Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 20, 1940, p. 6

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eyomhrek 20940 igevyzywt kw canadi radio program boof8 mail r smce t canadian active bw jlce force force went wvci keen a great many complaints about be tong delays involving the delivery 4ec mau from home to these canadians abroad however enquiry in ottawa hows that this is inevitable according to the present arrangementa because ad mall to the troops must be forwar tfed from every post office through wut the land to the base port office n ottawa where under the personal direction of major o w ross all sail must be sorted into bags deeig amted for he various units and sub awquently these letters or parcels are despatched from ottawa to whatever port the authorities decide though it joust be borne in mind that canadian jtroops abroad may be moved from one place to another and it is advisable bat these movements should not be known generally for obvious reasons furthermore all such material must carried by convoyed vessels and if letter or parcel reaches a point of departure right after a convoyed group nas gone it may involve weeks and weeks of delay until the next group of boats will be ready for transport tfem across the ocean what lb the charge there is not the slightest doubt amongst experienced and independent observers in parllamen hill that the man in the street throughout canada is only interested in one main issue in the present war lime electoral cam palgn with this isue requiring the av erage man and woman to judge be t tween the govemmen s defence of ita war record and the evidence sub nutted by their opponents to support a serious condemnation of that record since the average canadian desires utat politics shall not interfere in the national war effort to the full limit of this country s capacity and efflc lency in other words while the pre sent government has been charged with defectiveness and a lack of de termined leadership in attempting to solve since 1935 such urgent national problems as that of wheat policies tariff questions tallway losses unem ployment and relief difficulty un balanced budgets ineffective costly commissions of enquiry bren gun and other war c of a scandalous und etc yet it istkq ww accusation alone which wll influence most the average canadian taxpayer when he or she goes to the poll on march the iwenty sixth jflupasa a final judgement the present administration in crt tawa under these circumstances a clear and dexterous charge should precede such an historic decision by the people of canada since this extremely grave national usue has suffered from cen aortal and political blackouts as well as from the ill effects of being be clouded lr the public mind by wave upon wave of whispers rumours gossip etc the defence of the gov ernmem is now common knowledge because the war effort has been pub licized throughout the whole country by every form of modem propaganda or scientific means of informing the masses either by the authorities of the administration in an official capacity or by the agencies of the political or luxation which is now in power in the capital however in order that the voter may be able to judge fairly nd intelligently the government a war record it is essential that the charge should be explained in its pro per light so that the voter may better understand the exact accusation what is the charge i the opponents of the government accuse the admin jstratlon of being lackadaisical and halfhearted in preparing canada for the present war with the indictment alleging that a series of events prove tbat the government has been guilty of the grave offence of falling to pre conceive properly the present conflict which has resulted in a faulty and fat nous war effort through certain ac uons or inactions imprudence neg lect and want of skill and illustrating once again that haste is waste since sudden and quick preparations had to be made after canada declaration of war on september the tenth of 1839 rearmament programme in 1838 with gradual acceleration all along the line in order o keep abreast of the rest of facts the government did not take any logical action since in 1906 its defence budget was only 3 70 per head of the population and in 1037 it was only in creased by 13 000 000 reaching the fig i ure of s3 70 per head this was only a drop in the bucket of the world s de fence budgets of those years even for a country supposedly far away from the likely theatre of war since the united states levy for the same pur poses was about three times as much per capita exclusive of other charges for considerable sums of borrowed money spent by uncle sam on arma ments furthermore in those two years of desperate preparation when rearmament started on a serious basis the defence budget of sixty nations more than doubled rising from 5 000 000 to over 11 000 000 between these two years soviet russia increased its armament expenditure from 1 000 000 000 to 2963 000 000 germany