ipage 6 the georgetown herald wed nesday evening february 28th 1 940 our farm items of iff teres t to evry farmer r dean seed firt step in profitable farming 1hn produce greater yields better prims and more profit mays john j maoleod wed expert or the crops seeds and weeds branch oni dept of achcnltnre the sowing of clean seed la the first step in profitable farming says john jj macleod seed expert of the crops jjeeds and weeds branch ont dept of agriculture toronto when a wellcleaned and graded aboople la sown one may expect vigor- otis and uniform germination strong plants capable of resisting unfavor- jtble weather and diseases h uniformly 1 ripening crop harvesting with a mini mum loss and of the best marketable quality cleaner farms greater yields silgner grades better prices and more profits clean seed should be a bright plump uniform sample pure as to variety free from all foreign matter including seeds of other cultivated crops diseased grains small shrunken jams and weed seeds small grains make good feed but poor sesd this little plant in the arly stages of growth depends on the meat in the kernel for its mainten ance t a small grain is sown there is not- always sufficient nourishment in the kernel to sustain the little shoot until it lb strong enough to draw from the soil the result being a short stun ted plant at the best plants from ftmnii grains are shallow rooted should a dry season occur the roots will not penetrate deep enough in the 0011 to get sufficient moisture small grains are slower in germin atlng the little shoot in many case never reaches the surface some small grains do not germinate at all plants from small grains are frequently short and stunted the pod not usually ma ture with the rest of the crop the re cult being a loss inp reduction in food value ancvln profits thorough cleaning and grading of eed is cheap insurance and is of vital importance r radio g repairing g v 9 s 12 years experience he we specialize on j t this work 5 v t f f j j sanford son bj georgetown mw g phone georgetown mw ag0no of korti qftaeefaftmufr jftienb of sgriulture while nil classes of people tn canada deeply regret the passing of his excellency lord tweedsm iir governor general of canada on sunday february 11 1940 none feels the loss more keenly than those connected with canadian agriculture his interest in farmers was perceptive and sincere and of long standing for as as son of the manse around which rural lire in scotland ebbs and flows he spent his boyhood among he farming people of his homeland it j not too much to say that no oovernor general in canada ever met and became the personal friend of more farmers than did lord tweedsmulr he showed a great concern for their welfare andhad a deop appreciation of the value of the great industry in which they were engaged he could talk farming too and never missed an opportunity to identify himself with the men of the wil he loved to visit the dominion experl mental farms and to tatoe part in ploughing matches whenever lme and rlrcumsfances permitted he was intensely and personally interested in the work of rehabilitation of the prairies this was exemplified on may 28 1939 when he said to a party of british farmers who were on a vlsitto eastern canada and were visiting the central experimental farm ottawa vou should go to western canada not only to see where the finest wheat in the woild is grown bjt to ee the wonderful work that is being done to prevent soil drtfing soil erosion in getting the land back to pasture in water development and water conservation there is no flnei practical scientific work being done anywhere while canada has great assets in its mines its fisheries its forest and water powers the land is and will remain tho country s greatest asset our civilization was founded on agriculture and still exists by virtue of agriculture all who are associated with agriculture in canada unite to expicss their deep sympathy to the lady tweedsmulr and the members of hit family at the greater loss they have sustained farmyard manure on miny canadian farms much of the plant value of barnyard manure is lost through improper handling states g r hanna division of illus tration stations experimental farm service one of the greatest losses is due to the failure to save the liquid manure which is an important source of- nitrogen and potash in 1d35 a comparistn was made ht two illustra lion stations in prince edward island with liquid manure and chemical fer tilizer- on the growth of