Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 6, 1940, p. 5

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the georgetown herald wed nesday evening mareh6th 1940 1 u page 5 kings finest quality and lower prices spbcial sale rose bband first grade creamery butter 2 59 feesj tasty bologna lb 15c bt ttploe fresh made coonti7 style sausage 2 lb 29c ian csslnrs special sale choice tender roiled rib roast prime beef rump roast lb- 2ic round bone beef shoulder roast lb t7c special sale for a tasty meal c isr tenderloin pork fresh cut off the batt pork chops lb 23c choice- pork spareribs lb 19c special 8ale fresh for rosstlnf or boilinr picnic stjle pork shoulders 1 7 special choice thick smoked fillets 2 lb choice bed salmon steaks lb 20c fresh white fillets lb 19c special sale doffs horseshoe brand pure lard jill soap fla x ivory snow 25c glasbowl with 22 karat rim top 23c pins lc l 1 wm king prompt delivery watch our window for weekly ice cream specials and confectioner marsbmallovy nut sundae 13c 2 for 25c longs confectionery sn 1 gbmzry the a tre fri m 8 indianapolis s supercharged lehds with pat obrien gal fat musical rhumba land popeye customers wanted fox news saturday march 9 disputed passage adapted from lloyd c douglass novel with dorothy lamour aum tamiroff and john howard cartoon buzzy at the concert variety coquettes final chapter dick tracy returns matinee at s pjc tuesday and wednesday march 12 and 13 r i o dramatic with basil rathbone vic mclaglen comedy oily to bed oily to rise sport big game fishing going places soon the lhrr has win- released by censor oversea men go to school every opportunity will be given offi cers and soldiers of the cajsif to avail themselves of educational facil ities provided by the canadian legio war services inc and the canadian association for adult education with the stipulation however that their military duties most not be interfered with courses are divided into two main groups thpse continuing rwrmal edu cation and leading to entry into uni versity and those of vocational nature for civil life courses are divided into periods of four weeks at the end of each period credits are given for per mission to complete the course cer tificates of matriculation or proficien cy will be given successful candidates and will be kept in the records of fice of the defence department in ot tawa they will be available on dis charge government receives more contribu tions in the course of a day last week voluntary contributions amounting to 41 378 were received by the canadian government in ottawa eight of these were from japanese firms in van couver and bri ish columbia other contributions came from the province of manitoba all contributors said they wanted to help the government carry on the wai effort successfully pay and allowance in army and navy compare favourably according to figures issued by the departmen- of national defence rates in the canadian navy compare favor ably with those in the army a full fledged seaman who is married re ceives the usual 1 85 per day plus a marriage allowance for his wife of 75c a day or a total of 78 00 per month for a six months period of apprenticeship his daily pay may be only 1 50 per day oi a total of 67 50 with marriage allowance few mar rled eanian belong to the lower rat those who arc will be advanced to 185 within six months ratea for a private soldier are 130 per day or 39 00 for a 30 day month if he ha wife she is given an allowance of 35 00 the combined total being 75 00 a month comparative marriase allowance rates for wives and children in the anm and navy combined with regu ar pav are lis cd below wile ard one child army 86 00 navy 8o50 wife and two children army 98 00 navy 93 00 wife and three children army 98 00 navy 10050 wife and four children army 98 00 navy 108 00 no allowance is made in the army for more than two children in the navy al owance is made for children up to four in number six ton newsprint are examined in two months by censors twenty three thousand publications an average of 1280 a week were exam ined by the office of the examiner of publications from the end of october to december 31 according to figures released by j s roe examiner of publications tills total represents nearlysix ton of newsprint the work is done til co operation with the cen sorship committee publlca ions examined besides those in english and french represent twen ty distinct foreign languages they are german ukranlan russian slo vaklan croatlon polish serbian czech italian jewish yiddish fin nish swedish norwegian danish ice landic hungarian greek chinese and japanese a staff of eleven linguists and editors is required for this huge task save with safety at ydur rexall store as advertised en bisma 75c rex 150 for extra pep and vigor nova kelp tabs 79c 139 specials for this week bachelor talcum u moth bags meads pablum 43 enos fruit salt 47c 7g scotts emullsion 53c 98c alka seltzer 29c 57c dnre away aches and pains with ffretald thermal wool 43c pkg yon can always shop to advantage at your rtxall store get a supply now french castile soap 6 cakes 25c when walking is torture- qm chess corn it ibunion salves tv in- gsrf le often sad help present 5 colds with mi31 antiseptis 21c 39c 75c 1 banishes btd breath too htjghes cleaver liberal candidate for halton county to the electors of halton since early sunday morning sep tember third when great britain and france declared war i have found it impossible to think politically can ada s job now is o help win he war the takes measured in higher terms aie much too high to permit oven politics to interfere in my opinion the great mass of canadians will vote for the party which will best serve canada in this crisis i believe that he voters are