Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 7, 1940, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventythud year of publication wednesday evening february 7th 1940 1 50 per annum in advance 2 00 to u sa cleave and leslie to contest reeveship council discusses the parking of cars in front of post office citizens asked to cooperate with officials that his danger- our corner may be kept clear of accidents at a meeting of the municipal coun u held in the waterworks building last evening much discussion took place as to the carelessness of some motorists in parking their cars in front of the local post office building it was contended by the council that in order that no accidents should oc cur or traffic unnecessarily held up motorists going east should park their cars on the south side of mill st there being a ten minute parking regulation on that side for the post office and that those going west should park their cars on the north aide it was also brought to the at tention of council the carelessness of some motorists in parking their cars on main st local car drivers should bear in mind the seriousness of thelr actians and observe the traffic regu latiohs more carefully members present at last nights meeting were mayor jos gibbons councillors n h brown k r mc donald a e crlpps s j mackenzie and jas costlgan who attended his first meeting and signed the declara tion of office minutes of the previous meetings were read and adopted mayor gibbons in his opening re marks welcomed mr costlgan back to the council table night constable wm emmerson ad dressed council asking for an increase in salary communications were read from canadian legion war services hospl tal for sick children and pu health department mayor gibbons asked that the municipal office be used only for the transaction of town business and that the inner office be private and not used as a sitting room following are the motions as passed by council moved by brown seconded by mc donald that p kersey be appointed belief commissioner at a salary of 9 00 per month carried moved by brown eecondedbymac kentfe that the treasurer pay the re lief commission the sum of 11438 to pay january accounts carried moved by costlgan seconded by brown that the resolution passed on january 16th appointing wm em merson as night constable at 60 00 per month be rescinded and that he be appointed by the month at 65 00 per month carried moved by mackenzie seconded by oripps that dr r learmonth be ap pointed sanitary inspector for the town of georgetown for the year 1940 curled moved by cripps seconded by mc donald that harry goldham be ap pointed a member of the board of health for the year 1940 carried moved by oosugan seconded by ortpps that the treasurer pay the following accounts john oliver fits 130 jas blair sts 195 jade tost sts 750 c btacey sts 210 j oliver sts 155 w h kentner son coal 3135 speights oarage trucks lights 7 57 municipal world stationery r w robb stationery w c anthony ww beb telephone co x m longdon legal fees fred sinclair town truck the franklm press debentures 16 92 155 337 1193 500 572 6318 101 73 hydro electric ip b harrison registration of births marriages deaths yr q marshall postage etc jack tost welfare moved by mackenzie seconded by brown that we do now adjourn car xled next easter sunday almost earliest date lent comes very early this year beginning today ash wed nesday february 7th add 46 days forty fast days and six sundays and it will be found that easter sunday comes on march 24th with palm sunday on st patrick s day easter is the first sunday after the full moon which happens upon or after the 21st day of march if that full moon falls on a sunday easter day is the sunday after march 24th is the earliest date upon which easter has fallen since 1913 when it was the 23rd and it will not be celebrated as early again for the rest of the century in the 500 years from 1500 to 2000 the festival has been celebrated as early or earlier only 16 times it fell on march 22 in 1573 1688 1791 and 1618 on march 23 in 1505 1516 1600 1768 1845 18s6 and 1913 and on march 24 in 1611 1695 1706 1799 and for the last time in all that period this year april 25 is the latest date upon which easter can fall which occurred in 1546 1641 1736 and 1886 and will happen again in 1943 and not again this century lions hear about the shoe industry c b dayfoot til est speaker at dinner georgetown lions olub met in the mcgibbon hotel on monday evening at 630 chief john d kelly in tne chair the hotel served a most de llcious chicken dinner after the toast to the king a let ter was read from gordon alcott in regard to midget hockey and the mat ter was referred to the committee and directors the guests present were mayor gib bona dr bateman and mr c b day foot the last named