Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 31, 1940, p. 5

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v- tle georgetown herald wedneaday evening januar 31 t 1940 page 5 3 lower prices special sale rose brand first grade creamery slitter 2 59 fbesb tast7 bologna lb lse by the fleec fresh madecowbt stjfc sausage 2 lb 29c special sale raoice tender med rib roast rqfjnd bone beef rump roast lb 21c shoulder roatt lb 17c special sale for tasty meal tenderloin b 2s pork fresh cat off the bntt pork chops lb 23c choice for roasting pork loins lb 25c special sale duffs horseshoe brand pure lard lb fresh fork 1 schneider sweet pickled liver 2 b 25c j cottage rolls lb 25c special sale fresh for roasting v jboubie picnic style pork shoulders 17 fresh cooked i fresh loung tripe 2 rolls 25c beef hearts lb 12c special choice thick smoked fillets 235 choice red irfcsil white salmon steaks lb 20c fillets good quality wagner lb 19c i 1 cooking apples lt 1 9 25 wm king sssk -jack- spent the week end at his home here mrs t a leslie and m ronnie ox btreetbville were visitors in town lost friday pte thos given was home last week end prior to his departure tor over seas miss a b marshall of toronto spent a lew days last week with her oousln mrs w o anthony r mrs t grieve is undergoing treatment in toronto oeneraj hdspi tal her condition iff improving as well as can be expected mr ian mckenale who underwent an operation for appendloitus in tor onto qenexal hospital recently is improving nicely miss edllh mcclellatt sttsttford spent the week end at the home oi her sister mrs frank fetch charles st mr lome t cave of the bank of montreal staff little current manl oulln is spending a three week holt da wrth lils parents mr and mrs r t cave and with his brother hr detroit mr a c patterson of silvercreek attended the convention of the on tario oarage operators association held in the carls rite hotel toronto this week mr patterson and mr fred sinclair georgetown will attend the parts display at the royal york i hotel tomorrow pte h f rr ol ti lome scots 1st infantry base depot has lelt lor overseas after spending a few days last week at his home here a veter an of the great war harry was pre c wiili a beautiful leather bill fold suitably inscribed by the cana clian legion before hts departure his stony friends wish him a safe jour ney and a speedy return among those from out of town who attended the funeral of the late wm mcmillan an tuesday w mr m j laughlin mr e l jones mr h f barrett mr hush karris of the iftternatioral harvest co hamilton mr and mrs d mcnaughton mr s mcnaughton puslinch mr eric mc millan toronto mr stan king markiiam mrs a marshall miss benham mrs mcwilliams and made line toronto dr and mrs geo king milton mrs geo mcmillan milton mr and mrs kail mcmillan hornby mr campbell wilson milton mr and mrh ro mcmillan streetsille mr croy kennedv mr jack kennedy to ronto m h f to l hamilton me government should have a clear mandate owce parliament decided that canada should participate in the war m mr king my colleagues and fe g ev o o strength and every hour ol our time in the most devoted manner pos sible seeking to further the interets- of the nation he believed he said that the country approved of the man ner in which the government had un dertaken and discharged its duties dr manlon conservative leader said the governments action was un precedented and was an effort to ob tain a snap decision from- the neo pie he criticized the government for its lack of preparedness and for the ineffectiveness of its war effort only at the eleventh hour he said had the government remedied the situation in relation to allowances to certain classes of dependents of enlisted men mr woodsworfh co j spokesman protested against the calling of an election before the government had given an account of its stewardship to parliament in any event for good or 111 the die has been cast those who be lleved there should either have been a coalition government or that there should be no election in wartime have been silenced a wartime election is to be held under the war measures act canadian soldiers of the first division in england will be given the right to vote over there votes will likely be cast before the division leaches the front in france soldiers here will of course also have the riant to cast their ballots fcht for as loos as five years no had thought of nothing eaoent the neces sity of preparing for war yet no pre paration of any kind wis made if it were not for the fact flat this is a som of t s which wo tatstof prep hear would be quite funny for example when the war began a general wrote me i wonder if x can remember the phrase he used stating that the antiaircraft units had no antiaircraft guns and that the searchlight units had no searchlights that is what has happened all across this country there has been a complete lack of preparation and as a result the war effort op far is deplorable i am not objecting particularly a general election i am objecting to the tricky manner in which it is being called i am objecting to the house of commons being called together and then laughed at by the prime mln lster andif you llkerby the mm ister of justice mr