Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 21, 1940, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening february 2 1 at 1940 red crossmakes further shipment the georgetown bxanch ol the can adian red cross society shipped this week to the warehouse in toronto tfce following goods sa pr wristlets 8 pr rifle mitts b pr half mitts 16 aero caps 1 balaclava cap 1 helmet 1 pr knee caps 44 bed socks 34 pnetjbonla jackets 74 pr pyjamas t hospital gowns 18 triangular bandages 36 t bandages 24 pillow cases 13 surgeons gowns 10 ice bag covers 12 handkerchiefs 36 small scarves 22 seamans scarves si sweaters 126 pr socks 12 pr seamans socle 40 large surgical dressings 19 medium surgical dressing- 120 face masks 61 surgical towels 62 flannelette bandages 4 21 flannelette bandages 6 50 factory cotton bandages 3 omens imnmnlinlv 50 factory cotton bandages f 1 small car ton children s clothing for polish relief church has navy of its own the united church has a navy of its own few people in canada know v thai the tjnlted churcb owns a fleet of 11 boats in active service on the atlantic and pacific coasts plying their waj to and from isolated villages almost impossible to reach by land piloting these boats are ministers of trie united church who have special training in handling craft in dangei- ous waters these men conduct ser vices of worship baptize infants bury the dead conduct marriages direct extensive wial and medical wojc and perform all the other ministrations of the church the names of the mission boats are messengers william swan clad tidings pioneer new cni- ader thomas crosby it udal sky pilot and mclvtn swarthou pilots of the cratt include reverend harold watts maxwell reader rt v lester l burrv beaton hicks rev b s hartley rtv l g gillard and rev u laite in addition the edward white and i ine sunbeam optinte m conection with bella bella and port bbnpson hospi tals post of maintaining the home mission marine mission boats is 13 391 out of a total of 730000 spent on the home mission work last year by the board or home missions of the uni ted church of canada new yorks senator royal s cope land who is also a physician tickles the funnbones of his dinner com panions with this medical yarn a man who had been bitten by a dog found that his wounds dkint heal and consulted a doctor the physi cian alarmed by the appearance of the wound had the dog caught andl examined the dog had rabies as it was too late to give the man a scrum the doctoi told him he would have todieof hjdophobia the poor man sat down at a desk and began writing the physician ughl to comfort him perhaps it will not be so bad he u you needn t make your will now im mi miking my will replied mi i i m writing out a list of pi i in tolng to bite quality firs jkpf- economy always i very special dew kixt choice white corn 16oz tins i monarch pastry floor 66 24lb hatnz tomato ketchup fry a chocolate sauce ir medium stx 16c 9c fiaaes 2 it ale golden hallow dates a n 2ic uptons famous teas 364146 m lb cbrutiea cocoanul cake e- xoc hellmauma sandwich spread jario23 jolly good nut stta c k -is-aie- janket quick fudge p xxc powder magic biscuits c h s 16ox tin tfq caab and carry sherbet creams w carroll a rich and oh 45 3 shrimps x 27 b r 4totw s it z9 ginger ale catarac dry 19 deposit extra 2l bll carrolla dandec tea p codhsn brfanswick sardines kipper snacks shortening jewel vegetable 13 l lb p 5c 5c ammonia wettlnghonsc light bulbs f- tt 5 h wehini soda z p many flower facial soap bon ton toilet paper j 20c 15c 4c ioc quick quaker oats large package 19 kirks hardwmter castile soap 3 cd i4c chi pso for quick snaa i9v ivory 99 pure soap bar f 8v2c jvylmer pearl whu jp soep bar 4c mala street free delivery phone 3st food op ujh quality qrade al or grade a eggs give a food of high quality which can be used for ail purposes grade al eggs which are produced on inspected farms operating under a special permit from the dominlbn department of agricul ture are not available on all markets but grade a eggs are sold everywhere in canada keep the eggs covered in a cool place 1 preferably in the refrigerator and i jou rctajn their quality and flavour