being the speaker of the evening chief kelly called on col ballan tine to li traduce the speaker which he did saying that for a soldier the next most important tiling to his rifle is his boots mr dayfoot said in opening that the boot made for the soldier today is a more comfortable one than in the last war he then proceeded to ad dress the club on the canadian shoe industry some industries can be traced to their origin and some not the study of tools is interesting weapons 3 and knives developing from very primitive articles to the perfect ones of today the shoe industry is a very ancient to the ancient hunter footwear was as important as weapons and the first shoes were probably just pieces of hide wrapped round the feet an cient bas reliefs show the sandal maker at ork and people are shown wearing the product of his art the earliest example of footwear now in existence is a pair of sandals made of papyrus found in egypt and dating back about 2 000 years the next in point of age is a collec tion of 117 samples of footwear dts continued on page 4 1175 16 45 500 norval resident celebrated 83rd birthday matthew laldlaw lifelong resident of the norval district quietly observed his 83rd birthday at the home of hla son norman laldlaw last week mr laldlaw was born on the fifth line wes or chinguacousy township and for a number of years was a sub sttfcute preacher of the methodist church which he had joined at the age of 16 years mr laldlaws two sons and two daughters norman and w p laid law of norval mrs graham craw ford brampton and mrs harold ly ens norval attended the dinner which marked his anniversary and nearly all of bis 14 grandchildren were present annual seed fair to be staged at georgetown march 8th and 9th are dates set w r reek deputy minister of agriculture to be guest speaker vi anflounceme ba iust been- made by w e breckon president of the halton crop improvement association thta the association will stage their annual county seed pair in george town on march 8 and 9 according to a survey recently made by agri oultural representative j e white lock there are considerable quantities of seed both of cereal grains and small seeds being offered for sale in the county and growers at the pres ent time are busy getting it cleaned up and graded as in former year the prize list will permit only those with seed for sale to make exhibit and furthermore the exhibits will be representative of that offered for sale we understand the prize list will be extended and it is expected that every worthwhile halton grower will avail hiffliylf of this excellent opportunity to bring his seed before the buying public w r reek deputy minister of agriculture for onlario is to be the guest speaker on the afternoon of the second day the association is also planning to cooperate with the hatchery ap proval association and the poultry division of the federal live stock branch in staging a baby chick show and sale in conjunction with the seed show the programme also calls for the usual junior parmer seed judg ing competition to be conducted on the morning of the second da plans are also well under way by the association to erect a display in the king edward hotel toronto the week of february 12th in the dls p ay will be shown samples of seed being offered for sale by halton growers and with the annual meet ings of the ontario plowmen ontario agricultural societies and the ontario crop improvement association being held at that point during the week it will bring halton s surplus seed before many hundreds of farmers from all sections of the province who will be attending the various annual meetings in toronto columns open to federal candidates owing to the federal election on march 26th candidates and political parties will 6e busy or hfnrnhg campaigns and hold ing puttie meetings following the usual custom the columns of the herald are open for ad vertising and articles of all parties at taw usual ejection advertising rates annual meeting of knox church rield last week sicceshful year reported by all departments the annual meeting o knox pres byterian church was held in tee school room on tuesday evening jan 30th with good attendance the mod rev d d davidson presr ded at the meeting reports given by the different or ganlzatlons showed a very successful year in all department of the dhurch s work election of officers took place when the following were elected budget treasurer miss j m mc dougall treasurer church funds mr h f gorrtrflf messrs fred thompson and russell hepburn were elected to the board of managers i messrs r b foulla and s j mac kenzie were reelected audltora at the close of the meeting a sodal half hour was spent at- which the managers and elders wives served a delicious lunch w o brownndge elected president of streetsviue fair