Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 6, 1940, p. 3

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j- the georgetown herald wednesday evonfng march 6th 1940 pago 3 thew omens xxl page i tested recipes desserts that please what a number or delicious desserts owe their taste appear- largely to uit eggs used in their making of such des serts no doubt both the hostess to lunch eon or dinner guests and the hostess to members of the family are taking advantage of present egg prices to serve many of the socalled egg des serts the consumer service section marketing service dominion depart ment of agriculture recommends for the approval and use of canadian homemakers three tested recipes for desserts of high calibre viennese tarte v cup butter i cup granulated sugar 4 egg yolks 4 tablespoons milk cup flour 1 teaspoon baking powder teaspoon salt cream butter add sugar gradually and cream well together add egg yolks and beat well sift flour bak ing powder and salt ogether add alternately with milk spread on two 3inch layer cake tins buttered be fore baking cover with meringue made of 4 egg whites k teaspoon cream of tartar 4 cup fruit sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla add cream of tartar to egg whites and beat until stiff gradually add sugar and vanilla sprinkle meringue with chopped almonds if desired bake at 300 degrees f for about 40 minutes remove from pans and put layers to gether crushed fresh fruit a cream pie filling or whipped cream may be used between layers fairy dessert 6 egg whites 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup fine granulated or fruit sugar beat egg whites until stiff sift bak ing powder withsjigar and gradually beat into exg whiter pu mixture in to two well buttered cake or pie tins and bake at 350 degieei f for 15 to 20 minutes turn out put together with sliced fruit or whipped cream chill well in refrigerator before ser lng international uniform sunday school lesson carelfcss fellow do ydu think oui bo will leave footprints on the sands of time hed leave in in anwhtre just look out in the hall gethsemane triumph through surrender sunday makch 10 1940 golden text not as i will but as thou wilt matthew 26 39 matthew 26 36- in heavenly love abiding no change my heart shall fear and safe is such confiding for nothing changes here anna l waring secret prayer 36 frankness in religion is to be de sired if we have discovered any thing helpful about our moral strug gles let us pass it on to others pri mltlve policy is to seek the shield of secrecy but the scientific method is to place all the facts on the table and let the facts suggest the answer even if prlvacj be necessary temporarily results may be shared later when jesus went to the garden of gethse mane to pray he wished to be by him self his decision was to be reached alone with god the disciples who had been his daily companions for months could not enter there even the inner circle of three his special confidants could not share the final agony of that hour yet afterwards jeius told his disciples what happen ed they could only learn of it from hls own lipo his prajer 61 surrender has been wri ten for our learning thos- who call for reserve and re licence in religion find little support from the example of jesus he bared his innermost soul moods of the soul 37 38 moods of the soul are as variable as t w ith i peop e who are alwajb the same can be neither very sens tno cr nor itsponske in recent months without pangs of suffering near o heartbreak christ was nevu impassive he wtpt over the death of lazarus and he wept over jerusalem in tu girdtn of gethsemane h ihqnizeri younj m love rith life needed b hu fneiids and nation hr facid death instinct rebelled against th- croso he began to be sorrowful and er henw m pint he askid uit thi e d s p 1 c to him to watch while he went to lace the ls sue alone ii was no srwm battle the i s le ars clearly joined would jesiu be governed by self will or gods will it was a temptation sharper v n than the wilderness testing his mood responded flexibly o tht crucial hour spirit and flcgh 39 41 in the garden of oethsemane christ won a victory of spirit over the flesh the body cried out tot self- preservation but the spirit rose to the climax of surrender falling on hi face christ expressed his willingness to accept the will of god the story of the disciples is quite the reserve in the garden of gethsemane the disciples demonstrated a victory 61 the flesh over the spirit they were weary they had been under great strain they did not deliberately run away from duty but sleep overtook tham un awares when jesus returned and found the disciples asleep he said to peter what coulde not watch with me one hour watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak nineteen centuries afterwards we feel strangely akin to those slum bering disciples so