Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 27, 1940, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventy third year of publication wednesday evening march 27th 1940 1 50 per annum in advance 2 00 to us a liberal government returned to power hughes cleaver wins in ballon by large majority services oi superintendent retained at peelhalton house of refuge w e yarranton acquitted in court in inmates death is affirmed in post by peelhalton county councils at joint meeting monday to redraft rules and regu lations of home wllllan e yarranton was reaffirm ed in his position as superintendent of the peel halton house of refuge on monday a a joint meeting of the peel and halton county councils in the brampton court house and dr allan noble brampton was named physician of the home successor to dr r g edwards whose resignation was received at the meeting the ieetlng held under the chair manship of warden albert d mc bride of peel by mutual consent of the two councils was called to discuss che management of the home which was brought into the limelight by the death on september 16 1939 of james l cation 63 vearold inmate following a fist nght with the super intenden w e yarranton subse quemly yarranton was twice tried for manslaughter as a result of the in cident the fir t trial at the fall as sizes in brampton last year falling to reach a decision when the jury dis airreed a the spring afesltps of this year yarranton was acquitted the lotlce of the meeting annouced that it was being held to discuss the appointment of a matron and super intendent at ihe home and the ap polntment of a house physician the two councils debated from 11 in the morning until six m the even in before all the details had been settled and several of the decisions were decilons by inference rather than by actual legislation suspended sept 15 yarranton was suspended by a mo lion of the house of refuge commit tee on september 15 the day on which his nght with cation occurred i was ruled toy a o davis kc soli crtor for the county of peel that as the terms of the resolution imposing the suspension stated that yarranton was suspended during the tnvestlga tion of the flghti between himself and cation yarranton was again the sup erintendent of the home when he was acquitted by the spring assises jury and the crown s investigation and prosecution of the case came to an nd c h falconer streeteville and john anderson albion moved that applications for the positions of mat ion and superintendent of the house of refuge be dsfled but when several members of both the peel and halton councils objected on the grounds that yarranton had not been dismissed 1 not signified his intention of resigning the mover and seconder of the motion declined to advance an other resolution for yarranton s dis after further debate the motion was put and lost 17 13 the defeat of the motion however was not fol lowed by any further measure con firming yarranton s tenure of office resented appointment in the matter of appointing a house physician it was stated that dr r o edwards had tendered his resignation to the halton county council wil jiam deans clerk of the halton body said that he had not received any letter to that effect and the only in formation before the councils was that obtained by david wilson cleric of peel in a telephone conversation with dr edwards j j jamieson ary treasurer of the home said that dr edwards had expressed re aentment of the by law appointing err allan noble passed by the peel council in november of last year peel councilloib withdrew to allow the halton group to consider this by tow which had been abled by the halton council at previous meetings to milton on the grounds that the oouncu did not wish to take any ac- itrkm which might be considered pre judicial during the course of yarran tons appearance before the courts halton council rejected the by law victorious huc liberal who was elected in hal ton co in y yesterdav over his op ponent geo c atkins national government candidate by a wide majority a letter from haltons member the aggressive and busln ss like waj in which canada s war effort ha been handled toy the king govern ment and the different special war boards appointed by it received a very striking endorsatlon at the polls the great majority of voters held fast to the real issue of the election main ly a war effort and deilned to be lured from it by cries against the dissolution of parliament and promises about thp radio tax and the like i thank all of my friends and work ers for the wonderful vote of con fldence given me and hope that now the election is over all party strife will be forgotten canada and the empire are facing trying times ahead the war sacrifices in human lives ard wealth will be great h it i believe the election re milts indica e that canada ands at the side of the motherland to win this war at any cost signed hughes cleaver given mandate to continu war efforts united church choir the georgetown united church choir ossted by visiting artists from toronto pre ented maunders sacred cantata olivet no calvary gl3 friday evening the choir under the direction of percle c cox sang their parts splen didly led by mrs h c wrigglesworth spprano miss betty speigh assisted mr cox at the piano guest artists were mr herbert clarke toronto mr wt 11am parry and mr walter tyson baritones the sympathy of friends in george- reeve townis ext mr when they defted thej3eprgej buchanan in the death of thejr hro- tl declaring that its acceptance would make tin halton council responsible lor the appointment of dr noble in joint meeting dr noble was appoint- 4 try ot of 15w t claims peel responsible a report of the special committee of investigation appointed by the peel council mt its january session was presented to the joint meeting but v a bates brampton reeve insisted feat the cost of the investigation ap- noxfcnately s150 should be borne by fel county its our baby he the report criticised the house of refuge in scathing terms far the in stallation early this year of a fire alarm system attrcost of ujs35 the continued on page 8 brother in law of mrs robert buchanan dees in brampton right hon w l mackenzie king