Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 13, 1940, p. 6

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i page 6 w the georgetown herald wed neiday evetuhg march 1 3th 1940 oufe farm page items of interest to every farmer ouuimo auction sale lrm stock implements etc the underslgrlgd has received struotlons from fred conn to sell by public auction on bis preml ms adjoining the north end of georgetown 0 saturday march 10th 1940 at 1 o clock the following cattle jersey cow 3 years due time 10th jersey cow i years fresh feb 10 jentey cow 4 yeaxidue july jeamey cow 6 yrs frese jersey and holsteln cow 5 years fresh fab m holsteln ww6 years ftsh jan ayrshire and holsteln cow bred dec 7s roan cow 7 years fresh jan jersey heifer bred feb jersey heifer fesed feb ayrshire bull 6 months old pure bred jersey bull calf bred by w duffy newmarket horses mare 4 years mare 7 years pios1 pig about 150 lbs harness set ty breeching har nesst set of light harness 4 horse col lars set of plow harness implements massey harris bin der frost wood seed drill massey harris mower 5 ft horse rake 12 plate disc spring tooth cultivator 21 neury plow truck wagon 3 section heavy harrow 2 section hook harrow 3 section light harrow gcuffler cutter eet sleighs scales hay rack wagon box gravel box clippers 2 wheel trail cr forks shovels whlffletrees chains m ot small articlee terms cash w j alexander frank petch clerk auctioneer 2t first step is to remove as many awns as poobble says j d macleod offers free pamphlet on reoondl uonlng the fanning mill some varieties of barley have awns which are difficult ito remove during the threshing process the same is true of tough barley consequently the first essential when preparlny to deaii and grade barley for seed is to remove as many of the awns as posslblestatefl johnjp macleod crops seeds and weedsbraneh ont dept of agrlcul ture toronto the chief objection to their prer ence on clean seed is that they retard the flow 5f grain through the fanning mill and the seeder scouring mt seed will remove awns permit the seed to flow evenly through the fanning mill and seeder and insure more uniform germirfatlon and a more uniform crop if a scourer is not available advises mr macleod the next best plan is auction sale t w- fakm stock implements etc the undersigned has received in structiotis from wm j purdy to sell by public auction on the premises lot 5 3rd line west cale don township at the mclaren castle farm on friday march 15 j840 commencing at 1 30 o clock the following horses bay horse 8 years bay horse 10 yrs grey horse 8 yrs grey mare 11 yrs t3rey mare 12 yrs oattle jersey cow 4 yrs old bred december 5 jersey cow 4 yrs old bred dec 27 poultry 22 hens rooster harness set heavy team harness new set heavy team harness 4 col lars new set single harness 2 col lars other small articles implements mocormlck binder 1 ft m h mower 6 ft disc 12 plate spring tooth cultivator nay rake 3 section harrows m h drill 2 walking plows truck wagon scuf fier potato plov sloop sleighs bob sleighs 2 hay racks 2 cu ters log glng chain 4 heavy sets doubletrees s light sets doubletrees 3 neckyokes 3 tongues 250 sap buckets supply tank gathering sap tank 3 syrup pans cook stove melotte cream sep arator new peed about 300 bus feed gram quantity of mangels quantt y of btraw terms cash charles purdy frank petch clerk auctioneer expert describes cleaning of barley proven the best clearing bet through this round perforation the kernel must tip up if the perforation is- not largeenough- each kernel to which an awn is attached must keep on moving until it eventually drops off the screen an oil cloth laid on top of the riddle which wu permit the grain to feed from the hopper underneath thetdoth and on top of the riddle will keep aw ned kernels from tipping and will help in making a separation this method has also proven helpful in removing oats from barley it cannot be adop- teov however in the case if mills where the wind blows up through the riddle or top screen heavier feeding and greater pitch of riddle will also help in makint such separations barley will stand considerably more wind than will oats and sufficient jfrjnd should be applied to remove as many oa kernels as possible also off type barley kernels will be held wednesday march 20th 1940 on the premises of h l hutt south end of main st georgetown when the following will be offered for cash sale farm stock a snappy team of geldings 5 and 6 years old suitable for market garden a well bred jersey herd with never a reactor in it four 3 year old cows fresh with calf at side 2 registered one 4 year old fresh with calf by side one 2 year old fresh with calf at side registered 2 yearling heifers one fres hened in april other in august re glstered 4 yearling heifers 1 register ed an obs flock of 50 white leg