much of our fail ure is due to lack of thought we are not fully awake and aware repeated prayer 42 44 is it enough to piay abou a cer tain thint onlj once or may a prayer be lcpeated chi 1st warned against vain repetitions in prayer any saying cf words without feeling or thought yet christ prayed the same prayer three t imes over in the garden gethsemane he was facing a hie and death decision he was under deep emotion his desire was strong but at the same time his surrender was complete if we have some very deep desiie it is natural to pray about it over and over until the issue is de cided paren s justly pray daily for direction in caring foi their families pull gratitude for the forgiveness of sins cannot be expressed adequately by one prajcr of thanksgiving in many cases prayer is a preparation for ac tion and en v after i e eate i praver dos clii dirction come as to what should b dont and when and how i a c ill to action 45 40 oui exierience clasely parallels that of tht ii ciplts there is tht jimpt tion of si kikss wt art advised to take plentv cf rest to avoid fatigue tnd not to o iworit thtn an mmy it d j mi i md i tnce and nurmi c s in til i of lues hoi lend bj j oo suenuous living yet in the meantime chrut may be bctmvtd hi hii im mi betruved in russia wink th i chur h ktpt up u rttuil lie lius b t n beliavl 1 in germain while sell iliis dcbaud icad nnc questions is h being b liajtd in jqrth ann rtc i b amu emt nts thai strvt as pastimes i i but do id build up christian chart i tcr christ loumd hi disciples from lumwr uiiui i dangei v ts lit hand 4 internationally no nation has securlf j ly hungu and irnornnte ir w dny prevalent even in the more favoured i lands neithei educational nor icli ulcus laoers ire ibk to show stius men what to do nex christians net i to be on guard lest there be i stl 1 ki eater i ctraynl of christ hue m cmidi whu do w expect from the fediral c ecllon have we liken the trouuli i wne out what we slio lid j like to t lippui in tins tleciun haw we i en ti iuik pi i i for i eon iiistd nut ion are we out u htlp jeople b tvery means tn our pe to put hi id ion i hi ir mom si convictlor questions for discussion 1 do we fear to bt alone do i i ndet land the cnu es f my moods 3 am i learning the patience of answered piayer 4 is praying once in adequate presmon of a light desiu 5 could the disciples have piotnted jesus lesson outlines copyrighted by the international council of religious ed ucitlon used by permission hvurea are released we may expect ontario to make a new record i this year will see another group of municipalities come under the wprk- lng of th act and i congratulate these places on being able in the future to nrevent many diseases now common among them i am also glad to say that we are constantly hearing of more farmers doing home pasteurization to protect their own families when all far mers do that we may expect to see bovine tuberculosis completely wiped out which will mean there will be fewer and fewer crippled children theyte so convenient on teeth tea bags addressing the public health con gress last year the minister of health fiaid rhe teeth of this country are bad yoj might almost say they are rotten on this topic the president of the british dental association said we have a school dental service but prevention should begin with the preg nant woman and young children and there is little or no provision for this why is dental cares so prevalent in civilized countries while it is absent in people living under primitive condi tions his answer to the question is about the middle of the 19th century the stone grinders for wheat gave place to steel rollers which remove the whole of the germ and almost all the bran giving a flour deficient in protein fat minerals calcium phosphorus and iron and vita a and b this and the lessened consumption of milk and the decline of breast feeding are the causes of bad tee h time and again examples can be found of com muni ties with exc lent teeth so long as they lived on natural and unrefined foods but son after the introduction of highly milled white flour carles ap peared the foregoing is quite true but it does not entirely cover the subject the foundation of good teeth and bones are laid down long before the birtl ol the child much improvement may be seined not only in the preven ion of rickets but also in ooth nnc bonj growth if tie mothr in the last six months of her pregnancy is sys- tematlcallyfed codnver oil every day codllvcr oil acts like the ultra vio let rays of the sun it prevents dissi pation ol the minerals calcium arid phosphorus sends these minerals into the blood and hence to the bony struc tures now a days the wise practl- tlonei wi 1 m rfl i hat his chilabearing patients take cod liver qll as a routine measure in pregnancy early in the babys life the use of cod la c oil should be resumed and continued