Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 7, 1940, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening february 7th 1940 page 7 wmmm 1 ottawa m 7 cwk quarters ai inthe spotlight at ottawa by spectator ottawa february 6 party head quarters are donning their armor and marshalling their forces for the war of ballots o marc 26 since the nipt dissolution of parllamehno way to a new election to be held with in the minimum statutory period the pol tlcal events of interest have been the explanations from the prime min lster of his action a manifesto issued by the ccf party condemning kings action as arbitrary and the negation ol democracy having pre cmed discussion in parliament of tot jovernmeni conduct of the war and criticism from dr manton the con servatlve leader of the government j unfair and impulsive dissolution of parliament in addition dr manlon has levelled bitter attacks on the min lster of national defence mr rogers january x ou can free winter better feel real satisfaction in knowing that the coal in your bin is guaranteed get this satisfaction and confidence now theres only one coal in the world coloured blue as your guaran tee of quality that is blue coal the worlds finest anthracite order your supply today blue coal the colour guarantees the quality of platform discussions bat other domestic issues those at least not concerned directly with the war will unquestionably nave to talto a sec ondary place until the war ends during the last week of january war orders issued by the supply board reached a total of over 15tt million dollars the largest sum expended in any week since the war began the major part of the contracts was for the construction of antl submarine vessels of the whale catcher type thesq orders amounting to 13200000 wer pl with shipbuilding com iisntnaontreal quebec and sorel further orders for he same type of boats will shortly be placed with ship yards in other parts of canada the dominion s thus beginning to take a more important role in the work of combatting the u boat menace all arrangements are being made to build 46 whale catchers in canada a list of all the war orders issued by the supply board and its predecessor the defence purchasing board be tuecn july 14th and the end of the y has been published it agyre dates 61 million dollars it dots not include purchases of the mon h of for quicker service phone w h kentner son phone 12 listen to the georgetown shadow every wednesday over cfrb 9 cbc presents second house of variety jack arthur one of the best known ithealxe impressarlos in canada will i wot the cbo house of variety which is to be produced at the bar i racks toronto friday february 16 lit 900 to 1000 pjn est the cbc iwfu play host to hundreds of troops tin training who will comprise the in ivlted audience at the great music building and the broadcast will be i beard over a coast to coast network a company of leading vocal and dra bmatic artists will include such stel i oar names as tom hamilton the well known singer of scottish songs jack tmclaren famed as a member of the i original dumbells patricia bailey i ldveayyoung songstress of the cbc jane mallett kathleen kidd the ismarties girls vocal trio and george i pattern famed for his stanley hollo way monologues on the long time fa vourite lecs all go to the music hall obc presents musical valentine songs and dances that were heard i at valentines day parties in grand i mothers day will be presented by an i orchestra and soloists from vancouver wednesday february 14 930 to 1000 1pro est contrasting the sentim i of toe victorian valentine with the lesent day observance of this roman stday a dramatic cast will dramatize story of two wise cracking young iters who are taken backwards i ttirougfa the years to see the oharm land appeal of a valentines day done i in lavender and old lace the cbcs i valentine greeting will be heard over i tbe national network canada s war effort recorded by march of time frank willis director of feature broadcasts for the cbc has been ap lpointed official observer for the cbc on location with the march of time i unit now engaged in recording can i ada p t nn tyr home front wulis accompanied producer geo and cameraman johnny gelsel i awi their staff to kingston and tren i ton recently where a pictorial record 1 was made of canada s air force in i training and the various activities of s fflgnaj corps the royal canadian artillery and the gentlemen j of the royal military college i ifce film which is to be released late in march as a feature of toe march 1 will ha i a of 5 canadian authorities cbc flays works of toronto otns applebaum ue 21yearold toronto composer who won honours ita 191 ad 1990 witto his entries in the canadian performing right so ciety contest will be the subject of a musical salute on the next edition ol canadian snaphots wednesday february 14 boo to 8 30 pjn eot samuel hersenhorens orchestra wui play the last movement of app baums sonatena written in 1939 the programme will also present the young composers setting of the song cynara by esnest dowson mr applebaum is a second year stu dent at the faculty of music univer sity of toronto he has two para mount hobbles the first is expert mental work in connection with the relationship of music to the theatre and the second is the teaching of very young children mr applebaum s youngest pupil is three and a half years old and he sajs that