Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 6, 1940, p. 6

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page 6 the georgetown herald wednesday evening march 6th w40 i our farm paiqe items of interest t6 every farmer wffsfcrnt types cutworm pests many people think of cutworms as ne particular species of insect ac tually they ace the caterpillar stages of a number of different species of moths which have more or less similar deeding habits some species pass the winter as nearly full grown caterpil lars these become active very early fa the spring feed for a short time and then change to pupa state and later develop as moths in the spring monttis others pass the winter as very small caterpillars become active when seedling plants are appearing above ground in the spring feed on uch plants over a considerable period and cause severe losses before they reach their full growth still others batch from eggs in the spring and at tack late seedlings or transplanted plants these features need to be kept in mind in connection with measures for the protection of plants from damage preventive measures in for uie protection of plants should detbegun early and be continued until the end of june to ensure against losses special cultural methods have been revised to combat certain species as it is desirable to obtain information at the earliest opprotimlty preferably tefore planting as to the best methods to use in the protection of plants growers may write to the division of fbntrrmnlogy science service dominion department of agriculture ottawa or to the dominion entomological tab oratory inthe province concerned ballon soil map to be on display at county seed fa here to be held in georgetown on friday and saturday of this week under auspices of halton crop improvement association halton seed pair which is to be held in the town hall georgetown on friday and saturday of thisweek promises to be well up to standard states j e wbltejock secretary of the helton crop improvement association entries are already starting to roll in and mayor gibbons and council of georgetown are leaving no stones un turned to ensure ideal arrangements for the show the programme on saturday afternoon contains much of interest educational exhibits in for ee ry field crops and soils will b on display with officials jn charge well qualified to answer all inquiries in their respective fields we understand that halton s newly completed soil map will b ens play for the first time the prepara tlon of this map necessitated a very complete and syseraatlc survey and jstudy of olls in all sections of hal ton by prof frank morwick and staff of the soils department of the ontario agricultural college only a limited number of counties in ontario have been able to secure this service and it is a real feather in the cap of animal nutrition 1 helped by science in the nutrition of domestic animals cbemistry and physiology have made great advances observed dr j m bwnine director science service xkrmlnion department of agriculture in a recent address to the royal society of canada with nutrition as sell as with disease researches on andtaials and man are closely linked the discovery of the special values in young forage is having a marked effect to live stock feeding when properly prepared from young plants hay con tointmlnerals proteins and vitamins in concentrated lorm cereal grass and legumes cut in the young and rapidly growing stage properly dried sd ensiled so as to preserve the carotene content are now used ex tensively in livestock feeding the poorer classes of the finnish population receive a large part of heir vitamin supply in the winter time from milk of which they consume re tattively large quantities states a recent report the vitamin a content of the winter milk was found to be only about one third as high as that of summer milk when cows were fed in the ordinary way finnish bio chem ists worked out the following proce dure clover and lucerne which could be frequently cropped were cut in oil green stage and ensiled in a special way so tl at the carotene conten was largely retained and when this ensll age was fed to cows is was found that even in winter the iuimm a content of the milk was as hiui us in summer milk sufficient hat k to say to pro vide the luman requirement n quan titles of milk that could ordmaril be purchased and used clearing auction sale of farm stock implements etc the undersigned has recehed in structions from fred conn to sell by public auction on his prtmi ees adjoining the north end of georgetown on saturday march 16th 1940 at 1 o clock the following cattle jersey cow 3 years due june 10th jersey cow 4 years fresh feb 10 jersey cow 4 years due july jersey cow 6 yrs fresh jan jersey and holstein cow 5 years fresh feb 2a holstein cow 5 years fresh jan ayrshire and holstein cow bred dec 28 roan cow 7 years fresh jan jersey hejer bred feb jersey heifer bred feb ayrshire bull 6 months old pure bred jersey bull calf bred by tut duffy newmarket horses mare 4 years mare 7 years pios 1 pig about 150 lbs harness set of breeching har pees set of light harness 4 horse col jars set of plow harness imiliements massey harris bin der frost wood seed drill massey harris mower 5 ft horse rake 12 plate disc spring tooth cultivator 21 fleury plow