lapolnte in the face of all their talk across this coun try of the supremecy of this parlla ment 1 hey are taughtiig at the house of commons and at the supre macy of th parliament they tell parliament in session that they are goui 1 1 pass under the war measures act regulations for the overseas sol diers vcte what sense of fairness can we expect in a government which has done what it has done today with regard to this overseas vote however i wish toclose i merely wanted to point out a few the prime minister wm speafcma- am of them are mmltiomd tar the kxkeb from the throne x say that the mm minister in refusing toe british th opportunity to train their puote bare did what was unfair to the people or -oanods- thmgs which came into my head when- be advisable to mr mackenzie kino i lutoly deny that there was any refusal to train pilots here my hon friendt by endlets repetition of a statement of that kind cannot give itgy ver acity 4 mr manion weu 1 can give it veracity by the hon gentleman s owm words and before this election 1 over i will quote them over and over acein hls words distinctly fstate that theser ptoposals came from the british in formally he said that they came here these were not requests they were proposals of some such word a thatwhloh anyway meant that that they had carried on informal con- f yersatlons with this government- ins canada and he said that he refused on the ground of constitutional prac tice i do not intend to take up any more of the time ot the house i repeat what i said at the beginning that thio ls a most unfair procedure pnfair not only to the parliament of canada but h the people of canada and i sug gest to the prime minister that even now he has not definitely said that he is going to dissolve the house to night but i take it that he la- mr mackenzie king i think after my hon friends speech it would 1 ifc tragedies my nose is red my hair a mess im wearing last years hat i haven t got a girdle on and look extremely fat so naturally i meet a gent wit i whom i once at one time went when i dressed up like asters horse i neei meet a soul of course m- heating hints mnrsii an mitii m mism mm i notice to debtors in orde to facilitate the business of executing the estate of the late j m moore the executrices would appreciate the pay ment of all accounts due the herald at as early adate as possible please transact the business at the office of the herald through mr ryerson douglas or mr garfield mc gilvray i m num mim mmmwnwwswmwmxmxm in the spotlight at ottawa in a recent letter a reader auks what is the m st importai t thing to look forirthen the furnace has a good fire ii ifbut the rooms are not warm enoh there is one thing that will ulwuys account for such a condi tion but there art at least th rty tl an that may be wrong in o tae like this some of these things watch our window fob weekly ice cbkam specials amd oonfbononeby chocolae walnul sundae 13c 2 lor 25c longs confectionery ffissks grgby theatre friday february 2 mountain rhythm with gene autre n i cth t work- futt for the whole family with chariea ruffles fox news j cartoon watch dog saturday february 3 the duke of west point thrilling- entertainment with tom brown and louis hayward cartoon peace o earth chapter 10 dick tracy returns matinee at 3 pm tueaday and wednesday february 6 and 7 nuson without bars drama of r school girls by- spectator ot awa j n lary- jo there verc p ent m prop cis who ere quite sure tl at by m ij or june at the trj lttltei a general election would be called but no one outside the immedi att ci btnet had any idea thit the announcement would be made so oon an i that parliament ou d be im mediately dissolved it all came about ttlti staitling suddenness al three 0 clock on thursday the 25th in ac cordance with custom loid tweedi mulr rcaa the speech from the tl ron in the sei lechambei the speech ffron le tt rone a n rule gies a pretty eoirp ehcnlic urvey of lm porjint legislation to bo introduced during the session but the speech of lat thursday dealt gnnely and sole lj th the wir ending with the an 10 neement of an election then when the members of the ho ise of commons who had listened to the speech from the bar of the senate had relumed to their own chamber the e was quite a sharp exchange icros the floor on the wisdom of call ng an immediate election the announcement of the election had ob vlously come as a complete surprise then when the house rose at six o clock expecting to re assemble at eighi another bombshell was to come the cabinet met in the east block of the parliament buildings drafted a dlssolutloi order and gotjjthe dover general to sign it this wan at 7 07 o clock just four hours after the session convened so bewildered par liamentarians some of whom had ar rived in the morning expecting to stay for three or four months were pack ing their bags at night to return to their home the speech from the throne said canada s industrial nnanclal and other resources were being steadily mobilized and all war activities coor dlnated the canadian people had shown their determination to share with britain and france to the ut most of their strength in the defence of freedom for the effective pro secution of the war it was