Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 31, 1940, p. 3

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hie georgetown hertjd wednesday evening january 31 at 1940 page 3 the womens page hints for lunches its the aim of every mother to keep the youngsters fit and strong for their- winters work a simple lunch after school something easily eaten that won t spoil the appetltle for dinner or supper is often just the thing needed to keep up juvenile weight to the light levels an glass of milk of fruit juice or a mfik shake with nourishing cook jes is a good choice a batch of lusicous cookies can be mixed in five minutes and baked in ten if you use these magic shortcut recipes made with sweetened condens ed milk they are failureproof too so even a beginner cook can count on scoring a triumph six way cookies 113 cups 1 can sweetened condensed milk hk cup peanutbutter any one of the 6 ingredients listed below 1 2 cups raisins 2 2 cups corn flakes 3 3 cups shreddejj coconut 4 2 cups bran flakes 5 1 cup chopped nut meats 6 2 cups chopped dates mix sweetened condensed milk pea hut butter and any one of the 6 in kredlents listed above drop by spoonfuls on greased baking sheet bake in moderately hot over 375 de ftrees f 15 minutes or until brown remove from pan at once makes about 30 cocoa drops 2 3 cup sweetened condensed milk 3 tablespoons coca t cup chopped nut meats thoroughly blend together sweeten ed condensed milk and cocoa add nut meals mixing well drop bv spoonfuls on buttered baking sheet bake in mojt ale oen 350 degrees p 15 minutes or until del catc brown remove from pan at once makes about 18 orange juice plus many food authontes advocate nn eight ounce glass of orange juice each morning for breakfas assuring us that this wll go far toward supplying the necessary vitamin c for the day vitamin c thej claim is one food consituent that cannot be stored in the body but must be obtained from some source dally so thoroughly has this idea bcv hammered home that the drinking of orange juice is now a national custom no good hotel club dining car or restaurant would think of taking it from the breakfast menu but unfortunately there has been a trend to serve glasses far smaller than the advocated eight ounce glass many catc c s serve un sips of orange juice and even in homes we find attractive little glasses being set aside for this use perhaps the monetary saving has something to do with this perhaps is is woman s craving to serve some thing dainty and diminutive anyway as a firm believer of the eight ounce glass at breakfast and another later in the day i strongly advocate the abolishment of the tiny glass insist that restaurants and other eating places fill your order with this large glass see that your own table provides it debit the cost of health insurance it is equally important when the orange fruit itself is servea to see that portions are generous members of your family will enjoy a plate of oranges sweetened with hon ey or maple syrup and you may serve uus ooeasslonally but be generous and heap the plate oranges as we have said are health insurance again try orange segments with a sarp knife peel down to juicy meat removing all outer peel an membrane cut on either side of each dividing membrane and remove meat segment by segment sweeten as for slices in choosing fruit for these slices and segments remember that the califor ilia navel oranges which come into market with the winter season are firm roeated and seedless points which make them best for this type of serving once more cut either your segments or slices of orange in pieces serve tbem as a fruit cup if company is that gives the entire pulp and juice these are but a few of the many ways in which oranges may be served at breakfast first and foremost al ways however is orange juice here are a few recipes far other breakfast orange dishes ham with oranges serves 6 tt servings fried nam u pounds 2 tablespoons flour 2 cups orange juice parsley 2 to 3 oranges for slices fry ham add flour to 2 tablespoons df fat from frying ham and cook until lightly browned add orange juice stirring well to avoid lumps cook 5 minutes or until sauce is thick pour sauce around ham on serving dish garnish with parsley and orange suc es orange toast serves 6 cup orange juice 1 teaspooo grated orange peel 4 cup sugar 6 slices buttered toast mix orange juice peel and sugar spread on hot buttered toast and pu in hot oven or under broiler to brown orange bread makes 1 loaf 1 yeast cake 1 tablespoon sugar let stand a few minutes add 1 cup orange juice heated to luke warm 1 easpoon salt 1 tablespoon butter 1 3 cup sugar 1 teaspoon grated orange peel 3 cups flour beat well let rise uhtl doubled in bulk on board put cup flour knead this in with cup finely