Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 6, 1940, p. 2

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tj georgetown herald wednesday evening march 6th 1940 the georgetown herald rtitonkn a a weekly newwper derated to the best interests of the town oi wary wednesday evenlc at the offloe an main st georgetown flubbouprion rates- 100 per year in advanoe united states so additional single copies so bow old and new addresses should be ran when change of address u ntnieatod advsrrnaino rates legal notices l3c per line for first insertion to per line for each subsequent insertion readers 8c per line for each tneertlou if in black face type so per line additional notices qualifying as coming brents such as conoarts entertainments society church or or- gmnbmuon meetings etc 8c per line minimum charge 25c reports of meetings heldgladly inserted free in memonan noneee boc and loo per one extra for poetry birth marriage and death notices boc small ad vertisements one inch or less boc for first insertion and 26c for each sub- sequent insertion display advertising rates on application although every precaution will be taken to avoid error the herald accepts advertising in its columns on the understanding that it will not be liable for any error in any advertisement published hereunder unless a cool of such advertisement la requested by the advertiser and returned to the herald business office duly signed by the advertiser and with such error correction plainly noted hi writing thereon and in that case u anyetror o noted is not corrected by the herald its liability shall not exoeedsuch a proportion of the entire cost of such advertisement as the spaoa occupl- thb herald dobs job printiko op all kinds poetry when dats are short when days are short and winter winds blow hard and harsh and shrill and frost is tingling in the air and all out doors is chill when frozen fields sleep neath the snow and wild things seek resort when woodlands stand so bleak and bare when days are short when days are short and little streams slip noiselessly along beneath their icy frostcapped coats while silent is their song when lakes no longer glint the sun no boats sail to each port and gulls half starved scream over head when days are short tis then at eve when darkness falls one seekis his fireside chair with all the lamlly gathered round the warmth of home to share then thankful hearts appreciate that sheltering dear home port when all outside is cold and chill when days are short why worry tor parents with personal incomes of more than 1500 per year to claim to be entirely dependent on a son who never did pay even towards his board i hope that any candidate mr edi tor will take the trouble to be sure he is right before he utilizes the- orcblems of soldiers and their depen dents as a stepping stone to a seat in ottawa arthur e padburj asahntinamyrej shield hot l btllxt fob rest and recreation this commodious red shleja service oeontre at ottawa waa opened officially by general h f h hertrfterg ojmx quar- termaeteroeneral of canada with whom was a large company of distinguished citizens of the capital city also in the centre of the picture are brigadier o sparks and major and mrs warrander the days fly by the fleeting days with all their joys and sorrows why worry god holds in his hand today and all tomorrows the years fly by youth s hurrying years from them age cannot borrow though weary grow jhe days and long while time plows his own furrow i once was young and now am old so sang the bard immortal but age is naught to him who guards the pathway to ufes portal the days go by slow darkened days our god doh fail us never why worry he will faithful be his promise stands forever a bowman correspondence r r no 2 rockwood feb lth 1040 dear mr editor ii has always been the practice of political parties in canada to keep the affairs of veterans and soldiers out of politics and to adjust any matters relating to them in a non political way both the liberal and conservative leaders in the past have agreed not to use veteran and soldier problems as stepping stones to political glory therefore i take exception to the conservative candidate using these words vou have seen the treatment accorded our gallant troops and the neglect of their wives mothers and children for the information of mr atkins and the public generally i wish to give the results of an investigation which mr atkins apparently failed to make in dealing with enlisted men in the forces there are quite a number of cases where the domestic status does not ring true on their papers and these are held up for investigation of such things as common law wives di vorc bigamy se non sup port of parens wives children and many other things which make up do mestlc tangles these things may seem at a casual glance to be of minor importance where subsistence is asked but they involve huge expenditures of public money for instance where a boy who has or has not maintained lus parents gets killed or wounded in volves the payment of pension for periods of years again where a mar ried man obtains allowance for his wife and children on his death or in jury pension must be paid and it is possible that taking the extreme of a long living deformity case in one of the children that pension would be paid for ninety or one hundred years prom this very meager sketch ttu public can see that the government is doing a good job hi seeing that all those who drew dependence allowances thoroughly deserve them and further commander outlines navy needs something of the courage and fortl tude of canada s men at sea soma thing of the winter hardships suflered both by those of the merchant marine and of the navy and something of their unrem need of knitted supplies and comforts from home was revealed this week by commander d w far mer rcn naval branch department of national defense ottawa speaking to a largely attended meet ing of the women s committee cf the navy league of canada ontario di vision in toron o commander far mer commended the