Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 21, 1940, p. 2

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page 2 the georgetown herald wednesday evening february 21st 1940 the georgetown herald phone no 8 fa weekly newspaper devoted to the best interest of the town ol georgetown and surrounding country including the villages of qlen wll sterns norval umehouse btewmrttowo balunafad and terra ootta issued very wednesday evening at toe office on main st georgetown sobbceuftion rates jl50 per year in advanoe united states joo additional single copies sc both old and new addresses should be given when change of address is requested advertx6xno rates legal notices 13c per line for first insertion 7c per line for each subsequent insertion readers 8c per line for each insertion if in black face type bo per line additional notices qualifying as doming events such as concerts entertainments society church or or anlaation meetings etc 8c per line minimum charge 25c reports of meetings held gladly inserted free in memonan notices 50c and 10c per one extra for poetry birth marriage and death notices 50c small ad tertlsements one inch or less 50c for first insertion and 25c for each sub equent insertion display advertising rates on application 1 error the herald accepts advertising in its columns on towunderstanding that it will not be liable for any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless a proof of such advertisement is requested by the advertiser and returned to the herald business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error correction plainly noted in writing thereon and in that case if tiny afaror onoted is not corrected by the herald its liability shall not exceed such proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the space occupi ed by the noted error bears to the whole space occupied oy such adyer csement the herald does job printing of all kinds although every precaution will be taken to avoid ats advertising in its columns on towunderstanding poetry sparrows in wlrter neath the apple tree many sparrows dally see a group of greedy chirping things is who do not bring the robins springtime message sweet wh with gay songs the season gieets they re nondescript in hue and song they quarrel and scold the whole day long and pounqe upon a crumb or crust as though twas cake upon the dus that lies upon our wondrous earth jui still in all they bring me mirth i gaze upon the snow swept grass and view their ifootprints small that pass around the corner by the hedge and all atop the graystone ledge that forms the wall about the well and through bare lands i cannot sell ah sparrow folk ye homely bird rax better voices have i heard far better plumage have i seen 3n foreign lands that i have been but your staccato little voice spells home to me and i rejoice i sal va tore marsiglla a letter from the lord s day alliance the weekly day of rest with its ministry to the health and comfort of our citizens must be safeguarded with constant care and persistent ef fort during these days or war de clared rev geo g webber general secretary of the lords day alliance of canada in his annual report just released tje lords day with its opportun ltles for worship and spiritual cul ture must be given even greater em jphasls and challenge in the face of perus tha war conditons bring to the fore mr webber stated this is the special task of the lords day alliance in these days of national and international stress and strain warning was sounded by the general secretary against attempts to promote bunday entertainments under the pre text of ralsng money for war needs further proposals have been made he said for the loosening of canadian sunday laws to make possible the op enlng of theatres on sundays as well mb the business of commercialized sport the lards day alliance was watching the situation closely he sta ted stimulation of public sentiment to ward the complete elimination of com mercial radio programs on sunday will be sought by the alliance it was re l ji ed mr webber noted that can adlan newspapers had added their pro test to that of the alliance on tht que tlon of sunday commercial adver using a further protest has now been sent to the canadian broadcasting corporation by the anient favorable financial conditions were reported in the annual statement giv lng evidence that the work of the lord s day alliance is continuing to gain the confidence and support of people interested in safeguarding the vital privileges of n weekly day of rest and worship in the midst of the strife confus len and bewildering uncertainties of our present day world the lords day comes to us week by week as a day of enrichment and refreshment fitting us the better to live all the days of the week to meet the oport unities and tasks life brings us rev mr webber said problems affecting law enforcement in various parts of canada will occupj lhe attention of the alliance during 1940 it was stated canada tries democracy boston monitor elections in wartime always find it difficult to escape the charge of poll ucal expediency certainly the dram atic circumstances which