Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 14, 1940, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventy third year of publication wednesday evening february 14th 1940 1 50 per annum in advance 2 00 to usa cleave and lindsay headed electio polls monday haflon musical festival to be field this year in georgetown united church april 25 and 2b is the place and dates r the halton county musical festival will this year be held in georgetown on april 25 and 26 the festival will convene in the united church when boy penwick of toronto will act as adjudicator four township elimination festivals for niral schools will be held in es- queslng anfl nassagaweya on april 11 and in trafalgar and nelson on april 12 the elimination contests comprise a new scheme decided upon this year to decrease the number of rural com petitors found particularly heavy in recent years in each township only two competitors will emerge from the elimination contest to compete in each class at the halton festival syllabus bias shortening duration of the event lloyd tufford bsrrte will act as the adjudicator at the township ellm inations loje elect 1940 officers the anrual meeting of the countess of strathmore chapter ioxke was held at- the home of mrs wallace thompson monday evening feb 5th twenty members being present the regent presided in the chair and the meeting opened with the members repeating the prayer of the order the secretary s report on the previous meeting was read and ap proved and the treasurers teport given six new members were received in to tne order and took the oath of al leglance the regent presented them with their badges thesecrtary reada letter of thanks frcm mr cotheart school teacher in northern ontario for the christmas boxes piesents sent by the chapter lor his pirpils it was voted on and passed to pay the affiliation fee to the local coun al mrs dann and mrs j squires to bf the representatives from the jojxe the sum of twelve dollars was do natod to the red cross society for the polish relief it was decided to give two dollars to the canadian legion war service inc the secretary annual report was given and the treasurers annual re port for 1939 was so encouragng that the members felt keen enthusiasm and anticipation for their work and ef forts for 1940 report of the wool committee cov enng the interim from oct 1 1939 to jan 15 1940 was given showing com pleted work 56 pairs socks 8 helmets a sweaters 2 scarves 1 pair wristlets 15 par of the socks were given to the lotie scots regiment officers for 1940 were elected as fol lows honorary regent mrs woo thompson regent mrs k d barber m vloe regent mrs c v williams 2nd vice regent mrs s mackenzie secretary miss i mcdermw educa tlonal secretary mrs l lambert treasurer mrs wallace thompson echoes secretary mrs j hart wel fare secretary miss ethel marshall standard bearer miss hilda erwin publicity secretary m r f barber the correspondence attended to and the business concluded the meeting closed with the members singing the national anthem correspondence tifton georgia feb 10 1940 the editor georgetown herald georgetown ontario dear sir you win probably get press reports of a major disaster in the city of albany georgia when it was struck toy a tornado early this morning and suffered damage running into million of dollars besides several killed and cores or hundreds wounded the radio reports the red cross has taken over and guards on the high ways are keeping people from rushing in to view the damage and hinder sal vage and rescue my reason for writing you this is to remind our many friends and ac quaintances in georgetown and vicl nlty that we moved away from al bany last fall and have suffered no injury or loss for this we are very thankful yours very truly morley petti t all canada mourns passing of lord tweedsmuir tbe passing of ilord tweedsmulr governor general of canada left a told that will be bard to nil in the hearts and life of the canadian peo pie across the enjjre dominion oum mou t passing 6t a good and groat man loord tweedonuir died in montreal on sunday evening following three brain operations necessitated by a fall be received a few days previous fun ml servioee are being held at ottawa today in the spotight at ottawa ottawa february 13th pontics holds the centre of the stage in the capital the opening shots in the campaign have been fired and the el ection will soon be in full swing the first speeches delivered by the prime minister mr king and the minister of national defence mr rogers have been keynote addresses to other el ectors and have helped to clear away the mists that always surround elec toral campaigns until party platforms are formed and explained fully these mists do exist even though main points of cleavage between the parties are understood by the electorate and will not entirely vanish until spokesmen of all parties have placed their case before the people in his appeal