Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 3, 1940, p. 5

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the georgetown ferald wednesday evening januaryrd 1940 page 5 llleektkct ya1uks m fres pl style pork shoulders special rose brand creamer butter 2 59c speciaischnbntbtts hjfis pure lard lo lean meaty pork butts bound bone beef shoulder roast 1 7 partly boned blade beef roast 19 brisket or plate boiling beet x4 choice boneless rolled rib roast 25 choice round steak roast 24 fresh cjuntry style larte casings sausage 2 29 rtheyearomthe canadian national by 8 j himgerford chairman and president canadian notional railways and prea ti anacanada air lines the ordinary- activities of the rail way in the j ear 1939 have- been ovcr- liritmphytho nntjirwtte of war with ocrmany already the canadian na tional railways has been called upon to provide a considerable measure of transportation in connection with canada s war effort and undoubtedly requirements for such transportation will be increased the policy which has been pursued in the past of main taining the property to a high stan dard despite the period of business depression has been shown to be jus- j fresh qr smoked fiixets large kippers is goldev smoked ciscoes 19 oysters 33 california juicy oranges extra large size 29 39c s per dozen 7c monarch flour 24ib b62c 7lb bag24c in the spotlight tttotuwb by s ottawa dec 27 a yuletidc atr mosphere has settled on the capital but it is the christmas ipixit of a na tion at war in which srimnesa anxiety and cheerfulness are intermingled there is the satisfaction and pride felt here as elsewhere throughout the country that the first canadtin divis ion are comfortably setled in billets in britain having crotitd the sea tlfledand jfcexountry may rcstr-as- without mishap this successful cross i inn ini tvia win it nf thp inn in hnttlf domestic quality cooking apples x adfpbail phone 27 wm king prompt delivery sured that the canadian national railways is capable of meeting the ex traordraary taste which it will likely face as a result of the war traffic results or the year 1938 can be considered reasonably satisfactory preliminary figures indicate that the gross reenuee of hie canadian na tional railways will excejxljqo mil lion dollars for the first time since 1931 the recession in business ac tlvity which developed in 1938 con tinued in the early months of 109 but was followed by an upswing in april a larger than average crop in western canada gave further evidence of an improvement in general business con dlttons the outbreak of war brought about a further tiarflc increase ward the close of the jear so that on the whole there has been a distinct in crease in traffic receipts while the audited revenue and operating expense figures are not yet available for the month of december eonse vatvely es tlmated results for that month added to the known figure for the first elev en months of the year indicate the following for the vear 1939 actual re suits for 1938 are also hhown for the purpose of romparison year 1939 indicated results operal ng revenues 203 000 000 operating expeses 183 000 000 net revenue 20 000 000 operating ratio 90 t5 per cent ypt1938 actual figures ope allng revenue 182 241723 operating expenses s183 0joqoo net revenue 6 066 410 operating ratio 96 g7 per cent during tie the noimnl a ess of modernizing equipment was carried on in all fields upon the outbreak o war the equipment situation was spe clallj rt it wed ana speclnl measures wer uken for purchase of additional equipment to meet anticipated war re qulremento orbers during ihi year cons ted oi 4765 steel box cars flit cars 100 icfrigerator schoolboy howlers 3heasants go about in braces martyr is the latin- for roohe- egypt is a land of enormous iniquity the moratorium is the largest ocean liner two lamous slakespean play ro meo and juliet an oirelette is a charm worn around he nekin india trigo icmetry is when a man mar rles lhee wives at the same time skyia k is the leading character in shelley merchant of venl e in india a man in one eisk cannot marry a woman in another cask tarn i is a sho ramc for the amer ccn flcg its ful i me is tarzan stripes the scotch do not belong to the church of england they go to t le free cturch queen cleopatra ended a remark eble lt rather cur ou she was bitten by an aspldist i an i vt verb shos action as he kisvml htr md a passive verb shows passion as she kissed him af r raleigh pit down his cloak her ma t t remarked ira alrald ive spoued jour cloal to which the gallant ki lght replied jttteu et mon droft 1 lch means by god you re right benjamin franklin was a poor boy but he got married and soon discovered electricity canadian exhibitors