Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 21, 1940, p. 6

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tage6 the georgetown herald wet neaday evening february 2 1 st 1 940 i our farm page items of interest to yy farmer grow best crops from best seed as stated by hon james gt qrdln- or dominion minister of agriculture fanners in canada can best serve the dominion the empire and the allien during tht war by doing the tilings beet that they have been doing since tney started farming as every fanner knows this includes the use of best wed and beat seed in turn is to be found in the registered and certified eed categories best suited in hie dis tricts in which they are grown in reality there are our classes of seed j elite which is grown only byex perts 2 registered 3 certified and 4 genera seeds of commerce elite stock seeds as defined by the seeds act means selected seeds and plants produced by plant breeders the produce of which may be eligible to produce registered seed it is the progeny of foundation stock and is seldom on sale jt is produced only by recognized growers and institutions approved by the canadian seed grow ers association growers interested in this class of seed may obtain in formation from the secretary of the association in ottawa registeied seed means seed graded jn accordance with the standards de fined in the regulations under the seeds aot and sold in containers wiih seed inspection certificate lags and teals attached bearing the arms of canada it is the highest grade of eed recognized by the statute in can- ada registered seed is derived from approved varieties the crops of which re inspected by tlie plants products division production service domln ion department of agriculture crop registration certifiojates being issued by the canadian seed growers asso daition based on records and repors of crop inspections made in accordanoe- wjth standards and regulations estab lished by the association certified seed means seed graded in accordance with che standards aclined under the seeds act regulations and eold in containers with seed inspection certificate tags attached nor is field inspection required of the growing crop from which the seed originates samples however must be submitted to the plant products division to en sure that commercial seed comes up to certain standards in regard to ger ruination and freedom from weed seeds measure job liqlidb in canaaa the law provide that as regards measures the unit or standard tneasure of capacity as well as for liquids as for dry measures is the gal jon containing 10 standard pounds of distilled water weighed with the wat er and air at a temperature of 62 de grees f with the barometer it jo inches the quart is one fourtlrjart of a gallon tht pint one eight vpart of a gallon and eight gallons to the bushel the 1 160th part of the gallon by volume equals one fluid ounct in the kitchen it is handy to remember that a tablespoon hold one half ltiid ounce a dessert spoon one quarter fluid ounce and a tifasjjoon oiu eighth fluid ounct out drop meics ures one minim legal fights in contracts for the sa t and dc livery of any of the undermentioned articles in canada the legal weights cbc ontario farm broadcast celebrates first anniversary boy thompsons quality chicks for greater profits bred for vitality early maturity and for a large constitution for high egg and meat production chicks are hatched from selected eggs 24 oz to 28 oz per dozen all barred rock chicks are from our obs flock which has been blood tested and culled by government inspectors for over luryeara we have a quantity of s c white leghorn chicks for sale also roj ired barred rock chicks we ruaruitce 100 live delivery to your door 90 pullets and mixed chicks as they come from incubators discount for early orders full line of jamesway poultry equipment for sale write or pbone- thompson poultry farm hatchery georgetown rrno 3 pftone 48 r 8 3 milea south of georgetown lot 14 con 6 esquoslng g hitd considerable experience as stage and air actress the rok or bill craig was the first that george murray played on the air actually he was a young coftecrt sing er from winnipeg who happened to be iroifnu tht studios when thr craigs was being cast last april he audi tioned fo tht part of bill craig was uiccessful and has since been callel upon to sing several times during fes males of the craigs dean hughes ol toronto who spen his carlj lilt on an ontario farm writes llu craigs while syd brown o the cbc staff produces the sketch mr brown has