have brought canada uddenly before the polls are proving no exception prime minister mackenzie king stung by criticisms of his liberal governments contribution to the war has dissolved parliament with declaration that he is thus following the democratic principle of a direct appeal to the people but the oppo stion can charge- that the unexpected actio h all parliamentary debate issues that might be composed by questioning in the commons will now become the focus of more heated but probably less illuminating oratory during the electoral campaign mr king points out probably with benefit of advice from london that there may be a major military often sive in the spring he wants to deal with political problems first the op position points out that mr kings tenure would expire in the autumn he would then be in a much less stra getlc position to conduct a campaign even this political disagreement pro mises to be submerged during the next few weeks in argument over what canada is doing in the war social problems will wait basic economic issues vital to the dominion will be sidetracked while the people weigh canada s position as the allied ar senal w j teas just saying how forgetful husbands are long distance and put me to shame a 300mile btationtobtation call after 7pm and all day sunday usually costs do more than a couple of movie tickets with rates that low a fellow can easily keep in touch with his family when hes away from home why not call them up tonight but even mare important than as sessment of canada s war effort will be the revelation of the extent to which democratic procedure can still exist under war conditions canada today is under stringent emergency restrictions its now dissolved parlla ment was expected to provide a strlk lng example of free speech and open criticism an example which would have been highly significant in a na tlon engaged in a struggle to main tain the ideals of a liberal civilization mr kings record will not be writ ten only in terms of hts success at the polls it will also be etched in the manner in which the campilgn is con ducted and the extent to which the government refrains from using its temporary strategic powers of war canadian legion war service the canadian legion war services recently opened in london ils first overseas residential club for cmidit fighting iren the buudfhg which hadn i been oc cupled since its erection lost year and which was leased for duration at a i imozinglv low rental is dhe of the most modern and best equipped in the city stationed in gower street near e us ton street station and just a stones throw from the theatre district the new club will accomodate 72 soldiers erected lost year b mrs cecil che teron founder of the cecil houses ns i home for small wage girl earners but nevr used for that purpose owing to the outbreak of war the building j tf votes were taken large recreation room librarv dining room and lounge in addition to well ventilated bedrooms each oc comodating four guests on the roof of the structure is a sun terrace where may be enjoyed healthful relaxation and physical training an easily reached air raid shelter erected by the london county council l at tht rear the legion is operating the club on a strictly non profit making basis as a service to canadian troops who visit london while on leive from their training camps or rem active dutv in france beds and irn are being provided at two shillings ix pence a dnv i about 60c and all other facflitu of the club may be uaed free o churgt tlmwgbi boaters srt by an old sweat consistency thou art a jewel hypo clrtsy thou art a national vice i keeping this in mind one can read iry appreciate the political develop ment in halton county within the post few weeks and to understand the significance of what was happen ed to secure a true picture of the situation it is essential that one should know just what has taken place especially within the ranks of the conservative party nearly a year ago there was talk of an early federal election th s was sufficient to stir certain iwhticul minded gentlemen of oakville- into activity coming out of theft long slumber they decided it was urgent that the haltou conservatives should hold a convention and select a candi da e and to help tilings along thev hid acandidate a mr hallett who to i rouse the lethargy of the ward heelers ai nounced he was prepared to ctfcr his services to tile peepul and at the same time contribute the magnirioent sum of 5 000 toward ampalgn expanses so under pres sure and disregarding the advice of experienced and veteran members ot the party that haste was unwise the convention was held it was a funny convention in which the delegates urged on by the vociferous oakville crowd turned a deaf ear to the plea for les naste arid in which mr george thorpe of burlington gave battle to oakvilles might mite the first the famous canidian comedienne n horn the british peerage lists as lady peel bu ho is bitter k own as beat rice utile added to her piccadilly and bioadway laurels a ftw weeks ago when she entertained canndtan troop at aldershoi durtne a cancer presen ted b the canadian legion