Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 13, 1940, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wed neaday evening march 13th 1940 page 3 wknefibfnivkhmimsmikmwaanstammmmmmiianim thew omens ftsmvwkbvvkmvsavsjnimewtk calvary triumph through sacrifice sunday march ttth 1m qolden text he as despised and rejected ol men a man of sorrows x880n passage matthew 37 33 50 o lord divine that stooped to snare our sharpest pang our blttrest tear onjtbee we cast each earthbora care we smile at pain while thou art near oliver wendell holmes transforming grace 33 golgotha was a place of crucifixion outside the city of jerusalem skull shaped its name seemed appropriate to its associations with death yet christ has transformed it until it has become the inspiration of great art and great music through christ it is linked up with the world s redemption in the same way a humble stable at bethlehem is now the setting for christmas garlands carols gifts and gifvftrsb best of all christrhasgiven a new value to human life by splris tual rebirth selfish human nature may be transformed and human bodies may become temples for the holy spl xit humble homes may have such radiant krve and affection that they give a fortaste of heaven to members of the family and to visitors by the grace of christ a narrow minded per secutor became the author of a hymn of love first for the corintheans and then for all mankind christ is al ways giving beau y for ashes possessions and personality 34 38 christ left no material legacy except bis garments for which the roman soldiers cast lots he lived his life without owning real estate or jewels and sometimes he had unsearchable riches and though financially poor he has made many rich in derision the title of jcfus he king of the jews was written above his cross but it is now nearer the truth to peak of him as king of humanitj his teachings have been traislated into twelve hundred languages or dialects his parables have entered proverbial speech his goodness has been an lnspira ion to countless people when tempted his love has been a humanizing influence the impact of his personality upon history nas been so distinctive that he is unforgettab e the insults hame and cruelty of the cross but form the dark background against which his 1 age greatheartedness stands out the worlds appreciation of jesus exempli flea his tatement that man does not live by bread alone the outward scene 3944 the hardness of the human heart stands out m tne crucifixion story while jesus suffered on the cross the people who passed by reviled him wagging their heads and taunting him they challenged him to come down from the cross and vindicate his messianic claim the chief priests joined with the scribes and mocking him and saying he saved others himself he cannot save showing no human compasson what ever t they enjoyed his torture because he had dared to differ from them even the thieves as they suffered on their crosses joined in taunting him many had hoped that such calloused attitude had passed away but there has been a rebirth of cruelty in both eastern ard western lands there has been widespread racial persecution civilians have been bombed cities have been burned millions of poor people have been left to starve to deathlike beasts we know now the difficulty of teaching mankind to love instead of despair we must make more concerted efforts christ did not despair in he face of roman mil ttary power he said that his way of life would overcome the world the inner contest 4549 we can enter only a little way into the suffering of chris upon the cross hls nature was so fine that he was the more sensi ive to pain he saw the deep significance of his death he was bearing the worlds sin in his own bodj he just for the unjus he nas vieldlng up his life as a voluntary sac rifice tl er- was darkness over the lint 1 i three hours as though na urt eflected his mood in his own spirit- there was a momentary sense of dii ertion bv god there ns cruel thirst all his was endured by one who nas the friend of sinners and a lover of his fellowmen it shatters all shallow optimum and rosy pictures of the fu ture of human his orj the best man suffered most but iil pain and sorrow have ben redemp ve the agony of jsus upon the cross melts hard hearts and nleiscs and nnx ccted tlow of unselfish loe co nc is costly a price has o be pud the price is the cross the last enemy so it is mtural that death should be feared because it cause separation from earth home and loved ones jet it does not take us altogther by sur prise wo know a little what it means each night as we fall aaleepj- we sur render consciousness people fainting feel earth slipping away from them a blow may cause hours of unoon sclousness with no knowledge of the paalng time anaesthesia may be in ducedjorjiours or opiates may prolong days of sleep yet death is something more we dare to hope than saying farewell to earvhs familiar scenes it is an entrance into a higher life it is a new beginning an excursion into the spirit world it is not all of life to live nor all of death to die jesus was a positive and active force even in the hour of death he yielded up his spir rlt it was no a passive submission he voluntarily and purposely gave his life for others we may not under stand it all but the victory of the cross moves us to nobler living questions for discussion 1 what different meanings are sug gested to you by the word grace 2 docs modem educa- ion counteract materialism 3 are we hopeful or hopeless about the future history of mankind 4 how is it possible for christians to live the cross 5 what have you to say to parents of youn3 men killed in war united church missionary injuped on eve of furlough united church missionary dr r bob mcclure who has been ser ving the international red cross in west china is expected to return to canada on finlough toward the end of march but will require some weeks to recuperate from the effects of a serious accident description of tho accident is con