Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 24, 1940, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wed neaday evening january 24th 1940 page 3 snvoi the womens r international unitdrm sunday school lesson jesus dramatically proclaims his messiahship sunday january zsth ims gouden text behold thy kino cometh unto thee matthew 21 5 matthew 21 116 ban we help god in his stupenddus task yes every cry we raise against the wrong adds a new music to his marching song edwin markham the repeated challenge 1 3 in the first christian century the alternative was christ or caesar to day coins with the head of caesar are cold as souvenirs and marble busts of caesar are preserved in nluseums in ttie nineteenth century there was a choice between corsica and galilee napoleons tomb perpetuates his mem ory but his influence is steadily de clining in the twentieth century russia by formal edict has renounced religion but thousands of russians are meeting- in forests and secret christian groups are preserving the faith in germany national social ism has persecuted religion but in the past two years the sales of the bible have exc the sales of juedn kampby two hundred thousana today totalitarian states and ruthless dictators cause the world to shudder but christians believe that christ will retain the title king of kings and lord of lords his- principles v hi outlive the tortuous tacjjcs of power diploma a peace pageant 4 9 in the temptation in the wilderness at the beginning of his public minis try jesus chose the waj of education love and service in the triumphal entry into jerusalem at the close of his public ministry he publicly renew ed the principles which he had fol lowed a great pageant proclaimed him as the prince of peace he did not come as a military conqueror dragging captives from a chariot in stead of a military charger he rode a peaceful beast instead of swprds and spears his followers waved palm branches instead of battle cries the children sang his praise christ be lieved in a divine force which can ral ly the recuperative powers of man kind a force which can outmarch all others and which if we will can shape the future it is the mighty onslaught of a new spirit challenging men and nations to a change of heart no materal tvnces tan mrve us long unics behind them there stands a united people strong in spirit cons clous of a common mission prepared for any sacrifice this is the oppor tunity of the christian church who 1g this 10 11 both romans and jews scoffed as the followers of jesus entered jerusa lem proclaiming the w a of peace yet all the city was aroused and peo pie said who is this the mulli tude repled this is jesus the pro phet of nazareth of galilee the answer meant little o those who first heard it nineteen centuries have giv en deep significance to the replj in all the nations inquirers are still ask ing about jesus small wonder when churches are stilt being btillt in his name books are published to explain his message missionaries go forth to exemplify his love and hundreds of millions follow his teachings and re vere his name when we think of the brief period or power of alexander the great caesar and napoleon we mar vel at the permanent and pervasive influence of jesus christ evidenty bis methods of truth love and service are more enduring than the power that rests in big- battalions only through the spirit of christ can secur lty and prosperity be maintained tor the world cleansing the temple 12 14 in the discussions concerning tfle christian attitude to war great em phasis has been given to the incident of the cleansing of the temple by some it is used to justify violence did not jesus cast out the moneychangers and use a whip of small cords one writer maintains that this inference is not justified he said look at the story in detail mark s gospel is the i earliest record there is no whip of small obrds there matthew and luke are next there is no whip of small cords there the whip or small cords is not even mentioned until johns gospel about 100 ad and in johns gospel the cords are evidently used not on the money changers out on the sheep and oxen well what would you use to drive out sheep and oxen that were defiling the sacred courts better than a whip of small cords bo the arguments run pro and con but there is no question about the authenticity of the next statement anf the blind and the lame came to him in the temple and he healed them that is the authentic spirit of jesus his sympathy for those in still be e by his tiny gifts to spread his gospel through the world these children grown to manhood and womanhood can bring a new spirit into education business government and mtern rela tionships how much better it is for children to have their memories stor ed with christmas carols than to have their youthful minds filled with prop aganda through having as their toys small models of submarines bombing machines and cannon christ appeals to children they can help him to save the world from cruelty hate and fear questions for discussion 1 will the very efficiency of modem weapons make war ridiculous 2 what does the word messiah sig nify to you 3 who is this how do you an swer 4 why did conflict arise when jesus went to the synagogue in nazareth and the temple in jerusalem 5 do children s hjmns affect child rens cdnduct lesson outlines copyrighted by the international council of religious ed ucatlon used b permission