during the fell winter and spring months the use of milk pas teurized of course should be increa sec a rational diet laid down and ex pel t dental care provided not only for the s mool child but also for the youn- gt ons at home this preventive work 1 ke all the preventive health work pais rotten teeth maybe avol ded ani with them many ills such for cxnmtle as ome forms of arthritis n uiltls and indigestion she has nothing to fear oh pity voung mrs ulysses odare por oul she has seldom a fit thing to wear at lcat that s the pith of her sad 1 a e of woe when to an affair she s invited to ro tf coif tl b convenor on phone nd a call to invite her to go to the annual ball she 11 cry 111 just die if i cannot be there but really my dear i have nothing to wear when a friend on main street she hap- pens to greet and the latter enqures won t you p ease take a oeat at ajabl of bridge she says wbuld i flare for honestly ann i have nothing to wear when the group at her church has an afternoon meet her joy at the prospect is never com plete unless she can say i should go im aware and do what i can but tve nothing to wear it may be a wedding it may be a tea or just an invite a girls trousseau to see a sleigh ride a ski party a trip any where its always the same she has nothing to wear at last when life s over and told by the fates its time she should enter the bright pearly gates twould be worth a kings ransom to see his blank stare when h ays to st peter rve nothing to wear tried or pickled canadian fish is one of the most nourishing and economi cal foods that money can buy it is rich in proteins and in the mineral elements that build good health no matter where you live your dealer can secure dried or pickled canadian fish for you you can choose from such dried fish as cod pollock haddock hake and cusk and from such pickled fish as herring mackerel and alewives every one of which can be served in a variety of tasty recipes serve dried or pickled canadian fish to your family often it makes a welcome change at meal times and you will find it very economical department of fisheries ottawa adei department of ftahfl pwaie lend ne 2 ttt booklrt 100 tmpnnt fh recipe cnacaiawt 100 delightful sod economical fuh rccipo any day a fish day wmsaoq premier hepburn s statement in the legislature that already evidence was developing that lives could be saved by the pasteurization of milk was re celved with gratification by those who had been supporting this legislation the evidence was in the figures of reportable diseases the prime minister referring particularly to undulant fe ver and typhoid fever he also report ed a decrease in the cases of bovine tuberculosis coming from the country to the hospital tor sick children tvphoid fever was down 48 per cent in 1939 and there were 32 per cent less cases of undulant fever the lat ter entirely a milk borne disease ty phold deaths were down 76 per cent news of this marked improvement will be received by health authorities all over north america with profound interest according to dr gordon bates generarplrector of the health league of canada he stated that the progressive legislation of the ontario government had been hailed by lead ers in public health both in canada h b united state aa one of the greatest con ributlons jo health any where it has long been established he says that raw milk is responsible for a vast amount of illness and disable ment and with the growth of know ledge on the part of the public in north america more and more com mucriues have adopted pasteurization we are proud that ontario was the first province or state to attack the problem on a broad scale and the gov ernment will naturally be complim ented internationally on the latest proof of the value of pasteurization besides diminishing undulant fever typhoid fever and bovtne oiberculosis pasteurization will undoubtedly affect infant mortality unofficially it 1 said that there was a considerable im provement in 1930 and when the final quality first i economy always special first grade creamery butter for friday and saturday only special sliced side lliav i bacon stuarts orange a grapefruit eagle brand for pies marmalade blueberries scotch crisp biscuits soda biscuits 2 tender leaf tea pot barley 2 z no 2 tins 1 lb pkg for soup 20c 17c 29c 17c 31c b 5c sunlight sop i verbest v oxydol lard p9vaiwl ib 0c pkg o 9 charcoal z bag 25c lifebuoy cake q carboli poliflori sr t- xo 40c vw palmolive sop 2 lie pontiac matches carrolls cleanser heinz ketchup green beans red salmon bi bck golden 3 boxe 18c 2 tm c lg hu 16c t ioc mn tin 17c oranges full of jake 1c dos fruit and vegeubte rhc until saturday night grocery special on 8h until m new cabbage c pound new carrots 5c fresh spinach 9c foantl hmd or tc4 lettuce 2 hssdi idc main street georgetown free delivery phone 357

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