Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 3, 1940, p. 1

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the georgetown herald r seventy third year of publication wednesday evening april 3rd 1940 1 so per annum in advance 2 00 to usa death ends long career ol rev dr t albert moore native of halton county very rev dr t albert moore former moderator qf the united church of canada and one of the do minions outstanding ministers died at his home in toronto on sunday mar i ulst he was 79 years old born in acton ont june 29 1660 ubert moore was educated at public school georgetown academy and mogill university asj young man he entered the news j paper business and with his brother 2 p moore published the acton free press his clerical life started in 1884 when he was ordained a minister of i che methodist church for more than half a century dr moore was a preacher and a greatl part of that time he devoted to churchfl movements for social reform in an address to toronto conference of the united church six years agobastruck out at the parliaments orthe coun try for their attitude on gambling and but although fearless and out on questions of social and moral reform dr moore had a capa city for tact and a grace of humor which carried him far in discussions with cabinets and tribunals assisted in demobilization jl to his lot in the course of bis long term as general secretary of various departments of his church to jead many delegations before the do minion and provincial governments in the quest or tightening up of the criminal code or stricter admlnistra wan of existing laws the state recognized his orgaruz ing ability during the great war he was appointed head of the methodist chaplains branch of the service and later chosen by sir ro bert borden to assist in demobilizing in prance and belgium at that time he was granted several interviews with the late king george and on three occasions preached in john wesley s pulpit in wesley s cha pel london as a young- pastor he be tame a friend of the earl and coun tess of dufferln in ottawa in the eighties and later used to visit them at dublin when dufferln was lord lieutenant of ireland in 1919 the crown prince of serbia conferred upon dr moore the orde of the red cross for his work as president of the canadian bro her hood federation in raising war relief funds for serbia dr moore had de ipees of ba and dd from mcglll the degree of doctor of sacred theo logy from syracuse university doctor erf laws from mount allison unlver tty as well as six other awards ol the dx ir moore played a prominent part in the realization of the church un ion he was secretary of the metho dlst committee on church union and was methodist secretary of the joint committee on church union from 1914 to 1926 later he served as be cretary of the general council of the united church and of the executive committee between 1925 and 1929 during the arduous early years follow tog union served alliance many years his activities extended to many fields of religious moral and social endeavor after acting as general secretary of the lords day alliance ol canada from 1003 to 1910 he was chosen to act as president of that or eanlzatlon from 1910 until 1921 for sixteen years he was general secre tary of the department of evangelism and social service of the methodist church and prior to union had been secretary to the methodist general conference member of the board or appeal an ed of the methodist discipline and journal of the general conference the united church of canada hon ored dr moore s years or service with the highest office within its gift when n sept 28 1932 he was elected mod erator for a two year term other candida a who stood for election as moderator on that occasion were rev dr richard roberts and rev dr w xj armstrong botti of toronto dr moore had held various pastor fttes in ontario and in later years he toad conducted several preaching mis elans for the department of evangel ism and social service he was en gaged in work for the social service council of canada until a few weeks when stricken with an illness from which he failed to recover his clerical leadership was recogniz ed in 192s when he was actlv in fram tog the basis of union of methodist presbyterian and congregational churches of canada and as were tary of the general council he was a prominent factor in the adminlstra tive side of the church after union dr moore represented his church on probably more international and interdenominational bodies than any outer canadian churchman for yea he was general secretary i ffiert prtblaent ofthetjordfc day alliance of canada and joint secre