Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 3, 1940, p. 5

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the georgetown herald wed neaday evening april 3rd 1 940 page 5 kings finest quality and lower prices bxtsa btrcmi butter 2 ik fresh made small link salsage 2 lb 35c chok blade kt roast lb 19c blade removed coantry style sausage 2 lb 29c cbolm sfcfcrt rib roast beef lb 21c extra 8ebcmj pork shoulders 1 7 for roasting ok boiling sweet pickled cottage roljs lb 23c schneiders smoked sliced side bacon lb 29c schneiders smoked picnic hams cholee pork spareribs lb 23c lb 19c special sale choice and rrime 1htamt schneiders crispy flake shortening lb 13c gold medal 25 ox tin tomato juice 3 tins 29c duffs or schneiders pure lard 2 lb 19c york golden bantam corn 2 for 19c special choke thick ouivlmv tajtarc choice bed salmon steaks lb 20c scotch kippers n per pr 15c oranges xarge size med size 39c doz 29c doz celery hearts 2 bunches 19c ontario potatoes 29c peck it wm king bse delivery canada at war released by censor estimate of- cost first year oft war is 500000000 ottawa war cost to canada in the coming fiscal year 1a estimated at 600000000 this la nearly three times the expenditure in the first year of the last war canada a military con trlhutlon in the war ol 191418 was largely one of men now the contri bution is one of men plus machines and the machine heavily increases the cost here are a few cost comparisons with the last war an jirmy division costs about twice as much this is due to mechanized equipment at this stage of the last war can adas naval equipment and personnel consisted of two light cruisers and 1500 men in the first full fiscal year the naval service spent less than 4 too 000 the naval service now has a per sonnel of 6 000 officers- and men its s rength is six destroyers and a flotilla leader with five naval minesweepers and twenty auxiliary craft estlmat ed cost for the first fiscal year li s40 000 000 the building programme calls for the enstruction of 00 ves sels totalling nearly 50 000 000 lellhe first year of the last war watch our window for weekly icb cream specials an oonfeotioneby cherry mallow sundae 13c 2 for 25c longs conlccliciitiypist cekry theatre friday april 5 retjurn of the cisco kid warner baxter lynn barl and cesar romero musical rhythm jamboree cartoon fishing bear novelty modern methods saturday april 6 the rains came adapted from louis bromfleldt great novel of india with myma loy tyrone power and george brent cartoon bolo mola land chapter 4 lone ranger rides again matinee at 1 dm tuesday and wednesday april 9 and 10 gullivers travels technicolor feature cartoon march of time no 4 newsfronts of war 1940 miniature miracle at lourdes sports hydromaniaca i fox news k 1 r trip travel bargains from georgetown april s 6 to chicago 1200 plus exchange april ff to windsor 3 y qv to detroit iplgv squally low fares from all adjacent cnr stations for train service going and returning see handbills or consult agents twa canadian national canada had no air force the royal canadian air fore now comprises 8 000 officers and men this does not include th british commonweath air training plan estimates of canada s share in the plan up to september 1st next are 50 000 000 during the lull fiscal year ending march 31 1041 is estimated canada will spend ap proximately 100000000 on the com monwealth scheme this sum is part of the estimated total cost of 500 ddo0o0 ingenious methods used by pkisonlrs to convey messages otlaw a prisoners of war in cana dian lute nment camps live up to the tst traditions of dime fiction thril lers in uieir at empts to receive or end mesies meant to escape the watchful eye of military censors the well known invisible ink method is still ver much in vogue pat files in thi of ce of lieut colonel h ste them a sis ant director of inurnment ojtia ions tcstlf to the fact lieui- colon 1 s liem double checks ill sus plclcu cimmiuiications witii the e p ci iwtitul violet my limps tnd nrious chemicals he has detected mtssixts written betw en lints of up parently harmless letters ir on blank she is of paper immaculate until subjected to the tests reverie sides of stamps and addiess sicker have been used often in at tempts to smuggle messages into the eamjx innocent publications cloak ether ingenious tricks religious pa ihrs win found upon close inspection io be pneked here and there with pin xin s under key letters when as sembltd eonsecuiiuly these letters wirt found to sm11 out secret mes iiies in