imperative the speech said that those charged with gie grave responsibility of carry k ing on the government of canada k should be fortified by a direct and jf unquestioned mandate from the peo a pie the speech from the throne is of course the voice of the govern ment later in the commons in the face of bitter opposition to the de cislon of an immediate election the prime minister said the political cam paign was already begun the resolu tion passed by the ontario legislature may be quickly and easily rem cfhed iy a man who is handy around the house others require more specialized skill some of the faults ma be easily located vh 1c others may pais unnoticed unless the man seeking them is familiar with heatinp sv terns sometimes the check damper is in the wronj place or the turn damper nan lie may hae slipped piinp a false position of tho damper or ihc regulator may be improperly adjusted or there may he an excess e amount of fly ash in the smoke pipe or on the boiler surfaces err the radiators may be improperly p tched or the draft mav be impeded perhaps a loose bolt or rusty jo nt may be the cause of wasted heat all of these things can bo quickly adjusted by a competent service man 13 hsavtwith safety at your re store get tours now giant kruschen 69c the supply is limited specials for this week glass free with english fruit 39c salt fe 25c noxzema castile soap russian oil hein7 baby food buckley s cough syrip alka seltzer 15c 6 for 25c 48c 3 for 25cj 40c 75c 9c for all stomach disorders bisma rex 75c 1s0 you can always shop to advantage at our rexall drug store for that cold god liver compound with creosote 100 ifcal ftow fmopi rttotnmlnj cress corn bunion salves lc each tby it today 50 don t take chances with headaches colds etc rexall chest rub 5q its htaintess and works very fast robbs drug store ipuone g we deliver the rexall store georgetown to lo or money hturkxb whb tal u travel talk quaint st augustine soon rbsbea in arna bdcbt kmxy jor qariam j parliament dissolved continued from page 4 fort which has been referred to m the speech from the throne as well as by the prime minister in his remarks on the floor of the house this afternoon in view of the fact- that long before the war this government was nick named the do nothing government the people of canada should not have expected that this government would be able to handle the war effort at all i well the people have not been disap point in that not only um this government not prepare for war but jo- my mind they have handled the war effort of canada in a most disgraceful manner after more than a year s warning we have called up one divi sion to go overseas there were not enough clothes for these men there were not enough boots not enough blankets and not enough machine guns these men went overseas un equipped to a large extent what equipment they had was -obtained- by gathering in what clothes and equip ment could be found scattered here there- and everywhere throughout all sections of canada i know of one battalion from british columbia which was dressed in cotton underwear and cotton clothing these men crossed zzvj a- i this noth country in the middle of criticising the governments war meas fdecember and continued across tho pure food store maple leaf bread flour fancy ginghai bag 49lbs 163 ne1lson s cocoa j lb tin 19c al jlmima pancake flour for shrove tuesday pit ldc lfhus jelly powders ct pkgslc old colony maple syrup f pnf 27 comfort soap s pi 4 for tse saniflush efficient speedy 27c special meat values sweet pickled cottage rolls by the piece peamealed back bacon by the piece choice breakfast bacon by the piece fresh bologna by the piece york brand sausage warm and serve lb s2o lb 32c ut 26e lb 14o tin 25c choice fresh fruit and vegetables at market prices a e farnell phone 75 free delivery tins and a veiling thai mm guvvriiuieirt had made little effort to- prosecute the war had purported to be made in the name of the people of canada the prime minister said this was one of the reasons given for the decision to make an immediate appeal to the peo ple for a mandate i do not think it advisable said mr kin that we shouldwalt until june for a general election one im thing is jbfcai may happen rm th wwrtinn xront in the early spring if we can have airelection before the heavy fighting takes place then tnthe pub- he interest that should be done grave decision would have to be taken whenflghttng opens in the spring and north 3raanturutuigf same kind o- weather i say again without fear of contradiction this information comes to me from doctors in charge of these militia regiments that many of these men are sick and large numbers have been sent to the hospital because of lack of preparation and b of lack of vision on the put of this gov ernment if it were true that no one had fore- sts tin da o war th i could not critldte 3ut i find that the prime minister in his remlrtt on the address in reply to the speech from the throne durlns test session i refer particularly to pages 20 30 31 and 33 of hansard said repeatedly uiucr 0ii the colour guarantees the quuity j w h kentncr son rboniii aaoaonortn hill vn km m mj0 pjtlnrr so uotp m

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