break a good fresh egg and you find a thick transparent substance cornplitelv coloring a round yellow volk and holding it in place cook a vood fresh egg properly and you have a food of mild but distinc tive flavour verj palatable and at the same time rich in nutritive value the consumer service section mar ketlng service dominion department 5f agriculture recommends the gener ous uil of efcgs which are economical buys at prevailing prices and sug gests to canadian homemakers a few tested recipes for scrambled eggs ind omelets scrambled fle with bacon l strips side bacon 8 ejs 2 j cup milk sa t and pcpixi to taste bicon in stjall pieces unci cook in nj pun bt 1 eg s slightly add ml k and st tscn pour into pin with biron m cook slowly stirring con stantlj until mixture coirfulitt scive on tout srrtmlilrd bl rs with mushrooms sliced mushrooms s oons butler 2 3 p milk silt ind penpei jo taste saute mn htooms in butter until un j ininu brat et slifehtlj add milk nnd pom into pan with mushi loulj si mn tin tint lv tin il un roif latis sent on toa t hhil fr- with hers igs cook ei 10 t ti at t 1 quality youll enjoy sajiallft tea it one province of canada can re ducc its tuberculosis death rate so ihnt hi per cent less than that for the cbuntry as a whole it is sate to take the lowest rate as an objective in t iti1 eien asum ik 1 saskat tic wan s climate may hi m e faornbll 10 the keeping down of 1 i i rculosb mortality the dif terence in the death rate is sofsnar k a thost vho are working to k i ihs dtseatt may wtll be en co r ed i 1 nioii government figures for t 1 r sflsknt wltri having nl 23 8 dcathfrom tuberculosis per j iroplo ttanidas atrige wai o4 1 tin of courst ls a sp ndld im pioviment in the lat decade ten years 1 n bdng oxtr 80 deaths per li 1 ptoplt i lhe low rate for saskatchewan had applied to all canlda in lim iikk would hie been 1 r 1 1 icll 1 g 122 wiun i 1 confide id that he cana 111 1 lit s onu oik quarter of what it wits at the turn of the ctn ury ai iikvtiiutii of which this count n ij be p oud those who are special zing 111 lht fjgjit agalnsl luuerculas 11 fell jilstifed in working lo ill ji n- of uring i do 111 ti al to siskatht mil itcl combint wit us mill but r li boili r or m fniiv mix in and ook onstnn until mix o thicken add hits tookin src on tnus ii niturallv mean ihn cis miht ncn txcell sis record pthap sask t if and pro t that pvli ibu it is pointed out that inad in tltn s lliire art now calls the bacillus tuberculosis subtle evasive paradoxical intricate and complex he says that this micro scopical parasite ls a bug full off tricks there was knowledge of tuberculosjs at least 2000 years before christ the clinical features of the disease were known by grc- titers n the fifth century bc while in the second cen tury aretaeus not only described tho clinical features but suggested routine treatment all down through the ages there are references to the problem in medical writings the first post mor- ttm report of mill tan tuberculosis be ing given by mongetsm 1700 the tiirwrcidnst ripitri rate reached its highest peak in the middle of tho 18th century auenbrugger the in ventor of percussion described this means or diagnosis in 1781 late in this ctntjry whjtt described tubercu lous meningitis and pott tuberculous destruction of tht spine it was not until 1816 that petit described laryn- only 3233 1 st tuberculosls bailie and stark ml number working in the hxit mortem room of 1 the famous john hunter are said to have died of tuberculosis gained from wounds affected in the morgue in the 19th century there were not able advances laeruiec the inventor of ihe stethoscope drew up a minute history al 400 cases a great scientific awakcnlnz came in the middle of the i9th centun in 1865 viliomin discov- tred the siiccific nature of tuberculosis by means of inoculation gerlach ii io70 proved that milk from tuberctx lous cows maj convey the disease andt m 1882 koch discovered the bug ol tricks trudeau dottwtiler and oth ers bee ime pioneers in sanatarlunx care just before tin- time and in iths perioooob i population wh lp forlanni ir roduced pneu- o i from tub iculosls a bl c h il of tritks