prime minister whose liberal party was swept back into power in the dominion elections on tuesday people have spoken no complaint manion in a brief radio address over a na tional network last night hon robert j manion leader of the national government party said the people have spoken and there fore i have very little j say after all we live in a democracy thank god and while there are flaws in the method of obtaining the vote at the same time once that vote has been taken being lawabiding ci izens we accept it the electors of canada have decld ed to continue as they are that is their right as i have spoken for over six weeks and mr king for about six days and as apparently we have convinced the electors in inverse proportion to the ime in which we spoke it would cer talnly appear to be a very broad hint to me to say tout little tonight and i shall the re ponsiblity continues to be mr kings not only to carry on our war effor but o prepare for the af ter war that ls the decision or the people and i have no complaint it ls m earnest hope that mr king and his government will so carry on heir duties that our country and our empire will no only attain success in the war but in the after war as well i should like to thank verj sincerely all thos friends and supporters throughout canada who worked so hard in behalf of my ideas i deeply appreciate their efforts and may this canada that we all love go on from success to success un 11 finally it attains that great destiny which surely awaits it ther tn law d frederick young brampton on monday mr young was for many years a gfocer in brampton and was well known and highly respected in the dis trict he was born at macvllle a son of the late frederick young 74 years ago but had spent the greater part of his life in brampton mr young was a member of 5t pauls united church and of the ma sonic order and stbs m liberal in politics he is survived by his widow who was miss mary mccartney a daughter ethel of brampton and four sons charles of the 48th landers now to amerahot bert and frank of toronto and one sister mrs arthur thompson m philadelphia norval monarch winners of rumley cup in rural league georgetown pirates last years winners lobfc in two straight games ray pomeroys norval monarchs captured the acton rural leagues hockey title- and the rumley cup pirates in fcwo straight games in the league finals the monarchs headed the rural league all season winning 8 games and only losing 2 while the georgetown pirates last years winners of the rumley cup made a good bid for the honors again this year they were somewhat handi capped by losing a couple of their best players to the georgetown jhtenne- diate oha team after the second game honorary president v b rumley of acton was on band to present the rumley cup emblematic of che league champion ship to the monarchs ray pomeroy vhois manager of the team and the warn members are to be congratulated on their efforts the pirates ousted norval in the finals last year premier king addressed voters over radio hookup at 1030 last night when return of his government was assured prime minister mackenzie king addressed the electors over the radio as follows prom the beginning or the campaign to this hour i have never doubted hat on the day of polling the people of canada would make clear that the interests of oun country would be best erved by continuing in office the present administration for the evi dence of your continued confidence support and encouragement i give you- cn behalf of mj colleagues and my self our humble and heartfelt thanks i am sure that tonight there ls in ihe hearts and the minds of the citi zcos of canada as there ls in my heart and mind a ense of immense relief that today a new parliament fresh from he people has been brought in to being to cope with the tremendous problems which face our country at this time of war 1 doubt if any of you will ever rea tze- what it means to me tonight with ihe responsibih ies which since the outbreak of war have been mine u know that the voles of all our sol til rs ailors and airmen whether across th seas oi the seas or in can ada have been safclv recorded and hi veir grnernl clction complete lv over bprore war ha broken in all iu fury upon europe r this great service yo i will never know how relieved i d may i add how proud i feel that he canadian people have shown to other parts of the british empire and to other countries that it has been possible for canada to carry through a general election at a time of war without impairing the united war effort of a united country for all of tl l i am deeply grateful to you i belifiv that all who have given the preent admtnis ration their support today have rendered the highest pes slble service to our country at this time not to our country alone but also and france and to those small nations whose freedom has been destroyed threatened or imperiled by the most relentless cruel and brutal of foes this great service does not belong to the present alone or to these countries alone it is a contribution to the future of the world itself i hope that the men and women who have given the ooverntnent their sup port today will find their reward in th part which they have thus play ed in the making of history and the safeguarding of liberty you have seen with dear eyes that the treat issue before us has hi reality been the only issue whlea matters it has been the war effort of a free people fighting to maintain freedom i have personally tried to wok beyond the present into the dark and threat- halton county returns incomplete as we go to press the liberal party came back into power with a sweeping victory over dr manion s national government with returns of the civilian vote still incomplete indications are tha the liberals- will have an even greater majority in the new government than they did in the last in whichthey held 169 seats asagalnsj 38 conservative seats dr manion was himself defeased in ils own riding of fort william and up to 10 o clock last night not a single opposition candidate with previous cabinet experience had been eleced this created a problem as to choice of a house leader for the party as it ls expected parliament