war ser vice bea bi ought w tth lie t h entlr stage compinv of lur londoi musical revue all clear includ n in or clustra of uvelvi and preented two ptrformaices that sa tin wartim the it e enmmed to ci jvci s ngn g sophisticated songs that ha her the toast of two comments she accepted encore afttr encore and gave tiie boys tht best bit of rtal fun tht have enjoyed since thei arrival over seas fred emney who for four years starred with the- o the silly as at the piano also too lart in the program bv singing- a number of songs which he introduced io canadian audiences vears ago miss lillle gave up lucrative en gagements n the united states to help entertain the boys on active ser vice overseas she is convmced tha plenty of wholesome fun will plav i great part in helping the fighting me i to win the war more inside glimpses or the splendd work being done by the personal ser vices bureau of the canadian legion war serv ces were given by major t r thompson the legion s personal services officer at exhibition park toronto where a large garrison of th c a s j is in training major thomson who last week vis ited the national headquarters at ot tawa relates that the legions advice and active assistance axe sought by an average of fiftysoldiers and rela tlves of soldiers each day in his area alone most of these have been hear rending examples or uisct domestic lives caused by the war one particularly pathetic case which was satisfactorily taken care of by the legion concerns the death of a mother whose two sons had gone overseas with the 1st division following her death it was learned that there was no money to provide her with a prope burial the legion cabled the sons who accepted the legions ofrer to ar range for interment the sons in turn promised that the expenses involved would be repayed from their pay and allowances once a month had the legion not stepped in the gallant lady would have gone to her rest in potter s field the sons have expressed thelj everlasting gratitude to the legion anuihei example of the legion s work concerns a woman who com plained that she was not receiving n cent of her husbands pav and was nearly destitute the legion took the matter up with the assigned pay branch and was informed that the husband had stopped hts wires allow ance a wire was then sent to the of ficer in command of the man s unit the man himself was imraded thor oughly reprimanded and ordered to make re assignment an instance where tiie legion has been able to safeguard the property of a young soldier now lit england was also related by major thomson the boys mother died recently leav lng considerable estate the legion cabled his ofticer commanding and the boy agreed to have his estate tur nprf intji a tisl ftiml until his return tie the second tossed out be cause mere ballots were cast than thert were delegates in the hall and on the trlrd mr thorpe was a winner by one vote so he received the nom inaiion and everyone returned to slumber democracy was safe then a few weeks ago mr w l mackenzie king upset the apple cart and an election which nobody wanted was lhrust upon a confused and in different public once aga n the county s political midgets came to lift and the conservative candidate embarked upon his campaign obllv ous of the fact that all was not har mony within the ranks and that tht oakville manipulators were busy very busy in fact under tht r care fui guidance the grand and ariel n order of the double cross had be l called into session let us pause to state that the headquarters of tins ancient order so far as halton coun tj is concerned have alwavs rested in oakville as liberals and one dun can campbell can testify and t i tories know full well to watch the klngfish and his noble sucker j r worthy matrons n action ha itei most interesting having decided upon revival of th double cross the method i soon devised a dinner party vva organ ized and mr thorpe the candidate was the guest of honour cstensiblv dyit dinner was for the purjxxst of launching the campaign in oakville and of paving tht way for the royal touch for campaign funds the best citizens were supposed to bt present those not adverse to helping tlie cam lis as- palgn furd mr thorpe spoke by doing this the legion spared the young man a great deal of worry and possible financial loss these are illustrations of many slm liar problems which the legion is sol vtng for its younger comrades every day tfibas u no dtttc tobacco just like did chum mr george atkins a citizen of oak vllle also spoke mr thorpe took tl gathering for face value mr at kins was in on the play mr thorpe not being a pubuc speaker dldn t make a very good speech mr at kins possessoa of some gift of the gab and knowing a hat was expect ed of him was said to have risen to great heights as he called for the sal vation of the countrv and the confu sion of the enemy yes it was a nice little dinner partv next day performing according to orders there was a great uproar in oakville the party stalwarts were disturbed nay they were angry they had labored under the impression that mr thorpe was an outstanding orator that he had a deep grasp of