Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 3, 1940, p. 8

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fc age the georgetown herald wednesday evening april 3rd 1940 bucks neilsons cocoa vi lb tin j9 salada tea brown label 39 yellow label 37 rose baking powder 1 lb tin j3 kelloggs bran flakes 9 ehristies premium sodas 1 ib salted 19 american beauty shrimps j9 glacier sardines 2 for 19c quaker spaghetti or macaroni 1 large gratertfree with 2 lb pkgs for 25c phoice quality golden bantam corn 20 oz tin jqc zest pure orange marmalade 2 lb ice box iar 29 national matches 3 for 23 caravan castile soap q for jo fresh fruit and vegetables celery hearts 10c fresh spinach table turnips nek cabbage 2 lb 19c lb 3c 2 lb 9c california carrots 2 for 13c extra large bunches sunk 1st oranges 25c 29c 33c sweet and full of juice pork shank end 20 legs ft 23- lb 25c porterhouse roasts sweet pickled beef tongues 2 average sweet pickled cottage rolls breakfast bacon machine sliced boneless veal rolls stewing veal c j buck phone 28w georgetown lb 17c lb 25c lb 27c lb 23 c lb 15c r you can wear slim smartfitting clothes take blender tablets si macoormacks drug store it enjoy excellent health keep your youthful figure take slendor tab lets 1 robbs drug store it daughters of the church will hold a sale of home made baking on sat urday afternoon may 11 watch for further particulars it don t envy your slim sister take serdor tablets 1 maccormack s drug store it good used 17 tooth wheel cultl vator firstclass condition low price also five foot deerlng mower good shape will be sold cheap j n o neill sc s6n phone 14 georgetown lt 3 large tubes milk of magnesia tooth paste 59c another super special the original rexivll one cent sale april 10th 11th 12th lath robbs drug store it imperial order daughters of the empire will hold a bridge and euchre in the legion hall friday evening aprjl 5th 8 pjn admission 25c splen did prizes refreshments a cordial invitation is extended to everyone 2t men vou must drop in and see silvers new spring lines of haiti shoes hartt s are canada s leading shoes for men so why not drop in and get a smar new pair for spring now it the united church wms wish to thank all who by then- interest and cooperation contributed to the splen did success of the indian fair held monday afternoon last a report of this interesting event will appear next week it sluggish kidneys impair your health rumacaps rwo way action quickl cleanses and invigorates the kldnevs use rumacaps robbs drug store and maccormack s drug store it now is the time to store your cloth and fur coats we are agents for la fontaine furriers ltd of guelph phone 375 representatives miss watson miss tost w local news l- ll church news scripture text beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of god because may false prophets are gone out into the world i jn 4 1 georges church rev w l j thompson o o ireo or jmm second sundaj after hi easter sunday tjl school 10 a m holy rrnil communion 11 am mk fc ensong i pm the rector contemplates n adult confirmation class and wishes to t all who are interested on sun daj evening after the evening service st albans church glen williams second sundaj after easter sun daj scnool 2 pm evensong and lilv n 3 pm red cross shipment for march following is a complete report of work done by various branches dubs churches and organizations for the georgetown and district red cross so ciety ash grove 2 pr pyjamas 1 hospital gown 2 helmets 1 pr half mitts 8 pr wrist lets 1 scurf 2 sweaters 6 pr socks ca legion 5 box linings 2 pr wristlets 6 sweaters 1 pr socks 1 scarf 2 pr rifle mitts esqoealng institute 12 ice bag covers 6 t bandages 13 hand ken llefs 9 pr bed socks 4 pr pyjamas 6 pr wristlets 2 sweaters 2 scarves 5 pr socks glen william 4 pr p jamas 2 quilts donated 3 surgeons gowns 24 handkerchiefs 3 toys shirts 6 t bandages 4 ice bag covers 4 pr bloomers 2 pr donated 8 pr socles 3 scarves holy cross church 2 pr pyjamas 6 ice bag covers 3 pr bed socks 6 surgeons caps 6 pr socks 2 scarves baptist church 4 sweaters 7 pr socks 1 pr wrist lets georgetown high school 10 pr wristlets 7 scarves 3 pr socks lode 3 helmets 1 aero cap 3 seaman s scarves 4 soldiers scarves 3 pr socks 1 pr seaman s stockings lime house 7 pr wristlets 3 scarves 4 sweaters 33 pr socks local council of women 7 ice bag covers 3 box linings 2 bed coats 1 surgeon gown 2 aero caps 2 scarves 7 sweaters presbyterian church 3 quilts 9 i box linings 1 pneumonia jacket 2 boy shirts 20 ice bag covers 2 helmet- b pr wristlets 7 pr half mitts 9 scarves 1 sweater 14 pr socks 2 pr mitts 2 pr 3 c mitts st georges church 2 pr pj jamas 6 surgeons gowns 2 surgeons caps 12 box linings 7 pr mitts 3 baby jackets 2 pr baby socks 5 t bandages 4 helmets 1 girls tarn 36 pr socks 2 pr seaman s stockings 6 pr wristlets 17 seaman s scarves 4 