becoming quite indifferent to charges counter charges or dishonesty of hi competence and the like nhich are be ing bandied back and forth these are to be expected in the heat of an election mast of them have little foundatloi in lact and are advanced criely fcr the purpose of attracting voles no serious minded person will be led av ay from the real issues of the election by any such camoflauge even canadian wishes to see our srldltrs equipped and properly cared for no oliuca parly has a corn ci nu o r purio ism in this regard in lverv human endeavour no mat itr how m nous ihe mistikcs and mil itfhts will inevitably occur mls l ikis hnvt occurred and have been medif d as quickly as possible but ihtre art stl 1 manv cheap politicians 1 i mix i inij unfounded charges to ii tk of c liing jus to lack of are foi uurs dependents and a o the health of the troops charges i i have long since been disproven i sungc to these mnutnun whom i will not nun ion b name but what n mos aic wtll knoftn to you thai whei hie contest is over they wil find hcj have underestimated lit inlilntnci oi the canadian pub lit cmamlv thiy aic not contribut nt to o r wir effort i evcrv lhinkiiif puson igiees that if canada u ud make liei maximum con trt button tow a id winning the war i atlonal unity is he first requisite we muat have tht whoehearted sup port of ev rj nc i respective of his olcr creed politics or race in clioos the party which will best as sure us this unity let us examine the facts arc canadians cday in support of the war effort robbs drug store r gphone 10 iv deliver the rexaix stoke georgetown j mmbbaabbbslbslslsv pure food store heinz ketchup 14 ox bottle 16c lifebuoy soap 2 cakes 9c with coupon from rinso lare fir pkg faljt kleenex z9c fancy red silver salmon tall tin 27 choice pumpkin size 2 tins 3 for 25 i lb in each 25c fresh stock 5 lb 23 c baby cheddar cheese cracked wheat mtat specials sweet pickled rolls b he lb 21c peamealed back bacon lb 31c fresh bologna by he piece lb 14c i choice lltbsll fruit and vegetables at market prices a e farnell phone 75 free delivery and if so i edsnost oi lorne mills married on tuesday february 24th at paisley memorial manse by the rev o wlshart oeorge ross wtlg- o m mrs- walter wriggleeworth of lome mills to- mi ida oilroy third daughter of mr and mr j oilroy of puaunch they were attended by the brides aisled mtss beatrice goroy of ouelpfa mid mr win auldrtdgej of speedside prior to the marriage a mlsoellan- l shower was given at the home of and mrs wriggjeeworth- the jrfng ma spent in progressive uchr after which little bonnie and layerne stroma presented them with a pretty decorated basket full ot use ful presents boss thanked their mends in the usual manner mr crawford obty of gttejpk rendered a bomber of solosikooompaned on the pmno by mas moore urnon was then erred by the hostess and mrs btrome of guelph glenwllxiams f the regular meeting of the ladles ri t n 1hr nlttd tiinrh w new advertisements jersey cows wanted apply stating price and particulars to o munz r r ouelph 2tp fainting and paperhanglng free estimates and reasonable prl cew on paperhanging and jintmg apply d herrlngton phone 401 georgetown 3t thls unity during ihe past few years heaid lea vers in french canada state tha frpmh can ad aits would not par tlclpate in anv foieign european war french canadians represent one third of our popula ion they are just as patriotic as we are they stated they were willing to fight in defence of canada but they positively declined to become invi lved in an european war hour of need what did he do when cmadas unity wai attacked canada has the ight to judge him on his re cord on th occasion he did ateo lutelj nothing instead of pu ting on unitedly i his armour and entering the fight to maintain canadian unity he sulked in ress release no radio broadcast and he addressed no public have j meeting you all know the results work wanted married man desires job around the first of april on farm apply to k tubman care of james l stondlsh georgetown rjt no 3 it house for sale four room brick cottage on ontario st lights water and garage about ave jnnutes walk to local factories ajtejy c ocaoe georgetown ltp for bent five room brick house on main st north all conveniences and garage apply to jos watson phone 227 georgetown propertlfa wanted client wants good house with at least four bedrooms two sitting rooms two acres or more land within walk ing distance of both schools send rice taxes and all details to giles 19 mellnda st toronto held on monday evening at the home of mrs bert rill the president mrs jack addy was in charge of the meet ing and there were fourteen members present arrangements were made to hold jointly with the ladles aid a 8t patricks tea and sale of home made baking during the month of february the local branch of the red cross handed into the georgetown branch 16 pr socks 6 nr pyjamas 7 t bandages 9 aung bandages 3 ice bag covers 19 bed socks pospltal nam the junior red cross 10 pnt wristlets t scarves donated to polish rettef during fee month of psbruary t5a0 to boy nv terlal to be made up here 8 guut tops 3 quilt batts 3 quilt backs for bent comfortable modem flat 3 bright rooms kitchenette and bathroom with coutinnous wate snaxter apartment with three bright rooms both on ground floor and each with separate entrance apply mrs geo watt phone 356 queen st apto georgetown it then also we have the other extreme group in canadian life the british born this group has so much confi dence in the mo herland that many times during the past year they have urged that canada should j com mitted in advance to support any war which great britain should declare irrespective of the issues involved then in between these two extreme groups