Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 27, 1940, p. 5

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening march 27th 1940 page 5 election sidelights the little settlement of dot in british columbia is just whet its name implied with a total list of four registered voters it ranked as the smallest polling division in can ada it happened at the liberal rally in he gregory theatre before the meeting began a radio was hooked up to the amplifying system after some dance music the announcer broke in for the next fifteen mln- utea you wllrhear mr candi date for national government in riding death of a candidate in three rivera forced postponement of the election there until a later date cutting the total list of candidates from 672 to 669 the editor of the georgetown herald after urging all cltujens to vote didnt cast his ballot being on the toronto voters list the loudspeaker at national gov e headquarters beside the mc- glbbon hotel playing a topical tune tuesday morning called its winter again victorious halton liberals held a pawwow in the milton theatre with successful candidate hughes cleaver thomas blakelock mpp and wilsey itobinson of oakvliie saying a fort- words to the audience while syl apps national govern ment caididale in brant was going down to defeat in brant he played a brilliant game of hockey for the to ronto maple leafs scoiing the first toronto goal he shared in the jubilation of a 2 1 victory over detroit red wings canadas war effort dramatized what call i do to help men and women in every walk of life are ask ing this question with increasing fre quency as the impact of the war in which canada is engaged bores deep er into the national consciousness each week the obc war effort feature carry on i provides leadership in the search for helpful occupations parttime and sparetime jobs that can be undertaken by those who have a sincere desire to assist over here in one programme alone six ideas were put forward and reports have been received by the obc that all are being- acted upon in different parts of the dominion carry on is pro duced from the obc toronto studios sundays a 9 00 9 30 pjn actual case histories are dramati zed in the obc carry on program to help promote useful voluntary work and to illustrate the wide range of ideas for effort that run all the way from collecting soft leather that will eventually end up in a wtndbreaker on the back of a volunteer mine sweeping sailor in the north sea to the plan of the young married couple who keep house for the wives of soldiers overseas so that the chll dren will be properly looked after while mother slips away to an earlj movie iode provides for evacuees dear ladles of canada as the members of the imnei ial order daughters of fmp re are known to thousand- cl ml in eng land are doing a magnificent war ef fort job a fact brought to the at tentton ol cbc listeners on a recent carry on piogiamme m response to an early apical the i ode sent warm tomfjrts to the value of 100 ooq inch dln clothing and bedding to meet the desperate needs of the fos terparents caring for not only eng- liah children evacuated from the cities but hundreds of children from europe who most probably will never hear of their own parents again how does tour garden grow a riot of colour does not always spell success in a flower garden there are experts to guide the enthusiastic gardener to beautiful designs llvablllty and harmony of colour in that space outside the houre which should be known to every family as the out door living room one well known canadian who has devoted her talents and energies to garden planning is frances stelnhoff toronto landscape architect and writer on gardert topics who wjll give a series of talks on garden planning during the next few weeks oer the obc national net work these will be scheduled on wednesdays at 4 15 pjn est com mencing march 27 seed improvement studied by cbc in an interview dealing wi h root and coarse grain crops kenneth cox provincial agronomist for nova scotia will be heard on tie ontario farm broadcast thur dav apiil 4 12 30 to 1 00 p m est mi cox will be in terviewed by ralph marven marl- times paim broadcast commentator- thafc-from- the- carcass proper ftntsh halton farmers study hog business at toronto packing plant halton farmers to a number of 230 recently visited the plant of canada packers in toronto where they avail ed themselves of the opportunity of seeing for themselves just what hap pens o the bacon hog after it is de livered to the packing plant under the leadership of the halton livestock improvement association a group ran ging in size from 50 to 60 was taken down to the toronto packing plant from each of the four townships of the county on arrival at the plant of canada packers the respective groups were welcomed by mr hugh murray man ager of the provisions department who outlined the plans for the day for the first