tary of the social service council of canada he bad been president of the cana dian brotherhood federation and vice- gmaldent of the worlds purity feder tkm and the brtemational moral re bureau member of the ecu methodist commission and the orld conference on faith and order dr moore was- twice married his second wife the former annie laura hosterurvrve8 with three daughters bds percy robinson norma and dorothy a son harry m moore who bad wide experience as reporter and1 editor with canadian irish- and unit- ed states newspapers died two yean ao in philadelphia halton election results following js the results of the official count df ballots in the dominion elec tions georgetown cleaver no 1 no 2 109 atkins 72 103 no 6 a to h 65 no 6 i to z 100 655 majority for cleaver 42 acton cleaver no 1 119 no 2 a to l 105 no 2 m to z 100 no 3 a to l 78 no 3 m to l 108 majo ity for oleaver 134 burlington 1 a to l no 1 m to z no 2 a to f no 2 g to n no 2 o to z no 3 a to ii no 3 j to zi no 4 a to h no 4 i to z cleaver atkins 96 1112 majority for cleaver 414 esquesing cleaver ro 1 in to 2 105 925 v for cleaver 216 nassagaweya cleaver 13a no ib no 2a no 2b majority for cleaver 242 nelson cleaver no 1a a to l 95 no 1a m to zl 85 no ib esqnesing council mel on monday i m bennett appointed treasurer pro tem in absence op george leslie stewarttown april st 1940 esqnesing township council held their regular mee ing on monday af ternoon deputy roeve o h may councillors g w murray edwin har- rop and q e cleave were present reeve wm a wilson presided at the meeting the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted cbmmunlcatmswerereaa frotflthe commissioner of agricultural loans bell telephone oo j e ohown sawyer masey ltd and department of highways moved bj may and cleave that the treasurer pay the road sheets as pre sented bv the road superintendent 1294 80 carried moved by murray and harrop that the treasurer pay acton public utlli ties commission crescent street lights 15 00bell telephone oo 381 r 21 3 04 91 t 12 h 40 total 4 44 george macdonam co 1 box carbon paper 315 commissioner of police for on tarlo travelling expenses of a j oliver taking indigent to old peoples home 2 40 mrs j m moore sup plier 483 walter lawson 100 lb corn 1 75 i m bennett telegram collect 35c supplies 30c total 65c postmaster stamps 6 00 carried moved by cleave and may that the treasurer pay the relief accounts as presented by the relief officer 37255 carried moved by may and cleave that the treasurer pay board of health ac counts georgetown cemetery board single plot for indigent 1250 open ing grave 8 00 total 2050 harold c mbclure to burial of indigent from toronto general hospital 40 00 de parunent of health of ontario inn sulln for indigent 1 46 carried moved by harrop and murray that this council appoint i m bennett to act as treasurer pro tern during the absence of mr g leslie carried moved by may and cleave that this council do now adjourn to meet on monday may 6th at 130 pm or at the ca 1 of the reeve carried no 2 no 3 no 4 no 5 no 6 no 7a a to l no 7a m to z no 7b no 8 99 64 1121 majority for cleaver 344 trafalgar cleaver 156 109 no 1 no 2a no 2b no 3 no 4 no 5 121 majority for cleaver 302 majority for atkins 258 milton oleaver majority for cleaver 333 active service votes atkins cleaver 109 44 majority for atkins 65 oleaver atkins totals t78s 6184 majority for cleaver 1604 the funeral service was held from howard park united church on tuesday april a with interment in falrview cemetery acton canadian legion elect officers for year the annual general meeting pf branch 120 canadian legion was held in the legion rooms thursday mar 28th at 8 pan teh president gave a report on the years activities of the branch which was responded to by a hearty clap ping of hands officers were elected for the ensu ing year results being as follows honorary president capt dr sutherland past president col g cousens president f mccartney 1st vice president dr learmonth 2nd vice president h harlow secretary j roberts treasurer g o brown sgt latarms g alcott chairman of canteen committee h shepherd entertainment committee j mur phy transportation and publicity com mittee s b groat property committee w roney spor s committee o herrlngton standard bearers j emmerson h watkins auditor s p chapman w thomp son chaplain rev w g o thompson a ivian with a message for our troubled times medical officers and auditors report presented to council necessity of road foreman for town discussed pro wuj con daylight 5vi bylaw passed council met at 8 pan tuesday april 2nd members present mayor gibbons reeve cleave and councillors n h brown