niift otiielel mo thorax ueatnnt the evoluiioat of tuu r 1 oils has traversed about 40 0 jears it remaint tne greatest killer of man during the most useful jieriod of his life but discovered early ls readtlj cured til tiff but no l m 1 y pjii 1 i 1 fold volks international uniform sunday school lesson i i eath w j i i siitllk iron lhc plni ii co klnl tl hi ov mi under stewards in the kingdom msuxi irbiu r 2dii 1 1 bujmnin le dlliiex urfifanrwwx lll i u l i fntlfiil ltsbo pasfaac 1 uw 25 14 iranitd cluck n 1 1 h un ix fon f ld muslir sit 1 h fru ull t hot chopgied tkked mil brooms mixiurt ls rookid roni ito 11 spin h sauce add 1 cup 1 him or bar in n omelet be foi pi nisli sauce 2 tables oons butter 1 tablespoon finch chopped onion l nblr poon rhocd krren pep jxr i 1 up chopped mushrooms 1 tablespoon flour 1 cup canned tomatoes sill mri pepper to taste melt butirr add onion green pep per and mishrooms cook slowlj for three minutes blend in flour and j seasonings add tomatoes and sllr until mixture thickens cook slowlv for three minutes blend in flour nnd seasonings add tomatoes and stir until mixture thickens cook slowly for 5 minutes btlitv to set the baseball coming and o stnkt it wiih utmost force at the ntht si ond v0 a tift unproved by 1140 tn unit bi nc erthiless a lift a famou untntor wli ent as iang as seun u ir in ie earch 111 one single- iobleln tttibuted ins final discovery n 1 i lasn of inspiration he regarded liih invention as a 1ft for men which lit haa received from god instead ot w ii wi 11 i urn vaitjui 11 iliownig genius to be an excuse for la lutn ltirni hither uu t it should rather be a spur out j it v ill const 111 be 10 rnximi m rftcrl tin more we try cum v 11 1 1 v 1 1 10 do the mi hcl cod can give us ihcres no dlhoiirafcment ins tad ol pride md ealousj let us sht nnko him once relent use to the utmost the gifts we possess- hi fir ivowid intent thc mrin 2zjt3 lo b piurim john bum m u lic cd man probably hnw od trusts ls 14 ntarer to us than uie five or one-tal- i lit u 111 endowment from god ill nun few of us are conceited t nut hi lilt tone ktvnit the vital nough to sa uiat we are fivetalent puk it out txxl human toiwl people b it not eien mock humility loiimie- is 1 cift from tht divine will allow us to clas if ourselves as t irorvrj tire calesdab tlie time of vear has a great deal lo do with our mode of dress whether live lndtkir outdoors our plensui sxirs tnd dispositions arc affected by the changes of the seasons but less and less oue to modern processing ami tfansporte t ton methods do our food habits change with the seasons it t possible nqw with quick freezing and rapid trmsportation facilities to obtain almost tha same foods all the yea lotind this ls especially true or can adtan flsh and a fact for which house wive eifntbe genuinely grateful nowe oays we do not have to think of seasons when we realize that most of the varieties ct canadian fish con be pur chased fresh or frozen at any time as wel as thpe which are canned smok eddrtwd 4nd pickled when lsinjr frozen fish it is best u cook it while still frozen in this way the escape of juices ls avoided allow a sllghtl longer cooking time than when using unfrozen fish fumsrof se- 2 to 3 pound rish fillets 1 tablespon salt cup of milk finely sifted bread crumbs oil or melted fat cut the fillets into portions three to the pound soak the pieces in the sal ted milk three minutes then cover with the sifted bread crumbs using one hand for the wet work and the other for thc dry to keep the crumbs dry place in a- pan apd apiliill w ctxaulg btt or fat bake in a hotoven 30 degrees to 500 degrees f until fish ls coated about id minute bread crumbs are used for they brown evenly orated cheese may be sprinkled over the top just before removing from the oven gods providence we share 1 vo nomt s tit home m which wt in 11 1 0111 thildhood md thr home in ahch w hvi our mature r lives our d u woik ls made possible bj lhe ac tumulatinc it sources of the past as itietis in a democracy the stale ls our kctping as christians we are re ponsiblt for the welfare of the chuitli pvtu money has passibilltlivs 111 it not of our making monej is t jred up