Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 13, 1940, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening march 13th 1940 pr ti w x1vxng costs up during the pest few days certain ex aggerated claims have been made ab out the rise of living costs in canada alnce the start of the war including the charge before the nova scotia conciliation board that it has risen as high as thirty per cent but these claims are contrary to the facts it la stated on parliament hill that the rise is about 4 per cent the index figure of living costs just before the start of the war in september was 130 and at the beginning of this year it reached the figure of 135 with reliable information disclosing that it has been relatively steady in january and feb ruary though the actual figures will not be made official for a few weeks this estimate is based on statistics gathered in c9 cities all over this country and it relates mainly to the cost of food clothing fuel rent and other miscellaneous items most of which are under the supervision of the war prices board elections and unity while political disputes are produc ing great excitement and interest in all parts of canada as a prelude to the day when the people of this nation will go to the polls to exercise their most vital and what ought to be their most valued of all privileges which are so menaced in democracies today nam ely the right of the people to express a deciding voice in the government of the land yet an experienced observer who is absolutely and entirely free tram any partiality prejudice or bias can discover an extremely interesting and momentous development on par llament hill as a direct result of the heated political debates in this war time electoral campaign it is a latent desire by the great masses of all the nine provinces to formllate a plan whereby all the people of canada re gardless of their race creed or origin or their political faiths in normal times may be enabled by such a scheme to remove all obscure hidden or unseen influences and tendencies of a itlnd which prevent a unison of national forces in the effective prose cution of the war in other words though theytnay be hesitant to tfhmit mr and it must be uncovered by diplo matic penetration into political cor rals yet to the followers of all parties liberals conservatives ccf social credit etc would like to act together in this war effort in the same spirits which compelled the fathers of con federation to create this nation what very grave revision is urgently needed to bring about a strong central gov eminent in this country so that can ada may be able tp meet this war crisis in order to answer this serious question which is the basic issue in the minds of all canadians it must be reported in this column that a drastic revision of the british north america act canada s constitution is essen tial with a remark that a definite trend in this direction was developed on parliament hill just before the outbreak of the war in september of 1939 it means that canada is suffer ing basicallj and principally from the growing pains of nationhood and the constitutional suit which was made in 1867 according to size age and condi lions of this country at that time does not fit properly oday both in peace and war when the quebec conference was held in 1864 the fathers of confeder ation drafted their original resolution upon which the british north america act was based with three main ob jects unaminously agreed upon by all present in the firs place canada was to be a federal union and not a loose legislative union in the second place the central government of can ada was to be charged with matters of common interest for the whoje country and the various local or pro vincial governmen s were to be con cerned only with local affairs in the third place while the constitution of canada was to follow the model of the british form of government yet the united states system or principal was o be the guide this means that the fathers of confederation deliberately and intentiorrahjrwantettto strengthen the cental government by following the united states federal oohsthutlon- under which the residue of power was vested in the individual states it being provided that the powers not delega ted to the united states by the con stitution nor prohibited by it to the stftusrare reserved by it to the states respectively or to the people they knew that the olvll war grew out of the assertion of the state right in the matter of slaves and they sought to avoid such a situation in this nation providing that it shall be lawful for the queen by and with the advice and consent of the senate and the house of commons to make laws for the peace order and good government of canada in relation to all matters not coming within the classes of subjects assigned exclusively u the legislature of the provinces thus the residue of power was vested in the federal government by the fathers of con federation however in practice the dominion oovernment has been weak ened steadily since confederation came into effect in 1867 with provincial governments being unable to finance expensive legislation now regarded as within their power and considered as hecessajrt causing the dominion oov ernment to become more and more a tax gathering agency for the nine pro vlncial governments which is had in principle since one collects and the other spends the constitution has been modified greatly by at least 140 judgments of the privy council granting the provinces power or leg islatlon over intra provincial market lng trade production of commodities prices houses and wages of labor the weekly day of rest security sales un employment insurance workmen s compensation taxes on sales and con suption industrial disputes the right to create companies doing business outside of the provincial boundaries and others furthermore the exercise of unlimited powers through orders in council by politicians of all parties which ministerial discretion has often ignored the principles of democracy has contributed to a decentralization of the government if the spirits of the fathers of con federation are to mark the efforts of united action in peace or war by the leaders of the people of canada the constitution must be changed in order to remove all sectional grievances and jealousies since they originate hlstoi- ically from outmoded laws there is no lack o fna lonal sentiment indeed canadian patriotism but at best it is a plant of slow growth in a young coun try particularly in times of very poor