any child who can count to clgl t is ripe for piano lessons and can be taught mr applebaum is actuel engaged in the work of the jewish communjlcbn tre association and the tivatrc he has been able to put many of his theories into practice with both these enterprising groups cbc has two war sonrs two songs or cai i origin hae been adopted b ythe cbc carry written several years ago b the nationally known oompo er and or ganist ernest dainty has alreadv been chosenas the theme of the cbc house of variety a special music comedy programme which is schedul ed once a month from the barracks of the canadian national exhibition grounds toronto this week it is an nounced that the cbc has gleh its approval to the new number over here for over there which has just been presented in manuscript form to the toronto studios it was given prnmicre on the opening broadcast cbc house of variety last th three well known cbc personalities collaborated on over here fjr over there jess jaftray baritone ana vidn guthrie of percy faiths rhy thmaires wrote the music and hor ace brown of the script department devised the lyrics with mr jaffray programme officials of the cbc have expressed themselves as pleased with the songs catchy lyrics aid smooth marching tempo the goal we tread along ufes busy way when skies are blue or cold and grey noi turn to left nor turn to right pursuing s till falls the night a point of sharp criticism being the alleged lack of proper clothing for british columbia units of the overseas force an werlng the charge mr rog ers referred to reports of orfhance of fleers that all members of the bri ti h colimb a units had woollen un derwear battle dress and army coats general attacks on himself and his de partment the minister said would be answered during the campaign the prime minister and most of his cabinet will not make extensive speak ing tours during the election cam paign they will remain at their posts in ottawa directing canada s war activities they will present their case to the people in thematn by radio and through newspapers mr king ex plained recently he was sorry he had to forego the pleasantest part of elec tlon campaigns the personal contacts with the electors since the war started he said he had not had a single days relief from work he pro posed to maintain that program so long as necessary but there is a limit to ones endurance on his part the national conservative leader dr manlon has proclaimed and explained p omlsl in case his party ii elect to form a national government his idea he said is that at this time of world crisis and national danger the koplr do not want petty bicker lngs of party continuously sounding in their ears they do want when this election is over a government of the best men available irrespective or politics ii handle our war effort both le old parties and if possible all imporlant parties in the house of commdns would be represented in the prox ed cabinet no outstandingly able man would be kept out because of party affiliations leaders in busi i iss and lndustrj would necessarily be included there ls llkclj to be comparative q tit t in political arena for a fort night or longer while finishing touches- are put to party organizations when key speeches are made or complete manifestos issued the public will get a clear picture of the general lines of attack and defence the issues will undoubtedly be almost exclusively confined to the governments conduct of the war on both military and eco nomlc sides the sudden dissolution of parliament will also be the subject broadcasting during the election pi bnadcastlng over the obc net work by political parties in the elec tlon campaign will be restricted to 121 hours the thne being allotted as lollows liberals 5 conservatives 4 cjcf iw and social credit i a hours the distribution was arrang ed and agreed upon by representatives of the parties and was based on the average of the popular vote of the four groups in the 1930 and 1935 elec tlons what time might be alloted to new parties would depend on the ex tent of their organization the num ber of candidates etc paid election broadcasting will be confined to pri vately owned stations for local and provincial distribution except in the case of chlcoutimi where the cbc is the only station giving local service as war conditions have caused a shortage of fresh fish in britain the minister of fisheries has appointed a fishing advisory board of eleven members to arrange the orderly sup ply of canadian fish to the british market targe military class in training at brampton association for would be officers and non commissioned officers what matters this what matters that when ways are steep crooked or flat onward toward our goal we wend mayhap tls just around the bend on on wc go from dawn till dark and ev ry step will leave its mark whereby others may find the way and reach their goal at close of day hetty m brand with little more than the rafters ind the floor for seating accomoda tlon enthusiastic militarists invade brampton and orangeville armouries twice a week tor the instruction which will speed them on their ways to de sired ranks as officers or n c o s previous to christmas the lome scots n p a m which is included in military district no 2 boasted of three of these schools but after the vacation the oakvlllc branch was amalgamated with brampton to make instruction more uniform those aspiring to be officers and