Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 28, 1940, p. 1

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seventythird year of publication wednesday evening february 28th 1940 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa- in the spotight at jdktawa by spectator ottawa february 27th aside from the constant anxiety withwhtch news from ataoadls being followed particu larly from finland and the war areas at sea interest at the capital js cen- red just now on the election it would be misleading to say the interest hi the campaign is intense at least as yet but the tempo is certainly ris ing and the activities of campaigners are spreadung out like a fan across the country ottawa is a focal point in election time because it is the seat of government and because it holds the headquarters of the malor politi cal organizations but as the cam paign grows cabinet ministers have to tour various parts of the country re gional political offices become more active and the political war of ballots is fought on a number of fronts ot tawa exercises only remote control ex cept in the case of the party in power up to the present aside from radio broadcasts electioneering has been most active in the west and in a few days the prime minister and mr la pointe minister of justice will visit western canada to combat the at tacks that have been made on the ad ministration by dr manion and mr woodsworth mr lapointe will speak at all western provincial capitals lat er coming to the capitals of central and eastern canada in a recent broadcast mr lapointe heard for the first time in this election contended that the present administration form ed the truest national government that could be constituted in canada at the present time answering dr manlons charges that the country had been hi prepared for war mr la pointe said that not only had the government been as well prepared for war as any peaceful nation could ex pect to be but it acted swiftly to pre vent the blunders which had charac terized the war of 191418 oreat britain france indeed the whole world mr lapointe stated held can ada in admiration for the last ave months from the government standpoint the prime minister had declared in broadcasts that he is prepared to stand before the people on the governments war record on the sea on land and the air said the liberal leader can adas achievements in this war may well be source of national pride lurthermore canada stands to europe as the nearest the surest and safest source of those materials and supplies without which no great nation could wage a successful war national uni ty had been maintained without which war could not be prosecuted success fully he spoke of the rapid strides that had been made in the coopera tive air training plan which might prove of the most essential and de cisive character in the war other cabinet members including mr rogers minister of national de fence and mr power postmaster general have described the extent of canadas war effort on the military and industrial side mr ralston minister of finance has said that in the coming fiscal year canada will spend 500 million dohars on the war for the first year of the war up to september first next the expense of the army will be 197 million the navy 40 million the air force 88 million and the air training scheme 50 million from the conservative standpoint dr manion has attacked the govern ment on a wide fron on what he claims was the countrys illprepared ness for war on the slackness of the effort since the war was declared and on the general peace and war policy of the government he has stated that on several occasions in the past years he has warned the government on its lack of preparedness four years ago he had said canada should not be without defences especially when such threats were being made by the dictators for whom canada would be a choice morsel he has criticised the government for lack of legislation on social reforms for failure to im plement recommendations of the pur vis commission on employment and for its wheat and coal marketing policies he had further explained ills plan for a national government and has bitterly denounced what he holds as the arbitary use of gokecn- mental power in dissolving parliament within four hours of convening the session mr cahan former secretary of state speaking in montreal has also stated that by throttling of par liament on january 25th canada is left under an absolute dictatorship mr woodsworth ccf leader has al so claimed that he sees the shadow of dictatorship in the government by orderslncouncil instead of by free parliament the supervisory board of the com monwealth air training plan has re cently been holding meetings to dls- icuas the progress or the scheme it is stated progress has been eminently milton oast georgetown in hard fought battle scare single goal on round lo leave locals bewildered and unable to realize its mothballs for their equipment playing a team that never stops try ing was- the experience of the geofge town silverstreaks when they were nosed out of the group piaydowns by milton by a single goal on the round it was a tough game to lose and a sweet one to win and the mlltonians certain went away happy when the final gong sounded after seeing their team outplayed in the first game of the junloivc group playdowns in their own backyard in the game at milton last tues day the score was 5 4 in favor of georgetown and they well deserved the win on the nights play the score here on thursday was 64 thus 10 9 on the round and the visitors looked the better team in the game here although it was nip and tuck all the way milton seemed to have more fight in the pinches and j never- quit trying penalties were costly to the local team in the second period when milton scored twice while they were playing two men short at the start of the game everything looked well for georgetown when they irtcrcased their single goal lead from the previous game by two goals by beaumont and kemshead in the second period however milton put on the pressure and scored three goals to one learmont coxe and adams scoring for milton schertzel for the homesters in the third frame milton put on a great show in a determined effort to win tied lhe score and went into the lead on goals by sproat and bower- lng before the end of the period beaumont had tied the count again only to have bowerlng put his team back in the running with a goal at the 18mlnute mark in a desperate effort to again get on even terms