german f i canadian mines play important part war lftort the vast re ources of cat ada s 1 mines have become a vital factor in the allld war effort at the out break tl the first great war can adi s contribution in materials was lireelj coi lined to produc s of tin farm todav canada has lucre used i her caaeity to stipplv foodstuffs anc i he can supply essential was mateil i lis mon abundantly and more cheap 1 than in 1914 wltiiln the past twenty yuus can i cattle rustlers sentenced joe and william burgess of toron to were given penitentiary terms by magistrate w v woodllffe in peel county police court march 28th when they pleaded guilty to a series of livestock and other thefts in the district joseph burgess was sentenced to three years and six months in the portsmouth penitefltiary and his bro ther to three years both terms at hard labor they were also sentenced to six months in the common jail for theft of coal the sentences will run concurrently the men faced seven of the 24 charges laid against them in the coun ties of peel halton slmcoe ontario and york they were charged with the theft of 20 pigs from john bailey toronto township two cattle from dimarr pines toronto qore town ship 06 bushels of wheat from alex mcklnnuy jr brampton 17 sheep from joseph creech toronto gore two calves from dr h a mcculkiugh georgetown two steers from sam mcctjuxe vaughan township and elghi hags of coal from sb no 11 chlnguacousy township the two men pleaded guilty to the charges and explained their method of operating with a panel truck and trailer they were apprehended after they had stolen the cattle from pines the cattle were traced to barrie through the efforts of provincial con stable ray hodgson brampton con stable ireland ofva and-fines- who identified the animals which had been told to a barrie packing plant provincial police inspector george mckay told the cour that the brothers admit ed in a voluntary statement that they had stolen stock or grain from 24 farms in durham ontario york halton simcoe and peel coun ties during the three months previous to their arrest early this month i agie with the crown a torney that the officer- are entitled to a gieat deal of eredit in the apprehen slon of these culprits magistrate woodliffe stated appaiently they s arted out to make a clear up in this part of the prbvmcc crown attorney a g davis ccmmeiud 7hs whole difficulty is the ramir hasn t he police piotee tiou thai the urban people have th brothers did not ght evidence on heir own behalf and did not ques tion nnv witnesses piinincial constabll hodgson said fol ew n the cout hearing that ap pruieiujon of the pair followed theft et mo t t tit from the farm of dun- eii fin roionto gore township on march 0 un heiring that persons u ct i were hiadinj nor h he said he solicited co operation of police at 1 lir t hi ihii t pjliil n jitn of htu at winch a pi k m pi mt is s tu ittd bin ollittia 1 nul two am nuk an erin hit dt ription of t o i iu tokp the ai rests fcl cct i inim ion of trchasing re lord ti l j nnr uiid the dilution oi in petor ceot mcknj t the prcvmclai p ee the mtn win traced to toionto jid atrtrtea i nir hi ihe e iirn mint i t ntinj eim i hlui than eom ii uii i i mi r m d mi irili i iiiiqiii pissing smuiiii pure food store marmalade orange and grapefruit 32 oz jar 21c heinz ketchup large bottle 16c monarch pastry flour 24 lbs 6c pure lard 1 lb carton tot 19c tomato jllicehyal york brand large 25 oz tins 3 for 23c jelly powders rep rose tea black vz lb pkg 33c pea soup habitant brand large tin 10c special meat values cottage rolls jssllb 20c bieaktasl bacon bologna choice lean by the piece wellington brand bj the il vlsking wrapped smoked sides ilk oyf i piece c 14c piece choice fbes frvit and vegetables at m pbice8 a e farnell jhone js free deuvery save with safety at your rexall store extrp heavy russian mineral oil 49c 98c glass free with english health salts 39c specials for this week a bi at g capsules 25 s 11 wheat geriuoil caps 50 s 100 yeast a iron tabs 100 79c cvr1ca bile tabs 100 1 75c peptona spring tonic 1 rexall blood purifier 1 00 j jly deaicn- ed for dental plates kjenxo brushes 25c you can always shop to advantage at your rexall store from con centrated sea- kelp nova kelp tablets 7 jr 139 hiti how poplt ntommtnj cress corn bunion salves c each try it today 50 its super whiteness indicates its purity rexall milk of magnesia 0 oz 50c 32 oz 75c 1 be it as a mild laxative for the whole tamlly robb drug store ne 70 we deliver the rexalltore georgkt