work being un dertaken for navy men by many wo men s groups in this province and trom him the gathering presided ovei by mrs r c matthews wife of the honourable r c matthews heard first hand of the work of those thous ands of canadians who deserve our moral support and upbuilding in the ace of a task of incredliable danger under mrs matthews direction a women s section of the navy league came into existence in late october of last year it was their intention to make up 200 ditty bags for ontario lads serv ing in the canadian navy instead of that number more than 2 000 bags at an average value of 5 per bag have already been filled and despatch ed according to the report of e frank trimble general secretary of the ontario division or the navy lea gue within the pas few weeks many women s organizations have offered their services and are now working for the navy league in centres through out this province and this year it is hoped more than 25 000 ditty bags will be made up for our boys on the high seas women of one ontario town have already ordered 400 pounds of wool for the making of navy league supplies and dozens of other groups are in terestlng themselves in the leagues projects we need their help to help our men at sea officials of the ontario navy league organization declared to day tuesday march 12 the broadcast portion of the concert will be heard over th cbc national network from 10 00 to 1100 pjn tabercalosls subject of cbc talk among mans most precious posses slons is the gift of good health and the subject pf health is one of prim ary importance to all thinking people with this in mind the cbc in co operation with the canadian medical association has for the past few months been presenting a series of talks on health on wednesday even ings 7 45 to 8 00 pjn est tht- speaker isdr t g routley secretary of the association whose knack of presenting important- facts in an in tensely interesting style has made him one of the cbc s most popular speak ers dr routley s subject for wednes day march 13th is tuberculosis of the luny strauss waltzes featured from winnipeg eldes offspring of an innkeeper s son who had to run away rrom home- in order tc become a musician johann strauss the younger had to repeat the process with his own famous father who sternly opposed his musical am bitlons parti some say out of jeal ousj unlike man great composers his success came within his own life time and strauss al zes are still a tremendously popular part of any ccncertfftepertoire james robertson will be conducting the orchestra or miniature muslcale in a salute to johann strauss the king of the waltz on monday march 11 600 to 630 pan he will include in his pro gramme tales of the vienna woods as well as other compositions recall ing the gay vienna of the 90s discusses festival plans rupert lucas cbc supervisor of drama will act as adjudicator at the saskatchewan drama festival at re gin mrch 28 29 and 30 while in the west he will take part in discus slons that will it is anticipated lead to an interunlverslty drama con test for the fall ths contest is still in the formative stage and through an error it was announced in a previ ous news item that mr lucas would adjulcate the contest while on his western trip this month bpenal broadcast from salvation army in peace and in war in good times and in bad the lar flung organization cf he salvation army lias been ready with a helping hand where er it is most needed that is the saga of the red shield which will be presented in dramatlzeo form by the cbc on sun day march 10 7 30 to 8 00 pjn the broadcast will also include selections by the dovercourt salvation arm band rated mong the fines concert bands in canada acton r j c worden of battle creek mich visited his brother mr w wor den and other friends during the past week the maeon knitting company have commenced moving then- plant to the hew quarters on guelph street to office and shipping departments are now m the new building and the fin ishing department is now being moved production is being maintained during the moving the batavla dally news tells of the appointment of frederick mclaugh lin son of mr c motig acton as business manager of the batavla clipper ball club mr mclaughlin s duties commence at once and end september 15th and his salary for the position will be 1 000 congratula tions fred the carnival last wednesday night in acton arena fulfilled and even sur passed all advance notices of the event it was the biggest and best event of lis kind held in acton and between 1 100 and 1200 attending went home pleased with the three hour program free press send in your news items always greatly appreciated more only about 10 or 13 of depen- denee applications are not granted lm- medlately of those held up ft has been found 36 are entitled to al lowance- 35 entitled to part allow- nce and a ittfue more than 60 not ftw entitled to any aowanoes r tt investigators mveetjgattng these oases are not working from 9 to 5 but are and have been working night and tay most of these investigations bi valve b or 6 separate calls for such tibjngs as verification of bsrttks deaths marriage bank account employonent court prnwmttfctg and 100 and one other things which make up the tangles it has been known for one aae to totoowar 30 different calls by jnvwtigatoa and it has beenknpwn cbc tells true story of wild west a thrilling story from the romance of pioneer days in western canada will be presented by the canadian broadcasting corporation on thurs day march 14 745 to 800 pm the war trail of big bear w b cameron a veteran of the riol re bellion and the only white man to survive the frog lake massacre in 1885 prepared this talk from a book he has written about his experiences when he was for two months a pri soner in the camp of hostile indians andy clarke whose voice is familiar to many ontario listeners through his neighbourly news chats on sundav mornings has been chosen to read the script cbc war song heard from vancouver and toronto wherever you go in the obc to ronto