truck wagon 3 section iieavy harrow 2 section hook harrowi 3 section light horrqnecuffler cutter et sleighs scales smy jack wagon box gravel box clippers 2 wheel trail r forks shovels whtffletrees chains ad other smau articles terms cash w j alexander frank petch clerk auctioneer 2t mar president w e breckon and his fel low officers that they were able to se cure this important contribution un der preseht conditions in view of the large number of counties requesting this service owing to the drought conditions there is increased inquiry for fceed in many sections of the county but we are assured by mr whltelock that there should be ample supplies of well- cleaned and graded barley and oats of the best varieties and also of alfalfa for halton s requirements providing those in need take action at once an inquiry was received from northern ontario for a carload of cartler oats the past week which should emphasize the necessity of local growers securing their supplies at once before local stocks aie depleted officers of the halton association are tndeavorlng to focus attention on the necessity of seeding down a nor mal acreage this spring in order that a balance may be maintained in soil fertility and weeds kept under control during the war period when labour is likely to be scarce in the news of the week as forecast in this newspaper a short time ago hotel keepers tourist camp operators and business men generally are being asked to cooperate in the big effort to attract tourists from the united states announcement was made in ottawa last- week that these people are being circularized so that all may realize the extreme import ance of the tourist traffic to canada of seeing to it that the visitor gets full advantage of the difference in ex change the price of gasoline does not reflect the heavy increased coat of producing it since war began and through government regulation and the co operation of private industry prices of food stuffs and commodities of all descriptions are being kept low enough not to constitute a resistance to the inflow of american visitors dissatisfaction is evident among on tarlo municipalities over the provincial government s decision to reduce expen dlturcb on county and township roads by as much as 16 per cent last week t le ontario good roads convention passed a resolution of protest against the move and similar- forms of objec tlon may be expected from other quar ters throughout the province in a short time nitre is one point to keep mind according to the minister highway the provincial government had been placed in a position wherein any issue of debentures for capital pendlturc may be approved by federal administration with the sun appearing more spring like every day agriculture is moving again into the front rank of conversa lions wherever war effort is discussed while federal and provincial depart ments hate been giving advice ever since the war started in the fall farmer may expect increased attention from now on as a matitr of fact he nay be scratching his head puzzleu ai to which advice he should take be lore hie sr ym is n celj under way already he is getting warning ag ainsl incitamiij his acreage against tlit eil ol our p oductlon from an other quirttr ht ma soon hear an jpo iu story but it ls n safe predlc lion o sij that in due course the kovernmtnt in powtr will see to it lhat author t lt cuidinrc for larmtrs jn o fir l tht war program is concer nel w il tnt mll tonu from one central i oint ihls in the interest of t if it tit to opt at on towi jd winning tht war e recalled last week as hit oiuatio municipal electric amqflwcwn witnessed the chairman of the ontario hydro elec tric commission urging action on the 8t lawrence waterway project it u some years since pressure in behalf of this plan came from authorities in this province the history of negotiations for the development has been very un usual with ottawa ontario and the united jbtatea interests being alternat ely lukeworm and enthusiastic until now when all three seem for the moment to be freely enthusiastic ottawa s problem at present seems to be one of placating the province of quebec and western torovlnoes where there is being developw the argument that al of canada will be taxed for the cost of tne big power scheme with the direct benefits going to ontario it will not be surprising if the sub ject takes its place in the election cam paign if it does we shall likely see the federa government asserting in the first place that the development will eventually pay for itsejf in the second place that industrial develop ment is essential for this country and that what benefits industry in ontario is of great value everywhere in can ada the core of dr t h hogg s remarks on this point m addressing the ome a is contained in these words this development can hardly be classed as awarmeasure for even if it were undetaken to morrow it would be five years at least before it could be come of use the scheme now under negotiation was selected with a view to avoiding features which in 1934 aroused objec tlona in the ujs senate from an en glneerlng standpoint the plans ore e and lower in cost than those in the 1932 treaty at the same time the plans afford full protection for all the interests in the various sections of the st lawr ence river