soldiers scarves 10 aero caps 5 rifle mitts 13 sweaters 1 helmet 1 pr mltls stewarttown w a 2 surgeons gowns 30 handkerchiefs 4 t bandages 3 helme s 3 pr m ts 1 child s illp 9 pr wristlets 3 scarves 2 v eaters 13 pr socks united church 3 box linings 10 pneumonia jackets 5 pr pyjamas 4 surgeons gowns 7 pr boonurs 6 ice bag covers 2 bed coats 7 pr wristlets 12 scarves 1 helmet 2 seaman s scarves 3 aero caps 4 pr socks 1 pr socks donated w omens institute 17 box linings 9 pneumonia jackets i iw pvjrmas l bed coat 3 helmets 1 child s slip 7 pr child s socks 3 pr stockings 3 ice bag covers 1 scarf 7 pr socks norral red cross the i nlted church rev f c overend ba minister the sundaj school and bible classes i 24 handkruilefs 1 box lining 5 7111 mee at 10 am morning wor pr pyjamas 4 surgeons coats 4 t ship will be held a 11 ajn when the bandages 15 pr wristlets 18 scarves elders nevvlj elected will be ordained pr mtts 28 pr socks 1 pr sea at 7 p m a union service will be held man s stockings the best spring song silvers display of womens spring coats suilsdrcsscs and millinery you mil find personality in distinctive apparel silvers lead the way for better dressed women silvers spring outfits are new novel and exciting they are fashioned to set the seasons vogue you must see silvers spring lines to be sure you are right special sale ladies gotham gold stripe full fashioned silk hose finest first quality in three and four thread chiffon also service weight featuring the seasons smartest colours for a limited time only special in the baptist church the first of the two weeks preaching mission all are welcome i baptist church rev e o baxter minister 10 00 am cnurch school 7 pm union service with united church in bap tist church rev j c williamson ba b th of preston will preach monday friday 8 pm preaching mission under dr duncan moleod a cordial welcome is given to all to attend these services surgical supplies department 28 ses dressings 3 dressing and 2 wipes to each sett 7 dressings large 5 dressings small 8 wipes 75 3 inch factory cotton bandages 37 4 inch factory cotton bandages 62 face masks 15 towels w h kentoer son phone 12 georgetown listen to the shadow every wednesday over cfrb tmt to ms pjl wood for sale iks besoh and maple at rj00 i ecrd utnd at u0 psr mmrfwte m par cord si weed erases ssxi agents wanted looking for a steady income want a future ire from financial worry t let famiuqthow ytm how easy it is to get write to ui todayvfor frxe catalogue and complete information the famllex products company 570 et- clement montreal it willys overland extends new car guarantee to three years windsor ont joseph w frazer president of willy overland mo ors inc has announced that the company wll hereafter extend the standard automobile manufacturers association new car guarantee on 1940 willys cans to 100 000 miles or three jears in making this sensational statement which marked the end of his first year as president of willys mr frazer saldi for the first time in the history or the american automobile industry a passenger car maker will stand back of its products witji a guarantee cover lng 100 000 miles or three jears of driving it gratifies me that 1 am able o offer this remarkable guaran tee on the lowest priced full size car in the world wlllvs is able to make such an un precedentcd and long gua mr frazer cortlnued because of its re markable record of stamina as proved in the hands of thousands of satisfied owners the new 1940 willys is built for long life it is of the simplest con s ruction it is made with the finest quality materials and it provides a a higher factor of safety due to light weight and strong overslie units this 100 000 mile guarantee will ap ply to both willys passenger cars and commercial cars the standard guar antee given by other members of the automobile manufacturers association protects the new car purchasers for 4000 miles or ninety days mr frazer also reported that m since the int si t xw willys have shown substantial creases in canada and the united states free enlargement with every soil film developed and printed ror 35c 8 reprints and enlargement 25c kryjfw 35c com and 8c stamp for return and mall to the pbeto lab mflton silvers dept store where your dollar goes farther phone 375 georgetown personals h alton holstein breeders and milk producers stage annual banquet the annual banquet of the halton holsteln breeders and milk producers associations which continues to grow in popularity year by ear was no ex ceptton on thursday evening last when in the neighbourhood of 300 thronged the banquet tables at the 8t pauls united church mllon following the delicious meal served b the ladles of the church the en tire group adjourned to tje princess theatre milton where the pro gramme was held there under the chairmanship of john marshall pre ident of the milk producers