will convene before a toyeleo ion can be lela granting that a successful national government candidate will give up his seat to dr manion toronto stronghold of conservatism did not desert the party a though the liberal landslide was reflected in reduced majorities in many cases quebec holding to the decision registered in her last provincial election went solidly liberal this was stu prising in view of the fact that mrs manion is a frenchcanadian native of riviere due loup and it was anticipated that this might influence the quebec vote to some ex tent the liberals swept nova scotia and prince edward island while breaking even with the national qovemment in new brunswick in ontario the liberals more than doubled the number elected by lhe other parties taking 55 of the 82 seats manitoba led the western provinces with an overwhelming liberal majority and incomplete results from the other provinces showed the liberal party leading in every case all in all the results of canada s war election was a demonstration of th faith shown by the canadian people in the leadership of the liberal partj and an indication of unity in the further pursuit of the war ii4lton county election results as v go o press complete halton count electipn results are un available it was learned that hughes cleaver libera candidate was- elected with a majority of 1600 to 1700 votes unofficial unconfirmed results in georgetown and district according to poll ing stations were liberals nat gov i town hall 108 175 college view 121 91 greenhouse 165 171 library 171 176 glen will lams 167 190 s ewartlown 12 90 norval 105 118 limehouse 44 42 millers corners 85 49 nassagaweja township reports indicated the following liberals nat govt ward la 135 63 ward lb 88 65 ward 2a 91 59 ward 2b 93 6t ward 3 unreported see your herald next week for complete election results in this district enlng years that he before us i have asked you to do the same the result of this election is proof that you your selves have felt that a vigorous and united war effort of a united canada is necessary above all things not only effectively to aid britain and france in their struggle to preserve freedom in europe but essential as well to preserve true freedom in our own land by your votes you have expressed once and i trust for all time your disapproval of methods of political campaigning which if permitted to gall a foothold in our dominion or in any or its provinces would soon des troy the free institutions of govern ment and the accepted standards of our public life i would particularly like to exund my congratulations to the city of kingston with its historic mill iry associations it has honored itself and canada by ensuring to this country the services of a great mini ster of national defense whose character ability and integrity have ilsen triumphant over a concentrated eecuence of unwarranted attacks during the present campaign as you are all well aware i have done my best to avoid personalties and to re fraln frpm any form of attack which might leave behind it bitter memories or wounds which it might be hard to heal i have done this not only be cause such conduct is i believe foreign to my nature but because i have felt that the labors and the sacrifices which will be necessary before victory is assured will need the cooperative good will of us all i can find no words which better express my feelings tonight than hose uttered by abraham lincoln when his party was returned victorious at a time of civil war while i am deep ly sensible to the high compliment of a reelectio sa duly gr as winter trust to almighty god for haying directed my countrymen to a right conclusion as i think for their own god it adds nothing to my sausfac tion that any other man may be dis appointed or pained by the results i am thankful to god for this ap proval of the people but while deep ly grateful for this mark of their confldenoe in me if i know my heart my gratitude is free from any taint of personal triumph i do not impugn the motives of any one opposed to me it is no pleasure to me wtrtumph over any one but x give thanks to the almighty for this evidence of the peo ple s resolution to stand by free gov ernment and the rights of tiumanity now that the elections are- over i ask my fellowcitizens in all parts of this broad land forgetting the differ ences of the past to join their strength together in the fight for victory peaos- and freedom ladles and gentlemen i have no doubt that the faith and fire within every one of us are pledged to th great cause which has called our sol diers our sailors and our airmen to the service of their country hie government to which you have com- mitted the greatest of all trusts wfll do its utmost to be worthy of them oi you ard of canada georgetown boston brums bring trophy home in a bast 2outof three series with the copper cliff new york rangers the georgetown boston bruins tri umphed bringing the calder cup home to georgetown georgetown won the first matcfr 3 1 with the second game ending ta a tie georgetown was victorious again in the third game thereby tak ing the trophy from copper cliff who won it last year a fenture of the series was the wear ing of sweaters toy the teams bearing the names of njll stars players who made the trip includ ed emmerson oofell sargent har low schenk kemshead soloskl car ter walker hill wilson and yates we congratulate our midget team on their outstanding success and it goes without saying that from tins team will come much of the material for the intermediate teams of the fu ture the local lions civb deserves a word of praise also for ihns these games possible and furthering the development of canada s national young play bramfton and peel poultt associati ha annual mavrpro the annual meeting of the l ton and peel poultry association held in the agricultural buildlnc brampton the following are the offi cers for 1m0 president john chapman weston vicepresident w j georgetown directors fred conn c georgetown c judge o irwin jbtm tytler weston t fletcher a wfcj- gmst brampton secretary t w swales bramptoau secretary and superintendent i a j stewartr brampton

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