Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 7, 1940, p. 2

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page 2 the georgetown herald wed nesday evening february 7th 1 940 the georgetown herald phone no 8 a weekly newspaper devoted to the best interests of lhe town 01 georgetown and surrounding country including the villages of glen wil hams nerval umebouse stewarttown ballinafad and terra coll issued mry wednesday evening at the office on main st georgetown subscription bates m50 per year in advance united states 0c additional angle copies 3c both old and new addresses snould be given wjeen change of address is raquested advertising rates legal notices 13c per line for first insertion to der line for each subsequent insertion readers 8c per line for each insertion if in black face type 5c per line additional notices qualifying as ssvrming events such as concerts entertainments society church or or nittfl meetings etc 8c per line mounium cnarne ic rtports of meeuneia held gladly inserted free in memonan notices 50c and 10c per sne extra for poetry birth marriage and death noilcu soc braati ad ertisenietits one inch or less 50c for first insertion and 23c for each sub sequent insertion display advertising rates on application althougtievery precaution will be taken to avoid error the herald accepts advertising in its cohupns on the understanding that it will not be liable for- any error in any jjuvertlsement published hereunder unless a roof of such advertisement is requested by the advertiser and returned to too herald business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error correction plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case if any error so noted is not corrected by the herald its liability shall not exceed such proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the space occupi ed by the noted error bears to the nole space occupied bv such adver the herald does job wtlntino of all kinds poetry the queen walked here the queen walked here so i w as proudly told in a small village and they pointed out the little wind swept street where she had been and an old mother said she had walked about and spoke to them and smiled her gracious way and won the village to her heart that day the queen walked here and v here her feet had made x little hollow in the grass they set a tiny sapling slender as a warm to mark the place lest someone might forget the very spot and soon we 11 have a tree that people going through the town may see the qbeen walked there and ever moie for them the lnue lonely street will hold ro mance and when their hearts are old they will remember the gracious beauty of her smiling glance and children yet to be will hear the story of that poor street that once had known such glory by edna jacques i rumours and tell of the absence or re strictions or difficulties you 11 be doing canada a good turn maclean s brave and true dtlendes of the church and state your valiant deeds being you renown no foe will conquer however great who tramples truth and honor down you flgrt for lands where peace has spread her gentle ways o er fruitful soil where men are free to earn their bread where men are free to worship ood o brave and true our prayers our pride shall constant be tib victory comes through happier years will then abide the love and joy of christian homes t h a c swat these lies german agents in us injuring canadas tourist business canada s tourist trade from the uni ted states has been shrinking since the war began the decrease is such that convention and tourist associations are gravely concerned official ottawa is worried loss ot income from tourists affects our trade balance the principal reason for the decline is that as part of economic warfare german aaents in the united states are spreading false rumors designed to prevent travel to canada here are some of the rumors care fully planted in such information car rters at hotel clerks travel agency em ployees gas station attendants and others who come into contact with the travelling public in the united states these are the lies jhe stress of wartime the cana ople- do not welcome tourists the united states the canadian authorities are seizing cars brought into the dominion by united spates tourists tourists are being bothered by pol ice the canadian government is taking all american money entering the country and giving only fifty nine cents on the dollar in canadian cur rency the troth la- there has been no change in cana das tourist regulations tourists from the united states are as welcome as they were in times of peace tourists cars are not being inter f ered with legitimate tourists who observe the trhr traffic a are not even an preached by a policeman united states money is worth more to the t in canada chan it was worth before the war tourists get the full benefit of the exchange pre- thp department of transport is dotng its utmost to counteract lying propaganda but it is not an easy master to overtake in a country as larss- as the united states anything so widespread and as carefully designed as is this campaign of falsehood ag- every canadian can lend a hand ton can lend a hand imm jtn trttte to anyone in the patted- dtfcna to eery possible bu-sl- jfcsta 1t mtar contradict these what other papers say will not a homl nursing course here elora expre s as it seemi liilik i that the elora bianch of the red cross will and it feasible lo start home nuising class it woud appei to be the beter part o wisdom on the part of the numbers of joung women in oi near cur illage who desiri this cour e to ind out nether tliej will be allow ed to join the extremelj well con due ed and well a tended courses in fertui peom our own point of view e would far rath r have t home in struction trroup httt maniitri bv one two of the nurses in elora who are not now practising their profession as inter attendance at distant classes is hot alwi practicable bit when ao eminent 1 desirable i naming lb apparently not planned m collection with the local branch it is a world cf pities to miss the available txpert nstruct ion in fergus no one ever egretted taking a home nursing cour e it is invaluable for women in ii walk of life and now l the time when necessarj