manager silver put six forwards on the loe when he withdrew the goal keeper but it was too late and mil ton emerged victorious three causalties also featured in the gfcme when referee honey kuntz of kitchener sprained his ankle when he tripped his skate catching in a break in the ice and the milton goaler and wing man were both knocked out when hit by the puck milton goal mcduffee defence learmont ryan centre sproat winos bowering coxe subs archibald h evans robertson adams borer blain l evans georgetown goal lagerquist de fense runham murphy centre beau mont wings lane louth subs schenk kemshead schertzel gill coffeu golden a kemshead winter somewhere in france canada british war offica pkatocrown coprrifht raaarvad canadian airmen should feel at home in scenes like this it is merit somewhere behind the lines in france where they are having oe have experienced in many year conrtaajr canadian pacific royal air force encamp- of the coldest winters they w r reek lo address halton seed fair at georgetown doran wedding in toronto m full working order well within the time hoped for by the original negoti ators two breakins over week end the georgetown lumber co office jgu hie high o w e over the week end but the wouldbe thieves gained nothing for their efforts except cane small change and postage stamps at the lumber co office chief mar- atojul i bat as jet has not keen able to apprehend the thieve halton farmers plan conference on farm management farm management has long been recognized by most leading dirt fari mers as the factor which largely de termines success or failure in the op eration of a farm business with this mind agricultural representative e whitelock is aranguig for a two- day forum on the subject to be held in milton on march 14 and 15 h r hare former agricultural representa tive for halton and latterly in charge of the cost of production survey in the milk prodwtionwill be the chief speaker mr hare will be assisted by c ratson of the economics divi sion ottawa and f h rorsllne of the ontario agrlcutural college we un derstand from mr whitelock that many halton farm operators have al ready expressed their intention of availing themselves of this timely con ference plans are now rapidly nearing com pletion for the annual halton seed fair which this year is to be held in the town hall georgetown on march 8 and 9 we understand from presi dent w e breckon that a very attrac- i live prize list has been issued as in i former years only those with seed for j sale are eligible to make entry and furthermore the exhlbts must be typ- ical of that offered for hale this very practical seed show thus serves as an excellent medium to bring togethex lhose who have seed tor sale and others who will be in the market for seed grain clovers timothy and pot atoes with the likelihood that can adian farmers will be called on for increased production to meet the needs of the empire under wartime condi tions hon p m- dewan ontarios minister or agriculture is requesting every producer to use only clean good quality grain or the best varieties al ong with the best cultural practices to meet this demand mr dewan also stresses the advisabilty of using land now under cultivation rather than de pend upon new marginal areas there can be no question about the sound ness and wisdom of this request and therefore the directorate of the hal ton crop improvement association with which is affiliated the halton acton and esqueslng agricultural so cieties halton holstetn breeders hal ton plowmen and junior farmers as sociations are leaving no stone un- tumedtoensare their snnuat com mercial show being of the greatest service to halton farmers w r reek deputy minster of agriculture for on tario is to be the special speaker on the afternoon of the second day edu cational exhibits pertaining to held crops soil fertility and forestry will be on display the programme also includes the annual judging competi tions in grain seeds potatoes fruit niid cream grading which will be open to halton junior farmers all in all it would appear as if georgetown nud be the mecca for halton far mers on the two days in question norval junior farmers and junior institute the february meeting of the norval junior farmers and junior institute was held at the home of james and georgina eccles with a good atten dance at the junior institute meeting the roll call was answered by the most important factor in a girls appear ance reta fisher the president presided charlotte wilson gave a paper on the rural girl and her opportunities irene leslie read the story of st valentine and mrs clure dolson read a paper on personality it was decided tohave a box social at the next meeting which is to be held at the home or thos and mary mogee at the junior farmers meeting the roll call was answered by a tree and its use jack lawson acted as chair man bruce re id gave a paper on cooperation mr j e whitelock agilcultural representative spoke on the present hog situation craig reid gave a paper on the forests of can ada at the joint meeting rev a n mil ler of brampton presbyterian church gave an interesting talk on hobbles after lunch a social hour was spent in dancing to the music or salisburys orchestra the chapel of deer park united church was the scene wednesday feb 21st of a quiet wedding when eliza beth drennan doran daughter of mr and mrs f w doran became the bride of john roaf barber son of the late mr and mrs j r barber rev stanley russell officiated with dr peaker at the organ the bride given in marriage by her father wore a smart frock of light blue wool street- length with a modish black hat cor sage of pink roses and violets she was attended by mrs herbert magulre in a slmlar dress of pink wool with matching turban and similar corsage bouquet a small reception for the immediate families was held at the brides parents home and later the couple left for the south they will reside in georgetown released by censors guns shoot eight miles the sue 1500ton destroyers of the royal canadian navy are equipped with 47 guns which can throw abous a ton of metal a minute as far a eight j miles food by the ton the daily issue of foodstuffs to feed n urmy division of for instance 16000 ilt takes on gigantic proportions bight tons each of beer bread and pot atoes on ton of jam another of butr tr as well as 28 pounds of pepper are cquited torpedoes travel fast a tyie of torpedo used by the british and the royal canadian navies con sists of a hollow steel body and an ex plosive head it