t nergv like the sunlight in the coal mone represents lifes in ner force trtnsformed into an out ward ar or value it ls th power of thought 01 labour turned into mater ial vlsibu form as such it can be converted back into thought or labor it oin be turned irjtd material forms as horn or factories it can be dir ectoti into intellectual processes as in ihe endowment of funds of schools and c671cgcs it can be transformed into spirtual service such as the torn krl of the gospel in our own and 0 cr lands how we use our trust 15 18 tht endowmcnls we receive- from god are to be used unless we them we lose them generous givers find a joy unknown to misers an enyl gllsli manufacturer states pepbabjy he greatest event of my life occurred on jhnuar 1 1877 on that day my wife and i made a written vow that we woulo devote a definite share of our income for religious and humanl tartan work and that this should be a first charge since that date we have often increased the proportion so that the original percentage is left far behind as our income has in creased we have felt that religious and humanitarian work has had a greater claim upon us the distribution of the lord s portion has been the great est joy ofmy life and a real means to grace it has kept me in constant touc wi the promotion of chris tinte work oi ail kinds and anything 1 have been able to do for christ and humanity including profttghartng with my workpeople for over twenty vears has grown out of the vow made thirty three years ago his propor tion has increased in these years from one tenth to one third the genhw 1921 the possession of exceptional gifts is no occasloa for personal pride b- cause the special eli rr p gift ft- ood a fenioas i tenor had box that gave him great vocal power fie developed his gift but he owed tt to ood a baseball player famous for malting home runs was d to have almoet pe coordination be tween ius senses and his muscles his talented we are av erage moup ict people we do not get tbei thrill if leniiis nor lit we sink into mi despair of tl sub normal we belong to the great majority of plod ders routine workers run of the mill people by whom the worlds work is tarried on jesus chose two talent men to be his dlsclples the parlia- mtnts of the world are being carried on ver largely bv mediocre men domg the best thej know an occasional farmer wins a sweepstake prize for grain or stock but the world is being fed bj men who do a fair days work evcr daj and ralse a crop every year the church has some geniuses great preachers organizers missionaries musicians and artists but the bring ing in of the kingdom docs not depend solel upon gifted leaders the faith of the pew will in the end accomplish more than brilliance in the pulpit two talent people may never make the headlines but through devoted ser vice they double their investment nev ertheless the quitter 24 27 the one talent man would not even bother trying it is perhaps inaccurate to call him a quitter he was not even a starter his basic philosophy of life- was wrong supposing the onetalent man had worked out the following tonviction about money my money ls mine only tn trust it belongs to god just as i do this money is not filthy lucre it ls storedup human power ood ls counting upon this money for his work it is to help bring in a new kingdom of righteous ness and brotherhood and peace to spend my income rightly is one of my first tasks as a christian i should set aside a definite proportion of my in come for the church and the sanies- of others in acknowjedgeroent of gods sovereignty over all of my material possessions i shoul invest tola temporal- business and keep strict ac count of this fund i should give sys tematically i should pray with my givinar with such a faith he might have eclipsed the fivetalent man qaesuoqsfar dllialaafall 1 are you finding life an enlarging opportunity 2 are you adventurous in investing your abilities ippy can you accomplish moire by fidel ity bhan brilliance 5 are you running away from life lesson outxmes copyriatltsd by the- international council of reagtous ed ucation used by permission j

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