Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 3, 1940, p. 4

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hagft4 the georgetown herald wed nesday evening apnl 3rd 1 940 in mcmobiam vivian to loving memory of mar- ifcau femes vtrtm aged 9 years and 9 months fco died april btfa 1938 9o little hand are resting a lovrng heart is utt a utile son we loved is waiting for us just qver the hill tba memory ol ills dear wee ways will linger with us all his- days sweetest flower too aweet to stay opd took him home to show us the way missed by father mother bro tbers and sister obituary robert hill after an ulness covering a period ol tour months mr robert hill of glen williams passed away on tues day morning march 20thi in ouelph general hospital mr hu1 who was born 78 years ago in ogdensburg new york came to panada with his ear enta wliffn a child mr hill is aur vlved by his widow formerly eliza beth duff daughter of the late james duff lear milton also four sons and lour daughters the funeral which took place on thursday afternoon waa conducted by the rev d d davidson of knox presbyterian church georgetown interment taking place in glen williams cemetery henry shortux the entire commuity was shocked by the sudden death on monday evening march 25th of mr harry shortlll mr j3hdrtul had been around as usual that day but in the evening suffered a hean seizure from which he never rallied he was an esteemed resident of this district having resided here all his life he was bom at balllna fad in the year 1879 one of eight bro titers a eon of the late mr and mrs richard shortlll some fortyeight years ago he was married to agnes oathcrie barr three children bless ed this union one daughter agnes mrs a s mceneqti and two ons xuenard and matthew all of this dis trlcl mr shortlll was a cai u r by trade and was also a nusi ian having won several medals with his violin he had made ten violins by his own hands a good neighbour ever ready to lend a helping hand he leave tc m irn h s joss his udow one dagl r two sos nin grandchildren find also one brother joseph of vancouver wa h ington the funera which wiu large ly attended was held on thuridij from his home tne serue b nj ton ducted by rev a o w foreman with jiterment at balllnafad cemt tery the pallbearers were pied bhortu r b shortlll harrj shor ill will shortih f w short l 1 ind uod mcxnery the eympattiy of the com munity goes out to the bereaved fa mily and friends in this their loss alexander kannawin the entire community was shocked by the sudden death early wednos day- morning march 20th of alexan der kannawln he had been about as usual the day previously and had bsen downtown ft heart seleure was suffered early wednesday morning and he parsed away alexander kan nawin had been an esteemed resident of acton for the past seventeen years in earlier years he had farmed sue oeesfully at shelbuxne and just prior to doming to acton had resided ai georgetown he took a keen interest in ttie affairs of the community and is a citizen who will fie greatly missed born at cheltenham alexander kan nawin waf- asott of the late sarah vance and robert kannawin besides hts widow who was before marriage isabel may torrance he leaves two brothers kev wm kannawin toron o and james anderson kannawin sheburne to all these who have been so suddenly bereaved sympathy cf many friends here goes out mr kannawin was a member of the for- e ters lodge but the affiliation that he enjoyed most was his church rarely inde d did he miss services at knox chi rch for many years he has been an elder and always he has been a loyal worker here too he will be- missed the funeral was held on saturday afternoon at the johnstone rumlev funfyal home service was conduo ad by his minister rev h l bennle pallbearers were fellow offl clals from knox church interment was made in shelbume cemetery acton free press waiters advice a soft olced man walked into a lunch room where the counterman was a trifle h ird of hearing rice pudding ald the customer whats that rice i adding repatid the cus the oil er cupped a hand to his ear c he ipologized i didn t heir yoi a s evedore sitting at tl c end of the c n r became annotd li i n tin ears he shouted the any ab he iants r ce pudding th co mltman hurried over and d did you call me 111 u v lcr llowed yes i told jou to l vc that guy a plate of rice u hi i d get it over lth t ir d i on s eyes narrowed l t la joj he growltd are ill to tell mj cil mirs vt 1 it i sh i tal soon to commence work on shand dam work is expected to go forward on the shand dam in about a months time the construction of this dam bi fergm which started last spring is one of the biggest engineering feats ontario has evf undertaken many from hers have motored over to see this dam as operations have progress ed actlv ty is already commencing around the dam as workmen make prepara ions for spring work gangs of men have been busy all winter cut- tin wood down in the valley and have made quite a change in the appearance pf the scenery upstream from the dam the banks which were formerly heavily wooded are now piled high with cordwood the dam is being erected in connection with the grand river conservation scheme ontario relief conditions improve owing to canada s war effort em ployment has increased rapidly throughout the country and ontario s deputy minister of municipal affairs e a horlon announces a 30 to 33 per cent derase in relief figures it is expected conditions will improve still once part of national anthem particularly appropriate at this ime is the stanza once incorporated