is cylindrical in shape twentytwo feet long and twentyone inches in diameter and weighs over oneandahalf tons it travels at a speed of about fifty miles an hour canadas war purchases since the outbreak of hostilities and up to february 15th the war supply board has placed orders having aptal value of about 123000000 teachers eager to help army education large numbers of educators through out canada have offered their services without remuneration to the canadian legion educational services inc m winipeg alone 150 teachers have plac ed themselves at the disposal of those in charge of the scheme which has a twofold objective the first is to improve the mental equipment of men so that they will be eligible for promotion to higher noncommis sioned ranks and commissions the second is to add to their training and knowledge so that they will be able more readily to find suitable employ ment when peace is declared norval rifle club the club has just completed thelr scores in the dominion marksmens league this league shoot is compet ed for by rifle clubs all over canada also newfoundland norval club en tered three teams the ave high scares of each team to count number one team scored 1489 out of 1500 number two team scored 1464 out of 1500 number three team scored 1472 out of 1500 winning thirteen silver spoons six expert and seven marksmens the score cards have been sent to mon treal to be certified on receipt of their certificate the individual winners will be announced the club members go to toronto march 11th for a return match with the cnr club the scores made in the aggregate event are m atkinson 100 x 8 c meredith 100 x 7 r w hall 100 x 7 a b robertson 100 x 6 h nurse 99 x 7 g h hall 99 x 8 a w wil- m 98 x 7 norma hall 98 x 6 c cantelon 98 x 6 w lisk 99 x 8 hustler 97 x 5 c caves 97 x 6 a reeve 97 x 6 dr stevnson 96 x 4 the cbc brings you the canadian press news addressing wrapping important in sending mall to men overseas the two big problems of the army postal service are brought about by incorrect a dressing 3c improper wrap ping of parcels daily hundreds of letters and parcels are delayed be cause of insufficient addressing la some cases the addressee can foe loca ted after some research in others the leteror parcel has tobe returned in wrapping parcels it should be re membered that they will be subject to much handling and therefore should be sturdily wrapped and bound the following rule will prevent im- proper addressing rank name regi ment regimental number and unit of regiment for instance private john smith 49th highlanders a12340 trench mortars with canadian ac tive forces pilots to undergo twentyeight week period of trainlmr pilots trained under the british commonwealth air training plan l be given intensive instruction ding over a period of twentyeight weeks a small proportion of the pilots will be absorbed in the rjcjlf but the majority will proceed oversea courses for air observers will last for towntysix weeks while air gunner will be ready for action after a twen tyfour week period of training all pupils are enlisted in the royal canadian air force as aircraftsmen class lt all will undergo the same course of instruction for a period of four weeks in an initial training school from then on pilots air observers and air gunners will go to their respec tive schools tor additional instruction war profiteering effectively curbed by wartime board t the wartime prices and trade board has conducted investigations ln- tb the distribution and sale of some forty commodities during the first four months of its operations investlga- tlns varied in character and extent some involved merely alleged instances of hoarding and profiteering on the part of individuals jwltfa others it was necessary to coordinate a whole industry to insure distribution of some one commodity at a fair price this was notably the case in the investiga tions conducted into the sugar and wool industries commodities which have come un der the boards investigation in co- operation with its technical staff in clude sugar textiles butter leather fuel beans flour millfeeds cod liver oil and castor oil through the rcmp and the weights and measures service hun dreds if complaints have been inquir ed into across the dominion some of them in remote comers of the tar north to eliminate spiteful- or witch- hunting cases it was agreed that there should be no prosecution except by leave of the board or pro v attorneygeneral the greatest drams on the air is the neverending serial story pro vided by the news news that makes history news that tells of high courage or craven fear news that is rich m humor in human interest news lit tunes that is tragic and saddening by wire and cable it comes from alert observer in every country on the globe news that a few gen erations ago would have taken months to reach canadians comes to them today in a matter of minutes all of the cbc news bulletins are provided by the onad press which with its affiliations has worldwide newsgathering facilities morning noon and early news bulletins are prepared by the local offices of the canadian press at halifax montreal toronto winnipeg and vancouver the natio news sumary which goes on the air every even i at ii pin bbt saturdays 1145 pan is prepared at tbe rit press head office in toronto at the left a k pulford superintendent of radio for tbe canadian press holds up a yard of news from the teletype dispatcher whic sends the news bulletins from the canadian press news room to tbeobc studios at station obl where it is automatically typed on the right bui hogg a canadian press radio editor checks with a map to make sure that the place referen awcorrect in ib night national news oulletm that ne is writing top centre shows stephen daje cbl news announcer looking over a bubettn before putting it on tbe sir and checking the pron of one of those finnish tongue- tower centre shows lome oreene col news announcer reading the national news summary to the cbc national network institute held euchre dr and mrs r paul very kindly opened their home to the members of the institute far their february meet ing- the members having invited their trtends spent a most delightful evening playing euobxe at the 4oot- of twelve games the prbm were awar ded w uvc iuur umiw m wi mrs josbklmratniir heur7 mrs panl br lfr norman wosaa after a dainty lunch was served and a- vote of thanks tendered dr and vxn paul s most enjoyable erasing w brought to a dose

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