take many prizes at exposition at the 40th international live stock exposition and 21st international grain and hay show held at chicago december 2 to 9 1939 canadian ex hlbitors won a total of 400 prizes com prising 17 championships 8 reserve championships 2 champion top bull sales 2 special association prizes 70 first prizes and 300 other prizes watch our window for weekly ick cbkabi specials and c4wffmhon1t chocolate royal sundae 1 3c 2 lor 25c longy conteetionery ssone i gefiyy theatre friday january 5 1 coloraixr sunset gne antry magnificent fraud lloyd nolan fox news r cartoon charlie cuckoo saturday january 6 the wizard qf ozt magnificent fo lu technicolor splendor with judy garland a dorothy ca our mothers family chapter 6 dick tracy returns matinee at 415 pjh tuesday and wednesday january 9 and 10 these glamour girls a dramatic story of mnrhrri yoyth m ue anwwrt novelty vrcfim 61 lng under the wing of the main battle ilnit recent ravnl ex s and th annoi ntemc n of the mmonweftlth a c t nipg piin have o s i ntijt- tig in wars drk hours except dnr lng tie bare holidays thc- is however 1 q r dy he var- 0 i u n eg at work o jt awa word has been given out by the minis t ii satlonat i that hjim g100 to 090 corpa roc b wiu b sent o i ixlliary u t p 0 men one fiibt c v slon 1 ii w 11 be a sque i ti of he royal cnadun a nice i nder tht comrivid f i u ioi i r an vuet of u i itpeg it 1 a i j iitt unit whic v 1 1 i v t t ru n ltp n from alri n sta lind at wl j f i t ottawa t idlilnrr al e ill r o be it 1 ii dium jr i hrvy artil ery ji iili sm cy nit mincers s r il units arm s iv c nips hospital units and a fulh equipped dental unit the despatch of the air squadron illustrates the importance of the air service not only in iu on spe clal sphere but as an aid to the mill tary forces in the field the duty of the squadron will be to co opera e with ground troops to obtain infoimation concerning enemy movements gun po bit ions and observation posts the minister of natiunal defence has lold us that over 65 000 men have been enhred in the canadi ir active service force md that ovr 10 000 aie guarding our coastal defen a precauticn maae necessa v by the sweeping changes that have taken place in offensive arms since the last war the per onne of the canadian n iv is nvti 5000 and the prcsen strength oi the air force i over 8000 officers and men and the number is rriiir rapid v commonwealth air training plan of t he creitcst magnitud ind of the utmost importance to ti pris 500 hon of the war is the british coninon wealth air training plun when apmpe ot h du hgwiu hi nri advliory capacity to lhew cabliwt- thaprime ulqjitera umouncenieat in relation to the appointment states he wtll advlie and assist the govern- mentrn providing accurate and essen tial information in these respect ui recording and interpretation of can- adaa war effort to the people of canada and the government of the ttrrtwdr and pr minister by keeping a chronicle and othen6mntlal records of the progress of canada s war effortv for 14 years mr brocklngton was city solicitor or calgary and in 1935 was appointed counsel to the northwest grain deal- ers association new bacon board a bacon board has been appointed to carry out the provisions from can ada s ena of the recent agreement nor gotiated with britain to supply that market during the war with 40 000 to 50000 hundredweight 112 pounds pen oif 1 nt hoinii waoibiu at n nrtafk of cwt of bacon weekly at a price ot 20 18 per cwt f o btj canadian ports the board with a membership of five has as its cha j g taggart inlnister of agriculture of saskachc- wan fed it will be aslstod by an ad- vflsbty committee the personnel of which is drawn from various parts jr the country as uniformity of sh p ment ian important consideration in the agreement the board will probably have to arrange different seasonal prices to be paid to farmers to inake up for differences in the cost of raising hogs ui various periods of the yeaij the settlement of prices to be paid packers and farmers will be part of j its duty it is felt that the agreement snl units will ensure a satisfactory growth ot onlnanci coips bacon business in canada distinctive flag for canada when parliament meets late in jan uary it is believed tlmr wtierrtne ma jor issues involved in canada s war ef fort have been discussed and acted upon by the people s represntatlves the country may adopt a national flag the standard of the first division with its union jack maple leaves and fleur de lels has met with such favor able comment that it is felt that it may be accep ed as the flag tor the- country colonel portesque duguid et ottawa made the design one of the chief lessons that exer fence leaches