in our nitlonal anthem o lgrd our god arise scatter his eneml s and make them fall conf j ind thtlr politics fiuhtrnte their knavish tricks on thee our hopes we fix god ave is ill rowing i mns again las v ek s issue or the diuinville gazet e one f our well edited and itu tx nan es brokt out with the headllm c rowing pains again th re i i 1 n en 1 in i new and hi to m vi li tight home print i u fa nee l hi doth cf divid has s p hi r of the gazette for r t 1 ii s h us b ci ear 1 on u is sjns fdwird g and fr 1 c uistin s d rlnj 11 i isl jear ill t 1 on 1 s march for cr i r ivue f r dunnville 1 h i 1 c i t mr waltc mcc 1 r j a member of he gazette t ir as yon boy clothes to fit your person and purse thoroughly uptodate brand new willys the build a house to be comfortable but not carthat is adequately sued adequately powered extravagant why should an oversized over stylishly appointed so that all its provable powered over appointed car whether new or economies can save more money to spend at dsed be considered why not purchase a destination rather than for getung there all have the same fundamental purpose the most expensive car mode may have the wheelbase and weight of a truck an engine capable of powering an aeroplane the appointments of a bridal suite coil the price of a house yef ff rmal purpotm and utm fa transportation therefore the way a car is used should decide the one to buy do you commute if your use of a car is like that of the great ma onty of owners yon will cowimm 90 pr ettit of the time back and forth between home work and nearby places or between farm and town your speeds will be far less than 70 miles per hour you will average fewer than three people per trip the traffic conditions will require alert ness and the parking will not always be easy these are the reasons why the willys is more exactly designed to meet the driving and cost re quiremenu of most people there is no waste of size weight or power everything is ample but not excessive the long as well as short trips are speedily comfortably and economically taken does a large car give prestige some people may think that a large car gives pride of ownership usually disappears with the prestige but even the joneses know that first dented fender a salesman s real opinion mailer bills promptly paid create far more of the large car is best known when trading prestige wrh the people that mean anything it back in what are taxes going to be carrjg and y will conclude as thousands of owner have done that the willys meets all motoring re quirements that any larger car u an extrava gance and simply a waste of hardearned money looking forward to the nextfew years the cost of taxation and of living show upward trends hence a willys is not only the best car to buy now but plays safe when such developments occur get a free demonstration of this quality the willys is not smallmost cars are too big isnt i the truth 1 for motorists who like to step on it rev l o miller of manltou springe colorado suggeata a hymn for the following speeds im but a stranger here heaven is my home 25 miles per hour nerermy god to thee 16 miles per hour i on nearlng the port and will soon be home 55 miles per hour whm the roll is called up yonder 1 11 he there 66 miles per hour lord i m coming home 75 miles pe- hour the herald u deslrlous pf obtaining regular correspondents in villages and districts surrounding georgetown not already icpresented in our columns we are sure the readers of the herald in your district would appreciate any effort being made on the part of a correspondent to sdpply theliews from the community time marches on may now be seen now tliat all is quiet on lhe on tarlo front since the election is over citizens may and will no doubt make it a point to see the aim time marches on showing canada s war efforts it s an ill wind that doesn t blow somebody good and if pre mier hepburn caused mr king any embarrassment by banning the nlm during tre course of the election he certainly gave the theatre operators a lot of free publicity for the picture it is just possible that pedestrians on ontario roadh will sooner or later wear a badge if h g pester or the on arlo safety league gels his way all those who walk on the highway mill wear some white bit of clothing as is done in european black out rtgiurus for their own protection and the protection of motorists artcr dark mr festei advanced this measure in a diicu5iioi or ways and means for red icing highway accident at lhe an nui 1 conference of the ontario motor lcwue hf also sugc ti that on tario might follow the ltad of pennsl vnntu which 1 ad reduced its acclden lo al b u ri u cent through two mtsurts doubling he htghwaj tral lie pilici i 1 mandotory license sns ki n for thne monuv for all mo tort l c i vie ted o traffic offenses ii ads bands association c p thick of wiuiloo was ekct cd pr d nt of thi ontario ania e ir bands association at toronto 1 ust week it wa decided at the meeting that no chanves wo ild be made in the rules ind regulations governing the 1940 canadian national exhibition band con csl from those i ttttct la t tar f ii dr it n the interests of nn t trnnunt in hnlton countj at uio pills on tuesday last t eorve c atkii s iss imi the following s a lenient to the elrctors when 1 iccepted the nomination of the national go rnment organl nation i dcpirted from life long in undine in politics to present to the peoi le of hnlton m convictions re gardlng the preservation of democracy in parliament and he nej for greater war effort the time was short b devoting myself wholly to