cut candied orange peel shape into loaf let rise until bght bake in moderate oxen 375 degrees f for 30 to 40 minutes ininiiiiminiisaihm a winter pudding by prances lee barton there are summer salads and win ter salads summer pies and muter lues summer puddings and winter puddings the winter foods are hea vier for our body engines need addl uonal fuel in ccjd weather to keep us warm while winter dishes are hi order new is a particularly delicious teamed chocolate pudding it is certainly worthy of your oonsklera fton steamed chocolate pudding 2 cups sifted cake flour 2 tea spoons doubleacting baking powder j teaspoon soda teaspoon salt 1 3 cup butter or other shortening cup sugar 1 egg well beaten 3 squares unsweetened chocolate melted and j cup milk sift flour once measure add bak in powder soda and salt and sift together three times cream butter add sugar gradually and cream to geher thoroughly add egg and chocolate beating until smooth add flour alternately with milk a small amount a a time beating well after each addition turn into greased mold filling 2 3 full cover tightly and steam 2 hours serve hot with your favorite pudding smce garnish with whipped cream if desired serves 10 teething not long ego assistant fire chief frank taylor or london ont was having trouble with his teeth so he had thm yanked out and got in false ones last w eek chief taylor appeared on duty minus his store teeth he told his fellow firemen he couldn t wear them a third set is growing in he sald- the happiest men are those who are thankful for lifes responsibilities not for its prizes and possessions international uniform sunday school lesson holding life sacred a principle of teip rate living sunday february 4th 1940 golden text ye are bought with a pi ice therefore glorify god in jour body 1 corintheans 6 20 lesson passage genesis 1 27 31 1 corinthians 6 19 20 2 corinthians 6 16 to 7 1 tit s ui hi o sr or baskets any desired sweetening may be used with a sprig of mlntor a few shredded dates crumbled can dy mints give an unusual flavor and sweetening i was staying in a tourist home in canada once and my morning orange has brought to me intact now i like topeel and eat an orange in this man her but it hardly seemed to gibe with breakfast at a strange table so i or w clothe thyself with the silk of pi ety tie satin of sanctt and the pur pie oi modestj so shall god himself be thy suitor tertullinn i ifc s adventure 27 28 tt f torv of the garden of eden is repent in broad outlines for each new bi n person we receive practl cal capacity from god we hae to do practical work on earth if we are to continue tc exist the genesis story tells of mans conq lest oor nature but modem historj is also concerned with the conquest of human nature science has demonstrated the power tp solve problems of prod iction and tran portation but the next great ad vance mist be spiritual ships go from canada across the atlantic and the pacific but- america has not yet solved the problem of international relationships with europe and asia the continents to which our transports go a higher wisdom m ist be found if there is to be security on earth and if a world civilization is to crown creation provision for plenty 29 31 for ten years there has been bitter want man s hunger is due to man s failure god has made the earth so fertile that it will bear abundant food for all commerce is highly organ zed science delights in doing the im possible education preserves the triumphs of the past and through re search makes greater achievements possible human want is the result of moral failure instead of plenty there has been scarcity instead of good wfll there has been hate in stead of peace there is war the world as god made it is very good but man has failed to live up to the possibilities in human society body and spirit 19 20 the hinraan body is a temple of soul the flesh can help the spirit and the spirit can help the flesh they form a partnership through which each benefits greauy if the physical is allowed to dominate inner conflict results the ascetic view of life that regards the body as material and therefore evil fills life with unneces sary turmoil if the spirit is in con trol there can be harmony through discipline the christian view is that christ is the saviour of the body as well as of the soul it is possible to glorify god both in the body and in the spirit both are gods the 0f3l 11 tut up the waitress cot it up peel and an she brought me a plate of diced or abge i glanced at tins dubiously pic had up a piece separated the pulp from the peel with my teeth and learned of stul another excellent me tfaod to serve the breakfast orange or cuulfl s oc in you body the buddhists can say olor ify ood in your spirit christianity brings these two