Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 3, 1940, p. 3

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jt rtho georgetown herald wed neday everting january 3rd 1940- pago 3- ttje womans page smiiiiigajiwme anakvm international uniform sondayschool lesson j i tor- fftechrlsjians confession ol faith gojden- text thou are the christ 4b bon of theuving qod matthew sir passage matthew 16i 1334 f heaventhat heard he solemn ijotfcat vqw reriewed shall dally hear xrm in life s latest hour i bow no- bless in death a bond so dear dcdtoirl3 t8t was no chance question when jfeus askedjiis disciples saying whom do men say that i the son of loan am for months their convic tion -had- been growing their master bad taken them away to caesarea m pwlippl for a period of solitude where they might face the next step there 1 a value in decision to continue jeer alter year in doubt does not make f for spiritual health or progress once s declare oursew we are better pre- l to enfbark on some form- of istlan service one of the weak- i of the christian church in the day is the indecislveness of jt joxneof its members they have not made up their mind definitely wheth- tto take christ seriously or not oth ers take a positive attitude declare fai in christ and give him lord ilpbver fher lives they are- ready p-dr- jar action the period of discussion stf mad arguisent is oyer they have xnade ther choice and no longer have dividedminds paul could say this one thing i do because lie knew in whom he had believed f peters declaration 14 16 pete- was frequently the spokesman for the twelve disciples his mind worked quickly and he had a ready tongue doubtless he thought with his emotions as well as with his mind companionship with jesus had con vinced peter that here was a leader greater than john the baptht elijah or jeremiah christ was in a category all by himself peter said thou are the christ the son of the living god that declaration of faith expresses the conviction of millions of christian followers todaj peter said it for all time christ has a place in history that is unique christ had a relation ship with cod that was also his alone we may collect all the words that are descriptive of christ but not all of them together can describe all that he was in himself and all that he has been to christians through the oen turles christians gain in power when they emerge from indecision and make peters confession their own confession 17 20 there has been much discussion as to the exact meaning of christ ing upon this rock i will build my church many hold that the rock is the act of public confession the con viction of truth that demands utter ance christ could not possibly build bis church upon the faith of ec f t and jrilen disciples when men join the army they take the oath of allegiance when men join a lodge they are in iti the church is a fellowship different from other organizations but is founded upon a faith the church is made up of a body of believers every communion service is a witness toat church members are committed people they have publicly confessed rfaithin christ and undcrtakerrto live in his spirit many men have lold tested recipes of the moral strength that hascome to them through the fellowship of the christian church because they de clared themselves in youth they took thejr stand for christ and ever after they ftdt they had to bejru to their colons followup sl23 public profession of faith ratty be the beginning vf christian service but not necessarily ts fuuness enlistment makes a map a soldier but he requires training and discipline long after en listment many people think that conversion is sufficient but conversion only makes possible a life of spiritual development peter declared his faith in terms that are historic yet a few minutes after peter had declared his faith so nobly he- was talking foolishly and was severely rebuked by the mas ter to whom he had cornmittedv himseir conversion does not mean that we will never make mistakes we need to be learners all our days if we are to sqrve christ adequately copvemon dees not mean that we will nedcr have in adequate ideas the christian life is one of progressive understandin an we have repeatedly to houseclean ofir minds of mistaken notions and partial understanding of the truth peter is a warning to us that we may rise to great heights and also fall far below our highest he is an encouragement however for after his rebuke even af ter his denial he redeemed himself and became a really great apostle belief and action 24 our be lefs form the basis for spirit ual growth but belief in itself is in adequate belief must lead to action at caesarea phillppl christ drew out the statement of belief from his dis tuples but in his farewell address in thcvuppt room he gave them prin clples of conduct based upon belief but going far beyond in self discipline and practlcul service there is ring ing reality in the opening w ords of the apostles creed i believe bui we need also the cutting edge christ s challenge if any man will come aflcr me let him deny himself and take up his cro i and iollow mi following christ to the extent of tak ing up the crass is more- than