timothy hay practically lit same amounts of nit- locen ind potash were supplied by the striphatt of ammonia and muriate of potasii application as were contained in the liquid manure the yields from these plots wete approximately equal the liqula manure giving a slightly higher yield tins would indicate that the value of the feiulizint ingredient in liquid minmc would be iniilar to that or the hemic i fertilizers and every can should be tiken to conserve this im portant sourc of plant nutrient other losses of fertllizuig ingredlenis are from kachmt and fermenniton leaching is the result of the drainag from the mam n piles carrying off tin soluble element of plant food rtr- ment mon ciuses senous losses of nit roflen oy the escape of ammonia de preclttion due to these two laetors of- ttn amounls to nearly half the orlfi nal il le of tht manure before it fin ilh is incorporated into the soil to prevent the lass of liquid manure the iloor and gutter ot hit stable should be tight enough to prevent setpike plenty of stiaw sprtid in ok stills and gutter will absorb th lui id the man ire should if pas sible bi piled in a slmi whnc it will not be exposed to the heavy nms if thls is not possible there should be an impervious bottom provided toi the manure to cut down the amount of seepage and the loss of soluble mgre dients by leaching more straw in th manure will reduce the amount of leaching by ram and drainage watti because of us loose 0en textiue theie is a greater lass from ft r mem i hon in horse manure than in tow manure mixing these manures tlior otighlv and keping the manure hcip compact and somewhat molst will re urd the fermentation proct ss sup ir phosphate or peat mixed with man ire will iiduce the amount of nttro ktn that escipes as nmmonii k is if tart has bten liken to const rt the urim hurt will be i fanlv eoexi oiitent of nitrogen and potash in tin manure but phosphorus ls usual j lacking to coi reel ins condition superphosphate us some times mixed with the manure oi put en tin 1 md i a supplement to nianuie riom 1011 to 500 pounds pi r aire ilong willi 10 ton sof n auun make a furly wcl bnlaneed fetnlie i test concl lot 1 on inrioil rilustn ion stations in eastern cdiiad i to determine tlu mm sun ible applications nun ne an loinmeiiiil ftr ilitrs how tint th huir ipplications o b tons of linn me used with goo to 800 pounds of i iotihii rtiljo sueh as 1 8 10 2 12 g liu higher v it ids md i enuiliv rehire i ts be 1115 more f f t tut t f manu n t t dim h i m k ihoi iphospl m 11 tst rial i lie ill nd it th rutitabljiu of usmi luh mlie urns of mm uit erne t tee b i omplett temnie rtial i mil i will rill m hi li pliosji rii t e n e nt hit t ir in i f limim ot itl in items of interest improved cattle quality there was an encouraging improve ment in the quality or cattle arriving in 1b39 at public stock yards in can ada according to the annual he- view of the market information ser vice dominon department of agri- cultumchoice and good grades of cattle substantially increased in the various weight ranges and classifica tions while the percentage of medium and commod declined total cattle marketings for canada exceeded those of 1938 by about 20 000 head the hea vy weighs of steers showing a decline this is believed to be due to the fact that under the beneficial terms of the canada united states agreement the heavier weights are finding their way to united slates where there is a demand for them whereas in canada the tendency appears to be toward smaller roasts and cuts of beef rellected in a greater demand for llghtti weights of live cattle imported fruits vegetables receipt of imported fruits and vegetables on the montreal market by rail and boat during the year 1939 totalled 7 223 cars as compared with 6 556 qoxs during the previous year he largest individual contributions to the llal were bananas with 1 482 cari oranges with 1209 cars and to matoes with 701 cars california sup plies most of the oranges british west indies almost all the bananas while texas mexico and the british west indies itcoiml foi a 1 irt projerliori of the tomatoes pot i to market montreal is the principal potato nui ktt in cauad i maritime potatoes mostlj from new brunswick aie ship led m large quantities e i h season cai lot unloads m 19j9 totalled 2 609 i us fiom new biuiiswltk and 589 cars from pi uiex edw ard islmd in ad 11 ion to lit mitiitlme shipments new it i pot noes from the southern states ue imjieiiteel during the late spring nd tail summer