ideals together and affirms that it la possible to glorify ood both in the body and the spirit the new spirit isu how seldom we realise even in thought the posslbilluea christ holds out to men in ancient days worship was offered to idols in temples but christ taught that o sptilt dwell in man that mans body could be the temple of the living ood that the spirit of ood could control the will o man why are we so unwtdlng to try to live according to this high destiny to mtitn these spiritual standards we must be done with com promise seeking to serve god ind mammai at one and the same time emphatically we must obey the eter nal no and the eternal yes instead of living on the animal plane we must earn how to live piritually as chil dren of the god who is a spirit the religious society of friends hac is sued a pamphlet on the liquor problem expressing its grae concern regard ing the drinking of alcoholic liquors and the many and serious results of this practice this kind of dr nking has several causes it may be a cra ing for excitement it maj be a desire to escape from the presure of ccono mic or domestic circumstances a de jire to appear sociable a woaknes to withstand temptation or ignorance of the harmf il results the leaflet fur ther states the friend ideal is one of moderation and temperance in ill things useful nnd abstinence from all that is harmful we feel that our boalcs should be kept trong and al together fit for the indwelling ai i growth of divine life a well know american friend john woolman 17 20 1792 recognized the ideal clonrlj in his own experiences and wrote a follows when man takes pleasure in reeling their minds elcxated with strong drink and so indulge their ap petite at to disorder their mderstan ding neglect their duty as members of a family or civil society and cat off all regard for religion their case is much to be- pitied if those who profess to be disciples of ohihst and are looked upon as lenders of the peo pie hae that mind in them which was also inchrist and so stand sep arate from every wrong way it is a of help to the weaker spiritual errectives 1 the problems or the world arc chief ly moral business stagnates lhrough a lack of credit that really means lack of character disease wastes huge sums of money which could be con served if men and women observed the laws of health there is hatred and suspicion among nations because oi selfishness in individuals homes communities and governments spir itual hfe is deadened by low standards of living people dream of a change of society instead of facing the neces sity of a change of heart yet we be lleve that christ s method is right that individuals must yield obedience to the will of god and build a fellow ship that wlu transform society in dividual change is not sufficient it will result only in anarchy of good in dividuals there must be a fellowship to unify and direct the task of the christian church is to create a world brotherhood in christ that will make possible the great society questions for dbcuasjon 1 how truly is the image of god re flected in me 2 what is your policy for banishing poverty from the world 3 what is your religion doing for jour health a wasted day ait the mam with fiendish glee dire disasters followed me i cut my thumb 1 broka a crock- i spujeonjhe flour i tore my nock i burned the cake i dropped the clock people phoned incessantly agents came with pins and tea calling i had planned to do went undone the mending too but at evening little hands come to me with loves demands a book to show a strife to quell a kite tp fix a word to spell a bump to cure a tale to tell thankfulness my heart expands wasted- time who understands jyhat of meed each hour may hold wheat or chaff or dross or gold rhls truth i know fbe this lifes stay that moms disasters fade away when love and service crown the day 5nacks for sport enthusiasts skiing skating and toboganning parties are in full swing these days and such exercise calls for extra food at peculiar hours whiter sports have a habit of breeding amazinvly healthy appetites so keep the cupboard well stocked with foodstuffs from which quick tasty lunches can be prepared without too much fuss here is a rarebit made with canned chicken haddie which can be whipped together in nothing flat and will be consumed in about the same time while the toast is being mode a cream sauce to which cup grated old cana dian cheese is added can be prepared finnan haddie rarebit 6 slice buttered toast 1 can canadian chicken haddie 1 cups cheese sauce paprika spread toast with chicken haddie as it comes from the can cover with cheese sauce ai d sprinkle with papri ka sene at once with pickles and celery with a chocolate cake and a hot drink thi makes a r satisfving snack at whatever time it is