for a new mandate for the liberal government the prime the liberal government the prtoe lmadamen my goodscores minister said the real issues before are being made and we foresee a good the electors were the maintenance of national unity and the war policy o the government the reality of can adian unity was confirmed he said by the people of quebec at the october provincial election this unfaltering voice of quebec he regarded as greatest of the contributions that in the early stages of the conflict can aaa could possibly have madr towards the winning of the war this nat ional unity had not come mr king declared by committing canada war without consulting parliament by pledging to extend the life of parlla ment in time of war without reference to the people or to form a socallcd national government that might enforce conscription or disfranchise many classes of canadian citizens assurance had been given that none of those things would happen and he had held the country to thit course steadfastly patiently and honorably thus unlt had been achieved mr king accepted tull responsibility tor the dl solution of parliament and the immediate appeal to the people he would have been unfit to be leader of tie goernment he said if he had delayed until a time when our men were facing the horrors of concentmt ed warfare in relation to the governments war policy he said it would be a miracle if the transformation of a peaceful country into a nation at war were not marked by some shortcomings by some unpreparedne bj some short age of supplies but those are minor matters and shrunk into insignificance when placed hi their appropriate per speotive beside the true magnitude of our war effort prom dr manlon conservative leader has come a sharp denial that conscription is involved in his sug getlon of a national government in his speech at brockvllle he declared he made his position clear in the com mons last march in that speech he said i very frankly opposed con scription as i do now on the grounds among others that it is unnecessary mder present day conditions of war tare it has proved true since this ar began that in the last war its chief result was national disunity and misunderstanding dr manlon re peated that a nat onal government which ne promises to set up if elect ed would be composed of outstanding leaders irrespective of politics the prime object of such a government would be to carry on canada s war effort efficiently and economically omething which has not been done in the past referring to the prime minister s statement that national unity was an issue dr manlon said every decent loyal canadian french nomination meeting of halton county march 11 at princess rhiitre milton hushes cleaver to seek re election for liberal party and will be opposed by geo atkins national govern ment candidate with the dissolution of dominion parliament two weeks ago and the federal election to take place on march 26th both major political par ties in halton county are busy rush ing organization and campaign work nomination day ls u tor march 11th in the princess theatre mi ton and as both parties have their candidates picked the meeting will be an interesting one hughes cleaver the praent nujmber will seek reelec tion while geo atkins ookvillc will oppose him as national government candidate norval rifle club the cnr rifle club of toronto will visit the norval range on monday feb 19th bringing from 15 to 20 com petitors it is hoped the norval mem bers will equal their quota of men to make the competition keen the norval club are now compiet ing their scores in the dominion supply of spoons coming to norval the scores made in the aggregate event follows h nurse 100 x 10 atkinson 100 x 10 c meredith 100 x 9 a b robertson 100 x 9 norma hall 99 x 7 aw wgamnjlb x 7 g h hall 98 x 4 btmckinney 98 x 7 f johnson 98 x 8 c caves 38 x 5 w llsk 98 x 6 dr steven son 97x 6 g downs 96 x 7 a reeve 96 x 3 p hustler j2i x 3 the georgetown arena board w ill stage a mammoth carnival on friday feb 23rd at the arena the lome scots band will supply the music and a 11 t or events arc listed below the full list of prizes to be offtred will np pear next week races girls and boys race 8 years and under girls and boys race 12 years and under girls and boys race 16 years and under open races men and women fancy costume national costume uncle sam fancy dress girls and boys 12 ean and under best dressed lady and gent oldest couple best dressed comic lucky number frank petch will be the announcer w c t u the february meeting of the wc tu was held friday feb 2nd at the home of mrs c b dayfoot the president mrs a r vannatter in charge mrs a rfieve leading the devotion al period review td a study by rev a cameron ol john vi 66 08 oui lord f question to his chosen twelve will ye aloo go away and peters answer to whom shall wc bo thou hast the words of eternal this question was put by the one whom they had followed tt