the first posthumous certificate to be presented in peel county for agrl cultural service to his community was awarded at the annual meeting or the toronto township agricultural society to the late t a leslie or streetsviue who died late last summer the pres entatton was made by c d graham agricultural representative of the county and the certificate will be for warded to mr leslies family at the same time wullam couse veteran ap iarist of streetsville was presented with a similar certificate which had been awarded by the society in 1638 mr graham in a brief addrefi ur ged that the society cooperate with the pee field crop improvement as sociation i making a soil survey this summer was shown that the total receipts of the society during the past year amounted to 1 562 and that a bal ancc of 143 was available for opera tions of the current year the annual fair of the society will be held on oc tober 2 and 3 this year officers elected were the following president w o brownridge george town vice presidents alfred mc cracken streetsviue erton mclean oakvllle secretary s s rice percy merry hornby w j mccaugherty streetsviue stanley thompson mea dowvale william pengllley church ulle victor hall hornby allan couse streetsviue t a leslie jr streetsvlllc j w drennan streets ille honorary directors j k feath erston streeteville j c rutledge streetsviue samuel marlatt erin dale e d maguire olarfcson c h falconer streetsviue united church annual meeting on monday evening feb 5th the annual meeting of georgetown united church was held in the sunday school room of the phuroh the pastor rev f c overend presided and mr w deans acted as secretary for the even ng tlie opening devotional period was jn charge of the young peoples society they centred their verv beau tlful mes age around holman hunts picture the light of the world which was shown on the screen during this part of the service the reports of the va ous organi zatfons were then presented and indl cated a very encouraging condition in the work of the congregation the session reported an increase in the membership he board of stewards a balance on hand in the general rev enue and an increase in missionary glvlngs the sunday school met thedr missionary allocation as did the w mb and mission band the wo is association reported a most successful year while the choir yj union and coit reported healthy and growing condition a new report was one from the tennis club the retiring members of the board of stewards messrs w deans h clark e porgraves and h bird were reelec and mr howard wrigglesworth was newly elected plans were discus sed relating to the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary and votes of thanks were passed to all the or tfnfxations of the church and to the pastor and his wife at the close of the meeting lunch was served by the wives of the members of the session mrs blake leslie of georgetown lecelved the sad news on wednesday of last week january 31st of the sud den pass i g in toronto of her brother joseph lt lie thompson mr thomp son had been in good health but suf e d a heart attack and passed away er suddenly deceased was born in erin a soi of the late mr and mrs bryon thompson but has spent some cars in trenton and toronto mr thompson was in his 53rd year those ir this district who knew mr thompson held him in high esteem ana his passing came as a shock not only to his immediate family but to a wide circle of friends he was member of the masonic order and the presbjterian church surviving are his widow formerly jennie slater of toronto and one frank also of toronto and a sl ter mrs blake leslie georgetown the funeral on saturday was held from the m kkching funeral home 219 danforth ave to the family plot in erin cemetery tie sen ice at the funeral home was conducted by the pastor of the angli can church whitby due to illness of the presbjterian minister and at the grave by the rev thomas of erin united church the pall bearers were mr fred wilson mr thread gould mr ralph thompson mr wat son mr la verne thompson and blake leslie there were many beautiful floral tributes jas cosligan given district president addresses norval institute on thursday afternoon february 1 the monthly meeting of the norval institute was held at the home of mrs e c reld the meeting opened in the usual manner with the prest dent presiding after a short business meeting the guest speaker mrs cowan the district president gave an interesting address on our duties as homemakers duty in tho pmwit war mbujkuluflcx of palermo gave an account of how the branch carried on their work for the red cross miss helen browne favored us with a musical selection and mrs w g browne a solo in their usual fine manner mrs w graham read a humorous reading a treasure tail contest conducted by mrs e reld