Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 20, 1940, p. 5

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the georgetown herald wednesday evemng march 20th 1940 pages den duty to jerutmlae all expenditure x wonder if ou drew will do hlsduty and question the expenditure of public funds on political advertisements ool- drewfc duty is to protest the use of public funds in this way but will he these are the things that are con tributing to the confusion of this very dull unsatisfactory election campaign there is a war on the publlo are side of political manoeuvring and lnconsls- teneies they would like a little bit of consistency in the picture and fall- lng to get it refuse to accept all they are told charges that are hurled ag ainst the king administration lose their force when hurled by men so in consistent as hepburn and drew have proven themselves to be with the crossfire that is going on it is difficult for the nonpartisan sit ting on the side lines to- really deter mine whether the government has been dilatory or not hi canada s war effort col j l ralston major o c powers col ian mackenzie and prt vate norman rogers are fdur members of the liberal cabinet who served with great distinction in the last war they made just as grea a contribution in 1sh4 1918 as capt dr manlon or col geo drew col ralston is held in the highest srespect by all canadians he enjoys the confidence of the entire country his word on canada s effort cannot be disregarded he is just as competent to judge as any exsoldier among he maoionltes hence the re fusal of the public to accept all that is said to the lack of vigour in the war effort alt political leaders however admit that canada was woefully un forts have been made to pin respon prepared on september 3rd latt ef forts have been made to pin respon sibility for this on the vaiious political leaders and parties but the fact re mains that canadians have been ab solutely indifferent to the state of mil itary preparedness in times of peace and tlie canadian militia the most neglected section of our national un dertaking in talmess to all politicians it must be said that they have in this connection simply reflec ed the atti tude of the public the lively protests in recent years against expenditures on the militia and wll the rest of the shoutings of the loud voiced pacifists arc iild lecolle tlons in the minds of hose who deplored our lack of interest in some degree of military prepared ntss so the charges and counter chnigcs oi thnt jcoie fall to settle anything cspcciilly when uttered by individuals who neer wore a uniform at any lime in ihtir lives cither in i boys bnuades naval cadets school cadets mill in or home kuardh or aa ivc sc vice unit to old swt its the run ol these xjliticall muitmis tit kcntlemcn emlv serve as an i vition old soldiers find it difficult to ic i l military criticisms from the sift y fust lads no matter how loud ly they shout no ihls siting cainnn his c i vcrv un ntlsfactorv all u has done is ulri o hit i n isioij cr it disniiv and lent mam linpoitimt issue up in the ill i with manv the decision bus bom made tl ey oison tficyanw whit thej haw will kiiir any don t know what they 11 tl vmh manlon in many ridings the let ision oocohu local here in halton it alo be comes a cast of the known against uie uiliinown mwn reason tha hughes cleaver has been a iery able rt preventative ifrf best halton has had in a trren many years familiar with all the problems esjiecinlly that of agriculture and with four and a half vcar of service behind htm he should be able to render even greater service so it l service nnd experl ence against complete inexperience both candidates or ex service men both determined on vigorous prasccu lion of the war both ul ra loyal but m ls a vottmand a btakt margaret speaks dfeunguttbad bo- prate of oonoert and radio la an ar dent humane society member bar earliest problem were the trou bles of stray dogs and eats and of the old family hone who was retired on a pension of oats almost any day the tawheaded margaret would come straggling borne from school with a mangy kitten in her beret and she argued for weeks to get permission for the old horse to wander at will through the neighborhood she did not see why the neighbors should object if he wanted to stroll across their front towns and look in at the parlour win dows when miss speaks first went to kewtjtork togo inwtthe seftojifi study of music and to take definite steps to ward a career she was alarmed by the number of stray cats which seemed td nsed her attention and she was dls tressed by numbers of drivers who did not know bow to treat horses in order to do somethlwfr practical about these matters she joined the humane society nd this lovely singer has taken an interest in its activities ever since contributing to its funds assisting at dedications and lending her name whenever the society feels it will be of value miss speaks has a bird sanctuary at her little weekend farm in west- chester county here on a bare hfll- top which she chose for the view she has planted thirty varieties of trees and built as many houses to harbor nesting birds though because of ttie prase of her work she eap only co there weekends she keeps a