national problems that he was ag ressive and in fact everything that a winning candidate should be and now well he wouldn t do no sir lie just wouldn t do and besides the oakville tories with money for the campaign funds had dried up in fact some had walked out of the dinner such was their disgust so off to mil ton raced the conspirators into the large receptive ears of president carl martin they poured the story something had to be done especially as the oakville campaign givers had become obstinate that is obstinate o a point they wouldn t give any money to support the thorpe candi dature but they were impress ed with mr atkins and would support that worthy if he could be in duced to take up the white mans burden so it was up to mr martin now under the circumstances what could a president do you can t win elections without money so mr martin mounted his noble steed and dashed down to the thoipe residence and in loud gruff tonts covering the quake of a guilty con sciencei put the pistol to thorpes head and what could mr thorpe do for some weeks he liad been un certain in his own mind about the whole thing and had even gone so far as to approach mr allan nichol son or burlington with the sugges tion tiiat mr nicholson would be a 5trongtr candidate and expressed a readiness to withdraw in favor of mr nicholson mr thorpes thoughts in this regard were sound those who nad opposed the holding of the con ventton a year ago had knowledge then that mr nicholson might be available at a later date mr nlch olsou was a busy man however and was v re lo take m burden still mr thorpe had not given op hope and a week ago last tuesday ne wired mr nicholson who was out of town that he was definitely pre pared to retire and urging mr nlch olson to take his place that same tuesday evening mr thorpe repeat ed his offerto the executive of the burlington conservative association much upset but at that secretly re lieved the burlington executive lg norant of the operations of the oak ville branch of the grand and an dent order of the double cross joined in the movement to conscript mr nicholson and on wednesday evening attended tto meotmu or the halton county executive wjilch had been summoned to clean up what was now a mess 7 so for hours on wednesday even ing the debate waxed hot and furious oakville delegates came up out of the underground and boldly threw the name of the oreat hope mr at kins into the ring burlington fought for mr nicholson finally several decisions were made a convention would be held on saturday pebruary10th the cot ventlon would be a wide open convention for the purpose of nominating a national candidate the conservative executive ap jointed a committee of five to inter view mr nicholson and mr atkins whichever of the two this commltte of five selected would be presented to the national convention as tdie candidate for the conservatives to select in this socalled national con venflon the committee of five consulted both mr nicholson and mr atkins mr nicholson had just returned trom i business trip he was not famll lar with the intrigue which was going on and was not a party to it and definitely refused to accept the nom inatitfh this left only mr atkins the grand and ancient order of the double cross had won out so on saturday last in milton town hall the last act in the faroe was presented to the open world the wideopen convention was held with tongues in cheeks mr martin the president and his party stalwarts went through all the mo tions mr martin conservative was elect ed chairman from the floor of the house mr dingle conservative was elected secretary from the floor of the houoe mr thorpe conservative wa nominated from the floor of the house mr nicholson conservative was nominated from the floor of the house and finally mr atkins who hhd recently discovered that he was an out and out conservative was nominated from the floor of the house then mr thorpe briefly and w itn courage for it took courage especially as by this time he hod be com aware of the double cross with areiv expressing the belief that a national candidate was the need of tin hour mr nicholson also with drew and of course the chairman wa then free to inform the gather mg that inasmuch as mr thorpe i d mr nicholson had withdrawn ji i mr atkins hod intimated in ad j e his willingness to accept tht cmination he would declare mr at i ins the official national candidate no vote was taken there never was my intention to take j vote the whole proceedings went off according to patt m and with tongues htmks th stal vart set back and listened to mr atkins and mr gor don graydon constrvaliw andidate in petl revitw m the name of na tiouahm lhe sins and omissions o the king administration it w as a glorious if ternoon to those in the know i demonstrated the double cross at ts best lo those tn the know it was a shabby demonstration ot inconsistency and hypocrisy to old conservatives who remembeied the grand old conserva live party or the past t was a shab by demonstration of cheap political tactics and to those like tiie writer who malnaln some degree of inde pendencc in their political affiliations ii was