with the questions pertaining to democratic government proved both educational and entertaining after the dosing of the meeting by the national anthem groups rfound their places for tea by piecing a pic ture puzzle tea was served by the hostess and a social half hour was en joyed by all the march meeting will be held at the home of miss charlotte mcpherson married in acton couple will reside here a pretty wedding was solemnized in si joseph s church acton on satur day feb 3rd at 10 am when miss eileen kowalskl daughter of mrs molozzl acton became the bride of mr john cummins son of mr and mrs martin cummins georgetown the bride gowned in white georgette with tuxedo vest finger up length veil of tulle with hallow of orange bio soms and carrying prayer book and streamers entered the church on the arm of her brother mr rudolph kowalskl of kitchener to the strains of the wedding march played by miss irene mulholland the bride was at tended by miss annie molozzl who wore ore id taffeta in princess lines and carried bouquet of pink rnrna tions the groom was attended by mr ri ssoll br ish rev father j l mcbrlde officiated following the nuptial mass a recep tion was held at the brides home the bride s mother assisted by mrs cummins of georgetown received the kuests mrs molozzie wore navy blue chiffon with corsage of american beauty roses and mrs cummins wore wine sheer nnd corsage of american roses guests were present from to ronto georgetown london kitchen er and waterloo the groom s gift to the bride was a prayer book to the best man a bill fold and to the bridesmaid pearl clips amiit shower nt nonfpth r gpnd acclamation in ward ii grant and lindsay m field for hydro commissioner others nominated fail to qualify election monday february 12th world day of prayer in quietness and confidence shall be your strength is the message which will be heard by women of the christian church es as they assemble for prayer in all parts of this war torn world on the day of prayer the pro gram prepared by the misses muriel and doris lester the founders of klngsley hall in the east end of london england has been adapted for use in canada listen in for the coast to coast world prayer broad cast which will be given over the cbc network on thursday feb 8th at 4 15 pjn or better still attend the interdenominational service in knox presbyterian church georgetown on friday afternoon feb 9th at 3 pxny halton presbyterial wms meeting the executive of halton presbyterial or the united church wmj3 met on jan 30th in st pauls church milton the president mrs earl wilson pre siding mrs c readhead and mrs w gunby assisted with the devotional exercises mrs h inglehart reviewed the fourth chapter of the study book a living church is a witnessing church two minutes silence was observed in memory mrs s r bews milton tormerly of the dominion board and mrs s a sheppard of appleby both recently deceased fol lowed by prayer by mrs h caldwell reports were received from secretar les or departments mrs j m mc dermld reported total of 5427 15 sent to the hamilton conference brane treasurer the supply secretary mm w m brownridge reported seven car tons bf clothing etc sent to smoky lake alta and 38 cartons sent oshweken ont a total weight of 1545 pounds in reporting for the chris tian stewardship and finance the secretary asked that five minutes be devoted to this department at each meeting mrs h caldwell advocated the reading of the official temperance organ the advocate as a guide ascertaining the true facts in any temperance controversy she also stressed more prayer and the teaching of temperance in the sunday schools and the signing of pledges mrs a speight mrs a k leonard miss e mckay and mrs b mowat reported for the mission bands cojt baby bands and community friendship re spectlvely mrs g w tunis reported for the nominating committee the presbyterlalxnnual was announced to be held early in april at waterdown and as 1940 is stewardship year this department will be stressed at the meeting mrs harper carlisle and miss r chapman oakvllle were ap pointed presbyterial delegates to the hamilton conference branch meeting the third week in april with alter nates mrs h cleaver mrs j e par ker miss stella ford and mrs pears son several auxiliary presidents were present also mrs r clements branch secrelarj dinner was served at noon by members of the w a milton church georgetown is in the throws of a- municipal election for the second time in order to elect a full council for the year 1940 at the first election which was held in december geo w davis who ha slne passed away was elected over thos lyons for the reeveshlp the death of mr davis necessitated an other election here jos hall who was given an acclamation for council in ward ii has since resigned and elmer c thompson elected