of canadian opinion we have the great mass of canadians who take the middle of the road view care ful clear thinking people who say tht war is a grim business and that the cost in human lives is too serious to make premature decisions they inais upon knowing all the facts they insist upn weighing the issues and the sacrifice involved before declaring war now in the light of these diver gent opinions let us see what did hap pen in the week war was declared great britain and france declared war on september 3rd the canadian parl iament was called to meet on thurs day of the same week having been summoned before war was actually declared late saturday night of the same week after discussing the war issues the house of commons voted for war with only three dissenters this remarkable unity in the light of the divergent opinions which had previously been expressed did not come about by mere chance or accl dent i believe it was brought about by the way in which the king govern ment met and dealt with the different events leading up to the actual declar- ltatlon of war if we had gone too fast we would have alienated french can adian support and if we had gone too slowly we would have lost the confl- dence of the masses neither of these mabel b murray teacher of stringed instruments and graduate of united music teachers guild has opened her studio to oeorge t over kenuheads bakery john st pupils- prepared for radio and concert work phone 317 george town ltp dmuofe decorating i have wide range of 1940 wallpaper ask for ssmpes and prices painting and paperhanging bludd phone 5 r 8 glen wulums 4t tf mistakes were made and as a result canada entered the war with the greatest unity ever shown in our 1 tory then six weeks after war was de clared on behalf of a united canada premier duplessls in quebec called a provincial election on the issue of french canada s participation m the war he tried to split french canada from our war effort in the face of this grave attack on canada a unity where did each of the two leaders stand you all know that rt hon ernest lapointe and all of the liberal ministers from quebec took their pol itical lira in their hands and said they would resign if dupleatls won what did dr manton the leader of the conservative party do in canadas french canada come through in uncer ain terms since then we have had two strong evidences of our united war support the red qross drive overshot its ob jecuve in november followed by war loan which was oversubscribed in three days and today i state without fear of contradlr ion that canada is united in ha war effort and the only real criticism we have is from politic lans who are out of office and who wish to get into office i ask you is there any evidence to support dr manlons claim that he can rally greater support to mrr war effort than we now have yours sincerely hughes cleaver b alltn af ad the regular meeting of the young people s society was held in the churoh thursday evening ernest mc enery had charge of the christians culture part of the programme the subject for the evening was we read why what mrs stanley sinclair chrtatlan fellowship sect took up the subject for her department our quest for truth edith worne gave an interesting account of the y p win ter school held in milton which she at tended and at which she secured two certificates two indian friends from southampton favored us with vocal and instrumental music the wmjs held their february meeting at the home of mrs j p kirkwood on wednesday afternoon mrs a foreman presided at the meet ing the absence of the president and also took charge of the worship ser vice mrs a mckay the supply sec retary read our allocation for the bale for this year plans were discussed for the easter thank offering meeting the topic from the study book entit led rural life in india was given by mrs f w short ill mrs foreman gave a short talk on stewardship what our w is in aaiiwib si jmmw si patricks day cards and easter cards now on display as usual we have obtained for i yoar selection the most interest ing and suitable assortment of greeting cards come in and look them over now while the range is complete special starting march 7th two for one sale of pepsodent antieptic two 50c bottles for the price of owe get yours early for a limited time only factory or home we can worship god by doing it cheerfully and in the right spirit whether we eat or drink do it to the glory of god out of each passing hour i must share the moments that are there with god for they belong to him whose might give me the day and night whose mercy and whose strange miraculous power olves me this shining hour pregnant with infinite postibuities to serve as he ser ood upon my i pray thee help me that i nuy be true zn using thy gifts as thou wouldst have me do grace noeloroweu s p chapman i pharmacist w for better drug store serrloe g phone 72 georgetown s kiawimlwmfbfrnh auction sale the farmhaving recently been sofrjl a clearing auction sale will be 2mm on march 20th at h l hutfa south end of main st georgetown when snappy young team 20 head of well- bred jerseys and a flock of oj3js leghorns along witth farm orchard and garden tools feed seed grain bulbs etc will be offered for sale pun particulars in our next issue extensive auction sale john a maude who has sold ma farm wdl bold a c3earntngla5 fif his farm stock implements grain andl furnltureat lot 10 on the erinbray mosa town line on tmnaday maer 14th at 12 oclock the farm is about 3 miles north of orewaons corner x mile south of no 24 highway motor road to the fazxo roy hzndut aiyf it rr 3 acton phone is r bmr wood for saler nrl mjri at ted anis tut uiwd wtna nm pv cord i an m tr4mmuih

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