Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 13, 1940, p. 4

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page 4 the georgetown herald wed neaday evening march 1 3th 1940 in memoriam wj in loving memory of our precious wee acta kehhj too tell slep lo jesus march 13th aged 8 no stain was on hi utue heart sin had not entered there and innocence slept sweetly on that pule white brow so tab- be wae too beautiful to stay and so gods holy angel bore our darling keitfo away always remembered and sadly missed by mother dad and brother royce westoniirrlovmg memory of our little grandson edward keith aged 6 months who passed away march lfyti 1838 could we ever forget the sweet little smile we had for just a little while lovingly remembered by grandma and grandad weston also aunttff gladys and uncle steve auntie doris and uncle roy kordas the lion has wings dramatizes the secret story of england s great defenses alexander kordas the lion has wings a full length feature which dramatizes the story behind england s defense measures will have its first lowing at the gregory theatre here en 6aturaay mar 16th the central theme of the lion has wings revolves around the uimh ing and exciting exploits of the royal air force modern winged mercuries rf the present world war it unreels vivid and suspenseful drama of the thousands of men who have been trained to man england s mighty air- force and to use these powerful mac bines for deathdealing blows to the enemy the film starts with a re view of europe s war of nerves which led up to brt aln s declaration o fwar against germany going behind the scenes tjft lion has wings reveals how britain a air army operates it shows the royal air force in action over the kiel canal when its swift and mighty bombers recently destroyed a german battleship the munitions factories and other plants making planes etc this picture stars ralph rjoliardson and merle oberon see it at the gre gory on saturday next wctu tho friday afternoon march 8th regular neetlng of the wctu held at the home of mrs wm frank mrs a r vannatter presiding the devotional period was conduc ted by mrs arthur reee who read the scrip ure 1 cor 1 18 27 and ex position from the book spring in the valley which was followed by prayer by miss ellen mckay a beau ttful poem trust was read by mrs arthur speight mrs frank wilson ashgrove gave a very fine address on citizenship and a vocal duet by james and claire burns was a pleasing contribution to the program tea served by the hostess brought a very helpful meeting to a close be on hand to cheer our bos to vitory and a trip to copper cliff when they pla hanover at the arena friday night we specialize in eye examination na the best quality lanes at city prices note change of location we are equipping an uptodate examination room in part of dr f r watsons dental offlee main st george oyer the bell telephone co phone 67w for an appointment 0 t walker ro eyesight specialist will be at this office the second wednesday of every month or yon may consult o t walker at his office in brampton george 0 atkins candidate in halton for the national government party to the people of halton you have two governments at ot tawa 1 the political government which is elected and which is respon sible to the people 2 the operating civil service which is appointed and is responsible to the political govern ment the duty of the political govern ment is to turn your wishes into pol icles- the duty of the operating gov emment is to turn the policies of the political government into practical plana and to put them into action when the political government at present mr kings government fails to carry out your wishes and refuse to account to your elected representa tives in parliament it ceases to be t representative or responsible govern ment democracy cannot exist without i responsible political government alive to your needs competen to express your wishes in policies and always ready to account to you through par 1 lament what will happen after march 26 when you replace the government that destroyed the rights of parliament with one that will restore those rights and mace your ballot good again first and most important than all ele you will have restored democracy to canada you will have a government instruc ted by your ballot to give effect to the will cr cinada for a positive program of production and a maximum war effort you will have a government that will rtly upon pailiamtnt for victor ious co operation you are told bj those who cling to povvtr th l there are no men in can ada who can replace the cabinet thai did not dare mce parliament with its record have you received any oher allsfacior exj j mat ion of the gov ernments action in calling and dis missing parliament in the ame daj it wis the de ire for power even at the price of democracy that des troved the rights of a parliament that would have revealed the true record mr king did not bring that lecord to vou in this election nor did he bring the record of beauharnols icanadas woi st revela ion of corruption and graft to you in the 1930 election it was after the 1930 election that parh ament dicovered the truth truth that you could never have discovered except through your elected represen tatlves in parliament it will be after not before this election that the tru h will be revealed to you again through veur representatives in parll anient you cannot learn the whole truth about any government unless tht goven ment faces your representa tlves and makes an accounting who jou are asked will carry on when he king government is defea ted who cairied on while premier king was preparing to shut the doom oi parliament in the faces of the mem hers who has carried on while the government has been devotlnt all its effort lo a political campaign to re gain power the operating trovernmcht lie civil serice and the war boards havr earned on it has carried