montlis lhest to tilled iai ins in 19j9 inti originated lailu in fli ndi the curolinas ami virun a certified seed iotjtoes 11k it ija bun i vti inukt i tiend in lht prodiktiem of n 1 1 mi potato v hi is tor tiililieel sieel in uientl mii willi ore en mount uns md i irlsh cebbleis eemtniue to mainlun lit it li irie rship me unt rural wk is steidih ittliniiik and ippueniv btin n plated b i newer inti lntii mi ij popul ir vantn k il ilulm an iie m thls i irie l tiittiid u i t 1 1 hi i lion incut is ti iom 94 i ii in 19jo to 1 9ih uns in 19j8 aii idiaii turnips to i s i vt inu i tiunis txiih fur t plant canadian certified seed make plans early this year to harvest a bumper crop of smoojh clean high quality potiyoes good seed is he first require ment for an excellent crop because only good seed will grow vigorous plants plants that can withstand most of thei serious diseases common to potatoes canadian certified seed potatoes are- good seed potatoes by claming them many of the losses due to disease will be avoided igher quality cleaner smoother more uniform potatoes than thpsc grown from ordinary seed stock will be produced so this season harvest jiner potatoes anti more of them plant can adian certified seed grow potatoes that will grade canada no 1 anadian certified seed potatoes are available in all standard varieties be sure to select the ittriety most suitable for your locality ask the local district government inspector plant pro tectum division for full information and list of nearest distributors rood supplies are important tn wartime i his year plant and raise only the best agricultural suppltet board dominion di partment of agriculture oti awa honourable fames g gardiner 1 -j- 4cuneml borrowers h ii reasfd in reet it uji s pi net idw id island ml om in ue the two pioilme s til- lul il in e mt ti itu ulti itmmilh rt ti i nil e s m 1 t united btitcs din nt he ship p ni 1 il m s t in on 1 iki eent il out iii io m h iiiv t i i u 1 1 h 1 1 ilmost h il r w il itei with iuelil 1 iki l r ii t it sump n o rile i 1 1 cm mt it is appuint il pn hie it title isi it com oi i no w th tn il itrt it s in que ij itul bntili to limb i uis mi in i lit ii i te idv in ii ase in rece in il iiiei uei ibout jt thous mi tti imihi l ontnia int lujre u cn iforniu nd floi ul i law al ised irom ix housand tons n lh4 tej 11 001 te iis in pmk buy thompsons quality chicks for greater profits bred for ilallty early maturity and for a large cnnslitutlon for high egg and meat production chicks are hatched from selected eggs 24 02 to 28 oz per dozen ll burred rexk f hicks are from our obs flock which has been blood tested md culled by government inspectors for over 10 years we hav t quantin of s c whiu leghorn chicks for sale a so rop led bailed rock chirks we cuir enter 100 live ddiverv to your door 9fl pullets and mixed ehioks is they come from ineubttors discount for early orders full line of jamesway poultry equipment for sale write or phone thompson poultry farm hatchery grorgftown it r no 3 3 mile sout of geortttowi phone 48 r 5 lot 14 con 6 esquesing like ploughing and harvesting the need to borrow for productive pur poses octrurs with the seasons there are numerous purposes for which you may wish to borrow to meet seed and harvesting expenses to purchase fertilizer and equipment to purchase and feed live stock or to finance shipments of livestock poul try or other farm produce to market or to undertake farm improvements under the htme improvement plan the mapiger of our branch nearest you will understan3 our season 1 needs and be glad to receive our application for a loan ask for our booklet the tanner and his bank bank of montreal established 1617 georgetown branch a c welk manager potato t x ports iik rented i in i xirt if maud for canadmi ikiiiitois ixi th s iti md l ible stock wis i j nod in iai9 tibe potato 1 ixiirts liunaet alums 200 hi ecnt i and stetl about jp pi 1 eent is eompui id with lata the umted snus and cub 1 take i u cpian title s of cuia dun m l jxjtatocs while table stock s hlpptd 10 the wtst indies united- st itis 1110 the orient i prod ue lion of potatoes r 11 ciinidiin pot 110 trop in 19j9 of jogjoooo bushels vv itjut sllthtl lusher than the vield 5ob9tx0 bushels in 1938 which as one of the shoitest t rops on record in the maritime provinces there was a sub sumlial increase in 1939 ovtr the iirrviotls enr but elsewhere in can ada declines or minor increases were ircoided the value of the crop for 1939 hoe is exixcted to show n