abo had farming ex- pcninc in the ft ace river district a vear ago tills month the cbc in- reduced the ontario farm broadcast to crvt iiinl istencrs of the province with a new produce re ports and market trends interest in the progmmmt became evident by tne response o lute iers and in may tin piogramnu wis extended from its da ly fl minute period to that of a half houi diuatiou tins extension brought iibotn tin miioduclion of thr crxij a daily dr unatic sketch there is no more typitul rural fam ily in the province than the craigs on the ontario farm broadcast it has been almost a year sinct thts group afien abovt firs appeared on the rami broadcast however sum that time their doily isit has becomt a populai one to the homes of thous ands of tural and urban listeners the cast is composed of ihomas tht failt tr played by frank ptddit and mar tha his wist wilt by graet wtbstc geoigt muirtv lias tht rok ol son bill alio laces ui charactemtk pio blems of farm youth while daughu i janice is engaginifly nliiyed bv alio hill thai til havt miidt ihur characters live lor tin listenei bo m out b tm conctm w henever anything goes wrong or briarwood farm tht daily sket ciies of thcrjigs dean hugnes jht cbc out broadcast lsheard mondavi to fri- davs melisnt at 12j0 p m est ovtr sta ion ol tilt cbc ontario nttwoik items of interest hangc in delivering a gradual evolution has been taking place in the method of delivering live stock io public stock yards and pack ing plant during recent years flg- cxpresstd ure compiled by the market informa lion service dominion department of atncultuit sliow that when tht use written bv i oi trucks for marketing live si per bushel ait is follows 70 lb bit um in oils loitl and umc bo lb allalfa seed be ins clover sttd peas and potalot soybeans vetch ind wheat 56 lb flix seed indian corn and rye 50 lb milli t proso typo 48 lb bar ky buckw he a millet foxtail ty pc j and timothy seed 44 lb hemp seed 40 lb cjsior be in j6 lb malt j4 b oils 22 lb ljc ltd win n griis seed fe tilt seed 20 lb iyt grass seed ib lb bluf j i is si td 14 lo bromt grass seed onl ird gi u s sttd and slmd r wlit 1 1 k is mfd wtsti rn rvi m lwikiai mr as ctrunn tmd irds of me i suits used in some tht uniutl staus lit canad i ll oah f rcqw i st did irds ait not lkht jf tilt states of not legal in i v used riu being ir ttnt malltr in eapiujty utfal stand irds in canada u impiml pint quart and iboui js snl n tint lnu i in tin u s miasures to convert a tiven number of u s gallons into imperial gallons subtratt 1 st li or divide by i 2 to convert jiv n number of imptnal gallons into u s gallon idd 1 aui ir multiply bv place 405 youths on ontario farms dominion training iljn suuovs i tiuio numtier of ttchid just heiting fur jobs auxauder matlann tl of r inn irainliifc imial lemth 111 of for farming f say john have you got your seed and fertilizer yer sure thing borrowed 200 from the bank of montreal for them and i saved money on the deal by paying cash the bank of montreal is always glad to con- sider loans for productive purp ask for our booklet the farmer and his bank bunk of montreal established 1b17 jfl attmdb dtfmavw dmtmmi moc044m am0 wmcttw ge orgetown brancrr manager e a c we old op on h ik dom riming pi 1 wc plated j2 boi jos sh oi i hi nss roionto mi matlarc i ivi j jiktd m 1 lx kivni til in llu ciklpll n botli bov k ind hirnu r uld tjt addits ii mild il bv i lall o i io wtk s short aisriiul uiitl co ii mmtninir f b iims will bt shar w in thr fidiral i ji nimtnts instrui nstruttioilj j i oac baktr hainjt in ontario farm broadcast celebrates anniversary tock began to attain popularity around lttji about 22 per cent of the cattle delivered to stock yard- m that year rami by t utk whereas in 1939 45 ptr tent arrived m the same manner thirty stvtn ier cent of tht total increase o 24 per cent oi hoy mid 29 ir ttnl of sheep apd lambs u ivelltd bj truck in 19j2 compared ui h ao 6 ind 41 ptr cent respec tively m 19j9 h packed as tightly as possible and the joints- well tamped with finely crushed ice or snow from 12 16 lnqhes of in- i sulation around and over the ice will be found sufficient and where insul- aton is easy to obtain more mav be used to ndvantage a special ice saw ls recommended for cutting tht ice and this should be kept wed sharpened the ordinary erosscu saw will do if the job is not oo large in i communities sev eral farmers may join together and et in let plow while in many com munities it is possible to purchase the ice already cut a a nominal cost per ton oi block