an in tellectual assent it is staking our life on god in the word of a jour nallst i had to learn in my own life wkh my own pioblems that think ing was not enough there had to be something else something larger than intellectual progress i learned that 1 had to find god i learned that i had to face myself and i had to learn that i must live by love and by faith ard that only as i lived in love and faith could my thinking be of any value to mankind questions for dlscussion 1 hae jou eer formulated jour tatement of belief 2 what is your strongest conviction about christ 3 is jou standard of christian llv ing like rock or sand 4 was peter a sentimentalist 5 why is christianity known as the religion of the cross ilesaon outlines copyrighted by the interna onol council of religious education used by permission increasing attention to nutrition makes a recent pamphlet issued by the board of education of great britain nt jtpnin1 intjrwmrt of willi ttmp it dfili quality guaranteed creamed turkey 2 tablespoons butter 2 cups milk 2 tablespoons flour 2 cups diced cold cooked turkey melt buttexadd flour bjend well add heated jnuk and cook 10 minutes in a double boiler stirring well add turkey heat thoroughly- serve dressing rings or potato baskets f dressing binob 2 cups bread crumbs salt pepper and savory u 4 cup arelted butter 1 egg mix in order lven press into but tered small ring molds or one large ring bake 15 minutes at 275 degrees p while hot fill with creamed turkey potato baskets 3 cups hot mashed potatoes 1 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons butter melted 2 eggs 3 tablespoons milk beat eggs wel add other ingred ients and s into pota oes ghape in to baske brown in a hot oven fill with cieamed turkey scalloped tu 2 tablespoohsbutter i teaspoon salt 5 tabespoens flour pepper 1 cup stock from boiling turkey bones melt butter add flour then hot stock sir until well blended and tnickened add reasonin cover the bottom of a baking dish with cracker or bread crumbs add bits of left over turkey meat about l cups pour sauce over sprinkle top with crumbs dot with butter bike tt 375 degrees until browned turkey and oysters v 2 tablenoors butler v 1 cup milk alt 1 cup cooked turkey 2 tablespoons flour 1 stalk celery finely chopped peppt 1 cup ojstts make cream sauce as for escalkiped turkey add tc ery arrange turkey and c irs in ijci in baking dish pour auri over cover with buttered lrumo bike u 300 dtgmeb 10 mlrt u e tl rkey hash 1 cup b own turkey gravy 1 cup minced cooked turkey 1 en hipped cold cooked potatots vmlx well spirad in a hot we 1 gieased frving pan when browned fold ovr like an omtkt serve with ennberry sauci with the problems of planing meals for school children especially those evacuated from the cities to the coun try cejjral canteens have been suggest ed so that it will tie more possible to see that the children are well ed day by daj the board of educations pamphlet is intended to help the peo- plo faced with the problems of a can teen not the least of these problems it is pointed out is the fact that the children who have come to live in new homes are trying to get used to new conditions and the canteen organizers in their turn are being facetf with difficulties hitherto unencountered eg limited and unfamiliar equipment for storing cooking and serving meals some of the children they will find are unaccustomed to regular meals ol any kind and ordinary table manners are unknown to them they are not familiar with the kind of food which being given to them in their new homes and most of all they are often misjudged oelng considered ungrateful for the kindness which is being shown to them whereas they are really be tiftrfd k iir g new life and were much happier in the conditions they had left this upheaval in the lives of many children is the particular wai time difficulty which they have to faie if they are to be trained siys the pam phlet to become valuable members of the community inter on tne least w do is to tea s jbave you had a really beautiful cal endar if so youll find that an occa sional application of furniture polish icing only a very small quantity wbfc ja improve it no end besides creftttaiipfcft j good gravy or r and some nour- surface on which dust and dtrt wjcovb ishlng pudding eg containing milk cleared the ideal midday meal for children consists of a little meat or fish or meat substitute eggs pulse hpeee etc generous helpings of two or more wellcooked vegetables with and or eggs fat fresh or dried fruus etc om fruit as long as it ftni obtained fjesh food fruit veecti j s meat suct eggs milk etc sbcii dfb ed and as far as possibe tinn jr othexnre erved food should not i ed till the time comes when we nl b obllacd to use it household hints v i ve the sort of family who are errit tbout meatlmes you simp y int 1 i ak a saucepan cosy make it 1 kf a os bu make it to fit yojr a i i itvtetd of leaving the late t nn i s mmc n and get ing ovtrcooked put it p pirg 1 o in o the a op tll osy oci the top ee that they are avwell i and joull find it hot and pa at able fed as possible now in ho u in j a half later children need light nourishing food in ii ti j a i old pairs cf chain