a e cripps t r cave jas ccstigan k r mcdonald and 6 j mackenzie am nnmtesof tj regul meet rev duncan mcjjeod ba dx a preaching mission sponsored bi the baptist and united churches will be held in georgetown from april 7th to april 21st this will be under the leadership of dr duncan moleod re turned missionary from formosa who lias an international reputation as a sincere and eloquent preacher of the commencing sunday evening april 7th st 7 fm when rev j c william son ba b th of first baptist cluirch preston will be in the pulpit there will be nightly services in the baptist church at 8 pjn no service is planned for saturda dr mcleod will be present at all these meetings a fca ure of the wtek will be a general young people s rally on monday evening at 8 pm the second week services will be held in the united church high lights of this week include rev g c pidgeon of bloor united church to ronto who will preach at the evening ervlec on april 14th and a mass meeting lor men that same afternoon vario is choiri and soloists will pro ide the music at these nightly ser vi j tl eje include choirs from ac ton and milton and a quartette trom mount pleasant the people of georgetown are urged to attend these inspiring meetings and 1 ar dr mcleod s wonderful message georgetown kids new ontario midget nh l champions defeated copperclifflnbest of four game series with 1 ttle information at our dis posal last week we were not in a sition tc give our readers a clear cut summary of the copper cliff georgetown midget njll hockey series however we will endeavor this week to give a brief account of the play off in which georgetown kids romped home with the calder cup emblematic of the ontario mid get nhl championship a series similar the one this year ed by a e cripps that the auditor- was played in copper cliff last winter i report as presented be aoged when he northern boys took the cup that 10 ies be prmabcairted the georgetown team played under mr tl the nam- of boston bruins while chartered accountants auditors for the copper cliff new york rangers were to georgetown was present to the opposition the series ran into discuss the report he expressed hj four games with the bruins winning appreciation of the assistance given by t ithjb cl yar 5th and the special meetingtrf mar 12th were read and adopted cumimr i cations were read from k m langdon misses moore mrs m- mckenzle department or agriculture hospital for sick children guelpb general hospital mayor gibbons also extended a wel come to mr w blehn the new pub lisher or the georgetown hrald and wished him every success in his new undertaking moved by s j mackenzie second- georgetown lions the members of the georgetown lions club met on mondaj evening at 630 in front of h c mcclures store and proceeded in a body to the presbyterian church basement where they partook of the roast beef dinner prov ded by the ladles or that church chief kelly sal at the head of the table allotted to the lions and his flock no herd no pick gathered round him a pleasant evening was enjoyed hough the usual sonfrs and business yes and fines were absent those who could remained for vthc programme which followed bridge club news wi h two new members present the members of the men s bridge club held their regular monday evening play on april 1st l- dividual scores were kept with high core hpnours going to mr f spires ana mr j r williams norval rifle club the hamilton rifle club visited norval on monday night and were de feated by a score of 19 points out of 1000 the scores hamilton 963 out of 1000 norval 982 out of 1000 ptmtal matrhfs a b aripng with south edmonton and winnipeg to be shot sometime next week dates will be announced latar on friday night march 29th the norval club visited hlllsburg and came back home with a comfortable margin the scores made by norval in the aggregate event are nurse 100 x 9 atkinson 100 x 9 johnson 100 x 9 meredith 100 x 6 robertson h x 6 hall norma 96 x 6 oaves 97 x 3 hall q h 96 x 3 hustler 96 x 5 dr stevenson 96 x ft lift 95 x 3 reeve 94 x ruddeh 94 x 3 wilson a w 93 x the hulsburg wile club are due to visit norval on monday night april 8th 1940 district farmers visited cockshutt factory last monday march 25 a group of georgetown district farmers visited the cockshutt fac ory in brantford divided into groups the men were taken on a conducted tour of the p ant this started in reverse order i trie shipping department then through the great warehouse inspec lion department and paint shop the visitors were guests of the com pan at a luncheon with g e good frllow manager of ontario branch presiding mr w j phillips genera manager of