tained in a letter received recently by officials of the board of foreign mis sions of the united church of can da dr mcclure writes the word from the board about my returning via clipper arrived some days before christmas i had planned to do o and had written for reservation but on december 20th on what was to have been my last truck ing run to kunming to get bill mit chell before our convoy left our yard when everything was ready i was cru shed be ween two loaded trucks by one of our student drivers i was war king on a truck standing still in the yard and the student pulled up too close in passing and jamming me be tueen them rolled ma around like a the quality tea qusnapshot guild how enlargements are made gam bling gave us sandwiches the earl of sandwich has been credited for over a cen ury with one of the most saticfactoty inventions in iiuman history it is said that when he was too bus to leave the gambling tab e fo- reguar meals he used to call for a slab of meat between two slices of bread and jius the sandwich got its name from its first primitive form the andwlch has been getting more and more civilized it is now found in all hapes iiiil size in a ions color schemes and wide var et of flavor cme f 11 nt from the dainty one bile lp to the hearty kind comprls nz two whole slices of bread with cr tsts and plenty of filling sand w ihe pi ly nn important role in oo diet here with an ejt to lei t jrt som of the hearty up for cliool and orkin peoples lunch boxes j wl r satulwu hes d tooked i i 3 1 small onion i p it i k u ispooi salt 1 8 ttjspo n papr ki conita s of i i of canad in i dine put a 1 ihe iier d i ts i ugl the mea srinder u n lie in t c to mix thoroughly add rig the ei oi ing if not moist enough add ol in til of a cicamy conjstenrv ju ri h t spread let the mixture tanri sove al hours before usinff lo bit i j t fl ours moi perfectly royal sandwich spread 2 tablespoons but er c in thick tomato soi p pound mild canad an thces grated heat until all are blended stirring remove lrom the heat and add 1 egg and beat until well blended ret irn to the stove and cook un il thick and smooth stirring remove and add 1 cup of flaked canned salmon remov rngthcskln but using the oil and 3 tablespoons of chopped stuffed allies this makes about 112 cups of the spread as the tomato ghes colour any variety of canned salmon may be used in making the spread no neces sarily red salmon sardine sandwiches place a small sardine on thin but tered bread roli coat with grated canadian cheese and toast in oven or on toaster deal al on pencil between your hands and cer- aiil r tainly came near to finishing me i have seen three other accidents like it in the past year but in ndne of the others was there any life left in the victim fortunately i went uncons clous when my breath was crushed out and again fortunately our garage is right at the door of tne provincial hospital when the j got me released i was taken ight in to the hospital where i camr to mv ches was badly knock ed around and i am arrald4hat it will be manj months b ore i can take a fu 1 bteatrrsgtrn nhd do a full days work both colirbones wer dislocated at the breast bone and we have only round out now that six ribs on each side have been buck ed ip and the whrle shape ol my chest is altered un til further notice there was so much elllnsj and bruising at flrsl and the danger oi pneumon a was so great thnt no attentir i was pad to o her tl inns mv left ho lder came out of pace ant slirpcd back in again and thert ha betn up in the neck my neck muscles were both torn badly but it saved my kull for when they xpre it allowed my head to turn into a small dlame er and o escape crushing my pelvis was blow th- level of the truck- body and so escad crushing my pelvis was below the level of the truck body and so es ar1 nl right it gave us a bai are and i am so tickled to be aiive that my rotten con e not worry me much rest things all right left hand a l ndon surgeon mr laupence ngi essy has treated 20 cases of coronary disease by means of surgery fh c died and all the o hers made such i r that hose who were bedrid den became active asain and thos n to wc k res m d their employ ment the operation requires courage on behalf of the patient and both courage and skill in the surgeon it imitates what sometimes occurs in na ure in ome case of coronary disease the in r t left that l the part deprived of jltad b tie plunaing of a branch of iro dry r rv forms an adhe on to tl p 1 a d m or pouch in inj iry lo my wri the heart rests this adhesion the wellknown case of a doctor who because of such adhesions was able to return to practice after a severe at tack of angina complicated by pericar ditis the operation consists in supplying a fresh source of blood for the defec tive heart circulation by transplant- ng a segmen of omentum into th chest and grafting it to the heart the ype or case which does best af- tr operation is in a patient who has made an incomplete recovery from single attack of thrombosis progres sive angina of effort hypertensive- hear failure which has reacted badly to medical treatment and syphilitic nf animation of the aorta the con tra indict ons are age gross structur- u defects in the heart and degenera tion of kionev and braind vessels it j an operation which will doubtless be heard more of in the future hire probably torn n cr i blood supily there is skiers assent 8 000 feet the first ski ascenr or an 8 000 foot snow peak near the ski dome- above the maligne lake chalet was accom plished here recntly by three regina kiers dr roy johnson john holmes and pat ross for their efforts the lrlo wtu rewarded with a spectacular three mile run partly over virgin snows to the chalet calling all hostesses please send in sr list of ycur guests for next weeks herald enlarging brings out detail you cant see in small print both these prints were made from the same negative only part of tha negative was used with surplus background and foreground area masked out this is another advantage of