studios you hear people whist ling jess jabreys new song over here for over there and this week two producers are planning to include it in their programmes on monday match 11 pe harv orc l vaneouver will feature the cbc war song during che 8ongs of e programme 11 jo to 12 00 mid est and it will be the signature tune for anoftber obc house of variety on march 15 800 to 000 pjn keep canadas war effort united experienced leaders are vital for victory in six months of war the mackenzie king administration has set ao unprecedented record of getting things done without fuss and fury under its steady leadership canada has gone ahead on all fronts war economic and domestic with clear heads and with fejet on the ground this group of purposeful men is making every ounce of canada s weight felt in our fight for freedom what it has done has been doiu thoroughly there has been no loose thinking no half measures no waste of men money or materials some of the mackenzie king administration wartime accomplishments very mysterious about a sur prise guest of honour he is hoping to present on the house or variety beeadet coodaeu the ktmirl symphony jeanmarie beaudet quebec te- glonal director of programmes for the obo and noted canadian pianist and conductor will be the guest con ductor of the orchestra of lee con certs symnhotuquea de montreal on it united ca as never before every provime heart and soul behind the rmpire s war effort this time thanks to the i truly national policies the first division completely equipped has been sent oversea to a muther country prepared lo receive it the second division i anil ready to go over recruited equipped the great empire air training scheme sponv red and mainl financed by canada ha been launched on a planned and ordered basis naval defence for both east and west coasts including air force mine sweeper and convoying has functioned efficiently since the outbreak of war of it a senior british naval authont has said no finer work i being done anywhere by the royal navy itself price control of all commodities including mich vital necessities a wool and sugar has been established with prices pegged low for the poor man the profiteer is out and will be kepi out in marked contrast to the free- for all of the last war shipping control and foreign exchange control are firmly established on sound lines and are functioning smoothly and effectively a 200000040 war loan was over sub scribed within two days of its launching a record that proves public confidence its reasonable rate of iv contrasts with 5vi tax free rate of the last war pemical and private patronage has been tamped euti merit is the sole basis for selection or promotion in our armed forces great britains war hna problems have been lessened through the cooperauoa of the canadian government war contracts totalling well over 100 000 000 have been placed stimulating cycry branch of canadian industry canadian employment has hit an all tune high owing to these orders and to good in ternal business conditions ar d la are approaching full speed aeroplanes dren guns tanks artillery accessories ships all coming forward in impressive quantities large purchases of canadian wheat preventing a senous wheat glut have been arranged through a special mission sent to london b the mackenzie kjng administration 5600000 pounds of bacon will be shipped to great britain each week as well as large quantities of flour and fish huge shipments of steel and other mate rial essential to the conduct of the war have been arranged for make voir vote seaport canadian unity such a record sunpl didn t fmt happen it resulted from the efforts of a strong adminis tration working on behalf of a country muted in all its parti at meier hefort and this singleness of purpose conspicuously absent in i9h is due to the vision understanding and drive of individual canadian and empire minded statesmen who back the empire s participation in the war with their eyes wide open and with full determination to play their parts to the full we appeal to the people of canada for the support which is essential to carry on and complete a task the groundwork for which has been laid carefully soundly wisely with foresight determination and resolute courage cnr time table going east passenger passenger and mall passenger and mall for toronto sunday only 657 ua 10jajgfe 0 pjav 0i pm 841 pm 8j4 i 8j09 going west passenger and mall passenger dally except saturdays and sunday saturday only job pm passenger and mail 848 pm passenger sunday hj pm passenger saturday night only from nov 4 to apr 87 13j8 am getng north mail and passenger 848 us time table leave georgetown to toronto a 7 06 a m 928 a jn 12j8 pa o 233 pjn 438 pm 848 pjn 903 pm to london 10 06 am rll20 am 308 pm ar25s pjn ayi46 pjn 7m pm b900 pjn dxlljw pjn exlt50 pjn i except sun andholb sua and hoi c saturday only d except sat sun and hol e sat sun and hol x to kitchener y to stratford tickets and information at w h long phone 89 gray coach lines directory r s watson djks usx oeor gc town offloe hours 9 to 6 except afternoons lobot daub kjo m stbzl bennett ba mill street georgetown ont kenneth m langdon barrister seucfter notary pamks first mortgage money to loam offloe gregory theatre bldg mffi at frank petch licensed auctfonesb and all classes of lnsubancb prompt service phone 391 georgetowa p o box 413 monuments pollock a ingham successors to cater st worth gait out designs on request phone 248 inspect our work in oreenwood cemetery on march 16th show your fttitft vote for the candidal mupporting mackmnmim king and help make ture there can be no break in canada steadfast stand in these critical times forward with mackenzie king the national liberal federation of canada ottawa am nielsen sth tw of pnwhm chiropractor xray drugteu therapist bar ahifct offloe over dominion store uoum 1 7j0 sjo jua monuments oakrille monument works submitted corner poet and markers a good dtoplar in atoak a mckellar prop u cebjorm st west

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