from 381 000 000 to 2 600 000 000 united states from 71 000 000 to 064 000 000 great britain from 480 000 000 to 646 000 000 with the mother land starting on a defence programme t038 which called for an txpendl lure of at least 7 080 000 000 over a short pe lod including a defence bud get for 1938 of 513 600 000 for the i royal air force 532500 000 lor the army and 770 150 000 for the royal navy in other words it is alleged that the government did not take he nee ejary ai d demrable measure of pre caution in th right time to build up in a careful and scientific manner au the defences in order to protect ll e lives property and interests of the men women and children of canada particularly at a very dangerous per lod in the country s history when the upsurge of challenging policies caused andy clarke tkhthunlastic andy clarke who spreads the neigh- hourly news from the weeklies around among the obcs ontario listeners is one broadcaster who is impatient for the spring breakup andy long time newspaperman and writer of friendly columns ti one of the most ardent fishermen who ever sat at a city dealt and longed to be on the end of a nice sunny dock andy clarke has not just dreamed of his favourite pastime he has cast his line in the straits of northumberland in the carrlbean sea and in the tgrty rivers of old quebec in the northern waters of ontario off nassau and prince ed ward island in fact wherever it is legal to fish thats where andy has been or looks forward to going he has caught the conger eel with a jaw like an alligator squids sea baas con ger eel skates mackerel hundreds of smelts and even the odd star fish by mistake of course hut says andy for of thrills give me the brook bun- bun f- trout or the sea nemim day now he will likely slip in a hit of news for the anglers listen for him sundays at 1000 am bbt farm department continues exchange interviews prairie farmers are interested first last and foremost in grain production as a result they have definite ideas regarding seed improvement just i what some of these ideas are will be i heard on the ontario farm broadcast of thursday march 28th 1230 to 1 00 pm hugh boyd ptalrle farm broad cast commentator interview a prairie grain man fully qualified to give his views on seed improvement as it affects the western farmer today socks for the troops apparei tly omen hae concerned themselves with soldiers comforts ever since men began to ro to war ctvili zatlons or thousands of ean ago knew the knitting needle and wick mok ers in the ery earlies days of or ganized war tare nude use of only one net die according to interesting dls loeries at the royal ontario mum im by cbc woman sl ith monica mu gan monica will talk about some of the interesting t yles m socks for the troops of other period during her broadcast on tuesday march 26 at 41 pm fst dm the t ronto studios wall serenade prrirnu new song the cec seems to be hainz n whok strlcs of iong premieres jess jaf fra who had a hand in over he e for over thire which is catching on so well has just announced another upsurge of cnaiiengmg tuiu new song which he wrote in collabor the armament race to become a gallop anon v h george wh ting and bert this is the baste charge which has relsfleld the mg in walu urn been preferred against the admtnla and titled the song i the tiling tratlon by the opponents of the gov i will be introduced by russ gerow un ernment 4ri ince the defence is t the nei broadcast ot walu sere common knowledge now on account of nade th irsday march 28th it 1 00 the official and unofficial reports pm est which have been issued from time to time during the past five years taxpayer can pass final judgement when he or she goes to the poll on match the twenty sixth reproduction prohibited 1940 ed ucatlona features syndicate viruses cbc review world happening currert event the war eflort 3t home the war conduct abroad the newest song the latest book the t sensational murder ue newest medl cal discovery the pulse of industry and the chart of the economists these will be tlw highlighted topics of the world in review first of the quarterly broadcasts on happenings of 1940 wh ch the cbc will present over the nat rial network from its toronto studios friday march 29 8 00 to 9 00 nm est stanley max d wl o pro diced this wu 1919 cbcs new year ravalcade of t he dramatized net of le fitef i 12 m ml prewd ng will br i rh r of he i ew series jimwiii 11 lajallj m any court of justice it must at shown there existed a tnens roa m tatenton what is the mens raa p this ease agamst the present ad- mblttrauon it is the charge tbat 4tot government had complete infor- tnqrti or knowledge of what was com- taff a lone ume before war was de- iff b a ipontha ago b no idaaatirea of a proper ttnd were adop- tatt nxtn tbb emergency had actually atttred on the seen r to abated tbat to government baw ami what an viruses they are minute living agents which cause disease the very first disease that man learned to control was a virus disease this was