the task i was able to meet an1 address voters in various i arts of h county almost six thous and shared my views and supported me the soldiers vote ls jet to be declared everyw here i went i was lecelved with courtesy and kindnest i extend my ttirm appreciation to those who trnve me the loyal and ei thuslastic support which produced a showing so good in a brier campaign to all tiie voters of halton i wish to express my thanks for the friendly reception accorded me you i ave made your decision whlrh i cheerf illy accep canada needs our united utmost effort i hull co operate with you and the elected government may we all prove worthy of canada routing once popular in georgetown scoutlntr was once popular in georgetown but in recent years the organization disbanded the boy scout movement is a far reaching or ganlzation designed to make good citl zens of our young boys and it would be a boon to our town to have this movement started up again in re viewing the annual report of the boy scout association we find that there is a total membership in ontario of 42 905 a net increase of i 559 over the previous year the largest increase ever recorded in a single year the total includes ir 313 wolf cubs 19135 boy scouts 2s6 sea scouts 171 lone scouts 1205 rover scouts and 3228 scout leaders a large number of scout treups ut spo by churches by denominations these include im anglican 28 baptist 7 hebrew 68 presbyterian 99 roman catholic 1 united and 7 of other denominations during the sum mer of 193b a record total of 374 camps were attended by 9245 boys and lead t j n oneill son g wihys of canada itp- windsor apeaunv at the mutual fire under writers convention one of the great- eat oauses of fires in farm buudlngs was found to be the careless carrying of matches and careless smoung he said he recommended that farmers prohibit smoking or the carrying of matches in farm buildings and sug gested that farm help should be al lowed certain periods when they could leave the barn or stable to indulge in a smoke this and that in sfort congratulations to the midgets they brought un ontario hockey championship to georgetown this year ed mcwhlrter of the lions club was hi charge of the team while in the north with jimmy sargent mak ing a fine job of coaching the team credit also goes to gordon alcott of copper ollff and originator of n h l hockey here for arranging the series again this winter and planning such a grand time for the boys georgetown eliminated hanover for the southern ontario title before go ing north now that hockey is in the discard and ole sol is making his warm rays felt sport fans will be turning their attention to baseball whethei georgetown will have an intermediate ball learn thlsyear seems rather doub f ul but it is early to say as we have not yet called a meeting however we are assured of doings in the juvenile ranks as manager harvey walters has called a meeting of all those interested in this club for friday april 15th at lloyd walters home at 730 pan make an effort to bo present and lets get this league off to a good start paul haynes scout for the montreal canadlens attended one of the mid get playoff games in copper ollff bat w have not heard whether any of i the boys were signed up or not paul stopped off on a trip from vancouver to montreal to see the game and to renew some acquaintances mayor gibbons received the follow ing letter from mayor collins of cop per cliff we print it herewith toronto mar 30th 1940 dear mr mayor i neglected to write you before leav ing home copper cliff to congratu late you on the success of your midget team in winning the calder oup your goalie together with shore and portland were mainly respon sible i am told but your team was wellcoached and played splendid hoc key throughout t will you please convey to the young gentlemen on the team then coach and manager and all responsible tjsr their training my best congratufc- tlons on their success ers careless smoking causes many farm fires w j scott ontario s fire marshall provided some information that fur nishes grounds for serious thought in the rural areas of the province when yours sincerely l e a collins mayor copper cliff surprise incumbent harry surprised me by telling me we were going to trani honeymoon how nice and how did he spring it on you he suld that as soon as we were married he would show me where he was wounded in the war news from the nyal drug store the sales event of the season will soon be here the famous nyal 2 for 1 sale april 10th to the 13th buy one get one free nothing extra revlon matches your lips and finger tips nail polish 22 shade 50c lipsticks 9 shades 1 00 paracide moth crystals lucerne bath crystals 1 lb 39cj 3 lb 59c maclormacks drug store phone 327 we delivpr georgetown dominion canned food sale peas ay 3 25 corii 25 wax beans 10c cut 20 oz tin tomatoes lie ay1jwer 26 ft tin pumpkin 3 for 25c banquet brand 28 oz tin domino size 3 20 oz tin peas 2 for 25c pork beans 10c aylmer 20 oz tin tomato juice 3 25c mlmer- 20 oz tfn chocolate mallow biscuits 2 lb 29c jewel shortening lard 1 lb carton lb 8c lb 13c crisco shortening 1 lb tin 19 3 lb tin 53 domino tea 1 ife 59 v lb c chipso 9c and 21c oxydol 9c and 21c p g soap3 cakes 14c babbits cleanser 5c prunes o lb for zic bacon sliced sine 29 lb mraled back 35c lb cooking figs l lb for zac bread brown or white 2 lor 15c butter sj59 carrots punches c fruit oranges joioy navels 21c dc grapefruit 5 m 25c new cabbage lb 5c spinach 17c 1ii diiiviii 66 dominion 8tom8 ltd 66

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