georgetown 5 ashgrove and mr i april 1st ol mib j has taken her place among world leaders in mining and metnllurry sht is the world s greatest producer of nickel platinum and asbes os she producer about 15 jer cent of the world s copper and gold is third in the production of lead fourth in zinc canada s total mineral production in 1939 was almost 3 times that of 1913 ind nearly 2 times that of 1918 under u maximum pressure of war demand during the latter part of the oreat war the allies paid a pegged price of 26 cents a pound for refined copper the british govern ment is now able to buy copper at slightly more than ten cents a pound canadian producers received approxi mately 8 cents a pound tor lead dur ing the war of 1914 18 britain is now buying at the pre war price of little more than three cents per pound canada s present production of zinc is around 200 000 tons per year mostly in refined form for this oreat britain is paying approximate ly 3 5 cents per pound of refined me tal production in 1018 was 17 542 tons the average value of which was 8 1 cents per pound copper and zinc are essentia for making brass cartridge cases copper for electrical and communication equipment as well as for shellbands lead is needed for manufacturing bul lets for small arms and shrapnel for storage batteries a schoo of aeronautical engineer ing bri ish commonwealth air train lng plan has been opened in montreal professor thomas richardson london of the department of civil engineer lng in the faculty of applied science and engineering at the university of tonmtorlsttvoommandof the school- he holds the rank of squadron leader courses extending over a period of six months will provide for the in structlon of 38 officers who will be posted to- various training schools throughout the country savings estimated at 2500 000 will be effected in the provision of han gar accommodation at flying schools being established under the british commonwealth training plan through- adoption of special standard designs for buildings forty designs embrac ing every type of structure required have been prepared stress was layed on the use of canadian materials and this contributed to the economy a in i xt numbti of neighbours and fninds ntlund u thi home of mr tiii mrs i milhr on tursdav tvin ni to 1 noi t htm with a farewell i m m i onh the miller familv hi on v be n lesidents of this com miirillv fvn ix jcars they have won i hi tsu in of many afrer a session nrd and i luncheon ened mr horici birm itad tlu following ad dress mr lnd mrs miller and family will rt rel we learn you are leaving us soon and while jou have not been oni with u your willing help and cher prcsonrp w be greatly miss ed in the time jou have been here vou have been good neighbours and while our roing is our lo s it is someone elses gain our sincen wishes for voiwsuccess and hnppiness go with vou to your new home and a this time we ask you to accept this table and chair as a small token of our friendship signed on behalf of your friends and neighbours cecil wilson horace barnes mr cecil wilson presented the gifts to which mr miller in a few word expressed their gratitude on behalf of tiie familv mr jack ruddell presented marion miller with a bible accompanied by the following address read by miss joy ruddell dear marion friends come and go but friendship stil is true ts he thought uppermost in our minds tonight as we have ga thered here to bid you adieu prior to your departure from our midst as a member of the buds of pro mise sunday school class you have proved a valued member your regu lar attendance and helpful thoughts have been an inspiration to all the members of your class you have been an active member of the ypu executive during the past few year and under every circum stance rfave given your best cheerfully it is a privilege to honor you and we ask you to accept this bible and trust that you will and it a never- falling guide wherever lifes pathway m load you miss ruth monlson spen the eastr lnliiuvs with fi lends in toronto mister b reed enjoyed the eistei nc id3j 1n y jessie and gordon winlleid m s iabii w gtjleswortii enjoved a i 1 i with jtti grand pirents mr ukl mr p d h iruey it milton dur ii ea ter weck a son was bain u 1 liompsoi vshrovc 1 s tnc i p en i i wilso t congratulations schoo icopened monday april 1st uier i lu easter vacation 1 h mr n friends of mrs bi uce bi nd n rrt sorrv to hear that she has no been will and hope that she will soon be fung well and strong pgain mr and mrs lestt r miller