smallpox which took an enormous nil of life and beauty until at the begin i ning of the 19th century dr edward jenner learned from the chance re mark of a dairymaid that n dose ol the mild cowpox would provide the patient with a lasting or at leam a prolonged immunity from variola among the virus diseases as dlstln gulshed from diseases caused by bac terla are yellow fever infantile parol ysls parrot fever chicken pox sleep ng sickness rabies hog cholera the toot and mouth disease and certain types of tumour growths in fowl and other animals resembling cancer if one were to investigate the social ex pense of diseases according to the money spent and time lost the vlrm caused common cold would probably top the hat a fhtxable virus is a vtrua so small that it wut pass through a berk feld or chamberland filter it cannot be seen by the most powerful micro scope and the only place where it will grow is in the presence of living cells it causes disease not only in man but also in plan s for example there are 46 different viruses affecting tobacco it also causes disease in tomatoet tu lips spinach phlox and petuntaa a cheering hfc mil lnc fo jhj virus th atlantic vk fat mr seagull i of rk i u msnann of tulips known as a break actually improves the value or a crop it is stated shat the colour adding virus la ao powerful that jt can turn a white tulip red or a pink tulip ver imuuon there is a group of virus- like diseases known as bacteriophages literally bacteria eaters which af feet bacteria causing them o break up and dissolve orven the proper envtronment the virus even a very small part ot one is able to reproduce kt kind- it u sug gested tbat a rims reprod not aa bacteria do by cell division bat that ft molecule acta somethmf uke a eryetal m a saturated solution attrac- jtlng to itself the proper cons from the cell protoplasm some scien tist believe that viruses are the very i mltlc of met any rate they are i of mfn importance in ufa of the at niic i i i i tic roasts re c- ed some sort f i t oi a recent canadian snapshots brod ast on he cbc pick tips from both coast were made and in each the shrill cackle of seagulls was i eard un biased listeners said that the atlantic seagulls displayed the greate von ferous enthusiasm in defer cr of the pacific gulls the cbc crew respon sible for the broadcast from that end have confessed that hey fed the gulls before the broadcast leaving them too full to cackle a return bout however is expected kefp posted the occ ipation of farming is class itlcd by n urance companies as haz ardous yet crops ind live stock and therefore the profits from produc tlon are exposed to hazard or risk to an even greater extent than is the far ers prronul safety states he agrl itural supplies board for canada in a circular addressed to canadian far mers the incertainty of the elements and the many natural enemies of pro duction such as insect pests parasites and plant and animal diseases are ev er present hazards most of these unfavourable oondl uons may be eliminated or at least rarthf rt hr th farmer gn iw wnr tin m i k well equipped with knowledge as to how bent to meet them this is par tlcularly true where change ace coo teknplated in crop and animal pro duction but even everyday farm prac tice may be greatly improved through the application of the latest and most i complete information available out of date and incomplete information is i hist as danearoua aa halftruths agricultural scientists experimental ists and research men have for reus been w to supply the farmers with the latest and most useful infdr- matlon poahbli on an phases of afri- cultural ttto oeb information is insurance against many prodnouon rtsfca anatmay eeeundtree ataw time on nqaaaf to the dominion and provincial departments of agricultur agricultural oolleges or th nearest expe farm or station top flight times new musical hit program is heard over a cbc network of 36 stations every tuesday evening from 9 until 980 sponsored by wings cigarettes to the left of the band are arthur phillips vocalist and lome green announcer below carroll lucas left arranges the music and directs the 18piece orchestra three little wings fcxtreme right comprise myrtle campbell- linda dale an i dorm orde broadcast originates in toronto mary v jim- no political patronage a nation at war need5 qos trwfc a nat0 government national government authorlxsd by matronal government headquortefi 140 wellington street ottawa there is more heat in old companys anthracite eecause naturi put it thkft only old company s anthracite cornea from dm famous panther valley deposit where natal exerted more pressure in the making of coal thereby making it harder and more compact as a result it has more heat units than other anthrs- ate and burns more steadily and economically ask for it by nami j b mackenzie son ne33 geori old companys anthracite phone 33 georgetown cow th sold fuel foff so io comfoflt advertise in the herald it pays i

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