supply of suet where the birds can reach it an winter long and she it a sizable bird attraotor on the fire escape of her apartment tai the heart of new york city miss speaks has been known to go a hundred mhee out of her way to take a stray injured dog to a hospital she has missed trains while she stopped to help turtles across a state road and she will not wear a scrap of fur or a bird or even a quill jofe printing neatly executed at this office public meeting a meeting in the interests of national government will be held in the gregory theatre georgetown on thursday march 21st at 8 00 p m speakers mr george c atkins oakville national government candidate mrs e b gardiner burlington mr argue martin kc hamilton everybody welcome ladies especially invited god save the king the colour guarantees the quality w b kenton j eobgetobw phone 12 lusten to the shadow every wednesday over cfrb9 00 to 930 pm through a bombers sights by an old sweat round trip bargain fares march 29 30 trom glokubluwn to stations oshawa and tiast to oornwall inclusive uzbrldge lindsay peterboro oampbellford newmarket coulngwood memford midland north bay parry sound sudbury oapnol and west to beardmore- traln 2 friday march zmh all trains saturday march 50tn to toronto aaw to brantford chatham ooderich ouelph hamilton london niagara mils owen sound st catharines st marys samla stratford ateattnor woodstock fte jans return for complete list of destinations limits train information tickets eta consult nearest agent t68a canadian national to the editor of the herald another week and the most peculiar election in the history of canada will have run its course it has been a dull campaign marked with trivial and fu tile charges and counter charges as to the nature of canada s war effort it has left the electors confused so con fused that it is common knowledge that many do not intend to take the trouble to vote this is a sad situation especiailyat a time when all candtta should be up and doing the confusion and result and in difference is entirely due to the pol iticians mackenzie king started it by his sudden dissolution of parlia ment dr matuon added to it byhls cry of national oovernment and premier hepburn completed it by his clowning and irresponsible interference in federal affairs t a time when his own provincial job was a man sized one requiring all his attention while kings sudden dissolution or parliament was in the minds of nearly all unnecessary the fact remained that he was definitely challenged by hep burn and drew and it may be in the end that his acceptance of that chal lenge was the beet thing with which to clear the air the manlonites claim dissolution of parliament shut off crit icism of government but the campaign to date hoi only emphasized the fact that a session of pit humeri t followed by he election which hod to come this vear in any event would have seen the people of canada subjected to months of criticism of government and man oeuvrlng for political advantage with a slowing down of the war efrort for the entire time as it is now the pol iticlans are having a grand short six weeks in which to air it all after which everybody can concentrate on the job of assisting britain andtranoe to win the war certainly our war effort should move wl h greater ease and re doubled ejfort after march 26th for or that date the temper of the people will have been expressed if as claimed by some mackenzie king was in error in seeking a snap veidlct di manlon was just as much hi error in his campaign strategy by which he conservative party over night became a ho called national government pirty the worthy doc tor eired on two points 1 he failed to re lllze that national nvrnnunt nnd conscription are syn onjmn is n th minds of thousands of pcop minmn s txpressed opposition 0 c scrl i ion would have cirrlod mere wihl as a did i atlon from the leadci of the con creative party than it in from the lcadtr of a national government party and the ople of hls country whither we like it or no are against conscription at the present lime they realize they are more likely to git conscription fiom a union gov ernmen than from a straight par y regime 2 wh le to the majority the fear of inscription is uppermost on the other hand those who study their political charts realize tha dr manlon nat lonnl government ls not what he oi hls associates would have us bellee true national government is union government in which politicians and citizens or all shades of political opln ions and faiths unite tor the common good there has been no such merger in this rountrj the only oi standing politician to break with the liberal part ior instance- being impredlct able mr hepburn and it is common knowledge that mr hepburns chief desire in life is to injure w l mac kenzle king if the public knew just what was behind mr hepburn s an tagonlsm to the canadian prime mln lster they would be inclined to pay some attention to the sniping so con slstently carried on by the voluble wise cracking laird of 8t thomas who ls more concerned with his mischief making than he is with canada s war effort hepburn has dlscredited him self by hls own ac ions and hls break with kln ls a help rather than a hln drance to the liberal cause the thinking