horns mated with 4 topnotch record cockels farm implements plow harrows seed drill disk and ipringtooth cultivators new wagon and box bob sleigh mccormtck deerin mower ha rake hay rack hay car draw ropes pulleys and mings 50 soy bean curing tripods tanning mills bag 1 olders platform scales root pulper grass seeaer wheeibanows 2 beatty manger fronts harness corn sheller steel stone boat new land scraper milk scales cans strainer new de- laval cream separator 400 egg incu bator chick brooder egg grading scales crates feeders and small tools to numerous to mention orchard and garden tools hardie power sprayer five 20 foot ladders pruning tools 50 bushel boxes picking baskets grading table ring pack outfit garden seed drill scufflers wheel hoes knapsack sprayer etc seed grain feed and bulbs a quantity of cleaned erban seed oats mixed grains mangels gladiolus in lots of 100 made up of 50 choice varieties household furniture a varied assortment of tables cabi nets chairs beds pictures collection of museum cases etc all will be sold without reserve as the form has been sold sole to be gin at 1 o clock sharp co use a screen with a round perfora tion as a riddle a screen with a 121 4 13164 or 1464 round perforation has order trwmt r a r grading screens best for barley are auction s allv i- jf fnesh 8 64 zinc round every farmer owning a fanning null should write the crops seeds and weeds branch parliament bldgs toronto for the pamphlet recondl honing the fanning mill there is no charge reap bitjqet betfat crops 1 use goc j ood teed is the first requirement for bigger better lejdsthsht why it payt co use jugiswd -seed- tittered seed u pure as to variety and ensures crops of greater field higher quality and better grade registered seed u ia mth m umitd c t t md gtpt itu it requires no cleaning it pays to use registered seed tot information regarding sources of apply of approved varieties writ to- the district supervisor plant prodocta division of the department of agricolmre for your district the nearest experimental farm the provincial department of or the nearest agricultural college iw s u rw huprnfimt ht wmrma this yr pumt md rmb amfy th w africwf rami suppth jfmrsf dominion department of agriculture ottawa g grdimr mimtttwr influence of soil on choice of fertilizers choosing a fertilizer for a specific crop is a matter which should receive careful consideration states l e wright division of chemis ry scl ence service dominion department of agriculture the selection of a suit able mixture is less difficult- hen in formation is available in regard to the amounts of available nitrogen phos phoric acil and potash of the soil the soil reaction and response of crops to previois fertilizer treatments ability to inlet pre t plant food deficiency sjm ptoms is also help il in arri ing at the needs of the crop for additional plant food in many instances how his information is not available to the farme and in such cases the nat ire of the so and lis past manur treatment and cropping may be taken into account to good advantage claj mills are by nature more plen tifully provided wi h the mineral plant food sub taifes than are sand soils the latter being more open and con taming les collodlal matfr miy loe an appreciable amount of their av ul ible nitrogen and potash through leaching particularly wncrc the soil is low in organic mat er tl ts on llvht and sanay oanu it is customary to apply a fertilizer mixture such as a 4 8 10 containing a high proportion of potash and sufficient nitrogen to result in satisfactory mcta he growth lack of sufficlenljiltrogen in the soil is usually ref e ted in the pale appearance of the plant peat and muck soils consisting lar gely of plant residues are suall de ficlent in mineral mat er in their fer tiltzor treatment potash ts b n rally of more importance than pho phoric acid and some nitrogen in available form may be required to encourage early growth this the application of a mixture s ich as the 2 8 16 to muck soils is common prac ice ge asallj when th soil ha been en rlcl ed by application of man ire the s pplemet tary fort lier may be smal lcr in uunntity and need not contain ch a lanjc pr port on of nitrogen n 1 o i h n o lid bo desirable m ui rr iras bepn or is being pi i f line- ondltlon a 2 x r mix e mi 1 j on well r d oil t i i ion of s jper i 1 os 1 n al n ifficient to i roduct good jle cs yields which ma be obtained from the u c of fertilizers are frequently 11 mited by an unsuitable soil reaction and a low organic matter content these limiting fac ors should be cor rected if maximum res ills are lo be obtained century old apple trses make way for new stock in a cooperative arrangement be tween the provincial government and apple growers in now scotia for the improvement of orchards in the prov ince some veteran trees have been