hour and a half small groups each with a guide were token for a toui of the plant where they saw hew various pork products are processed it has frequently been sta ed that the hog on which the farmer suffers a discount is sold over the counter at the same price as the a grade carcase this idea was rude ly shattered by the tour in the first place the respective groups saw that hogs are divided into two main classes scalders and singers only the lat ter are considered for the export mar ket thev also saw when the wilt- shire sides came out of the brine tanks that he c were reclassified into 18 dlhexent grades according to quality and weight each with a different val ue it was also interesting to note in the cuttirg room the amount of fat which had to be trimmed from the over finished carcass in comparison to weekend specials sax hose ladies fullfashioned silk hose 69c 79c 85c 100 ladies fullfashioned lastex top silk hose 1 23 for 115 ladies fullfashioned mercerised lisle hose 59c pr ladies fullfashioned crepe hose 1 25 for 100 ladies silk hose 49c ladies mercerised cotton hose 25c knitting wool scotch fingering utility yarn iris 3 ply andalusian wool braeside fingering 180 perjb 2 balls for 25c 20c 2 for 25c agents for langleys cleaners and dyers pure food store creamed mushrooms buckingham brand tin 19c lushus jellies 2 pkts 15c crpwvbhand corn syrup 37 pure lard t lb tartun for 19c muffets whole wheat biscuits pkg 9c condensed milk eagle brand 2 tins 35c neilsons cocoa jersey brand oz tin 19c good humor puffs ready to serve 2 pkgs 19c special meat values cottage rolls jxecelb 20c breakfast bacon back bacon smoked streaky by the piece peamealed lean by the piece lb 24c lb 32c choice fres fruit and vegetables at m prices a e farnell phone 75 free delivery ed following the tour of the plant the group devoted a well spen hour out in the nog pca where under the di rection of w l mcmullen chief hog grader of the federal department of agriculture thht live hots of various tvpes and finish were discussed and each member of the party recorded h s imprtvsions on a card supplied tot the purpose these cards were re t untd foi icftrtnce when viewing the cawau on the rail later in the day bu more of thm later immediately follow inj the compli mtnt i tinner ach group spent an hc i saw in aodilion to vailous dressing uie rperntion the inspection of thp this will be the last in a series regional exchange interviews dealing tvjth seed improvement cbc presents music by maritimer william keith rogers prince edward island composer and winner in 1939 of a national award will be the sub ject of a musical salutt during the broadcast of canadian snapshots wednedsy april 3 at 8 00 pm est mr rogers who is at present study ing at the juilliard school of music new york will be represented on the 1 n lain mi by wo of his own musical iwoiks to tx played by the orchestra t muu tinner ach group sj under the direction of samuel hersen nour cn he ki lin n w i hoi en these are andantlno to i ou lustra and the song at tin atiinrium tastes n health of animals branch llnshctoi uiighing of the individual cu tv b the tlectri ill opera ed i luiis mnjter makes network debut j w j h automatically stamps in b tlj d is 14 year old toronto duplua t th weight of the cucass i in t madt her network rii n ll k pluud on the e ircivs und in c lstln jills led compinv eirltc r 1 hiv ilo saw the grading of month betty was invited to t- individual camus bj tin govern it exhibition camp during the mdt r watch our window fob weekly ice cuujf specials and ooitreoxlonbbt chocolate martbmallow sundae 1 3c 2 for 25c longs confectionery post mcbean co i phone 64 georgetown itiiainuiuiiuajimiinniaiuimiiuiidiiimiuiiidmniiiamauiiniihnaitiniimnomtiiminctiuiinmiqiniiiiinnanhbiiimaiiiinunrao save with safety at your rexall store sci in in i nt w ivthlns wi tli v mle t lndri in ihi ho co il r hi r vu ic i i ircasses of lln hogs k hu alive before dinner itv iw out must con innot ill what is i n i until you et a look insldi looked to be the best roi on f i in m st nscs hunt up an over finliud tai hss 1 he carcasses i of the four logs which had been judged il i howtd some in cresting reflations in an event most of us hid to i cfmlt we didn t know much foil about il the winners of the hams the cbc national network on friday cbc ho s of varietv programme which ls pre ented once a month wit i the tioops in training as invited audi nee no young artist has ever been mori dellgh ed with her audience but to add tu her plensuie bettys co stars included some of broadway s brightest shining lihtb notably cab calloway sister thorpe sensational swln s nuer and the cotton club company now on tour in canada and che united sta es the navy entertains when the navy entertains made from con- tfentrated sea kelp nova kelp 79c 139 279 why not try ilasol to smooth and soften your skin 25c 50c specials for this week fruitatives large 