american women getting thinner tested recipes serve eggs every day some way in comparison vith many foods which are served both raw and cooked eggs lead in the number of ways in which they can be used scrambled poached cookedinthesheu or as an omelet good fresh eggs make an ap peal to the most fastidious taste combined with other foods eggs may be used foi a great number of desserts and supper dishes and in making cakes and cookies eggs are one of the principal ingredients thereds now no guess work in buy ing eggs as they are sold graded according to government standards as to quality and size in order of qua ity the grades are grade al grade a grade b- and grade c the consumer service section mar ketttfg service dominion department of agriculture recommends the fbl flowing tested recipes shirred eggs in bacon rinjgs 6 slices of bacon 6 efgs sal and pepper cook bacon lin- six muffin tins with strips of bacon forming each slice into a ring around edge of tin break an egg into each bacon ring and bake in a slow oven 325 degrees p for five to 10 minutes of until eggs are set remove from tins and erve on toast mpl0tbes build ohnjtfodel raujway as an expression of loyalty to their railway 1 100 grand trunkcanad ian national employees at durand michigan contributed600 00 and six week of their spare time to build a miniature railroad system of scrap materials which they presented to the railway company for display purposes the exhibit was displayed in the dur and station where it was viewed by thousands of interested spectators engineers sectlonmen signal opera tors electricians shopmen and em ployees of the maintenance of pay division co operated none had pre vlous experience in miniature railway construction this set which contains homes fac torles a church two whirring trains and a station designated as durand is lllumlneted and powered by eleotri city although durand s population is ab out 3 000 the town s michigan s 4th largest railroad centre exceeded- only by detroit grand rapids and niles in traffic egg and potato casserole 4 table peons butter 4 tablespoons hour 2 cups milk i 4 cups cooked potatoes cubed 6 hard cooked e sliced followers christ and the children 15 16 when the chief priests and scribes t beard the children singing their hos- annas in the temple they were sore jbokwed but jesus said that the taadreu badperfected praise he 11- 1 kxd then- staging children are still ing praises to christ some of choicest hymns are chlldrens a great scholar died request ing- feat his friends stag a balms bjnm mtptifi df children are going to sunday schools and churches to inemoriaa sayings of jesus to be tauffct the story of bis life to sing tbelr worship of him and to shre their the in cresting monthly bulletin of the metro x itan life insurance com pany says that amerioan women prc sumablv this includes canadian worn en i are getting thinner the bulletin claims that this resultis due chiefly- to the incessant propasrandawith which the public has in recent years beei bombarded on the perils of ob f tli propaganda was based on certain studies of health and longevity of persona in the various weight groups which showed an excessive pro portion of illness and death among overweight individuals tills excess was dul lnrgelj to the premature dev elepment of chronic degenerative dis ec s of lie heart k dnevs and clrcu aiorv v tern w n r 1 and to diabt e while un lerw eights were found to suffer i rih tiorlalitv from tub ercjlo i aid pnetmonli the degree of excess mrr il v imont them wis small a- cempniel vw i tint art inv from degenerative dl eoses among overweig its the balance was crrtirelv in fuvour of underweights and increa sinu so with advancing age those soi nd reasons or kcepine weight flown were further reinorced url ctw llw for womer bv the dictates of socletv i 4- m hol m urc 1 the athletic figure tor women has be come verv popular but neither the hollywooa diet nor the effect weight reducing drugs have had much eff ot in prod icinj the desired result indeed while most of drugs are met fectiv e and harmless in this respect some are quite harmful thp change in the diet of women has rn the whole been useful it t now based not on quantitative caloric net ds hut on qualitative needs which emphasizes the value of the protec tive foods thomr relatively rich in vitamins and minerals these include the buiy leafy vegetables of low cal orlc value as well as milk egjrs fruit and moderate quantities f meat nnd fish the decline in the nverage wemht of women ls a condition that augnr well lor the future health of our peo pie h is a trib ite t popular health education salt pepper and paprika melt butter blend in flour add milk gradually and stir until sauce thickens season to taste put alter nate lajers of potatoes eggs and sauce in buttered baking djh sprinkle top with buttered cracker crumbs or grated c iccse bake in hot oven about la minutes serve i to eight spanish c ream 1 tablespoon gi mul ited tt alim i c id wa-hh- j eg voiles i sxkn salt 14 milk 1 teaspoon vanilla i eirg- whites 1 3 cup ugar soik gelatine in eold water make a cust iid of tgg jolks salt and milk cook lirnnj coiisiantlj in til mi tun coit s the ooi dtssi flavouring when mixi ire b i thicken fold i meringue made adding the lunr to tin stiilfj b ett whites turn into mo ilds chill serve witn whipped ere uh whipped jillj miu berves si whipped jelly sauff cup ure jell piape ap le ft i c irrant