is thai on the whole and in the great majority of cases lnllfff dopondfc more on char acter than on intellect or fortune the law is one which cannot be questioned temperance frugality in dustry self reliance anfisalf restraint are tht means bv whl h the grcit masses of men rise from penury to comfort it is the nations in which these qualities are the most diffused that are in the long mn the mpst prosperous character he addcd is jespeclally pre eminent in those kinds and degrees of success that affect the greatest numbers of men and influence most largely their real tiapplnew in the success which secures a high level of material comfort which makes do mestic life stable and happy which wins for a man the respect and con fldence of his neighbors the name for what we know as character has varied through the ages but the judgment of its value has ju boo ts 10 bacnt ciirs o mail and project ls in full peratipn txpiess car and 25 northern type lo be 67 training schools thioughou comouvts the program of nlr con canada the stntf of these schools litionlng pa enger equipment was and fields not including the studen r tin i ind i93 cirs wnel bv le bodj of irmwwrom catnda austra canidian natlona sjstem are now h ntw zetland uid oiti biitnln iqtippd in addition all pullman ictuvitig advanctct training will tars operating on the system under mourn lo 40 0fw for the pas x or contract aie ilr conditionl seven weeks membeis of the air force si i iincrv proirrps has otei inide nd of the trnnskii t depirtm i havt on th mjauicju teimlni dvlop been carrvlnj out prelim na work meiit woik on wheh vas resumed late dicldmg on sites foi the scl nois niak n 1938 n s nc and planning nect sirv tin tim c laji ai lines service tiuttuic it is belltved t lat auslii inaugurtted in 1917 has been dclop ha and new zial ind will s p y ne ed rapljli tlit mul service betvecn tifth of tin students to b ni tr n vanconr nnd winnipeg was extend anacn prehmlnarj insti i lie t will to to onto ottawa and montreal be given it home and tlici are rf ld chool i he do ofmarch 1dj9 ind on april lbt r punlons m which mun b idrn s will phpf sti vice was begun between these iv fin il instmction a t n anv points on jig 18th 1939 an addition wil tomt 10 cun4da and br am will ervlce wis estubllshed between send ilrmen as wtlj tlit bntlsh montreal onown and toronto with cmcrnment vill see that the school the map of life everyone wants to get tlu idlest measure possible out of life form tely there are directions that will help near the end of a useful md observant career the historian lecky xif h si o crni bais at the beginning rourso ad jtjl slisi cs ij nl ormarch 1dj9 md on april ut sm tasks which are set before man in lrfc kvsra a t the education and management of his character is the most important showing why this ls so he said the further extension of mall and ex ire kept fullj upplied with j hent pr s trvice to monet on on november inniti ii is stlmited thil in vns 1st tie air lints bolnme tinns cana enlcrprlse will involve a tool cos of da in fact as well is in mmr the 600 million mollnrs for the three and trans cinidi air lines fleet now one qiuter vetr which is tne pros consists ot la lockheed fourteen ective term of its life the expel se which make the vancouver montreal i to be divided anion hie fo i ptrtners trip in 1 hours including stops and the montreal mortcton lap in two and op half hours the whole route cover ins m iris 3500 miles thf potential value of the tc a service wls empha si7d by the hiauguratlon in ausust of ibiperial airways trans atlantlr mail service wheh british mal was reeeived in vancouver only 54 hours after lcavhie southampton the ex perimcntal flights of the trans allan tic service have been discontinued for the winter season in accordance with the provisions of the co operative agreement with re gard to the railway hotel situation in vancouver the vancouver hotel com pan jointly owned by the canadian national and canadian pacific rail ways leased the new hotel constructed rrjfbssl yhkonhm nt it was known as vlrtueand one oi the wisest of the romans remarked that he who has virtue has all things that are good attending him and in the book of a still older age the author of the proverbs noted the same changeless fact when he bald righteousness tendeth to life facts in figures 8225 000 000 dollars is the sum money the american farmers owe the united states government 240 american radio stations bad in sufficient revenue last year to pay ac tual expenses 91 29 per cent of the nickel import ed by japan this year was supplied by canada 39 cents of every dollar spent by the united states government is borrowed money 4 weights onlytfere needed to weigh any number of