lough 1 period of his popularity to this hire when the crowds had lost their nthuslasm and in some cases were cornful and hostile jesus by the use of parables had been as it were bitting out those of spiritual compre henslon would these young men up on whom he was relying to carry on his work too fail htm what if he misunderstood by the crowds and hat ed by the religious leaders of his day should see these desert him peter s unhesitating and conclusive answer revealed to the wistful master that humanly imperfect though they were they had glimpsed and were ready to follow the vision of the life abun dant which he came to give to all pioneers of faith in every age this question still comes as a chal lenge to thoughtfulness and heroism do we as true disciples go forward as loyal followers possessed of his con ceptlon or life of that life whose wealth is not measured by material possessions but b the measure of god likeness of character patterened after him was come not to be mini tered untc but to minister and to give his life a ransom for many concluding the devotional period a bi itltul message in song was contri b ited by mrs a m nielsen accom pa tiled by mrs c buck as prevloi sly planned he first of a series of studies in sclenrifjc temper ance based upon the book alcohol its effects on man i formed the foun datlon of the afternoons program in making a brief introduction to tl i st dy book mrs c b dayfoot f aled that the reason for the choice of this partic ilar book lay in the fact that tt had been written by dr haven emcrsoi professor of public health practice columbia unlversitj in re sponsc to a request by a group of health educators foran authoritative pre entatlon of scientific facts in re bards to bevbrage alcohol dr emer son is considered an outstanding stu dent and authority on the subject of public health not only in america but tlso in furope where his services in i is chosen field during the first great war won for him international reco continued on page 8 vacancy for reeve and hydro commissioner now filled in the hockey spotlight at the political pot boils in halton and peel george c atkins national government candidate for halton county chosen at meeting in milton on saturday geo thorpe and allan nicholson withdrew a change was noted on the political horizon on saturday when george o atkins publisher of the oakvllle re cord was chosen candidate for the national government party headed by hon r j manlon at the nomln ation meeting held in milton of united empire loyalist stock mr atkins is an oakvllle resident be ing active in most of the towns social and poet organizations he is presi dent of the oakvllle red cross and takes an active part in the canadian zpszrslz rsi- rz nobody on the other side several cablne ministers are al ready out on the platform or prepar ing to take the field mr howe mini uer of transport has already defend ed the nonpartisan nature of con flying officer he was a prisoner or war and escaped after two attempts i he was mentioned in despatches his nomination on saturday marks his first entry into party politics allan nicholson and geo thorpe both of burlington were also nomin ss r srassss s h d been shown in giving these order mr rogers has also vlgourously de fended the government s war policy and no the campaign whfch will con inue until polling day march mrmh at premier king was out only to mr rtnt jt f a th e a that the war is mr lapointe minist of justice wil jwmdnrv tn his minrt wf provtac wbue 1 cover up poor management he said our government has seen fit to t w u- i go through this war so far without t51 kto n ny person the servattve nomination a few months ago but resigned in order that a national candiate could be chosen i ii n j l in a short address following his nrels ffs nomination mr nicholson charged spreading and gathertrur head later h d v i dr mstiion after addressing his con stftuency at fort william will tour ofchf pa coas du the th mr ian mackenele minist pensions win be nominated in van oiuver centre mr ralston will speak in prince edward island mr haley in nova scotia and mr gardiner will continue his election campaign in saskatchewan the electoral battle tn quebec will acquire momentum a little later when mr lapointe mr cirdm mlnlmer of public works and mr power postmaster general will take th pl tft e always mi dies in every campaign which dry the prophets bumhe major riddle at the moment is wnat effect mr hep burns feud with the prime minister may have on the fortunes of candl dates in the province of ontario at this time silence enfolds this area of disharmony party this is not a liberal or con servetive war was mr thorpes chief comment mr atkins said that the present administration reeked with lneffl dency and lack of preparedness which is entirely inexcusable as mr king himself has stated that he knew for four years that the present war was coming gordon graydon peels national candidate