in good proportions and unhurried os le the gloie make ovely lin is meajs efficient prepared served ard o o les settle the film of wax polish seems v accentuate the colorings of the calen j dar epoelplly ir ii i- a fower patntm f or something similar turkish towels rieed no ironing simply shake them when dry to fluff up the pie then pfess cfl the hem wit ha warm iron any loose ends or v pul ed thrads should be clipped off en with th pile never pulled av firm tuht underweave close 5v5ft pllcu firm selvages and wellfinished hem should be assurance of longwearlmp tewes have ou ever tried putting your jravv thickener oi gravy powder inam o d dlscaracit pepper pot it is mud ca ler to shake into the pan making it aier to mix then there was the atlas publlbear who pulled a boner in his map of eur tjpe and waited for it to come true a revival service was being held and one of the partners in a coal concern had joined the church he tried to get fits partner to do likewise i can t do i john replied the partner when the other s insistence free irksome who 11 do the welghin if i join to nori- subscribers with a new year at hand we think that all non-subscribers- but who are readers weekly through the courtesy of good neighbours should adopt this resolution 1 will become a regular subscriber to the georgetown her ald for 1 940 this applies to residents of georgetown and district and for that matter to the world at large no man is too poor to take his local news paper and it is false economy to try to get along without it hardly a week passes that something does not appear m its columns which will be a financial benefit to you and by the end of the year you have made or saved from one ta twenty times its subscription price says an exchange and we heartily concur in the statement the city papers do not take the place of your local paper althougrnom people seem to think they do the city papers are alright in their waytfeuf ihey do tiotgive you whatyorr are most interested in in your community you cannot learn from them when public meetings are beiing held who are dying and who are marrying who are moving out and who wants to selmand in fact hundreds of items which might be of particular importance to you such m city pap cannot furnish regartj- a oev dinner when onr bills tt rurnlng high and lime is running shoii hy m t have an oven dmntr it saves fuel by cooking the whole meal together at approximnul the sime t rature and saves time by allowin fht cook to carry on with other lut ts wnile thl nui ls cooking a bakid fish loaf biked p u jncs tiki i t defy of ra tab l i i c is ctrlc or i t imm cours and ta t pud d ns lcr oissert makef a niuv tl l fii i om vtetabl or sevrra combine 1 mav e ed irrthe scalloped dish dice oi li c cooked vegetabl s i ace m gitn fii casserole coveuna faci aver of ventibles with white sojcl bprin kle w th bread crumbs and bake in nvdrral oven until crumbs nt- brown h he recipe li r t llsh ioii winch cm be sened lu for din iir and cold f i i txt days luun bakrd fish loaf 2 cups flakeu canadian fish cup of diy bread crumbs 3 tabic poons of finely chopped ctl ery 2 tablespoons chopped onton 2 tablespoons melted bjttr 2 teaspoons lemon juice 1 egg slightly beaten cup oj mhk teaspoon salt sprinkling of pepper combine theflrst b ingredients milk and seasonings to the egg combine with the other mixl ire bake in buttered loaf pan 43 x 8 is a good size at 375 degrees f for 45 minutes slice and serve hot wit i egg or to mato sauce or serve cold with tomato sections add less of city pa cannot furnish kegarq- who you are or what your station in life may be there is bound to be something ir the local newspaper that will command your lntereitrwhy not subscribe today a novel suggestion for packaging butter to be sent to canadian soldiers in france by their families or friends was offered by captain h m smilllc an officer of the army service corps during the last war capt smlllles idea in which the head of a large dairy firm is already interested is to put the butter in tubes like shaving cream or tooth paste i ve been reading recently of the big fuss being made about sending butter overseas in cans thejes ac tually nothing new about that it was done in the last war trouble with dividual soldiers were concerned was that the butter wouldnt keep alter you opened the can you had to use it all up or give some cf it away be cause the dirt got into them when it was knotting about the trencher and you couldrvery well take a can with you in yobi pocket these tubes i have in mind could be made from the new greaseproof paper your soldier could squeeae out c oranges large juicy n lettuce per head g fresh finn spinach 2 pounds 15 per doaem 23 c grapefruit 5 for 22c 3exas scbttless no 1 ontario potatoes- tpir2cr fnrit and v eytjtmbl ile price till saturday nifcht only m mufl a ha wri i1 p- th p back on again they could be made cheaply enough he said butter hadut be shipped in some form of ahtlght contamerjic explain ed because the necessary refrigeration for open butter supplies would send the cost up to nearly 70 cents a pound arrolls tfw lain sir et cafftbmkftftsaiarbl

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