the company spoke a few words of greeting on behalf of the cockshutt organization followed by short speeches by different members of the firm the lunch room as flanked with models of the different cockshutt lines the afierroon- was spent in finding out just how cockshutt implements are made and put together one press was capable of exerting 400 tons of pressure and was contrail ed by a light 6uch on a foot treadle huge machines known as bulldozers used for shaping plough beams bend he tough steel as easily as you would bend a wax candle rows of furnaces heat different parts for heat treat ment which puts toughness into the finished product the men expressed their apprecla hon at mil first hand view of how farm machinery is manufactured the trip was arranged through the j n oneill st son agency knox chircii supper tl women s assoclatlo of knox pre by erian church sponsored a hot roist beef supper in the sunday school room mondny evening after supper a delightful program was enjoyed by the guc introduc ed by i short session of community lnging among the highlights of the 1 rorram were the georgetown stringed ensemble a duet by miss ruth da is and miss jean mcdonald a solo by master henry mathews i reel at ion by miss charlotte mccul lough aid a solo by mrs francis thompson a good crowd turned out for the supper a though road conditions kept manfuralttes from attending the first and- fourth games by the scores of 3 1 and 4 2 the second game wa a 3 3 draw after thirty minutes o overtime and copper cliff took the third game 4 2 tht pi off was a thriller all the vaj with spendtd hockey and drew a crowd of 700 people to the night games and as many as 300 to the morning affair the georgetown bruins had the edge over their op ponents throughout the series and de served the win on their efforts in the tirst game or the series georgetowr edged copper clift 3 1 the scorers were carter sargent and kemshead for the bruins and mc cartliy toi the hangers the goals were all scored in the first period lea ing the second and thlrdsperiods sco relets the second game on saturday after noon was a hectic struggle going into minutes of overtime and ending in 3 3 draw copper cliff netted 3 goals to georgetown s 1 in the first period but the bruins rallied in the third stanza to tie the count the scorers orellly mccarthy and dig by for the homesters soloskl for georgetown there was no score in the second period but georgetown goalkeeper w emmerson was hit in the necki by a dying puck and was re moved to the hospital for treatment the accident was not serious and he w as able to play in the remaining games the bruins put up a desperate attack in the third period and tied the coun on goals py sargent and carter after 30 minutes of overtime the score remained the same it was up to coppercliffto win the third game or go out of the running for th cup and they did by score they netted two goals in the first period by orellly and johnson and one in the second and third by robert rnd mccarthy georgetown scored in the second and third periods with goals by harlow and soloskl rt valry ran high in this match and se veral fistic affairs marred a good game but drew more interest for the fourth and deciding encounter both teams were out to win in the rinal game but georgetown proved su i pcrior by two goals when the gong pounded to end a great series the local lads had better combination and the staying power that well deserved a championship the copper cliff team fought hard in the last period to overcome a twogoal lead but were unsuccessful even after drawing their goal k to put on six man offen sive both teams scored twice in the first trame robert scoring twice for he cilft carter and collier for the br lins carter and schenk clinched the gnmr in the second and the third i eriod wimt scoreless the copper cliff rangers took the defeat like the good sports the are and after the game accompanied the georgetown boys to the station where he boarded the train for home georgetown goal emmerson de fence cofell sargent centre schenk wings harlow kemshead subs so lokl carter walker hill wilson yates copper cliff goal flynn defence leclair butler centre mccarthy wings dijfbv robert subs johnstone o rellly ei gland zahavlch cooke desantt robertson hamilton wedding wedding of lnteiest to people of this district look place on march 26th when muriel patricia daughter of the late mr and mrs r- j hamilton to ronto was united in marriage with ernest robertson son of mm robert son and the late donald robertson of mlltan the ceremony took place at rochester rent england lady i guess you re getting a good thmsro tending the rich