a alsgustuik farce old p t barn urn would have enjoyed the aft emoon he it was who coined that famous phrase you can fool some of tiie people all the time but you can t fool all the people all the time the people of this country are of one mind get on with the war they want that job done efficiently and without dhay they are in no temper for cheap political manoeuver tng the conervative convention of last saturday was the best exhlbi uon of cheap political trickery and disgusting party politics presented m this country in manv a moon my party right or wrong my party and while the cheap tawdy game goes on canada tries to fight a war the tragedy of it all as a returned soldier who gave four years of his life to his country i watched the proceedings on satur day with confused thoughts but be fore the afternoon was over out or the discord some of the thoughts clar ified first i wonder if some of the people who shout loudest about more vigor in our war effort realize how they look to an ex soldier i for one can t obliterate a feeling cf contempt for those glib speakers of the same age ao myself who shout so long ana loud for more action and yet took such grca care to maintain a whole skin in the last war second i can t shake tiie disgust for the petty conservative politician who thinks the only patriots tn can ada are conservatives there are just as many loyal patriotic people in the other political parties as there are in the conservative party and adversely there are just as manv shirkers in the conservative party as ther are in each of the other political panics the test of ft mans slncer itv is his willingness to serve on any front cod helo us from those who want to serve only on the home front but who have so much to say as to how things could be done on all fronts third there is only one true pat riot the man or woman who will give his all for his country lip partriotism is sickening and for the next six weeks we re going to hear a lot of it adn needed relief from party politics its now the war with all its fury is expected to open in the sprmf canadians to date haven t felt the impact of the war when the y do and when they begin to pay in men in money in restrictions they 11 rea llze what war is and with that reall aation will come to the conviction that no political party can do the job in the meantime grits and tories blind and ignorant will continue to play the game just as it was played at mil ton on saturday and in ttie end after confusing and disturbing- our war ef fort wake up to the realisation that they have been fools and that the cost to canada has 1 there u little i m up the- lot wax fcrfcwi that oat but i cry with all the vehemence tn me god preserve us from the politi cians what fools we mortals bet advu canada poshing tourist akeas notwithstanding that canada at th present time is busily engaged in put ting forth every effort to assist the empire in the present struggle the development of her tourist trade is go ing on apace despite rumours that have been spread throughout che united states as to adverse treatment tha american visitors would receive in canada the dominion is going- ahead with a campaign to advertise canada s tourist and sportsmen s at tractions more widely in the unite states and to counteract the adverse propagarda according to c ec how ard manager of the tourist and con vention bureau canadian national railways t american visitors to canada will be as welcome as they always have been and they will receive the same cor dial reception an added attraction will be the fact that their money win go further by reason of the exchange situation with travel to europe largely barred canada should receive a much greater number of tourist during the coming season than ever before atated mt howard cnr time table passenger and mail passengers for toronto passenger sunday only gjtt nun 94t an 8j4 i going west passenger and mail passenger dally except saturdays and sunday sj f saturday only 2 1ft j passenger and mall 84s i passenger sunday 11j i passenger saturday night only from nov 4 to apr 2t 1t i gob nertfa gain seeth i and passenger p k watson djts mas georgetown office hours 8 to 5 except tht afternoons time table eatk georgetown to torento a 7 08 a m 98 ajn 13js pj c 223 pm 4j8 pan 6 48 pm 903 pjn 1005 jn xll20 am w pjm olm- ayf pm 70 pjm bft00 nan dxhjk pjn exll60 pjil except sun and hot b son and hol o saturday only d except sat sun and hol e sat sun and bol x to kitchener y to stratford tickets and information at w h long phone 89 gray coach lines directory leboy daub kc m sybil bennett bjl bairtsten and settetun mill street oeorgetown out kenneth m langdon barrister solicitor notary pmmto first mortgage money to ion office gregory theatre bidg mb i phone 88 georgetew frank petch licensed auctioneer and all classes of insurance prompt service phone 391 georgetewa p o box 413 monuments pollock ingham successors to cater ft worth gait ont design on beoaeat phone smi inspect our work in greenwood cemetery am nielsen utk imr mt frsalfca chiropractor xray drugleu therapist 1w j-

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