care should be exer cised m getting uniform blocks of ice as thi will gteatly assist in loading and in packing ice tongs should have sharp poirts and work freely ice picks will also be found useful the ice may be dragged up an inclined board to the sleigh or in some cases a pole hoist may be used ii ls advisable for men working or the job to were creepers as thev may save a nasty fall on the ice or in the water shti r now trmlfi to kmlltn slttion oi- t1il prtninc f lit ci c finn broidtu i piurt ic it n ilibnud n lirst ininvi r ii v l v mi iidm tin dnlv on irio lilja tin nil buiucli isl crvici to i- isturi oi r i mil fn ish sj ikini qui bt in mi in thi ottitti viltv and tli istiin townsinis of qutbit ir now liurrliosi trvid bv i i un k o statu i s liulud im cbc ollw cbm moil rt il chl murbrook n i cbl i minto 1 islrn onl in m 1 qui 1 1 nmr in ivx slutk sold of hvt s oek sold on stock sliiiiptd dntu to packmt plants t on fxxiri in canada in 19jd ik ih thboihood oi s1j8 000 auction sale complete dispersal sale of registered and gbade jerseyb the undersigned has received in struction from bell brothers to sell by public auction at lot o fifth lone west chinguacousy directly 4 miles west of brampton on monday february 26th 1940 at one o clock their entire herd of 31 head as follows rowers ferre 3rd 7 yrs due feb 15th daisy mae 5 yts due mar 4th flowers flying fawn 9 jrs calved 4th norvaj daisy 5th 3 yrs 1 sl 1 irnif k is i md will b t 11 i lie s fl mmouik tr wiir i mi k irom m out 1 oil iiiu uk qui b niiij lo monti il mu d vvisuin onl it io far vhm fnibiuri broad farm lodik mark t oronlo both mnik i id simultimi us y i er s18lhh0o0 iroin cajy nm 7th cosy cove oxford to htavnr marketings and blanche 7 yr- due apr 9th hut- liiitt thls of course dots to clara 6 vrs due may 28th mo it ount animals s auu noivaj daisy 4th 4 vrs due june 3rd tit laim foi home use oi hutlonvule rasele 4 vrs july 7th bv local or small town but huttonville sarah 2 yrs 10 months onlv those rtichuif tht norval prttty blossom 1 yt 10 mons ikit anci pilkinj plants norval cosy cove lndv i vr 8 mon- i ths norval daisy oth 1 vr 8 months lir irmenl in quality dats mac 2nd 10 months norval is in tntouiatint improve eileen 4 vrs calved jan 1st 1940 marketed crftade jerseys jersey cow 3 vi old calved dec 4th jersey cow 7 vrs dd calved dec 2nd jersey cow 6 vrs old calved jan lbth 1940 jer- ty cow c yrs old dut mar 22nd tl lsmfitaiions jcrse cow 8 yrs old milking well j dut mav 13lh jersey cow 8 yrs old ord irue- m 1939 i milking well due june 2nd jersey in cuiada in 1939 tttitjtow 7 vrs old milking well due july with out txctptlon sunt gth jersey cow 3 vrs old calved nov nm pntt ptr hundred jth jersev heifer 2 vrs old 4 jer- lood mj ehoit 1 tjunlitv o n pji i il showuik an inert use ol tt wink a correspon- w i how n in tht common i in hit 1938 it via hijh mark ice was sll 10 600 horticulturists to meet at toronto sjmhlal speakrrs for onl llortirul liiral association annual onvration lo be held feb 29 and march 1 rural beautifies jons to br one jof im features pninlnjt drmonitra lion by w fc rosier london six hundred delegnlfs from ottaw i o fort william art expected to at end the annual two day convention jf tht out horticultural association lo be htlu in toronlo at the fling ed ward hotel febs and march 1 an exct plionally fine program has bet n prt pared by president a h macltiinan outlph and secrelarv j a carroll toronto the association has bten meeting with splendid sue cess in its campaign foi rural beautifi es tl on and tills subject will again be sires ed at the meetings one of the features of the conven lion will be the address of l f smith nu buffalo horticulturist who will talk on the garden club movement in j united s fertility needs of lawns flowers and vegetables will be discussed by prof h o bell oac ouelph while lm provementof school grounds will be the subject of norman davles dept of education toronto w e foster london will demonstrate pruning me thods for trees ahruba and rones and rev jw aiebert tavistock will talk on flower show arrangement five discussion groups will hold see btera w d a any or mil of them hon p m dewan qnt minister of agriculture and colonel tbe i george drew will be banquet speakers february 39th of th mtr will hci c i mm r ion irom cbl broitdcut wl 12 40 pm follow inn tht mark t montr il uid toronto r oni mo and q bt e i lie firm broiidtiit will iiiriiiiiuv iw nlv mlnuu kram lion cbl toronln that is 11 i in rs to llu network stations mtn lioimd will huir tin crfl famtlv