others said that the but thr is every evidence that it will tranpftr would some day have a fit of i exceed november the total air ex- fage anoboot the animal j press carried during the year will but the old man lavished all his af- j lection on the puppy and the puppy returned it it grew to be a fine large dog of hound extraction wherever mcdonald went his dog was sure to be with him and whatever the man had good to eat he was sure to divide with his dog they loved each other these two whenever the old man met anyone he would boast how clever his dog was and people seeing his eager old face would forget their distrust and gossip with him the thing for which his lonely old heart had been craving even the neighborhood dogs lost thelr fear and hatred of him he had learned to like them and they knew it hard times came mcdonald had 11 ttl money and was too old to earn a living by trapping and he was far too proud to take charity eventually people rernembered they hadnt seen the old martfor some time and some deckled to look in on him they found him in pitiful shape too weak from starvation to walk then they noticed that the dog was still plump mcdon ald the cruel and heartless had gone iwithout food so his dog would not be mdunr to mot timb6waia in the put 11 moatfea the trans- canada aircraft flaw 3776000 ivmimm miles and 2qp000 on trmtnlnt and sur vey fughtac we experienced tha n- uclpated seasonal difficulties but a high stanrlird of operating- efficiency maintained approximately iwetb awgtotenlng- toatreiam5rfewimynm of schedules enabled wfo reduce the westbound trip from montreal to van couver to 17 hours and 10 minutes and ttio aatboupdttppwlth prevailing tall winds to ib hours in february the companys hangar at toronto airport was token over from the contractor the capacity of the winnipeg hangar which includes the maintenance and overhaul shops was doubled during the summer work was begun on the montreal hangar in june and the building was completea at the end of the year the construe gn in the fall and work is being car ried on under the direction of the companys architect john schofleld who was responsible for the standard design used throughout the system six new aircraft t purchased during the year giving the atr line a fleet of 15 lockheed fourteens and making for stahdardlzatoih of equlp- merit the five smaller planes elec- vrssr rerersntdr it was with regret that we accept ed in september the resignation of mr philip g johnson who as vice- president had been largely responsible for the successful organization and launching of the enterprise he was succeeded by mr d b colyer who had given invaluable service as chief tecnhical adviser at winnipeg mr johnson maintains a connection with the tca in a consulting capacity at the cd of november the staff to talled 463 ofwhlch 81 were flying per sonnel 24 captains 25 first officers imd 27 stewardesses five pilots were in training while it is the policy of the govern ment to preserve the transcanada air lines as an essential service we h not berinjobbed by the war we have men able lu attain esetnp- uon from duty with the military ser vices of fught officers sdr engtneera dupatobara and radio operators who could not bo spared without dlsrupuna the service fortytwo men however have been granted leave of absence for dltlohal personnel employed ttf replace them have been able to meet present requirements plans for 1940 include completion of service to moncton and the operation of a line from toronto to london and windsor during the past few months we have had preliminary discussions with the civil aeronautics authority at washington relative to applications we have made for service from toron to to buffalo and- from toronto to new yotil be aleadeb and att ni paaaeogerbimdavy only passenger and maflv b i passenger dally except saturday and sunday 0j i saturday only aja pat passenger and man flaj pw passenger sunday iuo j2 passenger saturday night only from nov 4 to apr 27 lajtt asm going north mail and passenger 815 ajav w going sowth mail and passenger the boss drives his men the leader poaches them the boss depends an authority the leader on goodwill the boss inspires fear- the leader inspires enthusiasm the boss says i the leader we rthe boss saysget here on time the leader gets there ahead of time the boss fixes the blame for- the breakdown the leader fixes the break- the boss knows how it is done the leader shows how the boss makes work a drudgery the leader makes work a game the boss says oo the leader eays lets oot mr henpeck to boss sir i think its about time igot a raise boss what are you talking about we just put a raise rn your envelope last week mr henpeck why doesnt my wife fell me about these things iu so ql j ft a welcome spirit of good- natured friendliness is a delightful feature of coach havel tooll enjoy toil friendly way to travel tickets and information at w li long phone 89 georgetown directory watson djs mjjj georgetown offloe houisbto 5 eioupt thumkr nnemoons gray coach lines the old man never recovered from his ordeal after his death he had one mourner whose howls of grief could only be stilled by a merciful bullet from a neighbors rifle prejudice y little wife to a r to seek a ditoroe prejudice is one of the worst things we nave to contend with today it ieeas on slander malicious gossip or inaccu info prejudlctf is very fctubborni it wont allow two sides to any aoestlcn one side is in variably right while the other is de cidedly wrong like elertrlclty it has two poles positive and negative the positive is influenced by a strong lik ing for a person a people a nation a renjtipn a political creed a philoso phy and indulges in it with thought less abandon the negative is the op posite and vicious to boot it is de structive in its alms and sows distrust in the minds of the ones agalrut the others prejudice is a wall set up in our mind against understanding and ap preciation it is there -to- prevent the collapse of the weak scaffolding of our thinking mechanism it is there be cause we hate to admit that we are oftentimes wrong it is there because we fear the truth ihe fallacy jf prejudice is bast il lustrated in its snappy judgment of individuals of nations of creeds of scxtuusjbtems without even bothering nar that ts i dldjwur husband desert your yattsiifrj afternoon i w ja f wtisfnr ot a mntnert aadtm to acquaint ltsell with concrete facts beforehand the tehflt cunnot be phlttfllng tft tfttlw- let us mam this cancerous growth trohv oar conscloasneu and replace it with sound knowledge- with tympa- tbetle undentandmg and keen appre ciation andthenwe ahaq have done our share to increase the happiness of us an i icription baflcajhs fi v 7ww heres the thrifty economical wy to subtcribe for this newspaper and your favorite magazines at prices that are really sensational these offers are good either for new or renewal orders it will pay you to look them over and send us die coupon today bio family offer 1mb newspaper 1 year and any three mapwinea check tanam haoazinb enclose wito ornam maclean magazine 1 jr national horn monthly 1 jr t chatelaine magazine 1 yr canadian home journal 1 yr i canadian horticulture fc home magaalne 1 yr bod 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leave geobgetown j- tptam i tttos ajmtis ajbl iaj8p3n o 233 pjn 438 pjn 848 pjn 903 pjn to london 1006 ajn xll20 am 3j8 pni cz36 pjn ay445 pjn 1m pjn fao00 pjn dxlljob pjn exllo pjn except sun and hbl b fifan and hol c saturday only d except sat sun and holi e tat bun and hoi x4o kitchener yto suratford tickets and information at w4j long phone 89 gray coach lines da j e jackson dentw xbm ofllce hours dally 9 to 5 evenings 7 to 9 aw georgetown uooy dale kg m 8tbh bennett ra er ud soucfton m1u street oeoroe ont kenneth bl langdon jffater solicitor notary pahua n mortgage money to loan olieoregor7 theatre bldg mu1 at georielown frank petch ucensed adctioneeb for tne covntlea of peel and hakaa prompt service telephonb9 cheltenham 26 r 23 georgetown 81 r post office cheltenham monuments p0u6ck ingham successors to cater worth- gait ont request phone mtt inspect our work in oreenwood cemetery am nielsen 5th tear of praetio chiropractor xray drugleag tberapist office over dominion store oeorgetoirn souibtao j0 pan closed tfaenday phen xsw mk7an i radio zl j repairing is team kxperle we specialize on 8 this work vt

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