3e eno s fruit salt 47c 79c scott s emulsion 57c kidney and bladder i ills 0 for 50c meloids 25c llkay s moth fume cr1 stals diamond dyes 2 for 25c you can always shop to a d van tag t at yonr rexatl store holds plates firm ly and securely rexall dental fix powder 25c 50c lady dainty cleansing tissues 200 sheets 12c 2 for 23c tfcli how paopjc rkonummtf cress corn bunion salves 9j each it today don i forgot t walt for the rexall annual one cent sale april 10th 11th 12th 13t hundreds of bargains to choose from robbs drug store phone 7g we deliver the rexall store k vvii georgetown 1 igjlgjy i theatre friday march 29 little accident hilarious wiut baby sandy and huch herbert frontier pony express action picture with roy refers fox news urdaymarqilqllywoox cayalcadf in technicolor aiarring alice faye and don ameohe cartoon barnyard brat miniature a failure at forty chapter 3 lone ranger rides again april oth it 8 00 to 8 30 p m est one ef the highlights on the programme will be a sort of a baby snooks imper onitlion by one of he glanls of thp east coist patrol it is rumored that a ctrtain red headed stoker has been prevailed upon to do his hllan ous bao talk sketch on the sing song fea ure now being arranged by george young the piogramme will be stag ed in his majesty s dockyards at halifax where he stalwarts of the navy parade morning divisions and evening quaitcrs the royal cana dlan navy band formed since the out break of war will provide the instru mental music for the song fest limehouse vlsitors over the holiday included mr and mrs ear sco t of toronv to at mr and mrs jos scott s mr and mrs e morrow of toron to and miss gladys packer of georgetown at mrs r lanes messrs wm aruf gordon grieg of brantford at miss iven s and the oales mr gordon and miss janet follett and four friends from toronto spent the week end skiing here m- sidney banks spent easter with friends at orangeville master douglas scott visited john and buddj haines glen williams this week miss doris mitchell is visiting friends in toronto this week the recent storm and blow has made the roads to the village impas sable unol the snowplow reaches us matin at 3 dm tuesday and wednesday april 2 and 3 we are not alone atory by james btttoo wtui pan html band class in swing j pete smith culinary carving boon tu balm gun mynub ly tyrone pwwer wiidd b can ida packers for the rtsjkc i judiiu comietulons wtre as follow nelson reg smith palermo train gnrcamiron wilson milton esqulng wilfred leslie ceorgc town nasiiwcj t dillon barber ao on some who had been rather doubt ful about rail grading came home con vinced it is lhi only way to sell hogs and furthermore h ls the only way to build up the quality of our hog to a point where they will compare with the danish product the baron situation was summed up by w p wat on of the ontario liver stock branch who by charts prepared from marketings of the past year de monstra ed where we stand and what we must do to fill the requirement of our bacon agreements with great britain i nd also what we must do il we are to retain the british market at the vrnclusion of the war the trip also inchded w visi to the shur gain farm neat weston where some in terestlng experiments were noted from comments and discussions heard since the respective trips were made one cannot help but feel that lie pro ject was one or the most won hwhlle ever under aken by the halton live stock improvement association in that the tours clarified much of the mls- understairdlng previously in existence with reference to rail grading and hog marketing furthermore created a bet ter spiri of cofrfldence bo ween the lurodiicer and processor which arter all is essential lr a worthwhile livestock industry is to be built up in canada round trip travel bargains from georgetown april 5 6 to chicago 12 00 pius exchange glen williams mrs marsden and miss audrey marsden of woodstock were easter visitors here guests at the home of mrs w j hill mr and mrs arthur hillmer john foajtvl w -week- -end- guests at the thompson home miss lva thompson of toronto spent the week end at her home mr and mrs lee ashford and eveline of ancaster were week end guests at the home of mr lintuey beaumont following a lone illness mr robert hm passed away in guelph general hospital yesterday mr hu1 had teen a resident here for many years and the sympathy of the community la ex tended to his relatives the public school children will hold their annual musical recital in the town hall on tuesday evening april ftth commencing at 8 o clock the ladies oulld of st albans church held a most successful apron shower for the faasaar at the parish ball on tuesday evening i lorne mills i spring ls just around the comer miss alberta ware has returned home after visiting friends in london mr and mrs clarence strome and family of guelph spent sunday at mr and mrs w wrlggleeworth s the old chopping mill opened and operated by