Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 10, 1940, p. 2

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tt georgetown herald wednesday evening january i oth 1940 thp georgetown herald k phone na 8 a weekljtiminpaper devoted to the best interests of the town or oeortetown and surrounding country tncludlng the villages of glen wu- llmds nerval umebouae tbtewarttows baulnafad and terra ootta issued wry w the offlce on mam at qeorg single poples q both old and new addrassea should be rwn when change of address la requested 1 advewnbeho rates legal notices 12ctr line for nrst insertion 25jsf una for each subsequent insertion readers be per line for each in black face type be per line additional notices qualifying as rents such as concerts entertainments socletychurch or or jejngs eto line minimum charge 25c reports of aaeeungs held gladly inserted free in memoran notices 60c and 10c per jtae extra for poetry birth marriage and death notices 60c small ad mrtlsementt one inch or less 60o for flrat insertion and 25c for each sub sequent insertion display advertising rates on appucatton r and with such error ya and in that case if any ecror its liability shall net exceed such proportion of the entire cost- of such advertisement as the space occupl- apy the noted error bears to thewfiole space occupied by such adrer- vfckoient plainly noted in writing thei jsnot corrected by the r the horaxtd boisb job printing of all kinds if someone understands when troubled times with doubts and feara cast shadows at yo feet when at the dawn you cannot smile t coming day to greet when with a heavy heart you go the way your path demands ja there not comfort if you know that someone understands tl someone understands comes then a courage born anew which keeps you ever pressing on till skies again are blue 3f someone understands there comes a joy that s only known wfcen to you calls a voice that says you journey not alone tito everyone there comes the days when cares seem all to greata and as we shoulder them it seems wed weary with their weight tet when we face our many trials to answer lifes commands sow lightened does our burden seem jt someone understands dear little heads in the pew 3n the- morn of the holy sabbath i like in the church to ee the dear little children clustered worshipping there with me 1 am sure that the gentle pastor whose words are like summer dew 3s cheered as he gazes over the dear little heads in the pew paces earnest and thoughtful innocent grave arrd sweet they 100k in the congregation like lillies among the wheat and i think that the tender master whose mercies are ever new jhas a special benediction for the dear little heads in the pew dear in the hymns resounding to the organs swelling chord single the fresh young voices fiiger to- praise the lord and i trust that the rising anthem has a meaning deep and true tb thought and the music blended for the dear little heads in the pew when they hear the lord is my shepherd or suffer the babes to come ibey are glad that the loving jesus has given the lambs a home a place of their own with his people he cares for me and for you sot close in his arms he gathers the dear little heads in the pew so i love in the great assembly on the sabbath mom to see be dear little children clustered and worshipping there with me tot i know that my precious saviour whose mercies are ever new has a special benediction for the dear little heads in the pew margaret e sangster he is off our mailing list perhaps he hasn t noticed yet but if thls war lasts long enough the press censor at ottawa may find out that he ios ben taken off the mailing ijst or the times review the reason non payment of 2 00 the subscrlp tlon price back in the early part of october we got a curt request from the cen sor to put the examiner of publica tlons room 201 cannought building ottawa on our mailing list we did so but not thinking that he expected to get our paper free no more than he would presume to go into the dry goods store a few doors from our of reef and demand a bolt of cloth with out payment we sent him a bill for a year s subscription he has not paid he has not given us any reason or ex cuse for not paying he did not ac knowledge receipt of our bill so from now the examiner of publications is off our mailing list if he suspects us of being so indiscreet as to publish such a bit of news as tptivate tpetroffsfcy in camp some where in ontario has written to his sweetheart susie schultz fart fort erie that he expects to sail from halifax next march or april for some where in europe he will have to come to our office and examine our files which are open to him as they are to everyone or if he is concerned about doing his job economically he might have one of hit bright young men go to the library of either the house of commons or the senate where everv newspaper in canada is sent as soon as published to check on us the people who work 50 hours or more a week to make the time re view are just as anxious as ottawa for canada to put its full strength into