enthusiasm could nake of it a hlgltlv pleasurable as well is profitable pursuit on the part of a roup of our oung women rlral independence i detroit news rural people arerevtsing their es timate on the worth and dignity of their occupation for a long time public opinion in countrv districts tended to send ambitious joung peo pie away from the farm youths who were content to settle down at home and take over management as their elders released it to them were re garded as lacking in spirit of late a number of influences have been charging this attitude intro ductlon of ingenious machinery has made faming more a skilled occupa tion return of agricultural college graduates not only has improved so clal conditions in rural communities extension of electric service lias enabl ed farm people to have the comforts and intellectual advantages which once were limited to enjoyment of city dwellers periodic unemployment in the in dustrial centres and lhe hardships and discontent attending it have les sened the attraction of the bur city for the young people of the farm they are beginning to realize and re value the security and independence of tarm life the old pride of land ownership and of landed estate in herltance which is a tradition from the long past is being revived recently dean e l anihon of the agricultural school of michigan state college in a speech appealed lo rural people to emphasize these advantages he said the oprt unities of today are to be found on the land the far mer ls not out of a job at 50 or 50 ears old land offers securitv for old age the farm probleip todaj is not the price of products but w hat are we going to do with these farms tomorrow let us work out a senmbh partner ship with our boys and sirs to en courage them to stay on tht land and keep the- farm in the familv from generation to generation although ontario 1940 auto license plates need not be purchased until march 31st they will expire decern ber 31st of the present vear as the government ls reverting back lo the calendar year for the issuing of plates march 31st is the end of the govern ment fiscal year the new ruling means that motorists aaltlng until the end or march before purchasing plates wll have the use of them for only nine months no reason was given for the change but an order in council passed a week ago provides for alteration of fie license period and the penaliz lng of motorists who delay purchasing plates accidents and compensation there wereyos3 accident reported to the workmen s compensation board during january this being 404 more than during the month of de comber and 1028 more than during january a year ago the- total benefits awarded amount ed t5mm6a9 or which 48m36 0b was for compensation and 10608431 for medical aid send in your news items as early in theweek as possible in the ne ws of the week although the general eleotlon ls just nicely under way in canada and in spit of the fact that election pre dictions are dangerous at any time it is not too early to report one hasty conclusion which several politicians have been reaching during the past l week briefly it is this the ontario i vote will in all probability be the de- elding factor for the conservatives in their bid to wrest the responsibility of administration from prime minister kings government from rough surveys which have been conducted by party organlea tlons these general observations may be made patnllos commitment of his organ zation to the king government is an important one in favor of the present administrations chance in british col umbla throughout the prairie provinces impartial reporters believe- the present government will hold its own in the mafitlmes tlie liberal party counting on keeping as many seats as they havenow despite the narrow shave the liberals had in new brim wick in the last provincial election the argument here ls that the con servatlve gains in the provincial field were due to a desire to out dysart rather than a falling away from the liberal partj conservatives expect a gain or two in prince edward is land that leaves for consideration the two thickly populated provinces of quebec and ontario only the most optimistic conserve tive workers see even a glimmer of hope for their paitj in quebec fol lowing the fairly recent provincial election there this vote appeared to be settled on a federal issue of war effort and hit mineral result was accep ed at least bv the liberals as an tndor tment of tht king government a suddeji reversal of opinion in que bee then would be a distant surprise not so long ago there was some feeling that the social credit organ zation in quebec might be a factor in the next federal election but the pro vincril vote showed that these aber ha t followers had little influence and if that were not enough his eminence the cardinal of quebec last vveck deal a heavy blow lo that group when he lsued t commlnque in which he instructed that no priest or mem ber of the clergy in the quebec dlo cese will gu tlie s ipport of his name to social credit defendf rs or organ a lion and will not be allowed to at tend social cred t public meetings at all this action tht cardinal took to avoid ambiguitj an ing out of the report on social credit made by tlie commission of theologians which his eminence felt might wrongly be used in an election campaign as implying a proval of the doctrine of social cre dit in the name of the church if this pre cntation of the election chances of the two parties throughout the country be anywhere close to the actual faothr then of course it ls easy to understand whj these political ob servers hold that ontario s vote will tell the tale highlight of provincial news last week was tlie hepburn government announcement of new taxation ai increase from 2 to 5 per ent in the tax on net income pavablt bv ordinary incorporated companies if possible it would be ulummating to arrive at a total of the number of ontario citizens who read this an nouncement and then said something i like this well thank goodness that doesn t cost me anything wliat many of us are apt to over look ls that this new tax increase ls reallv n direct tax on each and every -r- one of us for the simple reason thai the companies involved must add the tax to