on even more efficiently than when hampered bj a government whose leader gos o slowly that canada has become lm patient with him and lost confidence in hl ability to take adequate ac ion the operating government civil service and war boards will continue to carry on with doubled efflciencv when the people of canada elect a political gove nment that will tell the operulng government to go full steam ahead as it has so earnestly desired to do the operating government cannot i be permitted to decide upon policies that would be dictatorship but the 1 operating government is the means of giving effect to policies laid down 1 by the people s political government what canada need la totter pol icies wholehearted oaurageous-pol- lclm to which all canadians will glad l g their- eaipble support canada must have policies that will truly express our common devotion to a cause that stands for all we know to be worth while pol ioses that will match our might and energies with our life and death prob lems canada has the men who can carry out such policies if our operating gov ernment is given a chance to do its full best in the department of finance and thebftnkof canada vou have at your continuing service such men as dr w c clarr deputy minister of finance and graham ford towers governor of the bank of canada sur rounded by able associates who meet the best financial and banking brains of the world with credit to canada they will be there when the able hon j l ralson is gone they will carry on with greater efficiency when a minister pi finance supported by a new government whtfeheartedly de voted to- our best war effort is elected mr ralston is an able lawyer and a good minister of finance it is no re flection upon his ability to say that dr w c clark deputy minister of finance and mr graham f towers both specialists of long training and wide experience know more than mr ralston about finance their advice assistance and efficient service will be available to mr ralston s successor as they have been to him another mln ister of finance surrounded by asso elates with better policies working with a prime minister of greater vision and more positive character could se cure even better results mr h b mckinnon tarlfr com missloner whoe capahill ies and in dustry have made him invaluable in war serv ce has been a member of the civil service under five minister o finance robb bennett rhodes dun nlng ralston i all of his experience will continue at the service of a politi cal government elected to restore dem ocracy to canada and to preserve it in the world he too t supported by an able staff in the depai tment of national rev dr fred gouop of ottawa recently visited his mother in town mr e e young of trenton was home for the week end mr and mrs walter mcouvray of dunnville spcru he week end at their home here mr w f bayers of klncald sank paid a surprise visit to his mother and sister here mrs george bayers and mary last week mr w lllam king who undeiwent an oi atlon at ouclph general hos pltal last week is progressing favor ably and expects to return home this week nd we regret to report chat mr george leslie treasurer of esqueslng town ship was taken ill last week and is now in the ouelph general hospital his many friends m the district wish him a speedy recovery w john c leslie flew from calgary to see his father and is visiting with mr and mrs t l leslie anj other rela tives and friends mr leslie reports that the trip took only fourteen hours most or the time being spent high above the cloudsv mr frank golden was taken to st joseph s hospital guelph last- week when he fell on main st north frac turing his leg it was sometime after the accident that mr golden was given assistance and he suffered cold and shock as he lay on the sidewalk unable to move from where he fell we wish him a speedy recovery glen williams mrs bert hul had the misfortune to fall on the ice last week and break hu wi 1st in three plates she w as treated at guelph hospital mr and mrs gordon robinson and family of erin were week end visitors at the home of mrs wm halpin many of our young folk were home foi the week end amongst whom were ml and mrs harold beam mr and enue mr hugh scully commissioner mr wm everson mlsh mary bludd of customs mr dnvid sim commis mls edna davidson miss hilda lor sloner of excise and mr c felliott aid miss agnes bartleu commissioner of income tax are all mlss gertrude cain of the meeks abler men in their fields than the coopu dancing school was among hon j l ile who is able in law lh eompanj who entertained the mr ilsev can be it plictd by a minis troops at the cinieen service ade is er wih more positive policies jaide st on sa urda afternoon these capable commissioners will continue to tairy on lori can tli w thi mr ilsej successor c limehouse 1 dr g s h barton dcp uv minister v of agrlci ituie know- mr about canadian farm i iol nis nd how to o ve them than does the hon j g girdliur minister of agricitl ture guild i would not have impor ed 30 000 000 lb of pork f r im the united sluct n the pi foui nnn l if a minister of r her vision hi in mr gardiner hid told dr birton and h th his compe eilt st f to oi u lor pio ductton oi tins pork in cinada dr barton ai d his lsso in e w h bi th r to put o ei a positive prci ictlon p o gram tot mi c i i surtesoi canadian f irm rs will do in ir share they ait eaei iki reuu lo pioduce but tne cannot tuiuin k to produce unless thej can recover thir eosts canada has man men who ould seivc agiieulture mueh better than tne pre eni minister na served it a nitirnal gov rnmru would appoint a be ter man to office these inmes cr in mocrs of can idas opciatlng government ure a few of the many which mlht be selected from among the wnijl c u nts ind war boards at o tawa the re cords of the e men and many like them prove tha the operating gov ernmen is cipnbk of g en achieve ments in cany ng out tin pi icles of a national