assocla lion an outstanding programme was given in the opinion of many it was be balanced programme held milton in man years following the introduction of guests by agricul tural representative j e white lock guest speaker dr w harold young of avenue road st pauls unit ed church toronto was ably intro duced by rev oordon porer of mil ton dr young took as his subject if i were a holsteln breeder stress mg the tendency in modern life of the average individual concentrating so in ently on his business arfalrs that he overlooked the importance of his fa mil life dr young s address was indeed of a very high order and was 1 artlcularlv well received others who spoke briefly included hughes cleaver mp geo demons secre ary of the holsteln frlesian association of canada and a s ma hon president of the halton holsteln club the programme also included selections by the craftsmen an outstanding quartette from hamilton and readings by mrs o h mac na ugh ton well known elocutionist of toronto card of thanks mrs harry shortlll and family wish express their sincere thanks to their any friends who were so kind to card of thanks the family ofthe late robert hill wish to convey to their many kind friends and neighbours their sincere thanks for their kindness and sym pathy to them in their recent trouble also for the beautiful floral miss flo duddv of whttbv spent friday at t he home of the misses brown miss mary louise smith of hanover was the guest this week of miss eliza be h coffin mr and mrs jack paddon of kit chener spent sundaj with mr and mrs w h cole mrs w ditchfleld and daughter ailleen returned to windsor after spending a week with her parents mr and mrs c sargent mr and mrs ross campbell of toronto spent last week end with the latter s parents mr and mrs thomas lvons edith st prof howard how son of vassar college poughkeepsle n spent saturdav with his aunts the misses howson gillheks travels t gregory theatre next tvesdai and wldnesda1 the first full length feature cartoon since walt dlsnej s snow white gulllv er s travels comes to the gregory theatre next tuesday and wednesday based on jonathan swift s immortal story of the english seaman whom a storm carried to the miniature island or lilliput the movie is a faithful re production of the original storv theme star of the show is oabbv voci xerous little town crter and the other characters king utue and king bom bo princess glory prince david and sneak snitch and snoop the three spies lend worthj support radio fans will be interested to know that the votces of the prince and princes belong to lannj ross and jessica dragonette bight songs in the picture include faithful forever bluebirds in the moonlight and its a hap- hap happy day oullivets travels is much more r gi pictur wtih al the trimmings its an example o what the technicolor cartoon of fea ture length can do to turn a literary classic into a charming stirring piece of screen entertainment new advertisements for sale good work horse apply r reid 9th line esqueslng phone 96 r 3 georgetown itp for rent choice sui e of three rooms bath and cellar independent and very com fortable applv at herald office 3t for sale well cleaned alfalfa seed also two young ganders phone 96 r 11 george town it yelloar collie dog with white collar and bob tail reward phone 381 r 2 lawrence burt plastering and general repair work i am prepared to do plastering stucco work and general repair work of all idnds phone 400 h walters george town 3tp seed oats for sale quantity of erban seed oats 70c per bushel also quantity of nobarb barley a j ruddell phone 42 r 12 georgetown r r 2 2t for rent large tront housekeeping room con tinuous hot water and every conveni ence furnished if desired mrs watt queen st apartments phone 256 for sale 11 young pics 6 weeks old thomas armitstead huttomille lot 4 5th line west phone brampton 330 r 12 ltp for sale or rent residence of late wm barber just below bridge on main st apply george wallace executor of estate 123 yonge st toronto phonewa3331 r teacher of piano lessons taught in the home special attention to beginners apply g t strong r r 1 inglewood phone victoria 21 r 2 5t painting and paperhangtng free estimates and reasonable pri ces on paperhangtng and painting apply d herrlngton phone 401 georgetown 3t n i am leaving the etocuolux com pany wtubin theg next few days any one wishing genuine eteotroiux mac hines or supplies please write to r o stanloton dominion hotel acton st farm wantto i have several prospective buyeta for spring possession of mediumpriced 100 acre farms fullest partknlam tn first letter walter t georgetown brick house on church st occupa tion may 1st phone si r 24 george town st intssxm dboosunno i hare las raaae of 1mb wsdpspsr ask for ssxierandprksa pfcmont ud psps tlil phons s r a okm wnnsms 4 tt

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