the britlh empire effort to defeat the wickedness o mitler and stalin but they have their grocery bills to pay and there is the rent each month from the fort erie times review the bishop of cologne was arrested recently he had taken as iwfcjqbj sermon the he limps through the land your sermon was against dr goeb- bels he was told you knorf limped yes replied the bishop but dldn t know he liel a newspaper account of the incident concludes the bishop is a free man employer say boy these arent references office boy trying for pob but i thought they would be better they re copies of my four grandparents death certhleatea i winter roads r ten years ago the maintenance of mpea highways and secondary roads jbr motor traffic during the winter months was not considered economl ally feasible by highway bodies to 4y the increasing use of highway transport services for the movementof joodstuhs and merchandise passenger waffle over estebusf aktlliis routes ttk xalvmail deliveries as well as ordin atj commercial and pleasure driving kve made tine open winter road a mrtj and also a permanent roai nbcy in both canada and the unit highway systems represents a capl ju1 investment from which there i no return when the roads are dosed smd while the work of keeping the jads open involves a conslderablbe ruay of public funds there is com peneating revenue derived from the yagaollne tax collected several can man piovlu notably ontario and 3faw brunswick have found over the jaaat four or five years that this re venue equals if not exceeds tshe cost nf winter maintenance while in the dbrtc qfmaine ttoe income from gaso oe tax over an eleven year period ac t cos o m x to wlhelrf tc go- the persian kitten lly emory smith wnu ser ice low round trip fares montreal boston chicago canadian money ickets and information at w ii long phone ra georgetown j1313 fslbs i7 4q t by more than three million dol few years ago a snqw jioqgh was considered adequate mac innery today the whole problem is humified on a much more systematic and acientlflc basis the greatest 3ttasrtnr winter driving has always eeu thaky nondltlons which follow thaw or rain and to counteract intae adhdttjona the road engineer and- the chemist have collaborated to pvduoe jfinp tw efficient macaln- jmw tat spreading andmaslve mhv tat such as sand and salt which 4ttng to the ice surface thus adding at- aafey factor to winter driving and j very materially the number tusan put down the curl letter with a stunned look on her face she had thought her cup of troubles full when the bulk ofher money had been lost in the disastrous invest merit that her son had insisted on making since that failure she had been obliged to cut off many of her usual comforts and she was no longer young she had her cottage and a- small monthly income and that was about all jerry contrite at the result of his meddling heh been sending her s10 a morth he earned 200 in the gitv and he conveyed to her the im pulsion of being extremely ganer ous when he wrote the note that a compamed the check he sent her every month now he was about to be married and he could or would no longer send her anything you ought to be able to manage with what you huve marcia thinks you have quite a bit for just one person mother and for goodness sake let up on the pet cats they use too much milk marcia dislikes cats extreme ly if we decide to visit you you must not have one about don t for get in that moment susan s world seemed a topsy turvy place of faise values jerry seemed to have turned almost o ernjght from a gay frechjled and impulsive lad into a stranger who ordered her to give up her little animals susan dropped the kn ttmg that wus becon ing din ost imposs bit be cause of her age st ftmed fingers in tl e patch of s msh ne on the hooked rug she had mid ijy an old scarlet lall the ontt g r was now a a rose and the ball was one tl jt jerry had p ssessed susan vdsn t lo king ot t e prrs an kitten hot rolled tht bull with playful r vs and pretended fear when it npproached her the ild ldy saw n itad a fat u la i wilt mslead step folding out h s hands for help well jerry uds a mun now ap r aching middle ite he no long i needed her hi waa hkng t mself a young and modern wife i susan was rdered to give up dumb little c mpamons there usi be some way before her ighter polly died she had had le one to help her think polly d ideas and t ones you can d the answer to almost any ques in in the daily papers mother a mce through the want ads opens ny unti ought of avenues why jiu you evtr read them i wonder pondered susan shmg with the old poignant ache jt polly had not left her alone lly the beloved one gone and rry she brushed away a teur nights like that were usejess they i nowhere and she muttered unfolding a uper from the nearby city jerry s no idea uiat i ve got seven dts here now because some of my ends are away on vacations in the column of advertisements voted to cats and dogs susan und her answer wanted a place in the country iere i can leave my pedigreed vngora cat for three months while broad only