government with a positive pro riii l picjnct i ml miximum war effort aji that i can do will be done to n ur that canada will pioduce all we can give all we can s rve ill wi can te for i lory oeorge c atkins tbsacco just like j old chum n mis e monow of toronto isttcd mr rcbt lane on s inday tin 1k il bimilh of tht women s instn i t 1 eld a tuchre and dance at hi in in f mr and mis jas scott on hidiv evening list nmt tables of mjds were plavod with mrs s ai d mr e beerman holding eoies while con olatioils went lo mr md mrs c meredith dr fauuierland spent a few days at the maples list week prior to going to cook town to visit relatives bad colds seem prevalent here both among iduits and children lau ly ome having to remain tn beni a few lavs sps sam c and mrs glsbj are visiting tudids in llmehouse and vie nity tlit i hilir monthly meeting of the womn s institute was held at the home o ii s kirkatrlck on march 7 w i menib pre en and u ji 1 mi oowdv in the chair tne met ling opened by singing mv wild irish rase rollowed by the pray er the ttoll call was answered by m lush joke mrs elleiby reviewed program sifg ccstlons is taken from an annual re irt mrs gowdy invited the red cross knuteis to a st patricks pnr y at home on march 20 mrs kirkpatrlck also offered h home for a party the evening of march 27 apt 11 25 was set aside as the date on which to hold the poultry moving pic lures put on by sprucelelgh farms of bramford following he national an them the hostess and her assistants served lunch l api e s the special sale of custom tailored s u i xs is now in full swing select your easier suil from a wide range of mens wear british fabrics and have your own style classically tailored to your requirements see our new est style books reg 1795 suits tailoredtomeasure for 1500 reg 31k suits tailoredtomeasure for 2500 reg 45 00 suitshano to measure f 3500 tailoredtomeasure coats or outfits at proportionate reductions ask about our spring outfit special an individually tailored suit hat shoes and gloves all your own choice from our new spring stock attractively pneed at 2900 for complete outfit d brill co corner mill and main sts georgetown phone 167 ashgrove lunch b o ight the enjoyable eenlng to a close mi ind mrs g a wilson and harold moved to their new home at glen chris le on frldav march 8th where they will operate a general store md gas station mr leslie gihen who has pur chased the farm of mr g a wilson took posse slon on march 8th his man friends and neighbours wish him the best of luck mrs waltei brownridge enjojed a vlbit from her brother mr w f savers of klncald sask ihe march auxiliary meeting of the wms met at the home of mrs henry wilson with a fair attendance tne roll call was answered b an interesting item from the foreign fiejd af er which mrs h wiuon conducted the devotional exercises a lovely piano duet was plajed by miss- i wnggesworh and mr f wilson the st idy chapter in charge of mrs a j ruddell was given in playlet form by misses i wrigglesworth and e preece as newly gradua ed doctor and nurse and mrs f wilson as a woman of india telling thm of the opportunities for service in her great land of 350qoo000 peop- ms beu- bodd reao a siort paper represent a missionary of thirty jears ence sending a message to the 1 church mr frank ruddell and mr wufretl bird attended one da session of the threshermen s contention held ha wate loo last week what if it does come from panther valley- ijttv ask for rr what does that mean it me harder coal it means that it is packed more fully with heat units it means that it burns st gnociii more steadily and more economically j b mackenzie son phone 33 georgetown solid for solid comfort on wednesday night march 0 large number of neighbours and friends of mr and mrs g a wilson gathered at theii home to say good be to them prior to their removal from he community to their new home at glen christie the early pirl of the evening was spent in pro gressive euchre eighteen tables play tng later mr gaorge currle acting as chairman called the meeting to order and after a few remarks tn which he voiced the general regret of the community at losing the wilson familj hi called on mr walter brown rldgc lo read the follow lng address mr and mrs wilson and harold it is with feelings of regret that we learn of jour departure from this community to make for yourselves a ii w borne and new friends you george hae lived in this comrnunltj since early childhood and liave alwavs been ready and willing lo lend a helping hand whenever call ed upon and jou mrs wilson in the short tune of your sojourn with us have earned the love and esteem of this community we your neighbours apd friends have met here tonight to spend a social evening in your home ttr o ta m sion of our good wishes so we ask you mr and mrs wilson to accept these lamps and harold liiis flash light we hope as you use them your thoughts will go back to your friends and neighbours in ashgtove com munity signed frank ruddell and walter brownridge at the appropriate moment mrs walter brownridge and mr frank ruddell presented mr and mrs wil son with the two electric- lamps and harold with the flashlight mr wil son made a brief response thanking the assembled friends for their kind ness messrs ward ruddell t bird t brownridge and f wriggles were called on to say a few words pastry flour jr 53c tomato juice r 323c domestic shortening 13c bacon lb 25c tea 53 budget blend apricots 29 tender leaf tfa 1 oz pkg pearl soap j infants doigi1t soap 29c 90 14c 5c bread flour habitant pea soup grapefruit juice 20 oz handy ammonia xxxx quaker 98 lb ba 10c l tins 1c 2 rllc 3 f 279 special 2 32c peas and co fruit specials cookuvd onions spinach head lettuce celey stalks 10 1b uc t k 15c new cabbage bananas oranges grapefruit 1 lb k j urn isc dos sso tor ho free delivery 66 dominion stores ltd ftom i te

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