served qwtty im ssfks tea health in new zealand new zealand has the reputation of being a very healthy country its in fantile death rate is about the lowest in the world its women have excel lent prenatal care the medical and niisbig professions are equal to any thing fo nd el where r n information throws some dot bt on the usually accepted health cor dlt n j prevailing amongst pur cousins on the other side of the world fot one thing the new zealanders do not consume a proper balance of the protective foods that is meat fish milk egs fruits and vegetables most of the protective foods are fairly ex pens e and in consequence meat is the main first class protein used and ihe din 1 bulked with white bread cakes ane sugar and tea the new zca anders are the largest meat eaters n the world about 250 pounds a head annually the average daily con sumption of food is as follows sugar 6 to 7 ounces red meat one pound white flour pound milk two thirds of a pint egg one third cheese one third an ounce and from two to three ounces or butter most of the milk la taken by adults in tea and the eggin cakes the evidence available shows that 97 of school children have den tal cares ard 50 of the pople have false teeth one in eery 20 person is in hosptal every year chiefly for such complaints as appendicitis dis eaed ton- lis and goitre the adult population suffers considerably from digestive complaints rheumatism and ncur lis most of the children maintain good health until about the 8th to 10th year atter which milk codmiver oil and or ane juice are cut down and their place taken by refined starches by the time children are going to school dental decay has begun though twst has been to some extent checked by a supply 4n the last two years of av daily half pint of mjlk new zealand eats too much pastry and cakes the teadrinking habits are the surpri the visitors ther is great neea as here in education ttkv the baste principles of nutrition the canadian red cross society first residential club for the accomo dation df canadian soldiers on leaver ln london england will be openedr wlthln the next few days it was an nounced today it will provide over night accomodation day service and meas at very modest rates acjing on a report from its londonc advisory committee the society re cently authorized immediate establish ment of such clubs to care for the- oanadians during the last war the society maple leaf clubs provided 500000 night s lodmngs and over one million meals to canadians on leave in lon don and this added to the comfort as well as tne health of the men of the canadian army a report from london states that a similar ctb provided during- the pre- s nt war bv the victoria league in london is already over crowded an applicants are being turned away the buihings and equipment to be- provlded by the canadian red cross will be or rated by the canadian wo men s club in london the red cross underwriting tie net cctt of this oper ation y cho you o co 5 are you afraid of being righteous overmuch lesson outlines copyrighted by the international council of religious ed ucatlon used by permission at church parade the gloomy padre had spoken about the wages of am and had fieely quoted the ttsi cuu coming out of the churchyard the regimental black sheep thought deep ly for a few ndnutes then turned to his pal ah weu be muttered tve never made a graven linage anyway look vetl enough but i need your hep believe it or not i ve spent a quarter of my life in the hospital for sick children but then im only six months old my little feet wre being straightened so that i d be able to romp and play when i m older i m all better now going home tomorrow i feel just fine too except when i think of the debts 111 be leaving behind you see daddy isnt able to pay for the wonderful care and treatment i received the government and the city i live in together paid 2 35 each day i was here unfortunately that isnt enough because it costs the hospital an average of 3 45 every day to treat me and each other little patient more than eight thousand little children were cated for here last year just like ras we re the ones who cause the large deficit of the hospital for sick children every year but everyone admits that we re worth it it isn t our fault that we get sick or become crippled but the least we can do la appeal to you for help particularly when we know that this hospital does not share in the toronto federation for community service funds because public ward patients are admitted from any part of the province wont you send a donation to the hospital to help meet this deficit even a small gift would be greatly a fdess send it today i linj jiu tqi j i tifl hospital be i r r this fniobocnkudtinm

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