pulled to make room for new stock many of the trees pulled wer past the year mark and some have seen a century pass the arrangement pro vides for the use of highway tractors in pulling trees it is estimated that at leas 7 000 old apple trees in the orchard areas of kings and annapolis counties were pulled this fall accord lng to the agricultural department of the canadian national railways earixl spring or caribou in error fifty thousand barren land caribou are either making a big mistake or the north can expect an early spring hordes of the hardy arcmc deniaens are returning to their spring feeding grounds northwest of ohurchlll and along the coast o fthe hudson bay from the tlmberline about 250 miles north of the pas awarding to word brought her recently scattered across 50 miles of sparse bush land tens of housands of the animals are feeding about 75 miles south of churchill near the hudson bay railway thuu u no dtfuvt tbsacco just like old chum r radio repair g u years experiene we specialize on- th1swork j sanf0rd son phone georgetown hw get your posters for your auction sale at the herald office soils vary greatly in supply of lime applying lime where not ncejed is wasteful practice and may actually harm soils and crops advises pertl llzer board for ontario soils vary greatly in their natural supply of lime say the advisory fertilizer board for ontario soils which aro strongly acid are likely to be lacking in lime for best growth of certain crops on the other hand a slight degree of acidity is favorable for certain farm and garden crops such an oats rye turnips potatoes tobacco beans on ions sweet com and strawberries other crops such as wheat barley tomatoes soybeans mangels and com thrive best when the reaction is near er neutral still other crops prefer ftllfftitly a ration fff fffl t falfa clovers and asparagus if the soil is nearly neutral or alkaline in re- aottortiltlsuklyto have an abun dance of lime for most crops soil acidity tends to tie up available phosphates in forms that are not av ailable to growing crops hence it is of great importance that sou reaction favorable to the growing crop should be maintained if fertulaera are to ren der maximum help while the presence of sheep sorrel on the land and repeated failures to get catches of alfalfa or clover may toe taken aa evidence of lkmdeacteoey the safest procedure to determine who ther ortsit land requires lime 1b to have meson tasted applying time where it is not needed is a wasteful practice and may actually harm the soil and crops for farming s f say john have you got your seed and fertilizer yet sure thing borrowed 200 from the bank of montreal for them and i saved money on the deal by paying cash the bank of montrea i alwiys glad httcon sidtr loins for productive puxposes asktor our sooklet the farmer and his bank bank of montreal established 1817 v7 btmk tuas 4tau qccohmu a wjcomm georgetown branch a c welk manager bray chicks every season since 1928 great results aur chicks have been bought from brays every year since 1928 and we have had great results writes mrs r m scrambler r r 5 dunnvihe ont they are easy to raise and full of vitality from the first day they develop into nice large birds and certainly know how to lay the eggs especially when the prices are highest in the fall we know they are real money makers our egg buyer remarks about so many large eggs every week the year round we start off with the right kind of chicks and know that results will come later bray birds are like me busy all the time mrs james o connor rr i milton ont has been buying bray chicks for 7 straight years and her order is in for 1m0 last boring she started 1 100 bray chicks so you can see that poultry isn t just a small gidell with her but a real ousiness what i like about them mrs o connor tells us is the way they keep the nests busy we vq been buying bray chicks for 7 yean mrs g e apple yard of georgetown ont says and weve never had any trou when people who depend on poultry or a good part of their living buy chicks from the same hatohery year after year like this you can just bet your bottom dollar that the chicks from that hatohery must have been doing a real job for them it youre in potdtxy to make- money ire beueve you can i do better than take a up from these eat v perlenoed poultry people and buy bray chicks this year ys w can give you early delivery george c brown norval phone 382 21 blc jet mrs appleyard put 309 bray chicks under her brooder last spring and her total loss through the whole starting and growing period was just 6 one less than her extras tbrs j c 8witmr-r-r-4- ner val ont has beenbuylng bray chicks for 8 years last years lot she tells ns were laying before they were 6 months old and laid lots of good big eggs all fa and winter i made good money out of my cockerels too