Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 6, 1940, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wednesday ereiung march 6th 1940 pr ot w continued from pago the scenes indicate that there la not the slightest doubt about the existence of diamiiakntor discord in the inner tanks of the two major pouttoal par- ike especially in quebec and ontario though in each case desperate efforts are being made now to show as far as possible hat the relationships amongst ctic various actions are noth ing but graceful and cordial never- theless in face of all appearances or- displays serious and important dis- aggreements in the innermost ranks of both conservatives and liberals are known to exist with the inferential conclusion that the results of such friction will bring forth a compllcat- hl id political situation after the peopicr of canada exercise their franchise on march the twentysixth die man in the street is fully aware of this sltu- atlon in the second place one spirit of patriotism permeates through the jqeart of the average canadian re- gafdlesswhat- his political faith may have been prior- to the war and he is tnotin a mood to tolerate any actions or inactions of any political leader or group which anight prove injurious to a fuu and proper prosecution of the war-on- thetpart of- canada- in other words the- man in the street is now not only filled with a genuine love and zeal for canadas welfare but he recognises the fact that such patrio tism- must include a willingness to make supreme sacrifices both for his native land and for the other nations whohffvejoined all their human and material resources in order to fight an effective and- successful war against the enemies of christianity and de- jnocracy finally these exclusive reports in dicate that the man in the street in all sections of canada is displaying a marked and continually increasing in terest in those political policies which are bestable to convert sentimental patriotism into practical and efficient results it is obvious to an experi enced and impartial observer on par liament hill that the man in the street will vote for the party which can convince him that their policies win raise the canadian industrial ac tivity and productive eflxtrt to the highest possible degree ilie average voter in canada today is not weak in inteueot nor is he wanting in discre tion and he knows that canadas vast industrial reaervolr may prove to be extremely- tajjortant in the present war particularly when it is remember ed that in the history of una country it bad never been tapped to its limits even at the peak of the last boom in 1939 this mean that whatever poli tical party will win in the present campaign that party will be the one which convinced the electorate that it can revive and raise to a new all- time high place in the nations his tory all canadian industrial activity and productiveness this is of utmost importance to everyone and- the man in the street knows it is it possible yes a little over two years ago it was known on par liament hill that an exhaustive scien- tine investigation of 10000 canadian manufacturers had disclosed data in cluding names of plants labor policies hours of work nature of operations needs etot whereby it was shown that by comparatively small investments for improvement and modernisation pur poses to raise them to a proper levet of competitive efficiency a great many projects could be instituted across othe country to tap to the full measure- canadas vast reservoir of industries furthermore it would be carried out wkwtaddlng any financial- probr- lems to the already overburdened na tional treasury since it concerned onl private enterprises which can obtain a reasonable profit on their capital out lay resulting in a prosperity which would be greater than any previously known since its basis wouldbe soun der in other words from the re plies obtained from 985 per cent o these 10000 ca manufacturers it was clear that by the expenditure of about 78646000 on new buildings and machinery in manufacturing log ging construction transportation ser vices and storage mining etc can ada could not only achieve normalcy in her economic lite by removing ob stinate laggards in the recovery pic ture but actual prosperity would re sult the man in the street knows what this means in modem warfare and the favourable political winds are blowing in this direction now according to well- informed and impartial political ob servations on parliament hill reproduction prohibited 1940 edu cational features syndicate downtown you go direct to downtown in every town enroute when you travel by motor coach when planning your nxttxip consult your local agnt for oil travel information w h long phone 89 gray coach lines blue coal the colour guarantees the quality t3 w h kentner son listen to the shadow every wednesday over cfkb 900 v 9j0 pji round trip bargain fares march 15 16 from georgetown to stations qsbawa and east to cornwall inclusive uxhridge undsay peterboro ctampbeltford newmarket oollmgwocd meaford midland north bay parry sound sudbury capreol and west to beardmore train f friday mar 15 au trains saturday mar 16 to toronto also to brantford chatham qoderuh ouelph hamilton xxndon niagara mis owen sound st catharines st marys sarxuavstrat- ford strathroy woodstock see handbills for complete list of destinations for fares tetum limits train information tickets etc consult nearest agvnt tstb canadian national the conservative party whither away by w r givens mr w r oivens formerly publisher of the kingston- standard and a prominent member of the conservative party hi ontario here sets out his views on dr manions present campaign for the second time within the last dozen years the conservative party in canada has slipped its ancient moor ings and beset by contrary currents is drifting somewhat uncertaintly to an unknown destination clinging the hope that that destination will be on the sunny side of the stream quite frankly i think it will be found that there are many conservatives who reel that this hope will not be fulfilled and believe that as a party we would haveemerged from this coming elec tion much stronger in number and more uplifted in spirit if we had held fast to the faith of the pounding fathers and remained loyal to the tra ditions and the principles of jtrtelr party it ishe belief or those men- and i share that belief that we should have emulated the example of the gal lant officers and men of the rawalpin di held fast to our colors and nailing them to the masthead kept them fly ing to the end no matter what the odds so that if we went down as the rawalpindi we should have won glorious victory even in defeat evidently however we are not made of that stuff and justas evidently un der the new party our flag hereafter is to be like josephs coat of many colors apparently we are to turn the ottawa rascals out by turning many of our own number out and thereafter divide party responsibility with leaders as yet unnamed and un known and whose policies likewise are unknown let uatoote at the record of the past dozen years or thereabouts and note beginning and the continuing of the drift which if it progresses much further may see conservatism in can ada in as sorry condition as liberalism is in oreat britain the first drift began under premier bennett and will likely go down in history as the olig