smith boy alnt ye doctor doctotweu yes i get a pretty good fee whyr lady well i hope you want forget that my wqlle threw the brick that ilt im limehouse mr blllie muliere spent his easter holldaj with his grandparents here mrs e beerman audrey and earl spent las veek with mr and mrs f harding near kitchener messrs gordon and stanley wright of toron o spent ft few days last week w ith mr and mrs s wright and fa mily rev anctmrs davhson enlersilnea the members of the limehouse pres byterlan church bible class on friday evening the bible class had the best attendance for the term ending march 31st miss janet gray of georgetown ent the week end with miss inez scott mlasruth norton was home from brampton on sunday mrs james davles o spent sunday with mr and mrs davles so sandy forgets his nationality when he takes you to dinner yes then he goes dutch tiie town officials when tnairfc the audit moved by k r mcdonald second ed by n h brown that we purchase from a e coleman lot 63 on editb street at a price of 50 00 carried moved by s j miiii seconded by h cleave that w g rt be appoin ed weed inspector for the town of georgetown for the year 1940 carried moved by k r mcdonald seconded by n h brown that the report of the medical health officer for 1939 as presented be accepted carried williams mojl present ed his report for the year 1939 this report a comprehensive survey of fac- ors affecting the general health of the community will appear in detail next week in the herald moved by n h brown seconded by r cae that the treasurer pay the relief commission the sum of 12834 to pay march accounts car ried moved oy 8 j mackenzie seconded by h cleave that daylight saving time for the town of georgetown commence on the 28th day of april 1940 at 12 01 am and end on u 21st day of september 1940 at mid nightcarried a suggestion that daylight time lie ended sooner than september 21st was met with the objection that to ronto continued the practice till that date and different times between the tno municipalities tended to confuse things moved by j costigan seconded by k r mcdonald that by law no to grant certain exemptions to farm lands in the town of georgetown be now read a first time carried moved by t r cave seconded by a e cripps that by law no to grant certain exemptions to farm lands in the town of georgetown be now read a second and third times and finally passed and the seal of the cor poration be attached thereto carri ed moved by j costigan seconded by a e cr pps that the treasurer pay the following accounts james mccartney sts 380 len harotng sts 340 bell telephone co 1356 wm ward court services 4j e c thompson court services 400 w h kentner son coal 2885 gutta percha rubber ltd fire hose w f smith boots firemen jenkins a hardy audit fees alton melville ww rebate hydro electric gordon hiltz painting library speights garage town truck georgetown herald printing w c anthony wiring library moved by k r mcdonald seconded b s j mackenzie whereas the em ploying of another man for outside work is considered unnecessary at the present ime therefore be it resolved by this council that the applications for the position as advertised in the herald be filed and the work be dl- lded througout the year as fairly as possible among the applicants or others unemployed carried a lengthy discussion took place con corning tl is motion mayor gibbons stated that chief marshall with his many duties could give scant time to overseeing outside work and if he did so it was at the expense of his other duties he believed that by hiring a foreman not only would outside work be more efficiently taken care of but that the resultant economies would more than pay a foreman s salary the opinions of the councillors were divided on this point reeve cleave stated that though there was no ur gent need at present for the creation of such a position tn time it might well become a necessity ktaypr qibbons po out that to all fairness to the applicants a de clsion should be arrived at as- opin ion mas against hiring a foreman at this time the decision of the council was expressed in the above bylaw councillor brown made an appeal regarding enforcement of the loose dog bylaw now in effect while this by law specifies that doss be looked up during the period from may 15th to september 15th be stated thai in the past enforcement of tins had been lax he cited one mstawe where 18913 2100 300 00 250 76144 65 00 4jo 63jbo 18040 local lady had been replant a fardeol torn forced to twice torn up by maraud ing dogs moved by n h brown seconded by r mcdonald that we do now ad journ

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