economic conditions when debt is piled upon debt and taxation upon taxation all of which impedes the natural growth oi progress of tbls nation more and more the feeling is growing on parliament hill that this is the answer to the most important question facing the people of canada today withou which the united effort of the people of canada is without any plans and without any control reproduction prohibited 1940 edu cational features syndicate blueeoal guarantees the quality for winter of creator boating ooifort bom ma eool the order your supply now w h kentner son a phone 12 georgetown jm fljsten to the shadow every wednes day over cfrb 9 00 to 9 30 p m ami auw 1 kco kl ill h0 0 jiv to so qlai to we met i a welcome spirit ol good- natured friendliness is a delightful feature of coach travel youll enjoy this friendly war to traiel foefceti and information at w h lono phase s georgetown gray coach lines barley and bacon in the war chest speed the plough urged the brit ish minister of agrtculturewhs long ago as last may announcing a new policy which would pay the farmer a bonus of nearly 10 00 an acre for breaking up old grassland the purpose being to bring the land into a state of grea ter fertility which would enable it to respond more fully to the increased demands which would be made on it in the event of the outbreak of war when war actually came four months later the government called upon far mers to plough up 1 1 2 million acres more the response to the appeal and the bonus eems to ensure that the two million acres of british farm land which went to grass during the de pression will be fully reclaimed for cultiva ed crops during ten years of distress scottish farmers continued to grow oats at a loss but are now reap ing the reward says b leslie emslie chemistagronomist for oats are now worth three times as much as they were in october the maximum price of home grown products is controlled and set from month to month by the british ministry of food the only complaint of the farmer being that he is not directly represented on the board a would like to see minimum prices seralso withou l benefit of bonus but in an tlclpatlo l of better prices the oana dlan fanner has brough many more acres under the plough a typical ex ample being in nova scotia where dr w s blair secretary of the nb far mers association prof k cox ag rioultural college truro and o hers conducted an aggressive campaign for 507 more land in grain at the an nual convention of the n s farmers as oclatlon held in truro the other week prof cox gave a very instruc tive talk on grain production on old grass and pasture lands depleted it fertility emphasting the need for liberal applications of the proper fer tilizer x barley will be grown more extenslv etj this year because of the prominent p ace accorded it in the feed ration for bacon hogs and barley with hallow root system reouirek a fertile top soil unlike malting barley feed barley is not fastidious demanding only the liberal feeding which pro mo es vigorous healthy growth and fills the kernels speaking of kernels in order that these benot full of smut tt dis that tttkoa h a toll of our grain the seed barley should be treated with ethyl meroury phos phate the dust fungicide for cereals a the rate of onehalf ounce per bus hel barley is n ideal nurse crop and may sometimes be town with grasses and clover when these are seeded down the fertilizing should be more aple to ensure success of the following hay crop numerous tests have proved that far better results are obtained when the fertiliser is drilled uythan when it is broadcast on the surface farther the deeper placement of the fertilise encourages the downward extension of the barley roots which then rfltve a greater feeding area and readier access to molsutre in a dry season ship owners demand paint that must withstand continuous immersion in water and the ravages of sun sleet snow and other destructive forces such a marine quality paint ts now available at no greater cost to the householder in high standard housetpamt use high standard house paint on your home this year and save money 1 comes in a wide range of modern colors w c anthony hardware plumbing tlnsmlthing efcctrir wiring phone 46 georgetown 0 i 1 jl hoi st iu 1 high standard paints and varnishes many authorities have called atten tlon in the press to he valuable qual ities of canadian apple juice saying that it is rich in vitamins and health giving but none one thinks has told ol ils most important function namely ts qapacl y for supplying the potas sium lost by the muscles after fatlg uing and unusual exercise everyone has probably had the ex perlence of soreness and aching of the muscles after the first days horseback riding the early game of golf or the felling of trees in the forest this soreness is due to loss of potassium sustained by the soft muscles the only effective remedy is a supply of potassium to fill the gap each pint of apple juice contains nine grains of potassium anvamount greater than that lost in the unusual exercise the dealers in apple juice should print this information on the containers of this tasty and most val uable beverage ahd thus increase the market for a valuable home product buy british and canadian we are prepared to do all kinds of job printing at very moderate prices she sits with folded hands she sits beside the fire when night swings low a picture quaint while flick ring em bers glow the shadows play about her rocking chair makiny a halo round hex snowwhite hair and when she smiles with gentleness and grace expectancy is mirrored in her face a faith that bridges this and fairer lands while peacefully she sits with folded hands willa hbey town and country folks whether yoti live in town or in the country heres a combination offer to please yonr reading- tastes oar paper and your favorite magazines at really hage sating make yonr selection and send as the coupon now i big three offer this newspapeb 1 tew mnd your choice any two hi group hark an x before the two you desire r maotaut ma 1 tt rj bod a gnu la canada 1 yr h nauooal horn mouut itt d africa bo moa h ctawalo lutlh i tt q rmnu ft canadian home journal 1 tr qhome arte needlecralt l yr i american fruit grower 1 yr all tore only 25 popular demand offer this newspapeb 1 year and your choice one other publication in group at the price listed loouler weekly 1 yr qmncleene magulna 1 yr r canadian rome journal i yr chatelaine magailna 1 vr fj national know monthly 1 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