mr w wrigglesworth is doing a good business these days mr stewar bruce s sade on thurs- day blst erlng wither and bad roads a couple of our young men have enlisted for the war fred denny of acton ontario has purchased the tichly bred jersey bull silver creek valiant eminence from r j graham at son georgetown eminence is a son of ie tloooooo bull valiant oaklands and from one of the high record cows in the silver creek farm at caledon ont cnjl annual report continued from page 2 securities matured and retired 1939 aggregated 35925 734 provision was also made for the retirement of april 6 to windsor to detroit 490 equal low fares rrom all adjacent cnr stations for train service going and returning see handbills or consul agents t90a canadian national other capital obligations including sinking lund and equipment principal pajmcnls amounting to 8 162 745 a new issue dated january 1939 of 50 000 000 canadian national railway company dominion guaranteed bonds was made the proceeds being used to re ire matured obligations and tern pornry loans from the government the issue comprised 15000000 2 seven yeai bonds and 35 000 000 3 twenty ytar bonds in july an issue of 6 500 000 canadian national rail ways 2 v equipment trust certifi cates was made to provide for the payment in part of new equipment costing more than 8 700 000 during the year additional calls aggregating 11 per cent or 560 000 on the capital stock 5 000 000 of trans canada air lines were met by the canadian national railway com pany tc december 31 1939 the amount subscribed was 3 750000 during the year 9 416948 was spent on rolling stock including 1550 box cars 40 refrigerator cars 25 ca booses 50 boxbaggage cars 9 buffet sleeping cars 5 mail express cars 10 baggage care 11 snow plows and 8 work units to meet anticipated war requirements additional orders were placed for 2 765 box cars 500 flat cars and 25 northern type locomotives to be delivered and accounted for in 1940 60 locomotives 5 044 freight cars 27 passenger cars and 477 work units were retired during the year the loss on which has been accounted for airextffrlse o op ahwnr ditlonlng of passenger can cost 445 100 all principal main line trains are now airconditioned the hotel vancouver operated joint ly by h- canadian national and the canadian pacific railways was com pleted and opened the sennetarre- rouyn branch line through the gold and copper region of northwestern quebec was completed and work the montreal terminal development was materially advanced reference is made in the report to the royal tour and to his majesty a expres of appreciation of the uni form excellence of the railway service an his long journey through canada the outbreak of war it is pointed out added considerably to the ordin ary activities of the railway and the company has been called upon to pro vide greatly augmented transport ser vices in addition it has contribut ed in numerous ways to the national war eflor the report goes on and the services of a number of officers nd emplojees have been loaned to the dominion government for specialised war work from the outbreak of the war to the end of the year some 430 employees enlisted for military ser vice and suitable arrangements have been maae tor the preservation of their errplovee and pension status the outlook for 1940 is for a sub stantial increase in traffic and for a corresponding improvement in the fin ancial results canada s participation in the war will bring greatly increas ing demands upon the canadian na tional railways for transportation ser vices but the directors are confident or the railways ability to meet every need which may arise and that the officers ard employees may be relied upon to perform their duties with a keen senserof responsibility no mat ter how exacting conditions may be come accompaning the report are state ments disclosing complete details of tht capital funded debt and opera tions of the governmentowned rail way system the annual report of the canadian national west indies steamships limited was also received by the mini ster while the war affected the op erations of the company in the lat- nart of the yea a there were decreases in freight and passenger re venue the line showed an operattny profit of 623b5b43 revenues were 4 64330628 a decrease of 556 per cent and expenses amounted to 4- 018 44685 a decrease of 361 per cent as compared with 1938 freightt re venue was only slightly less although there were five fewer completed voy ages an increase in export tonnage was offset by a larger decrease in im port tonnage including a decrease of 350979 stems of bananas the war adversely affected passenger traffic which dropped ai50s after payment of bond- interest but before depreciation and interest on government advances there was avail- able 153658 43 whloh will be paid to the government as interest on ad vances

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