dioniiiti ski tli information on pm tiuttion md intultunil mws lomun- liom tointo what hstencis have hid to siv hs bun tiiliahleniiik prolitabli and m timsimp was tht phast used mosl v kardhik tlu ontario fann broadcast b ils ruial liskners in writing lo th farm br ndcasi department during the first year of its exlstence nor wir- ontario faimttfs the only ones who found this strwte broadcast useful ri qusts foi informallon wtre received from tht states of wisconsin michi gan oliia ptnnsylvania and ni w yorktttd from the province of quebec since the cbc farm broadcasts were 1 1 to lutlude markets and information if pirtlcular interest to farmers it would bt expected thai appeal would be 1 1 most entirely in that direction however mall nsponse has shown wide inteiest nmonn town and city listeners who in writing have said that th- oralg family brought back to them a memory o the farm life they had once known peril ips the lady writlna from he- shop in orillla txpresstsd as well is any tin feeling many city peopie hnv for thi craigs i m here in m shop every day and wouldn t mlss hearing all the farm neps and those craigs wcl i do enjoy them thomas so wholesome ind his fntthfiil old wife they remind me of my old dad and mother thomas craig with his 51 usterlng kind hearted manner ntts causd many a listener to chuckle and there were those who wondered 1 the craigs were a transcribed fea ture of course it isnt for each day thomas martha janice and bui craig are in the obl studios that is the makebelieve craigs who in real life are a talented group of actors led by the redheaded scotsman actor lawyer frank peddle who plays ttu- mao wct who pnrtrayi th sane motherly martha has had many years on stage screen and radio alice hill as sprightly janice craig ls much the same personably young character she portrays on the air she too has br nr fits from crcemeiit ol tin btn ills derived from union until d state trade ag in ir iv rtudnv bt appreciated sttidv ls nude of uu export i cattle and l fo itth and calvts during without an n hit past couple of shipped hv heifers rising 2 vears old 4 jer- sev heifer- 17 months jersey heifer 9 raon ths jersey heifer 6 months herd sire barons ton pioneer 6 yrs old bred bv d k mason of george town sire draconian dam lastfoss mermalde pansy these are a choice lot of dairy be absolutely sold ve as the proprle- of feed herd fully ac- n 1938 can- than b0 000 dat le toufa mark us in 1939 was uicn i ed lo 178000 head cal e rts likrwlse showsd a vtr mrnast irom 46 000 in 19j8 o 80000 j rintarlo jersey association ring man- in 1939 aper wm j mckinney aucuoneer brampton rji no 3 tors are 11 ted ash brothers proprietors james bremiier secretary averaee prices increase there lias been a gradual upward swiiik to tht cattle market in canada during the past four or five years this i ict ls borne out by average prices compiled by the market information service dominion department of agrlculturt which shows that the do- dinion average for all classes of cattie in 1936 was 3 45 per hundredweight and this gradually moved up to tragi ol 5 10 in 1939 the samt holds true in uie case of carves tor which the average in 1935 was 4 85 per hundredweight and sue cijjve advances took place each year until 1939 showed ah average of 650 per hundrtdweighl for all calves keted in canada the ice harvest at this season of the year when the annual let harvest is in full swing a few remarks may be timely at the present time there are many far mers who annually put up a supply of ice for the home and dairy there are however many more farmers who do not do so and it is particularly to these that the following will apply states r o newton superintend ent dominion experimental station wlnderemere b c no pretentious of costly bulldlngtot equipment is needed for storing toe a small out building of rough lumber or logs or a leanto against some pre sent building ls all that ls needed the mam consideration in storing ice u to have good drainage below the ice plenty ol insulation material around and over the ice and with good venti lation in the building above the ice this insulation material may be fine s ta fi cu steam radio repairing ix tears experience we specialize on this work i s sanford son f phone j aiorarrown m i d0esthe trick askujttfnei ohicisdld f me for pr dates tftr or chaff the ice should be cut la a uniform slxc so as to pack nicely and not too large around 180 to 200 pounds being a handy slae the lock should be ge0rge-6r-

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