public sees all thls and at the same time realize that national gov ernment as pictured by dr manlon ls no unim government but simply an election manoeuvre incidentally many all time conservatives are resentful of these tactics and feel that the grand old party has been sacrificed in the name of political expediency when there was no real need for it dr manlon merely talks about invu lng the best brains to join hls cab inet but those who know something of practical politics realize quite well that the old party war horses who would be in line for cabinet positions in a conservative regime arc not go lng to give up cabinet posts for out siders who have never had to do with uhc welfare of the party at any time then again cabinet ministers must be members of parliament so if manlon ls called upon to form a cabinet and he calls in best brains scats must be found for them seats might be found for one or two hon best brains but for more well a new era has dawned lp canada if seats for any considerable number are opened with any degree of ease or good will thes tilings are realized by the pub lie just as it has finally struck home th5 premier hepburn in the large and expensive newspaper advertisement re centy run in the ontario news papers purporting to come from the board of film censors committed one o the most atnari breaches ever- credited to a provincial prime minister mr hepburn ls entitled to his own views but when he airs them in large type in large advertisements over his own signature with the money of the people of ontario he places himself beyond the pale and all rightthinking canadians know it this raises an interesting point hepburn fired col oeo drew from his post as securities commissioner drew then launched himself into the politi cal field with elimination of- hepburn as his goal he became the leader of the opposition in the ontario legisla ture ttien we find the pair of them joining hands in the attack on king albert for different reasons as leader of his majesty s loyal opposition in the legislature it is col drews boun- qusnapshot guild take character pictures j character atudlea nnkr inierciting character studies make inter etllng plrtures choose a sub ject whose face is marked by char a ur and expeilcncc and you have opportunity for a real plctuie per baps a whole series of pictures lldcrly persons are usually he hcii foi diiiacter studies but there b no reason why a younger persf n can t be used or even a child loi ximple a pit hire of johnny i imtint over hlh spinach or trying lo puzzle out an especially hard j k tilt in in ti ithmelic try to muke your picture truthful to the hatacicr sometimes thi ficc ilc nt is siimutnt foi the piciun in iher ists you may w nil to show ill siil j t in his or her n in j1 set inj 1- r exainj it a tvwet faced i idiiioiht i in h i favorite chair l tin wh i w bns wlih her sew int hiitkcl these accessories hit inskti tnd chaii would liehxxi inn il si t j t tht y would also ntld t nth and natural quality to the pic when the face only is shown a n 1 u klr mn 1 is best w hh in st t i is v ii will h ive to im huh ii than tht ntbj t s head h w when au eiil u jcnicnt is mult truthful picture well worth having ht collection everything except the head can bo masked out the picture above was enlarged in that manner the orlgt nal negative included the subject from the waist up character pictures can bo takeor indoors or out it s fun to take them indoors with photo lights for then you con try different lighting ef fects and chdose the one that brings out the subject b chaiacter to best advam igc its alro fun to create characters for pictures by means of cevrttrrae and make up dl down into the familv trunks or storage boxes and find some old taihloned dressei or outniorlcd biilts have members of the family ditss up in these aodv pose for a series of old family al bum pie hires also ti v 1 1 eating charattei sin h as a pli ite or an old time we las jt indci this isn t dim ult to with a little clot rness you tan in provide vario is costumes easily just fiom materials you find aiouilel tl c house making elmiuupr s utiles will do veh p yoin skjjl as a photopr ipher hid it s a type of picture takiuc ou should know tr it you 11 have plenty of fun 2 0 john van guilder one its o thoiough grasp of the vital problems ol the day with a vigor and deli tminatlon jxx sessed by few the other untried superficial in his know ledge of the matters that cotm and e htielj lucking in the vigor that the hour demands the decision lnen ls who the tried or the untried the known or the unknown advt the jersey cow cluny castle tfflea primate has recently produced uou lbs of milk 557 lbs of fat with an average test of 1 64 per cent at seven vcars of age in 365 davs she ls own ed by f w ruddell or georgetown the jersev cow cluny castle but tercup 3rd owned and tested by 9 w rudoell georgetown has reoenv- iv completed a record of 9 135 mas t milk 542 lbs of fat with an averse test of 5 03 per cent as a junior foot venr old in 365 dajs mary jim cut out waste a nation at war need5 qote fi a najlonal government national government awthorliari by natlenol government headquarters 140 welllneten street otmw

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