and familv movid to their home in nas saewaa on mondaj april 1st mi aid mrs awitzer of inglewood hav ii ted mrs robeit ruddell s laim we weleome these new friends to our community and wish them the bes ol luck mrs walter brownridge mrs frank wilson mrs ward ruddell attended the easter thank offering of he gonilown united church waih this column for wa cro kinole non peimanent active militia units when undergoing training this sum mer in mllita y camps will wear battle dress made of denim and of the same pattern as that of the canadian active service force the prisoners of war information bureau iu n ounces that germany has lifted he ban prohibiting the sending of cigarettes to prisoners of war in jcrmany henceforth canadians will x allowed to mall smokes to country men interned in the reich signed on behalf of the buds of promise and the young peoples un ion mrs f ruddell miss i wrtg- glesworth marion thanked the young people and the members of her class for the lovely gift monday afternoon maroh 25th miss elsie bird entertained a number of girl friends in honor of miss lula ora- ibm who has recently returned from kapuskasing the mission band held a work meet ing at the home of mrs a j ruddeai on wednesday afternoon the mission band easter thankoffering will be held sunday afternoon april 7th la the basement of the church mrs- earl wilson will be the guest speaker we can save you money the lowest prices for glasses of quality i we realize that you may not be getting as much money for your work as you did a few years ago that is why we have made a new arrangement with one or the largest optical manufactur ers to sell glasses for less money by this new arr we can se you quality olasses at city prices come in and let us show you the new styles consult 0 t walker r0 eyesight specialist who will be at his office over the bell telephone co main st georgetown the second wednesday of each month or you may consult o t walker at his office in brampton phone georgetown 61 brampton 599 famous istanbul mosque one of largest churches st sophii mosque in istanbul t irkev ig undoubtedly the world s est esrrnple of sy7antine architec ture but from the outside it might mistaken for a factory or ware i ue ope of the world s largest lunches it shoots 1r0 feet skvward and its dome s 10 feet in diame fcr inside the effect is more fa vorable the 126 pillars stolen from the temples of the ancient gods lend an air of immensity even if of nothing else eight serpentine columns were plundered from the temple of diana at ephesus and eigtft of porphyry from the temple- of the sun at baalbek the build ing job required 10 000 workmen 1 tot ii cost including the graft wtis something like 60 000 000 there are 500 mosques in istan bul and all are interesting if you like mosques in most of them you have to don slippers and shuffle around in an awkward attempt to keep them on if you lose them your feet desecrate the sacred con fines in st sophia this practice no longer holds the building is now a museum of far greater interest to most tourists especially the women is the seraglio palace boasting as it does of such items as the persian shah s throne of massive goia and set with rubies and a collection of pearls sapphires emeralds and diimonds so large and perfect that no one has ever been able to com pute their worth the women and even the men likewise are taken in by the grand bazaar which is a city in itself and which covered partly as an oreade is a maze of streets lanes and alleys joan of arcs real name was jeannette is claim joan of arc is a literal trans lation of the french jeanne d arc although the french heroine was known as jeannette in the coun tryside around domremy on the meuse where she was born in 1412 she is referred to in contemporary documents as jeanne she was called jeanne d arc by the french and english- because they were under the impression that ho derived hersurnamefremevulac named arc in the vicinity of hex birthplace the only village or town in france called arc is many miles south of doremy and evidence produced by several antiquaries in dicates that the name of jeannes father was jacquen dare and not jacques d arc as generally supposed therefore it is probable that the heroine s original name was jeanne or jeannette dare or in english joan dare inthe french army she was first called simply la pucelle the maid and after she raised the siege of orleans she was known as la pu celle d orleans the maid ol orleans

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