hippocampus it queer personality of the sea perhaps m no other anlrnaf navsr been packed so many anomalies as in hippocampus popularly known as the seahorse a systematic study of which recently has been com pleted by the united states bureau -0- of fisheries this queer personality- has the head of a lilliputian horse ffprehensile tall platelike scales like those of the sturgeon and a pouch like the kangaroo s the- creature also reverses the ordinary way of nature in that child bear ing is exclusively a funct nn of the male bays nature magazine the seahorse js almost world wide ui its distribution in warm ocean waters where there are growths of sea vegetation although they have- provided the models for some of the nightmare monsters of the human imagination they are small feeble and almost defenseless the head is unquestionably similar to that of a miniature jidrse in general out- line the neck however is no neck at all what looks tike a neck la the forward pari of its body its shell like covering left early natural ists in doubt as to whether it was not some monstrous sort of a water bug but it is a true fish its weight and its single fin leave it an in efficient swimmer and it is able to swim at all only because of a large air bladder so delicately adjusted to its specific gravity that if a bubbler the size of a pinhead is let out by a puncture the seahorse sinks to th bottom there it moves clumsily about until the wound has healed the greatest anomaly of the- species is its way of reproducing the male actually gives birth tr the living young unfertilized egg are laid by the female who places them a few at a time nto a pouch like organ on the under side of the- male s body in some manner un known to biologists they are ferti lized n the transfer the egs are intubated in this pouch and remain for some days after the ire i al hed th n the i v r t lully equipped to uke cire f ll t t stues are expelled new back drop aids in television trcnsmitting- a black back p for the a reei s of telev s transm tting tubes results in n c si arply fo cused and del nled ttc smn lm ge jeeoruing to j pjtent no 2 156 311 b utd to willard h ckok of boom- ftild n j the back drop s a him of graphic at the back of tie trans parent mica sujroll n h ch are n ounled the photoelectric elements tt at convert the scene be ng tele- ised into an electr c nage which is broadcast through tl e ether it is explained tl at i en the scene ts focused on the rd nary photo electric screen of the tele- eve tube light from the image is it fluted bounces off the w ills of the luce back on to ll r r en so t al a jouli e in age mas he tormed u the same t me the ph to electric le i ents scatter the light 11 this l mn ikated blurs and makes hazy he in age t be br idtast tl e black back drop which is i e subject of the palent on the ther hand absorbs the light which would thus ordinarily be reflected tin result is a sharper mnre de- n led mage temple receives statue a sandstone temple statue of merenptah king of egypt repre sented as osiris god of the dead and dating from about 1220 b c has recently been presented to the boston museum of art by the sir robert mond expedition of the etgjpt exploration soeiet of great britain it was given in recognition of the n useum s contnbut on to the ex pedition from the harriet otis cruft fund the museum possesses little temple sculpture despite ts great collections of egyptian art the figure was excavated by the mond expedition at armani and is one of several life size osiris figures in limestone and sandstone found at the same site yosemite wilderness the two great roadless tracts of yosemite national park combined comprise an area of approximately half a million ares here as m other wilderness national areas conditions are truly prime val that is all original plant and v animal life is given full protection and no travel is possible except by primitive means unlike other mountain areas outside the national park system no hunting or other disturbance of wildlife is permitted ana all forms are free to carry on their original natural existence for est and other plant life is fully pro tected grazing of sheep cattle or other domestic stock is prohibited- shower bath dseful addition of a shower to a bath room increases its usefulness and can be achieved now in both the leg type and the builtin type of tub there is variety of equipment on the market and the horn owner may select one of the p types of showerheads said to effect a water satinf of s5 to bo per cent over th old style showers can be installed in any builtin bathtub by an mptrt m need prambsr in short order suchr showers involve no c ttm pipes they ar permsnentfullyau lomsttc with minimum number of4 movinjrpafftam low tore economical in tho use of wabstv

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