over wm h long as hydro commissioner could not qualify for this office due to hold ing the position of division court- clerk so another election was made- necessary in these instances at fhc nomination meeting held in the public library last thursday even ing three were nominated for reeve with two qualifying they were har old cleave thos l leslie and thos l lyons to fill the vacancy in ward ii for council jas costlgan thos i l thos l lyons and walter whitmee were nominated hugh lind say w v grant and wm h lang were proposed ifltum the final summing up came n friday eventnglt was found that harold cleave and thos l leslie two former halton county wardens would contest the reeveshlp jas oos- tigan was given an acclamation for councillor of ward ii and hugh lind say and w v grant are in the field for hydro commissioner the electldn will be held next mon day feb 12th and voters will mark their ballots at the usual polling booths mr and mrs j j mcgdl celebrated diamond jubilee of their wedding mr and mrs john jamleson mcg4q celebrated the diamond jubilee their wedding last w a surprise gift a handsome chester field couch from their sons and daughters mr mcgql was born in toronto son or the late dougald mcglll m years ago while mrs mcglll was bom near llmehouse a daughter of the late john scott mr mcglll was bom on february 7 and his wife three years his junior was born on february 9th they were married by the rev john pringle of the georgetown presbyter- ian church and their groomsman john law son is still living somewhere in western canada although they bad not heard from him recently mr mcglll claims that he is a ortt to the backbone but is not decided at the present moment whether be is a supporter of premier mitchell f hepburn or the rt hon w l mc king he and mrs mcglll have con tinued their support of the presbyter- ian church since their marriage they have two sons john of otta wa and roy of georgetown and two daughters mrs fred downing lon don and mrs g r polklnghorn of coldwater mr meoill is the last member of his family but mrs mc gill has two brothers robert of georgetown and james of toronto and a sister mrs hugh morgason of hamilton telegram the herald joins in extending con gratulations to thlffet5teemed couple and wish them many years of contln- led happiness esquesing council purchase wing for snow plow at 12960 road sheets for month amounted to 789 09 count 233 39 relief ac- wishes the happy couple left points east on their return they will reside in georgetown card of thanks we hereby wish to convey our sin cere thanks to our friends and netgh bours for the many kindnesses and sympathy extended to us during our recent sad bereavement in the death of our beloved husband and father wm w mcmj mrs w momu ian and mr and mrs k c mcmillan bunira telephone system has chan ged from manual to dial it is rum ored that georgetown may- have dial system in the near future stewarttown feb 5th 1940 esquesing township council held their regular meeting on monday af ernoon deputy reeve c h may councillors o w murray edwin har rop and g e cleave were present reeve wm a wilson presided at the meeting the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed communications were read from on g r aab cretary rural mail couriers assocla tion secretary of the esquesing wo mens institute and red cross alfred brigden and department of highways moved by may and cleave thak the treasurer pay the road sheets as pre sented by the road superintendent 789 job carried moved by harrop and murray that the treasurer pay relief accounts as presented by the relief officer 33339 carried moved by cleave and may that the treasurer pay x m bennett tration of births marriages and deaths in 1939 2000 writing cm age pen sions and mothers allowance boards in 1939 s1800 total 3800 carried moved by may and cleave that the treasurer pay toronto stamp and stencil 600 dog tags 1999 munici pal world 1000 bell telephone co 381 r 21 534 91 r 12 1 40 total 674 secretary ontario good roads ass 5 00 whiluer co supplies 10354 joseph sanford on account of salary 35000 carried moved by harrop and murray that this c p a win to th snow plough from the sawyermassey co the price being 139 60 carried moved by cleave and may that the rolls be returned to collector joseph sanford to allow him to complete tne- tax collections carried moved by murray and harrop that the treasurer pay board of health accounts dr j b milne i services for indigent 300 i 1l bennett taking indigents to toronto hospitals jan 6th and 16th s1000 1 record book 50c expenses to toronto tor indigent 100 total hu0- car ried moved by may and coecvethat ttda council do now adjourn to meet en monday march 4th at 1j6 pnv oe at the can of the reeve carried

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