Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 20, 1940, p. 9

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y gjwjwgjwnnf the georgetown herald wednesday evening march 20th 1940 page 9 fassssmmfiiawbmkeesses the worrietls p mmngngkkniiiiiimknnknskkikkkninb age r wkhkbhihnihwnl international uoilorm sunday school lesson the sepulchre triumph over death sunday march s4u im0 iksldep text now is christ risen stun the dead and become the first fruits of them that slept 1 oorhi- thlns 1520 ixesson passage matthew 2757 to 286 i xift of light enlighten me now anew the day la dawning mi of grace the shadows flee brighten thou my sabb m benjamin schrablck hfe golden deed 57 joseph of arhnattiea is remembered for one gracious act this rich man 3i6d a tomb hewn out of rock in pre paration jw his own death he was a secret admirer of jesus and after the icrucifizkm he placed the body of je ans in his private tomb and rolled a great stone against the door of the sepulchre we may feel rather en vious of joseph who bad the honour to render this great service to christ we may wonder what we could do if we had the opportunity to perform some distinguished act of service yet ft far greater opportunity awaits us we may take up our cross dairy and hollow christ he asks us to hold to jus example and love as he loved he asks us to teach and protect little chil dren as in his name he tells us that we jaay serve the needy as though we helping him he commands us to so into all the world to spread his gospel joseph of arimathea cared for the body of the crucified jesus but we may live daily in the conscious service of the living christ the two marys 61 the two marys sitting over against the sepulchre were not thinking of themselves at all they never dreamed that- they were elected for enduring fame m the christian church thelr nearts were sad because of the cruel crucifixion of jesus and they were keeping watch by his tomb could the two marys return to earth what would they learn they would find loyal devotion enshrined in uan art they would hear ech- oee of their deeds in christian hymns 5 they would find easter celebrated as the greatest day of the christian year they would learn that hhe sabbath had been changed from seventh to the first day of the k to commemorate the resurrection jesus they would eagerly read account of the death and resur- of jesus in all four gospels they would cherish the mention themselves they would find about third of the people now alive giv- allegiance in greater or less degree the christ whose body lay in the hewn out of rock the pharisees and pilate 6866 could anything illustrate more olear- the necessity for scrutinizing our positions and thought life than the itudes of the pharisees and pilate pharisees were religious men ear nest men in a sense good men yet they had plotted the death of jesus taunted him while on the cross re joiced in his death and exultantly sealed the stone of his tomb pilate was clearheaded enough to tecognftar that jesus was innocent but he feared the crowd he wanted to stand in with the majority- especially with influential jewish leaders and he gave permission to the pharisees to place a watch over the tomb neither the roman governor nor the jewish leader could appreciate the new spirit that jesus was bringing to the world tim pharisees thought ecclesiastically and pilate thought politically and both missed the significance of what v jesus sought to do such is the tragedy of departmentalized thinking of rigid points of view or having minds sealed against change and new truths the angel of the lord lf ourword angel comes from the greek word for a messenger the angel of the lord may refer to the belief that every soul has a guardian angel the hebrew language was weak in abstract words and had to use con crete tilings to express abstract ideas por instance the old testament speaks of the hand of god or the linger of god suppose someone says that the phrase the angel of the lord is a poetical metaphor how would you answer one- answer is that the essential thing is to see the meaning back of the metaphor and to remem ber that poetry can be truer than prose perhaps a more satisfying an swer is to affirm the reality of divine forces today men are led tonew dis coveries with the consciousness that the ideas have been given to timmby a power greater than themselves sud denly and without premeditation a strong conviction of sin will come up on individuals or an insistent urge to action may come with compelling power the angel of the lord is still rolling back stones the risen christ 5 6 is the easter message credible in this modern age when we seek natural ex planations for all that we cannot un derstand many hold that it is easier to believe in christs resurrection than to disbelieve it if christ did not rise how can we explain the writing of the new testament through which the triumph of the resurrection rings how do we explain the change of sab bath to the first day of the week how do we explain the rise of the christian church people did not risk martyrdom for a dead galilean carpenter but for a risen victorious lord further is i thinkable thet the apostles who had been transfor med morally and spiritually owed this change to a delusion or that they clubbed together to impose a decep tion the greatest proof of the re surrection however is not through ar gument but through experience christs spirit is actively at work in the world today men tell gleefully that they have experienced a resur- re ion from moral inertia and spiri tual death and jiave found new life through the risen christ he is still appearing to his people qneauons for dbcssmoo lwhafcjad joseph to give his tomb- 2 what were the two marys saying one to another 3 had pilate any inkling of the divine drama in which he was an actor are you expecting angel visitants have i overcome the fear of death lesson outlines copyrighted by the intemationalcouncil of religious ed- ucationv tjsed by permission w c anthony saym t 1 finish made cor the decks of freighter is urely the best available 10 protective coating lowe brothers offer you mt tm grtmttr cmst sucha marine