cat ioversneed ap- price no object write or tele none mrs james jerrold no x volton place a few days later jerry arrived i ve been thinking over things mother how would you like to sell our cottage and enter a nice home for old ladies susan reached down and picked up i er pet kitten not at all she said calmly look jerry this is a real persian oh well he looked somewhat dshamed but he d plainly been sent ut to push the proposition home of course it s as ou uke you see marcia won t keep house that s vly- why are you worrying abou me son you don i need to tm mak np money and expect to make re not if you harbor all the cats of folks who go away and let you hold the bag he exclaimed the cat is out of the bag su ao jsmtleol remember that old tory of the king of the persians vho lacked guns when unexpectedly alt a eked by foes how he sent his ldiers into every alley and byway c gather up strav cats and then ad vanced on his enemy each soldier olding hiscat behind him until the ignal when the snarling biting apt i i was flung full into the faces of the astounded foes weil i ve turned my odd fancy for cats into an as set sanity in war financing canadas forthcoming war loan can readily be expected to match the pattern of financial policy tihat will be universally recognised jsound and one that reflects the benefits of experience from the last great warlborxfiwlngjq this instance is a means onlya brldgingthe margin between the amount of money obtainable by taxes and the actual amount needed to pay the costs of a government at war in defence of freedom j recognizing the pitfalls of her experience in thlast waxy- canada on this occasion is facing the problem of war financing in forthright manner canada s financial machinery has enabled her to set a course at the outset of the new world war that would have been virtuahjrimpos sible in 1914 ittwill enable the canadian people to avoid niany or the demoralizing consequences of war and post war readjustments such as befell canada and many other countries in the last greaj conflict this war is to be ptid for in so far as possible as it is fought rather than to hazard a repetition of inflationary price movements spiral ling to an inevitable and expensive day of reckoning for the past 20 years canada and other countries have been paying the price of in adequate machinery lack of precedent and foresight in flnancfig the last war canada now hasa broad and comprehensive taxation system and the financial machinery required for exercising thffcontrol that is necessary to carry out a policy that will finance the heavy expenditures nvolved under wartime conditions withoutgiving rise to unfortunate maladjustments and their inevitable aftermath in recent years canada has pursued a moderate- policy of expan sion in company with the united kingdom qwedeir and certain other countries in coi sequence of that policy canada was able to reverse the deflationary trend of the early depression jeers and to facilitate an ex pension in national production and business activity that has been more consistent and prolonged tnati in many other countries she has also effected a general reconstruction of her debt through refunding loans at lower interest rates and has repatriated during the last five years over 900 millions of canadian debt held abroad the net result has beenno effect a substantial decrease in the cost of government debt and to strengthen greatly canada s credit position the new war loan like probably all loans floated by canada during this war will be on a domestic basis canadians will provide the prtn cipal and receive the interest the debt will be owed to ourselves hi canadian funds and will therefore not give rise totrw difficult ex change problems and real burdens to the country which are inherent in external borrowing in borrowing within our country the government hopes to see some of the real savings of the people converted into war loan bonds the latest available figures show a total of 1 734300 000 of savings accounts held by depositors in chartered banks the highest fig ure in the history of tre canadian baking system these deposits are held in over 4 million accounts which probably means that one out of about every three people in canada has a savings account by convert ing real savings into war loan bonds the individual can make a vital contribution to canadas war effort and at the same time secure for himself a safe and profitable investment this is a democratic war by a democratic country and the war effort in every phase is organized and conducted on a democratic basis this shows up clearly in the financial policy of the government in aim ing to prevent shifting of national wealth and income to particular groups or sections of the country which would be on undesirable fea ture of other methods of financing the war in announcing its taxation policy the government has pledged itself to the principle of equality of sacrifice on ttutbasls of ability to pay in its borrowing to supplement taxation the goverrftnent is making every endeavour to follow