Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 6, 1940, p. 4

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f4 the georgetown heram wed netday evening march h 1940 v public meeting a meeting in the intonate of national government will be held in the pubuc library 7 georgetown wednesday march 13th at 8 pjn for organisation rnrpoaca everybody welcome ladles especially invited your eyes we specialise in eye ftramilmf and the best quality glasses at city note change of location we are equipping an uptodate examination room in part of dr f xl watsons denial offloe main st geo over the beu telephone co phone fflw for an appo ot walker r0 eyesight specialist will be at this office the second wednesday of every month or yon may consult o t walker at his office in brampton listen to chml hamilton 9 45 pm thursday mar 7 address by hughes cleaver liberal candidate for hal on county bobn robbilil at peel memorial hoapltal brampton on wecbweday february swth to mr axtothm gordon rua- aeu nee eleanor wright of george town ik daughter barbara joan correspondence the red shield war and home service campaign to the oltleens of georgetown and vlclnty through our local press by radio broadcastls ai1 national advertising your attention is being drawn to the salvation army red shield war and home service campaign march 11th to 20th as you know the salvation army huts canteens and hoetels rendered splendid service during the last war on the outbreak of the present strug gle plans for similar services were sub mitted to and accepted by the domln ion government some seventeen recreation huts have already been opened for soldiers and sailors in canada six for cana dian troops in training at aideishot and one hostel in lonaon for soldiers on leave to afislst the national organization in raising funds to maintain this work a general committee has been formed in georgetown to arrange the details of the local canvas in other common itles mills and factories are organizing uielr own canvass and plans along the same hues are being worked out for georgetown and vicinity the busl ness mens group will be canvassed by ouslness men and so forth we have no large training camps in the vicinity of georgetown and oppor lunity to assist in uie welfare of our soltttera in limited it is through the medium of such campaigns as the ab ove that we can express our willing ness to do something for the social wellbelng of our soldiers and help the balvatlon army to take the spirit of home into taie midst of war the amount expected of georgetown hand vicinity is 500 00 and cour esles shown those authorized to canvass wul be much appreciated it is not intended that the canvass be organized on a door to door basis and anyone not contacted during the campaign who has in mind contribul ing may leave his or her donation at longs store browns bakery or with g w mclintock secretary treasurer on behalf of the committee w enodwell chairman w11ln end1ng partelb overseas to the editor georgetown herad dear sir i noticed an item in the hetald last week regarding pending of parcels to soldiers overseas 1 hae had a little expenenc in the same thing as i was in india burma arabia and south africa and i sent quite a number of parcels to relatives and friends i lind the best way is to get a piece of old sheeting you don t need any twine just sew the parcel up it is very easy to print the address and the stamps will stick on hoping this will be a help to some one sending parcels overseas yours truly a hyde george o atkins candidate in haltorf for the national government party to the people of halton colonel george drew is one of can ads distinguished soldiers an au thoriy on munitions he wrote a re cord of canada air achievements in the great war that is an invaluable source of information he exposed the international munitions ring and its part in frustrating peace and foster ing war he suffered serious injuries in rendering distinguished service to his country he knows war he is determined that nothing shall be left undone that will aid and protect our men as a good canadian colonel drew desired to tell the people of canada how perilously poor our war prepara tton had been how imperative it is hat we organize our utmost effort for victory his radio speech was cen sored the government that would tell parliament the truth refused to let colonel george drew tell it over the radio it is true that colonel drews facts were a grave exposure of the failure of the government but it was in your interest and mine the public interest that they should be known to every canadian the following portions of his ccn sored remarks are taken from the globe and mail they were addressed directly to mr king the peace establishment of our land forces is six divisions the weapons of the infantr come first our infantry was armed with rifles brought back to canada from election bureau bust in view of the fact that there will be no acclamations and in certain ridings the contest may produce a variety of aspirants the election bur eau in ottawa is one of the busiest departments m the nations capital at the present time though the officials were actually ready to face an else hon last fall which would have been held but for the outbreak of the war ye the unusual flood of candidates and the revision or consolidation of the dominion elections act m the regular session has brought many new problems or situations as an aftermath of the new features arid reforms of the election machinery being especially burdensome for the higher officials the momentum of opera ions is mounting dally as the time for the polling comes nearer and nearer and now a small army of men and women are engaged in this work with the bulk of these workers being on the public lay roll as returning officers deputies loll cleiks enumerators constable and others reaching the figure of about 150 000 if he far flung units are included of course it i almost impossible to e timate the number of the great war they were obsolete pual workers engaged in the elec asiaiakawjkfawwawktwainiaannw news from the nyal drug store jogdflsh commons fantails he aquariums bowk 50c to 10 00 aquarium plants gold fish food japanese snails coral chips all accessories for a balanced aquarium tropical fish gppy red moons blue moons black moons sword tads tropical fish food and accessories come m and see our aquariums maecormacks drug store phone 327 wedeliver georgetown choice daffodils 35 fettd cinerarias 25 tuups narcissus and other spring flowers at special price for this week and we had no nearly enough to irai our- present establishment the only machine guns on issue to our militia units were also obsolete ruics of the great war the handful of bren guns in canada wire inadequate even lor tralnlrg purposes and all were made either m fcjigland 01 cztcho slovakia not one was on issue to the volunteer mill la units when war came our held artillerj did not possess a single modern wtapon in spite of some changes and the addition 01 l rubber tuts the eighteen pounders of our field