the enlarging process you can include just what you want and omit excess material at the top bottom dnd sides of the picture nlo pictures are always better j- than small ones not only is a large picture more impressive but also it shows more detail bringing ont features that can hardly seen at all fn the small print therefore every enthusiastic amateur photographer han his best pictures enlarged and usually looks forward to the time when be can have an enlarger of his own of coarse he can always obtain excel l enlargements from his pfaoto- flnlsber but the genuine hobbyist likes the thrill of experimenting and making big prints himself with a modern precision built en- larger it is easy to nroduce en largementa in some respects it s easier than contact printing the film negative is simply slipped into carrier which fits a slot in the emarger lamp house when the lamp is turned on an enlarged image is projected on a paper bolder below the enlarger lens you slip a sheet of sensitised paper into the paper bomer make the ex pobnre thgndeveop the paper as yon would a contact print by moving the enlarger head uj and down you can make prim any size up to the limitations of the enlarger in some cniargers th head can also be bwung to a hori zontal position bo thai huge prime may be projected on a nearby wall one type of precision enlarger i designed so that it can also be use as a camera for tiking pictures the great advantage of nlar ing in addition to big prints s tha yn ctn try special effects for ex ample by a simple process knowr as dodging joa can hold bar certain parts of the image and giv mor- exposure to other parts ttni you can bring out detail or sob due it wherever you wish too you can make diffused prints com bins tfon prints prints with special ter lures all sorts of novel effects of course for fun in photo raphy you don t have to have ai enlarger or even make your owi contact prints millions of amaictm dont but for the real en t hue im enlarging adds interest and ali lo the camera hobby 266 john van cul jer when one dish is the whole meal onedisl meals ave time flaoir and motions especially he motions of dishwashing they are at the same time thoroughly satisfying and nour ishing while containing nj the nee essitles of a well balanced meal the following recipe for meal tic eels is a particularly handy way of achieving that all in one simplicity baked apples with whipped or plain cream make an ideal dessert and can be cooked at the same ime as the main dish having several cans of canadian fish sucn as salmon or chicken haddle al ways on hand is an additional time saver in preparing this dish though any leftover fish will do just as well choose large potatoes bake in a hot oven 450 degrees f about 50 minutes cut off top scoop out pota to mash adding butter salt and hot milk or creatn fill the potato shell with creamed salmon or other cana dlan fish over this place a layer of carrots asparagus or what have you then the well seasoned mashed pota to in a mountain to to pthe whole piece of bufrer atop this pop them into a 350 degree f oven to heat through and to brown serve on heated platter or individual dish garnished with parsley and cold air transport safety passes new mt1sstone one fatal socsdent in 10643ft000 passenger miles was the record of c airlines m the united states in the year january 14 1990- january 14 1940 aoording to robert h hbickley chairman of the civil aeronautics authority washington this is a record he ssm wn be yond what many people even in in dustry thought possible a few months sgo we print nifty letterheads also all other kinds of quality stationery march of time picture canada at war the board of censors acting under the authority of the theatres and cinematographs act chapter 319 of the revised statutes of ontario 1937 has prohibited the exhibition of the film canada at war in the opinion efthe boardehe picture is capable of being used and is in fact presently being used in canada not for purposes of entertainment or education but for political propaganda in proof of this a copy of an advertisement published in vancouver b c papers under the sponsorship of the vancouver liberal association is shown hereunder capitol theatre you hove heard the politicians talk on canada s war effort march of time an in4pandfit and occvm nw n v shewing grnt a complete picture of canadas war effort evtry conodian ahouw im thr pkfvr and raallz thof sx occoinplbanwnt it hi wacfc f if mm ian mackenzie in the montreal star of march 1 1940 there also appeared an advertise ment reading in part as follows special march of time canada at war sponsored by the dominion government now showing daily 10 am to 1 p m sunday 12 noon to 2 p m moreover the film canada at war no 8 in march of time features was released for exhibition in advance of no 7 which is a picture with an american appeal the release date of canada at war was said to have been advanced three weeks apparently to permit of the display of the film during the dominion election campaign the action of the board of censors in prohibiting the exhibition in ontario of the march of time picture canada at war follows the precedent adopted in the ontario provincial election of 1937 during which tune the liberal government of ontario refused to permit the exhibition of films and pictures which gave vivid accounts and displays of ci o activities and scen of v in amencan in ce th ahowm the pictures would have been to the undoubted advantage of the liberal government which was opposing cio activities m ontario yet the ontario liberal government banned the exhibition of the films and pictures the board of censors of the province of ontario would be false to its duty if it interfered in the wartime elections campaign by placing its stamp of approval on a film such as canada at war which in this tune of grave national peril is being used and exploited for purposes of political propaganda m f hepburn treasurer of ontario

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