out this democratic principle and by a widespread appeal to give every citizen an opportunity to make a voluntary contribution to the success of the war ef 1jy convertrnghls sa ingi into war loan bonds the loan is open ft popular public subscription clearly the call is strong because the m cr a ic demand is th m obligation o every clllzen05 guardtealously the rights of freedom and shoulder his shire of the bonds just as thousands of others are shouldering arms are iheuc the largest oranges you have asked mrs brown of the gro cer oh no ma am was the reply thoe are only the large size we also have the larger mammoth giant jumbo colossal and super colossal sizes hitler died and went below satan ari5wertd his knock told him to wait a minute went away and returned with a box of matches and a bundle of firewood he gave both to hitler th the re mark lisfen adoir the es a lim t to what even we can stand take these and start a hell of jour own no sale jones im all in ie been run nlng around all da trying to get something for m wife smith well hae you had any of fern gray coach lines ass for- mi 1 su pose he said puzzled no jerry i ve sent in a stand ng advertisement for a city news i aper to carry and i assure you i m not belittling myself by giving my care too cheaply mother do ynu feel real well a standing advert sement in aper who s to pay for all thi i can t marua isn t satisfied with what 1 can give her thanks dear irn feeling fine i ve rung my cats into the face of uiverty and jerry i ve got an in merlght row 1 board cats when fks want to go abroad tor be va mans and 1 simply love to do it t e proudly declared mister local merchant will you help us jo help you crr tmetabue stanftud tin ufl u iojmul mlu 8j1 turn pumuer andlbll 1 buaenger ad man pftsaenffbia far ttaronto paueneerbtniflar otuy gofatf wat passenger and man m a passenger dally ezoept saturdays and sunday 600 pja saturday only 215 p passenger and mall 648 pja passenger sunday 1u9 put passenger saturday night only from nov 4 to apr 27 12js sm gebv north mau and passenger 84s ajav goun sooth mall and passenger 60 na time table uxrt georgetown to toronto a 7 os a m 9m ajn uj8 pja o 323 pjn 4j8 pjn 048 pjn 909 pjn to london 100a ajn xllm ajn 340 pja cxajso pjn ay4 pjn im pjn w00 pjn i dxhos pi exlljh pjn exoeptsun and hdl b fikn and hol c saturday only d except sat sim and hol e sat sun and bol x to kitchener y to stzmuonl tickets and information at w h long phone 89 gray coach lines directory r watson djd bldjt georgetown offlce hours 0 to s except thiirwfcj afternoons leeoy dale kg m8tbh flsnnett bjl barrtsters and sollctton mill street georgetown ont kenneth m xangdon barrister solicitor notary ptrai mortgage money to loan oflloe gregory theatre bwg win gt phone 88 georgetown frank petch licensed auctioneer for the coontles of peel and tfilt prompt sendee telephones cheltenham 26 r 23 georgetown 61 r t post offlce cheltenham we re partners in a way for we depend upon each other for our auccess your advertising helps us nprrftir thin nrwapaper and our newspaper thoroughly covers georgetown and district play ing a major part in your business progress we both know that advertising pays dividends in inrceased business with corresponding increases in profits and so we ask you to cooperate in a cam paign to increase our advertising and your business spepak to the travellers and manufacturers re jjresentatives visiting your store impress upon them the fact that you have founc the georgetown herald a valuable advertising medium and urge them to suggest to their firms that the georgetown herald be placed upon the list of publications which carry advertisemctts for th nationally known products experience has taught you that advertising pays and if national advertising in the georgetown her aid is increased you know that your sales will show a sharp upward swing were partners you know so let s co operate you and georgetown herald monuments pollock ingham successors to cater a worth gait nt inspect our work in greenwood cemetery alvfe nielsen ftsth tear of pnetfoa chiropractor xray drugless therapist offlce over dominion store hours 3 5 7sq30 pan closed thvrsday phono utw quints using typewriters they are learning to run specially constructed machines with french keyboard the dlonne quints already hbve w ved notice thgtrjhey intend to be career girls every day the ave sisters now in their sixth year have a workout on ave specially constructed typewriters tven them bbv jam rttnd united write letters to parent the- typewriter have a keyboard tor french complete with accents and in addition have signs for the multipli cation addition subbtractlon and di vision the five youngsters are gaining dally in proficiency they write letters to papa and mama dion dr allan roy dafoe their physician guardian who resign as gua recently judge j a valln member ot the board of guardians amr others leave your next order for job printing at this offlce we do neat and attractive printing of all kinds

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