bitterly assailed the trend of politics today i dont think it is in jhe in interests of canada that we cake a narrow partisan view no matter to what party we are affiliated the war should be lifted right out of politlosj hughes cleaver m p a busy man hughes cleaver mp liberal can dldate in the coming election has been the speaker at a number of nomination meetings lately last frl day he addressed gatherings at hen sail huron perth riotfrg- and south york monday he spoke at wood stock in the oxford riding he attend ed the governor generals funeral at ottawa on wednesday liberals and national govt nominate candidates in- peel county at tlie liberal nomination meeting for peel on saturday george parr of brampton was chosen candidate in his address to the convention mr farr tated ftrty per cent of the men plcbed for service with the war time price board were conservatives that is more of a national government than manlon is trying to shove down the throats of canadians you maj ftonder why i m up here thomas blakelock provincial member for halton told the meeting i was one of th felows who voted for the hepburn mo ion an emergency arose and we had only two or three minutes to make up our minds i was one of the men whodldn t get down on hands and knees and crawl out i have vot ed for the hepburn government when it was right loted for the hepburn government when lt3ai wrong be cause mr hepburn thought he was right and i nave voted for the hep burn government when i was sure it was wrong i think that mr king took the only course that was open to him officers of the county liberal asso elation for the ensuing year were ap pointed as follows president frank kitto brampton vicepresidents john anderson albion mrs c h pal coner streetsvllle secretary george l m kl br trtmjnirw t h graham inglewood gordon graydon mj of bramp ton was the unanimous choice for peel of the national government party at their nomination meeting on the revious saturday t h moonhead is president of national conservative association of pee brampton and georgetown tie in overtime in their last scheduled league game of the current season georgetown in termedlates took on the brampton team at the arena here last thursday night although a win or loss might have meant that the local team would have been in or out of the play offs having a three goal lead at one time they were unable to score a win after on the bramptonians but were tent to eke out a 4 4 draw the game held all the thrills of a bramp on georgetown game rivalry now runs high between the two tearno the brampton boys dls play a rough brand of hockey while jie local sqtiad try to ignore the pun is h ment given and offset this rough stuff by their speedier skating and abiltv to move faster from danger zones however a good referee tl e playoff games should crack down on this dirty work and a fast game of the natienal sport should be the outcome georgetown went two goals into the lead in he first period when k rich ardson notched a beautiful goal on t pass from ward and w richardson right in fiont of the goal mouth leav inj burrows no choice to save the second counter was soon added when palmer banged in the puck from face off near the visitors net at the opening of the second period ward added another on a pass from w richardson which put georgetown well to the fore and looked as though they had the game well in hand was hort lived however for weiler and gibson counted in quick succes sion georgetown held their one goal lead well into the third period and with but two minutes to go while they were unwlselj putting on a five man power play brampton broke away with only hoare in the net to beat and weiler evened the score while his own team was playing a man short poor strat egy on the pert of the local players cost them a much needed win in the overtime session brampton scored first on a goal by avery but k richardson evened it up again on a pass from ward there was no fur ther scoring and the period ended georgetown a brampton 4 since that game the georgetown team have been hurled back into plaj off position due to the defeat orangevllle handed milton on friday night so it looks like brampton and georgetown to battle it out for group honors brampton goal burrows fence gibson k long centre thony wings mcmurchy weiler subs solcvkl avery mcintosh d long beecham georgetown goal hoare de fence hall dewhurst centre k richardson wings ward w richard son subs crichton palmer riddall baker george referee bert mc caffery toronto de- acton rural hockey league tuesdaj feb 8th 1st game mil ton defeated huttonvllle in a very closely contested game by a 2 1 score 2nd game georgetown pi rates defeated norval 2 0 in the best game of the season so far at the ten minute mark of the first period davies and c bradley combined for a neat goal with bradley on the scoring end there was no further scoring until within three minutes to go in the game daxies took the