noncommlssloned officers number thirty and sixty resp in the two schools instruction at orange vllle is under the supervision of lt col o m fitzgerald excommanding officer of the regiment col r conover oc ls in charge of school at brampton with captain ck a montemurro of streotsvule as in structor lit col l h bertram 1c la second in command of the rejpv meat the orangeville school gathers tt recruits from the area surrounding tbv town and including orand valley and shelburne members of the regiment in acton georgetown milton oak- vllle port credit streotsvule and bol ton come to brampton for their mili tary education as the group gathers around the in structor at least one corner of toe barren armouries ls livened with tbe leader s voice resounding from the confines of the otherwise deserted drill room it is perhaps a sand box that the men are intently occupied wltti watohlng as military tactics are dem onstrated to them by the movements of toy soldiers on alleged battle front the lectures- vary in content and are frequently interspersed with drill the theoretical course ls one of six months duration and will be followed by practical training before the certi ficates are granted the current rools will conclude their curriculum w ih examinations injmarch all instruction in this co is given by olflcers of the regiment without re- muneratlor df any kind their ser vices are often required at the school or at tfieii company headquarters a total of four or five nights a week ind some must travel more than forty miles for this purpose on tuesday night the annual signal school was inaugurated with twenty five members from brampton and vicinity instruction in this course is given by lt paul cornell and 2nd u j d conover the lome scots npam have sup plied fourteen officers and 150 men of other ranks to various cabj un its including five officers and about thirty men to the infantry base depot under the command of lt col louis keene the war has resulted of course in a greatly increased training schedule for the ranks of the npam and com pany headquarters are beehives of ac tivity the call for recruits made three weeks ago has been well respon ded to training is carried out at tbe following locations headquarters company training signals at bramp ton first headquarters platoon bol ton second headquarters platoon brampton a co at brampton streetsviue and port credit b co at oakville c co at georgetown milton and acton d co at she burne and orangeville where government quarters aue not provided as at bolton and streetsville accomodation is rented and where government armouries are not large enough for drill purposes additional room is acquired by the rental of ap propriate halls and club rooms such is the case at acton and port credit so you want to quit working drawled the foreman whabs the matter aln t the wages good enough well i guess it s not the wages mister i reckon i m doing a horse out of a job lady to beggar how can you prove you are blind beggar well mum do you see that tree over there lady yes beggar well i can t school choirs broadcast new world ballads out of ninety thousand women there will be eighty nine thousand nine hundred and ninety four who will read this the other six will be blind the two foes jtejutttful and song earth flowers and fruits and mirth the fear of man spoilt the whole of life with darkness horror disease and strife the love god not given in vain strove hard to give back joy again but the love of god and the fear of man have been at war since the world began how is your father oft hims all right how ls your mother cjh hers very well dear me your grammar is terri bly bad yes rheumatic 7eryou when you travel inf motai goacu low round trip fares oriuia goderich httntsvnae tickets and information at w h long phone 89 georgetown gray coach lines commission is about to enter upon a novel experiment which has as its purpose the interesting or canadian children in ballads having to do with the history of their own country this will take the form of a series of five broad casts based on john murray gib bon s recently published book new world ballads the broad casts wjll take place on successive friday evenings beginning jas nary 3 between the hours of 7 00 to 7 30 eastern standard time and wilt be heard from eighteen sta- tlons covering the entire country thro of wut originate in toronto and the bal lads will be illustrated by a group of girl singers picked from tor onto high schools and singing under the direction of leslie r bell director ofmuslc ontario college of education university of toronto the balance of the programme will originate in montreal with ha had img hv thft whthllimlt singers a group of girls from weathlll high school thin choir is under the direction of irrin cooper supervisor of music for the protestant board of school commissioners in the city of sower picture to toronto choir conservatory of music an inter esting feature of the experiment is that school children in ontario have been instructed to listen in as part of their home work and it is expected that in other provinces the same action may be taken the attention of the school children of quebec province is also being drawn by dr w p perclval director of protestant education to these broadcasts in the interests of school and com munity singing upper picture shows the montreal chotr and tbe

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