yhole pounds from 1 to 40 on a balance scale 3 modern locomotives placed ibreast could pass throu the funnels ot the queehmary which are 30 feettn dla- meter in the plin en an acred bu 1 war recorder appoint d i onud biocklnmnn formei cl i mm of the canariinn broadcasting corporation has been appointed can adas offlcialwttffmorder within the a would belawver noticing a wo man struck by a car said lo her just come with ipe madam 111 get dam ages fo you for this woman i don t want damages l want rerair the making of a bishop w while dr jimes h franklin was travellinz across the continent an el derly negro porter on the car asked him if he was a pieacher and re marked that he was almost a preacher himelf once dr franklin asked how he happened to give up the ministry and the vener able iiorter replied well sah ahs got a voung brothafi an wnen i told him ah wanted to be a preachah w h he said he d beem converted and wanted to preach him self bass we 1 sah we talked it ovali iid decided hed go ahead to ollege and- be a preachah and ahd come back on the road and work so ah did boss and everv month ah sent him monej and he went to college did he finally become a preacher a ked dr fianklin v yes sah m afilcj they call him bishop scott bishop scott dr franklin gazed in amazement at the noble figure be fore him bishop scott ls said to be the first negro preacher whom the methodist episcopal church mode a bishop dr franklin hadoften read or his heroic life among his people in africa lnter dr franklin met bishop scott and said have vou a brother who is a porter on a sleeping car bishop yes- said the d s op 1 s my bro ther and may god bless him i owe everj thine to him save with safety at your rexall store and commenced opera iforr riuijj ul this year the canadian people this year en joyed the thrill of avis it by their majesties the king and qneen and the canadian national railways was hap py to play its part in the provision of iippropra equipment for the royal train and in the movement of the train over the lines of the system tne outlook for 1940 is largely tar fluenced by war conditions the traf fic increases which have so for taken place may be expected to continue this is likely to be true not only in regards he traffic particularly related to the war bpt also as regards the in dustrial activity of the country rail way operating revenues for 1940 are therefore likely to be substantially in creased over the earnings of 1839 with consequent improvement in fuiarhclal results the old squire as an ajtp volun teer was determined to drill his staff and tenants and so prevent panic in the went of an air raid he built a large bombproof shelter and each person was told what to do calling the garden he gav aim a whuue this h told him is very loud you must blow it at soofi as bomb drops to warn the others beg pardon sir the old chap said do i blow it going up or condng down it was a smart little country hotel and the hostler was smart too al though his hair was grey the visitor found him pery capable and willing wh pff- t t country do you come from and how long have you been here he asked rm fro yorkshire the makiertdld him and rve been heebrteen years really 1 exclaimed the visitor rm surprised that such rf smart man as you has not become master at the hotel in that ume ay said the oouer but msdsters fro yorkshire too clarence i dreamed last night that i proposed to you i wonder what thats a sign of mary lou its a sign that you have more sense when youre asleep than whenawmke tone up with nova- kelp tablets 79c 1 39 2 79 specials for this week stock up now french castile soap 6 cakes 25c mason s 49 40c 75c bronchial syrup 49c vicks vapo rub 43c iodizld throat tabs 25c sore throat gargle 2c dr chases nerve food 49c you can always shop fb adhrantage at your rexall store prevent colds with squlbbs cod liver oil 50c 100 extra heavy russian mineral oil 4c to day s well groomed men prefer bachelor requisites they w specially made for men as advertised on yonr radio for add indigestion bisma rex antacid stomach powder for heartburn or onset stomach 4oz 75c 16 oz 150 robbs drug store round trip bargain fares january 5 and 6 from georgetown ito stmuoas dturea and but to ooramn inclusive ttxmdra undaaj twattoto q mwnnaltot oolhniwood iu north bay parrtsotmo audduzy otpnol and trin 20 frid7 jaaiiuy 5th ah tralna httartay janntx- mk to toronto alao to bftbttort obmthmm oodarish qualph banhton london natal wis own sound bt nathirtnm bt uarya samla otnmtrt atnthmgr woodttoot see feandbllla lot oomsma lbi of daatlnotloaa iter fares return units train tnformatlon uctoete etc eonanh u an jsi rw canadian national 1 i li t

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