puck from a faceoff at the georgetown blue line and outskated the norval team to draw cameron out or his net and flash the red light and make the final score 0 for the pirates collier was out standing in the georgetown net and blackburn was a tower or strength on the defense while davies c bradley and kozacfc starred as a line for norval cameron in the norval net along with hore marchment and mac watson were the most effec tlve 3rd game acton nosed out rockwuud tn a vlfll playeaffbmebylrr thursday feb 10 1st game nor val defeated acton 2 i in a fast ex citing game there was no score until with only about 4 minutes left to play in the game norval banned in two fast goals and acton managed to re taliate with one goal in the closing seconds to rob cameron of a well deserved shutout 2nd game hornby broke georgetown winning streak by d them 2 0 and eycept for great goal tending by collier would have had several more goals ootlier and davies were the best for the pi rates while the entire hornby team started and certainly deserved their win 3rd game milton won from rockwrwd by 3 1 and betered their chances or edging into the playoffs in a keen election contest held l georgetown on monday last barou cleave defeated thos l7lesue by majortty of 3dl for the reeveshipc while in the election for hydro com missioner hugh lindsay had a ma jority of 13 over his opponent w t grant the results by wards follows for reeve cleave leslie waro i 193 80 ward ii 267 85 ward iii 169 m majority for cleave 381 for hydro commissioner grant lindsay ward i 102 ward ii w gj ward iii gj j5 majority for lindsay 13 monday feb 12th 1st game rockwood tied the mighty ftorval monarchs 3 3 althoghhavus m chance or making the playoflsthby are giving the other teams somv m ghty tough battles 2nd carat milton bruins fighting hard to mate l tout tted tng actoa army team 5 5 and with a hrwdr should of had a win -iass- oeorgetown with only eight iflayem and short davies c bradley w bradley and ohaplin whipped th huttonville entry by 6 1 the fs two periods were all georgetown ana as n t 9econd p a6 0 lead the final period the pirates were tiring and hubtonvlll managed to beat collier f0 their onlr boa blackburn with two goal getters while kozack bytes h ris and beaumont got singles following is the standing trvi all games played to date norval georgetown 3 hornby acton milton ji huttonvllle g rockwood 3 milton no match or local juniors last night here georgetown scoop in 1 goajls warn visrros scose but onoe in a wide open hockey affair hero last evening milton yellow jackets were defeated 7 l by georgetown silverstreaks while the game was more or less a fixed affair with mil ton willing to hold 4th place and the locals 2nd in the group both teams- turned in some nice efforts and the fans were well repaid with the hocker displayed georgetown was the more aggressive team and when they meet irthe play ofls it will be nlp-and- tuck for either team to win the rfl will start next week the goal scorers last night were- georgetown kemshead murphy ran- ham beaumont 2 lane and blnseo milton brown got their only counter the milton goalie turned in a beau tiful game while beaumont and bin- sell were the bright lights for george town while runham looked a much improved player mrs george edwards dies in acton a life long and highly respected re sident of acton mrs george edwards passed away on thursday last in the general hospital hi ouelph she was in her sixtysixth year mrs ed wards had been in poor health and about a month previous had gone u the hospital for observation and treat ment her condition was not consid ered serious and her passing was a great shock to the family and friends mrs edwards was before marriage minnie statham a daughter of the late mr and mrs thomas statham and was bom in georgetown ther roost or her life has been spent in ac ton as the family came here when she was a young girl when mr and mrs statham retired trom the baking busi ness mrs edwards purchased it and for several years conducted this well established business with success pour years ago she sold the hustness to mr maddonald of durham she was a woman of good business ability a real homemaker and respected by all besides the bereft husband she leaves one daughter lucy and two sis t mrs flynn of denver colorado mrs r burling washington djo bb- och statham exeter william sta tham london and harry in acton to all of these whom have been be reaved the sympathy of many friends in this home community goes out the funeral on sunday afternoon was largely attended not only bt friends here but by others from tor- pnto wfmhlnyton tin pontiae mich- tale mlort waterloo otieiph port credit georgetown etta woodstock branttord xngenob lon don hamilton oamlngton and wood- bridge the service was held at the johnstone 5e rumley funeral hotnev conducted by her h l bonnie bar minister free press

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