pinch of salt 1 egg white unbcaui melt j n bowl ovir hot al egg white and salt and beit nrj ho ki until tiff cool casta rd pie a spinster living in a london su burb was shocked at the language used by two men repairing telegraph wires close to her home she wrote to the company on the matter and the foreman wasasked to report this he did in the following way me and bill fairweather were on this job i was up the telephone pole and accidentally let the hot lead fall on bill ir went down his neck then he said ypu really must be n careful harry blended for quality n tea how many calories do people require t the caloric value of food is the pro portion of heating units the food con tains the harder you work the more calories you need these are the- cal ories per dav needed to maintain hea ti y difieieiu classes of workers calories per day woodcutter stonemason blac nlth ynlvcislty rower labourer pa nter carpenter shoemaker soldier in war soigkt in fleace hou wife doctor tailor t a if r 550q 4850 4177 4065 3 611 3600 3 194 3150 3146 3020 2eoo 2 762 2 750 2600 send in jour personal items for pub icotion things men forget i wonder lf he loves me still far when its time to go he never kisses me goodbye and oh that hurts me soj for i remember when he thought of every little thing his farewells iire reluctant ones and close to him id clbig releasing his embrace hed start then stop for one more kiss no heartaches marked those sweet adieus the mem- brles are bliss now puzzled i watch frjends and find with peaceful unconcern most men forget those little things for which all wo men yearn lyla myers f a cup of hot chocolate by katharine raker a hot chocolate drink ls especiallj appropriate in winter for social occa sions for much needed warmth after a session outdoors or after winter sports i is ideal at such times be cause of its flavour and the extra food value contained in the chocolate su gar and eggs used this chocolate syrup ls the base for a quick not drink it can be kept on hand and combined with scalded milk when needed chocolate syrup 4 or 5 uares unsweetened chocolate 1 cup sugar 2 3 cup hot water 2 egg yolks slightly beaten melt chocolate oyer hot water cool to lukewarm add sugar to water stir ring until sugar ls dissolved cool to lukewarm add syrup to egg yolks one fourthat a time beating well af- tei each addition add chocolate in same way then continue beating 1 minute or until shghtly thickened turn into jar cover tightly place in refrigerator syrup win keep several days use 2 tablespoons syrup for 1 cup milk makes 3 cups french chocolate ls hot chocolate de luxe serving it at the tea hour with dainty bread and butter aand wiches ls a precious form of enter tain ing french chocolate n 2 squares unsweetened chocolate v cup sugar da ealt- cup cream whipped 6 cups not milk x cup water t add chocolate to water and place over low flame stirring until chocolate lb melted and blended add sugar and salt and boll 4 minutes stirring con stantly cool fold into cream place one rounding tablespoon of chocolate mixture in each servtnc cup and pour not milk over it fuuns the cup stir weltto blend and serve at once serves this chocolate mixture also an excellent sauce it may be served as hot fudge sauce on ice cream or pudilmta when used as a sauce omit wmyfred cream teaspoon milt c ips hot milk 1 tea ixon vuniila or few ratings nut met bra l eggs shihtlj add siuar salt and flavouring then milk padualiv strain and pour into pie plate lined with pafitrv bake in hot oven 450 degree p i for 15 minutes then re ducc heat to 325 dezrees f and bake until custard ls ct about 25 minutes meringues 4 egg white teaspoon salt 1 cup fine granulated or fruit sugar leaspoon vanilla add salt to egg whiles and beat until whites are stiff but not dry sift 3 tablespoons sugar over whites and beat thoroughly repeat until all sugar has been added fold in flav ourlng drop by spoonful or shape with pastry tube on baking sheet cov ercd with paper bake in slow oven 250 or 275 degrees f about 45 min utes delicious served with ice cream something different in a sandwich if you arc catching up with your entertaining this month or are sche duled to act as hostess for your club or the ladles association this new version of that old stand by the sal mon sandwich may endjsmr search for something different flake a can of good red salmon add chopped nineday pickles and celery from your cellar stores moisten with your best salad dressing and spread on buttered slices of white bread when using the butter spreader pay special attention to the crusts and your guests will bless you of course you can remove the crusts but some peo pic think they are the best part of the sandwich when well buttered the ev hungry school boy- girt who devours peanut butter sand wiches by the dozen will appreciate the extra treat if you will occasion ally spread one slice of bread with peanut butter and the other with jam black currant strawberry or raspberry before putting them to gether apple jelly will do very well in a pinch too you might try this out on the m of your family who always passes up peanut butter sandwiches declaring that they have no kick it might work a miracle institute and other pro- prams neatly printed at this office ic banch i oranges itsc vaets4u and fruit prices until saronur nitfct only carrolls main street georgetown free delivery fcie 87

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