siibsttintlul increase over 1938 insects in histor cutworms in canada have caused injurs in the fields for a long lime in the leport of m tiblcrge on the state of agriculture in acadia in 1696 at a period when there were onlv elrhl farms in the valley of the saint john river menmon was made that one colonist had sowed a considerable quantitj of wheat but had harvested no crop because the worms had eaten the seed in the ground the loca lion of that farm in well known wire are uncom there at pies ent but cutworms are usually abun dant so the inference is that cut worms were responsible for the dam- almost a century later in 1791 t paper was published in the quebec gazette on the possible cultural pre ventlon of damage by cutworms one of the earliest canadian references to economic entomology in canada hi- ddentally it mentioned that in that food supplies in wartime i in mo 1 sine md rertun wav to ut 1 ib imim 1 crop of smooth rle in hlirh qiultv potato s is bv usinij lood med prefcnibh tertifhd seed poia toes state the akricultunl supplies boird onlv rexxl se e d w ill rrow 1v0101s pnnts that can withstand nit t nf the cilseaes common to ixita toes bv plant in eerltfled swd xita toes not onl wil man ot the losses due to disease- be avoided but 1 bet ter quality and more uniform product will be pioduced canadian certified ee i virletits ire available 111 ill the standard vaueties thev should be planted in clean land to increase the vlold and improve the qualltj pre- ftrablv 01 part of the farm where potatoes have not been krown before this will help in the production of dean vigorous plants that will with land mast of the serious diseases common to potatoes good seed potatoes cannot be select ed bv appearances alone because cer tain discuses are not delected merely by examining the seed the best as surance of netting good eed is to buy certified seed the lexal district inspector of the plant protection division dominion depaitment of agriculture will glad ly give information on the subject and has the names and addresses of where certified seed potatoes may be obtained these inspectors are locat ed at charlottetown pei kentville ns fredericton nb st anne da la pocatlerc que ouelph ont win nipeg man edmonton alberta where the inspector alberta and saskatche wan is located and vancouver bc as food supplies are vitally impor tant in wartime the agricultural sup plies board urges the planting of the best seed for all field and garden crops heating hints i i tere is a daily heating sched- ule thu will help ou to ret more satisfaction from the fuel you burn in the moiimnc in ortlcr to pet heat up qu tkly open the ash pit damper wide and close the check damper do not add fresh coal until the fire is burning- briskly and when you do put on frish coal don t forget to leave an exposed spot of live coals di rectly in front of the lire door it farm helps soapmakerh linseed corn soya beans and many other products of the farm are used by the soap making industry of nda which includes 109 factories in soa w cleaning preparations as their manufacturers according to the lat est available statistic theproduciion of these works was valued at 2 9b5 in 193b fortysix of the plants were engaged primarily in the manu facture of soap 23 being in ontario 11 in quebec 5 in alberta 3 each in manitoba and british columbia and one in new brunswick thirtyfive establishments made washing com- ma also be necessary to shake the grates a uttle this depends on yhethcr or not they were shaken the nicht before during the day rely entirely on the check and ashpit dampers to control the fire never use the tterti damper for daily regulation keep it as nearly closed as possible without hindering the free burning of the fire at nicht before tfanking the fire shake the prates gently until the first red glow appears in the ashpit wet the ashes and re move them when banking the fin always open the check damjw and dote the amhpit damper never leave the fire door open when banking the fire 9j bray chicks why write letter d ncttd weitaey tvden order your bray chicks through me pergonal attention prompt deliver a bank where small accounts are welcome a no year caterpillars rah destroyed quantity of grass on low lands along the south shore of th st lawrence possibly one of the earliest records of an armywonn outbreak pounds as ther main producc javelle water and hypochlorte being the chief items of manufacture in 38 plants the principal output was cleaning preparations norval pkmm 382 r 21