finish in their porch aod deck paint for use on your verandah floors it will withstand alf idmfr of rough tr porch and deck pai for sale by w g anthony hardware pl tinsbflthing and avenue wiring phone 46 georgetown i tested recipes easter foods perhaps the above title may be somewhat misleading because this short article does not refer to candy eggs but rather to hens eggs there is a similarity in name and shape but they are very different in taste and appearance both can- be used and enjoyed but if making a choice be tween the two types of eggs the con sumer service section department of agriculture suggests that the high lood- value o fthe hen product with its prbreln fat minerals especially iron and vitamins be taken into considera tion birmingham eggs 6 slives bread 6 eggs butter salt and pepper cut bread in onehalf inch slices prom centre of each cut out circle with 2 inch cutter place slices or bread in hot well buttered frying pans drop an egg in each circle and cook until underd side is browned place a piece of butter on top of each turn slices over and cook on other side garnish with parsley poached eggs with mushroom sauce lb mushrooms 4 tablespoons butter 4 tablespoons flour 2 cups milk 1 teaspoon salt a teaspoon pepper 6 to 8 eggs wash and slice mushrooms cook in butter five minutes stir in flour add milk and seasonings stirring constant ly until sauce thickens cook 3 min utes pour over slices oftoast and top each with a poached egg for easter lunch or high tea eggs in temato aspic iv tablespoons gelatin cup cold water 2 cups tomato juice 1 teaspoon onion juice 1 teaspoon sugar a teaspoon salt 6 devilled eggs soak gelatin in cold water combine tomato juice onion juice sugar and salt heat to boiling point dissolve gelatin in juice halffill individual moulds wth jelly mixture when par tially set place half a devilled egg yoke down in jelly when jelly sets add remaining tomato gelatin mixture allow to set unmould on crisp let tuce garnish wit water cress or as paragus tips to devil eggs remove shells from hardcooked eggs cut eggs in half remove yolks mash yolks season and mix with a little salad dressing pack yolk mixture into whites egg and mushroom patty cup butter fet lb mushrooms sliced 4 tablespoons flour t 2 cups milk or tomato juice 6 hardcooked eggs 1 cup peas salt and pepper melt butter add mushrooms and cook 5 minutes blend in flour add milk or tomato juice stirring until sauce thickens add eggs cut in large pieces and peas serve in patty shells on ho biscuits or on toast serves six easter bonny cake make a large sponge cake using 4 to 6 eggs in a regular sponge cake tube pan when cold cover top and sides of cake with boiled or seven- minute frosting make about 8 bun- nles of fresh marshmallows pinched to represent head of bunny mark nose- and mouth with a little coloured icing and use blanched almonds for ears and place bunnies on top of cake if a little green vegetable colouring is added to lhe icing it gives the erfect of the bunnoes lying in grass lytweedsmiiir says goodbye lo canada lady tweedsmuir said thank you and goodbye to canada in a fare well broadcast sunday night i shall always be proud to count myself a part of canada wh i am her excellency told a dominion- wide audience i feel i cannot leave canada without saying thank you to the people of tbl dominion who hav shown so much kindness and given me so much help she said she would take leave o fcanada with a warmth at my heart and gratitude for the love you have shown to my husband and myself lady tweedsmuir spoke both-irrbng- llsh and in french she told her frenchcanadian friends that ttielr welcome and their consideration for me touched me to the depths of my heart especial thanks were expressed by the wife of the late beloved governor- general for the help she had received across the dominion for her prairie libraries i could never have put through this scheme without your held she said you would i sure like to know that since the scheme- was started in september 1936 jlmost 40000 books have been sent out thousands of books have been sent to school children canadian children are hungry for books and show excel lent taste in reading often preferring the great classics of my childhood to newer books lady tweedsmuir expressed the wish that the canadian and british wo mens institutes would always be link ed in the warmest friendship and closest association she made reference to her two sons lieut alastalr buchan and lieut john buchan who succeeded to his fathers title who are with the canadian for- lady tweedsmuir said goodbye to canada in a radio address last sunday evening lady tweeds muir said goodby to canada and thanked canadians from coast to coast for their kindness and help r they might pick derby winners too influenced no doubt by the 24hour aday weather reporting service and by the careful way tx3a pilots and despatchers work out their flight plans a lady telephoned the ottawa airport the other dayfor a little information it was a tuesday she asked the tc a man if her husband would be board ing the plane at regtna the following friday if the trip was on time and if it would be snowing in ottawa on friday night nnvinvf dkai inim ddi wbt george c brown norval phone 382 r 21 special carrolls sliced side bacon w special chile and sanborns c of f e e special plain chatham c h ete s e special calara dry ginger ale 2 specs allens apple juice 2 special i arhfae golden wax beans z pears a r a jc prunes a 19c cartels hot ctm buns ase t tin somdi am fa biscuits n isc v pj9 whip i 4sc spaghetti or macaroni 40 soln clodm wlutar rinso p 9c sse soap a t 9e ciaif facial soap ci 5c hmwm flaor wax i-tb-ti- 43c on u 14c asc mclaraas pnwdwil s jellies a pk 9c dl special silver crest red r kv isalmon 27 llb tin for pica eagle brand blueberries t raisins monarch pastry- flour the digestible shorteninf crisco 53c swtet natd oranges 23c ix preset spinach 2 fc 17c celery hearts 9c ade vegetable and frtrit prices until saturday night onr cabbage 5c ib 7c 3 29c 9c bananas 3 n 2sc carroll s main street georgetoini free imivery paooe as irvtfrpw

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