incidentally for those who are in terested in plotting the expansion of industry in this country here is what dr hogg said on that score we wo ild be men of very little faith if we did not loojt ahead and prepare for a more bountiful future in such a future the demands made upon indus try will be vastly enlarged and indus try will nake new demands on power it will come as good news in these days of war stress that the ontario govtmimnt is preparing to continue ihp exls ing basis of relief contrlbu lions to municipalities the present agieement with ottawa provides lor ihe payment of 40 per cent b the dominion 40 per cent by 1 r province and 20 per cent bj the municipiiitie the province reserv i il t le icht to establish monthly q otas for relief b anj municipality it is announce i that during 1939 on tarlo municipnlitles have been saved i il s800 00o by the provinces ar lanernenl with ottawa tht imp rflnt nw in canada these days is once igiin the news that for tord ai t s iff lent reasons cannot iruo a bit pln in the pre at the memtni but no censorship regula tl ns ire broken when we report that rikhl now tlur l beint carried out ah- intense development of air training for young men across the dominion many of the various schools announ ced at ottawa when details of ttoen1 j pire air training scheme were form ally publicized are now in operation and the skill of pilots in braining ob servers gunners and groundtmen is increasing daily if national unity la the prune aim of canadians a start might beraade by working toward a better under standing between competent parts w the smauer sphere attorney general cokant will not send- provincial police into any muni cipality in ontario until so requested by the municipality authorities he has announced largely becausj local jur isdiction 1s jealous of its rights and re sents outside interference the spoken decision followed an argument over gambling centres said to be operating in municipalities adjacent to toronto the attorney general holds the view that if municipalities in question want help all they have to do is ask for it reformers asking for action against the gamblers want the government to take the initiative disregarding the attitude of the local police v school dismissed the lesson was on the power and ef fect of wind as i was coming to school today said the ery pretty teacher the bus door opened and something came sof tly in kissed me on the cheek can you ell me what it was the conductor came the prompt and unamlnous jeply yhvul id no o tobacco just tlke old chum radio repmrimg 12 years experience i i we specialize on 5 this work i j sanf0rd son phone j georgetown 34 w 5 seed fair is sponsond by the halton crop improvement association with which ls affiliated the officers w e breckon president j h wulmott vice president j e wht clock secretary treasurer dircctors j brownrldge j f ellenton victor hall r s hcauiertngton george gordon donald mcnabb j e pearen lloyd chuholm edwin harrop v j lawrence g w murray w j robertson r smith programme friday march 8th f receiving and letting up exhibits afternoon judging exhibits bray chick pt why wrtw letbwjsidabciey arfew orff jtm bray cbkk r george c brown norval phone 382 r 21 saturday march 9th forenoon junior farmer judging competitions afternoon 2 jo p m w r reek deputy minister of agriculture for ontario subjec war time activities in agriculture prof frank morwick oac boll survey reveals guelph subject what halton john mcleod acting director crop seeds and weedsj branch toronto subject ontario s most neglected crop round trip bargain fares from georgetown mar 14 to cj4 a sutlon in the maritime prortnoea province of quebec new bmnawick pri edward unand nora scotia mar 15 16 to ottawa 695- to montreal 825 tot quebec city 1225 to ste anne de btau 1285 tickets lares transit lrrnlte and information from agents tt8a canadian national and able forhe big task ahead with silent yet perceptible determination and without need of regimentation or special organization the canadian farmer haj accepted the responsibility which is mi to maintain a ready abundance of the vital foodstuffs so essential for the empire and the success of its great cause difficulties and disappointments may have impeded his progress through the trying years from which he is lust emerging but provided as he nowls with purpose nobler than self interest he sets himself to the task with loftier ambition and renewed energy eager he is for that conscious recognition within himself of having a definite and necessary part in the empire s struggle to retain and maintain our dearly won and highly treasured freedom zealous is he that his contribution may be worthy and adequate by his side ever ready to help make more effective the farmers effort is the canadian implement maker whose cooperation in furnishing the most efficient machines enables him to multiply his output and extend his activities so that today he produces more with less manpower and in the most economical manner yet attained never were demands of empire more urgent never was the canadian farmer better fitted or better equipped to meet whatever demands may be made massey harris prizes proudly the distinction it has earned as the service arm of the canadian form v

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