the price of tlie products they sell to the public so many firms j work on such a small margin of profit that to absorb uils and other taxes would mean going into lhe red thus this latest tax may llkelv be responsible for another slight upward shift of prices for all sorts or commo ditics foods clothing furniture gaso line fuel and dozens of other articles which the ordlnar rit cn has to buj frequentlv the pitv of it ls tills the higher the i price the more sil reslst mc there is the more ales nsltanre lhe less production there ls the loss produc tion the greater the in employment i of workmen just another vicious j circle and yet then is thls to keep in mindthat if die provincial gov ernment reallj neds the money for war scnices comp lints will not be strong a in aim k to show how lhls s tern of hidden taxation works out we rt down rather a curious piece of information which came to light last week someone was talking about the l ossibihtj of having tlie old amuse ment lax brought into force again when an official of oni of ontario s large t sport institutions said even without the amu cnient tax right now we puv out in taxes tht best of 11 c nts out of every dollar we get from our patrons scraper ere we leave thy house o father for our nation we would plead guard our soldiers god of armies in their need spare our sailors in their peril monarch of the mighty deep safely guide thorn holy pilot safely keep grant to victor and to vanquished when their earthly conflicts cease crown of blessing loving father heaven a own peace tha canadian laglon war sarvica ara undar- takan with i ha approval andactlra caaparauon af tha bd in hamilton spectator the finns arc making it tough for stalin even if th red army march over every square loot oi finland and tears up every national monument he cannot destroy the spirit that breathes in the finnish people that sings in tine music of jan sibelius but what he has accomplished very successfully ls to destroy every shred of respect that i and muuons of other young men like me had for the soviet system some of my friends believed in it so passionately that they went off to spain to fight in the international brigade today the same young men bitterly dsctuslosed as bitterly dis illusioned as i am myself are fighting with the finnish armies they bad to admit that they were wrong and so do i oovarnmant help pl all histomoow- on monday february 12th the canadian legion launches a financial appeal for 500 000 to carry on a great new and much nee d program of educational and personal services among our enlisted men while the first job is to win the war evry man must be prepared for the inevitable return to civil life the canadian association for adult education is collaborating vith the legion to provide educational and vocational training for our men through its 1100 branches in canada the legion will assist in the solution of personal and business problems soldiers free of private worries are better soldiers legion services will also include facilities for leave sports reading soldiers concert parties and other entertainment give generously to this great new cause send or take your contribution to your nearest legioq branch a national appeal february uth legion war services canadian the best way t buy you get good value when precious tune and trou- you shop by telephone ble too theres no need because the grocer takes o wait to get served a particular care cnr time table mnc bast passenger 057 aa passenger and malfctf 10m am fmmnfsr andmall passengers for toronto 6mbjs 0 41 jus passenger sunday only sj1 pabi going west passenger and mall 834 im passenger dally except saturdays and sunday 60s pja saturday only 211 pjb passenger and mall 64s pju passenger sunday il pja passenger saturday night only from nov 4 to apr 27 1328 ajsv going north mall and passenger 846 an going south mall and passenger t 660 pjo time table leave georgetown to toronto a 7 08 a m 938 ajn 1218 pjo c 223 pjn 438 pjn 6 48 pjrr 9 03 pja to london 10 06 ajn xll20 ajn 2 06 pjb cx265 p m ay4 46 pjn 700 pjn m00 pjn dxllos pjn exll50 pjn iexcept sun and hoi andvhol c saturday only d except sat sun and hol e sat sun and hot xto kitchener y to stratford tickets and information at w h long phone 89 gray coach lines directory f k watson djs hldjg georgetown office hours 9 to 5 except thursday afternoons leroy dale kc m sybil bennett bjl barristers and solicitors mill street georgetown ont kenneth m langdon barrister solicitor notary pobbe first mortgage money to loan office gregory theatre bldg mill st phone 88 georgetown frank petch licensed aucnoneeb and all classes of insurance prompt service phone 391 geor p o box 413 monuments pollock ingham successors to cater worth gall ont designs on request phone 2048 inspect our work in greenwood cemetery am nielsen 25th year of practice chiropractor xray druglesa therapist lady attendant office over dominion store georgetown hours 2 5 730 930 pjn closed thursday phone 150w acton mr and mrs j lelshman left on mondaj for a hoi id a trip in florida mr murrav smith had the misfor tune lo have his hand caught in a mnchine at the beardmore plant on tuesdav nid suffered painful injuries last week councillor g w murray sold a two year old thoroughbred shorthorn heifer blythewood lady for a good figure to go to the agricul tural college at quebec council discussed the purchase of a fire pumper the olerk was instructed to notify the fire brigade that couij ell had considered the purchase of thls wiilpninr irtifrn mnlrlng their- j umates but nothing would be done until spring or such time as demon strations of equipment would be made an optional plan was discussed of hir ing a truck to supplement the present equipment yes bass fishing is out of season but when the water got low at the plant of ebardmore and op- workmen investigated and examined the screen on the hume at fairy lake they found the intake clogged with fish the ice was cut away and frosen fish were cleaned from the ooreen and it is estimated 500 fish most of them bass were thrown on the bank before the opening was clear and the flow ot water was back to normal xt was cer tainly a great catch vree press

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