artillery were not even the last model of the great war we had less jian half the numocr even of those obsolete weapons which were re quired for oui pea t aollshment i can take you to at least one unit mr king who is trying to train to day with a twelve pounder made for the south african war in the whole of canada we had four anil aircraft guns which could have been used against modem air craft they an ivea irom england last year and were not of the latest pattern our tank battalions were wi hout tanks you know that we have a small number of obsolete machines at camp borden and that your government would not even supply the necessary technical equipment so tha these tanks could be used for instructional purposes our menanlzed cavalry was with out me nanlcal equipment of any kind otheis are drilling with only halt or a quarter ol the number of lftey requlro un jour s iou uti ict the tull re sponsjiui y lor tht la i tha our de mse forces hate ptac i il no mod n weapons of any kind now we come ut i part of the story which explains how little the war supply board can really do to overcome the infflciency of your oov eminent the twenty eight aircraft wen finished some months ago the na tional steel car corporation did i splendid job but it was not their duty to order the engines when the aircraft were finished it was found that the government had ordered only twenty engines and eight of those machines are still at the malton plant without engines simply because he department of national defense for got to order the engines from eng land until last december the best evidence of that is the fact that although our land forces were without modern weapons when war began no new order has been placed in canada during six months of war for the weapons that we need so badly you mr king are aware that the only pursuit ships we had in canada then wei c five ancient sopwlthsls kins which had been obsolete for at least ten years and had a top speed of 146 miles an hour those were the machines with which you were going to give advanced training to men who would be called upon to handle fight ers with a speed of 400 miles an hour th tr tr whole- lions and remunerated by the various political partita but there is no doubt hat the r num cr is great th federal treasury expects to sptnd about two and a half m 11 ion dollar nd this l iut ai iuciease in cost in fac of tit bior soldlirs ote because ens dtrablt sav ngs will be affected through he n peal of the franchise act tin cost of the campaigns of the anous par ies is unknown aid beyond estlmutioi though the offlcl 1 agents are uppoed to make a sworn ixnsts of the candl dat however their knowledge is lim led and in many cases both agent and candidate do not know exactly the outlays involved in the campaigns of their parile in tht national sphere prognostications of the elections if straws who which wa the wind ls blowing it is ap rent to the poll ural obse n par lament h1u that ho can at ath special significance to certain it j s from well informed ind sir impartial observers througho t e whoe nation who are able to i co lie opinion of the man in he street or to disclose the trend of p iblic opinion in this fever lsh electors campaign these reliable renoruv from bthlnd continued on page 1 strang as it msy si r exactly th tarn fatjtb wbtcb got t tbotv apparancts art tomtttwfs dtcttvmg thats why our coal is trademarked ah hard coals look alike even if they don t all burn alike but when we send you a load of famous reading anthracite you know lfs the one aod only famous read ing because it s iradcmarked with red spots that woo t rub off let us fill your bin with this laun dered coal th low ash anthracite that s as nearly 100 pure a can be produced k c mcmillan all fuels quality silkhosiekt d brill co the corner store phone 167 georgetown georgetown royal guelphs comfortable theatre friday march 8 for one week only gone with the wind 75c 2 performances daily afternoons at 130 pm except logs none reserved evenings at 8 pm j x ju loges all reserved mail orders send money order and self ad dressed stamped envelope for choice seats this picture will not be shown avi where except at ad vanced prices until 1941 church news scripture text he that followetli after right eousncm and mercy andelh life rlghteoofness and honor prov 1 r- phone orders carefully filled free delivery visitors welcome at the greenhouses on sundays from 1 until 5pm barber floral co phone 47w georgetown truth will be revealed after the elec tlon 3ust as the truth about beau hamola and the valley of humiliation came out after the 1830 election mr king did not go to the people wfih wsjeoord he went to the people but most of his record lies buried be- neathjhe wreckage of the rights of parliament what has been unearth ed is not good hon dr r j manlon mjc in true british fashion offered his full co operation to mr king when war was declared flouung british practice under which mr chamberlain consults the leadera of the opposition in im portant matters mr king ignored qr manlon and parliament dr manlon atfya i will fight for si george q church rev w g thompson rector passion sunday holy communion 8 am sunday school 10 a m matins 11 am evensong 7 pm thursday 7 30 p m lenten service st alban a cnurch glen william passion sunday holy communion 9 jo a m sunday school 2pm even song 3 pm baptist church rev e g baxter minister 2 pm ch irch school 7 pm worship ser vice professor n h parker thx of mcmaster university hamilton will preach monday 8 pm bypu thursday 8 pm prayer meeting a welcome to all the presbyterian church rev d d davidson minister services sunday next at 11 am and 7 pm the pastor will preach tire united church rcv f o overend b minister sunday school and bible classes will meet at 10 am morning and even lng worship will be held at 11 am ano 7pm the subject for the morn lng will be thomas the second in the series these shared his passion and in the evening the most danger ous word in human speech you again mr king says that neither he nor his ministers will cooperate with dr manion if they are defeated how could he say more plainly the price of my patriotism is power my whole purpose is to preserve de mocracy i promise you that i will cooperate with everyone under all clrcunmftances to ensure victory produce all we can give 11 we can serve all we can vote for victory your for victory george o atkins specials thurtday frid sa tomatoes lo dominion 1 m 3 coffee chase and san borne dated 47 sodas two lb bags 2 i 23c prunes 3 25c luxor electric 30 or 60 lamps watts 2 25c pears lynn valley brand 15 oa tin 10c pumpkin banquet brand 3 28 ol tin op for 3c lard dumarts 25c bread white or brown 2 f 15c oxydol soal powder 23c 9c camay soap cakcsllc pg soap 3b 14c ivory snow 25c and one glass bowl chipso soap flakes 21 c domino tea black 59- 3 1 bau lb choloe bananas spinach new carrots grapefruit 1 lb iso z lb 15c bunch 5c 6 for 5e juicy oranges cabbage new bead lettuce free delivery 66 dominion stores ltd 66

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