archic drift since it was in this period that premier bennett chosen as lead er in winnipeg decided that the best kind of leadership was to ignore the party which he was to lead its rank and file its local leaders its parlia mentary representatives and even the cabinet ministers and put on an amazing onemangovernment act in party and leader with all others but flies on the wheel the harrowing re sults we all of us know only too well not a single conservative provincial premier in the wide wide dominion and in the commons a mere skelton of a party not only that but we are left almost- leaderless since under mr bennetts oneman domination no new leaders were developed while those who might have come along went down to their political deaths in the election holocaust that the ben nett dictatorship precipitated like it or not these are the facts and there is no gain saying them and now we are in another drift a drift singularly enough occasioned by the action of the man chosen by the ottawa conservative party out of the wilderness namely hon dr manlon that was the mandate and that only to lead the conservative party he had no mandate to do other no man date certainly to hybridize the party or change its hue from a conserva tive to a chameleonic color or its tex ture from solid conservative to a son of crazyquilt patchwork here again we have a new mandate and oneman dictation and here again many of the party followers are merely goose- stepping into line no matter what their personal feelings goosestep- plng just as they did under mr ben nett goosestepplng to another defeat for it must be clear to any thinking man that if we ever had a chance in this election it would have been as a vigorous united fighting party and not as one suddenly jumbled together under the banner of nationalism it is quite true as some contend that matters might be different if dr manlon would tell us who are to be the leaders with himself of the new party then at least we would have some justification or excuse for jumping overboard and taking a chance on the water being warm we do now know of course or so we are told that these leaders are to be of the best brains and the best minds in the country perhaps even those two po litical gems of purest ray serene premier hepburn of ontario and ex- premier duplessls of quebec will be included in the brain trust the for mer whom seems to think bis war with premier king of greater import ance than the world war and the lat ter who apparently does not believe that canada should be in the war at all the mere surrender of some of their longcherished principles would surely be as nothing to conservatives as compared with the blessed boon and privilege of being cheek by jowl with these two distinguished and brainy gentlemen the very fact that one hears men uon of these two men as among the best minds must surely impress upon dr manlon how necessary it is if he hopes for sustained support to name the men whom he purposes and who have- consented to act with him in the new party those from ontario those from quebec those from 4ba marl- times thaw from the middle west those from the far west manifestly that is not too much to ask especially as it may not yet be too late to satisfy doubting qonsarvattvea and nrmg them into line thai certainly is bet- tear than iny them to vote blindly and should produce much more satis factory results from a conservative point of view were that done we would not feel that we were like a man buying a pig in a poke without opportunity to ex amine the creature but whether it is done or not rfe cannot hope to win the election byabuse or by destructive criticism to say that the king gov ernment has made a shocking mess of its conduct of the war will not get us anywhere because any sane man who has studied conditions and followed the doings of government knows that is not so the british government does not think so and our contingents al ready overseas and their splendid condition reinforce that view fully as much to the point is the declara tion of the last conservative minister of national defence hon dr suther land who only the other day in f statement at woodstock deploring the shocking resolution of the hepburn ized ontario legislature said think the government has been doing everything that could possibly be done i am convinced of that here is an authorative voice and a conser vative one at that i that cannot be laughed aside manifestly then vitriolic lnsenate abuse of the king oovernment will avail or profit little the government to be sure has made mistakes but what government has not in any event to say that it has constantly fumbled the ball and even has been guilty of criminal negligence is to make friends for it rather than ene mies because such charges are as pre posterous as they are partisan if we cannot be fair let us at least not silly the overshadowing duty before us at the moment is to do our bit as citizens of the empire to help win the war- for win it we must can we do that better by putting in power a new party whose elements and policies are as vet unknown or should we continue in power the king government already well along in its war work and in close communion and understanding with the government of the mother coun try in other words can a yet unform ed pary carry on better than one al ready in the saddle that is the afi important question for canada at the moment it transcends all others and removes it quite out of the sphere of partisanship let dr manlon then produce his men and they their policies their plans and their wares and thus give the people of canada a full and fair opportunlty to judge of the respective merits of this presently nebulous party and the liberal party now in power only under such conditions can con servatives determine whether their surrender to or merger with this new party will prove to be best for canada and the empire and assure victory over the common enemy that now menaces the world jwith its bnite force ukatmi heating hints tjeres the heating thought i want to leave with you today never mhake a fire that u low you cant expect to revive abalf- dead fire by shaking the life out of it simply put on a sprinkling of fresh coal and give it time to ignite then when it has ig nited complete ly shake the gently until the first red glow appears in the ashpit nbwyour fire is ready for refueling and when refueling remember to fill the fire box up to the level of the bottom of the fire door a deep 6re is much more economical than a shallow one it burns less coal lasts longer and requires leas attention ig herald advertising pays the red shield wilt support this work 60000000 ar work the salvation army z 40000000 service dry canteens recreational centres i writing and reading rooms free material hostels for men on leave ii clothing repairs j confidential bureaux sanctuaries campaign now in progress be ready to give when asked give generously ch4wvfcj a tn 1940 of any nature prison work i rescue homes ll receiving homes prisoners on remand ii hostels salvage centre character building for youths ll missions front line huts out of town folk are invited to leave gifts with h lindsays n h brown bank of commerce wm h long radio shop bakery confectionery citizens committee executive solicit yonr ready response to lids appeal georaetown objective 55wh0

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