Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 10, 1940, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wed neaday evening april 1 oth 1940 page 3 t introducing babbara baimes whose column will appear from now on in our woman s page barbara balnes lives in the city of toronto and jibs wide connections with the red trass iojde church groups and a variety ol woman s or of youwill want-her- to- comment on genizations m this column she hopes to give you some of the interesting bits of information which come her way brief sketches of canadian women recipes pliuosophy book reviews fas hion hints activities of various fem inine groups witf all find their way into this column she hopes to make it something which you women readers will enjoy and from which you will oerlve useful knowledge barbara balnes is certain that many some favorite idea of yours a pet recipe a book you have read some activity of one of your local clubs please feel free to address a letter to barbara balnes box 320 georgetown and she will be only too pleased to m elude such things in her column timely topics for women by barbara baines lady tweedsmuir lady tweedsmuir is now home in england she arrived april 5lb accompanied bv her son hon alastair buchan and is staying in london for the presen after five years residence in canada she sailed for great britain with the public unaware of the date of her de parture or the port of embarkation shortly before she left she broad cast a farewell message to the women and children of canada the widow of our late governor general took an ao ive interest in many canadian women s organizations fohe was especially in erested in her prairie library scheme she collected 40 000 books which vere sent to bring comfort and cheer to isolated dlstr cts in the west on her return to england lady rweedmulr look wkh her a handsome mink coat the gift of canadian women as a tangible evidence of the affection in which she is held in the dominion itiis gilt was made possible by small contributions from women iiom the yukon to cape breton the presentation was made bj mrs ernes lapolnte who convejed to lady tweedsmuir the regret at 1 r dejaitiiie oi canadian women from one end ol the dominion 10 the ouicr war bervlcfc what can 1 do the common cry ol the worn n ol c und erjuhere is what can i do from the richest o jit poiei all a e anxious lo he p win this war against injustice and i ggrtmon liny want lo feel that inner satisfaction that oiu liom kiiaami liilj have a ihare ui their country i struggle o preserve the lioerty and irteuom ol all peoples they know the women of other couiunti at war aie doing a vital and important work thej hear of the great aimies ol women working the land in armanert and munition fattonea crivint uaiiiports and doing innumcrabe ojiti taks orumaiil umities- nj or doi t by mm ine women of canada a nit action tou pia uta ij eery woman would be prepared to drop lur present work in oili o luciory or i ome for a war une joo wl would all like to be i hiiunt but a different kind of serwet is leqiucexl ol us our present ttuk ii to carry on as usual to do our own hum arum job belter than i he evtr oeen done beiort it is our reaponsibility to see thai our children ire taught uit pnn clples of democracy tnat oui old and mck uid poor art cared for that bi living noimally the economic life of oui countij does no bttome disorganized later we may be called upon to fill positions i quiring more during to accept the loss ol loved nuscands and ons witi quiet courage bid whatever saciiiites will be required later to ensure the continuance of the rights and privileges we now enjoy canadian women are prepared o meet them with ruth spults and lesolu ion until then carryon as usual united church wms hold indian fair miss grace paterson of kharhna girl a school c india addresses easter thankoffering meeting by mrs c b dayfoot wus press secretary the maiantfalf hetd april 1st in the sunday school room of the united church under the auspices of the wo man s missionary auxiliary proved to be an event tthiilllngly fascinating to quote the words of one of our milton visitors to the imagination of the mission aryminded lover of children here lay stimulus to the seeing of visions and the m ofc dreams of the day when the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our lord and of his christ here we saw the wmb family get ting acquainted with india and with the life of the people of that far away part of our empire by means of a program informal informative lnsplr ing and withal simple and which in its projuotion provided a striking de monstration of the fine ar s of elast iclty in co operation prom the beau tlful an1 uplifting devotional period whicn ope ltd the prograrrume to the nioma haif nour at the close every ittm htd i own pe uliar interest for hose piivi eged to be present at this combined easter thank offering ser vice or auxiliary and mission band baby band mission band and can aofan airls in training all contribute their part in the program the tiny tots grouped with their mother on the platform as for t tableau were all dressed in indian cos tume and made a living picture to d lus rate thf reading of the story of our home for unwanted babies at nee much c inula the work of our be lo ed mi onaiy mlss mcharrie the girls no boys of the mission b iki i in ted an exceptionally well ten wrt pajht entitle i the fe ti lal of l his illus ratlvc of the waj in whiti our missionaries in india sometimes make use of native ftsthal iceltbiauons and bv rccotin run s hiwtc hints sausages always seasonable never think of the pork sausage as merely a breakfast food of course it is used in various tasty breakfast dish es but there are recipes for luncheon dinner and the midnight snack tha call for this healthful rood these re cipes furrlsh dishes suitable for anv temperature or season try the fol owing and you will have two spec ials for jour year round file sausage luncheon 16 cooked jwrk sausage links cooked asparagus tips 8 pieces toast 1 cup diced yellow cheese 1 cups medium white fiance arrange sausage links and asparagus tips alterrately on a slice of toast al lowing 2 slices of oast to a servinc servo with hot cheese sauce made by addfhg cheese to white sauce serves 4 sausage gobbler 2 cups stiff tart applesauce j 2 cups diced cooked sweet potatoes i 10 sliced cooked pork sausage links w cup flour l teaspoon baking powder teaspoon salt 1 milk life in nazi germany book review beaching for the mars by nora wajn this is an uncensored story indignant and compassionate of nora wains four years ui nazi get many in 1934 she went with her husband to their new home on the rhine and faced the difficult problem of trying to live with and understand the germany of httler in the years that followed she made many friends within the nazi barriers she found the warm elements of the german character the music he forest walks happy healthy children the family life it was all the more disconcerting to find the shocking contrast between the deep hearted tenderness of the german people and the blind cruelty of their nationalistic pride she could not shut her eyes to the persecution the desertion of free speech and loyalty to kin the obedience without mercy which clouded the lives of so many householders in writing reaching for the stars she has tried to portray impartially the germany of today but was greatly troubled by the philosophy of hitler before she left germany in 1938 she mailed each from different postal stations her only three copies of the manuscript none of thes were ever delivered every word of the book had to be rewritten from notes t t f t ixt mp remind you the world does not require so much to be informed as to b re minded hannah more a perfect life is like that of a ship of war which has its own place in the fleet and can share hs strength and discipline but can also go forth alone in the solitude of the infinite sea we ought to belong to society to have our place in it and yet be capable of a complete lndivi dual existence outside of it hamberton news in food afternoon tea the afternoon tea habit is growing in canada drop into a restaur ant in any of the larger cities about 430 in the afternoon and you will be surprised at the number of women sipping tea the custom is just as popular in the homes i am not referring to the formal tea at which you entertain a large number of friends but rather tea for two or three every housewife no matter how busy should have an hour or two to relax in the after noon why not have a cup of hot refreshing tea ready for your hus band when he comes home early from work or a weak one for elder daughter when high school is out it is a grand time jor confidences or why not ask a friend in after a brisk walk to bring her knitting and drop in just for a cup of tea and a cosy chat 7 serve with it only thin bread and butter or a cookie every woman enjoys tea time ow of the ferity for the pepo- ctabdren scrap book ow the csc national net- trveiy s tarday from v to onthe berd irorfc i hwnabw abaplr at fegft k diilw hor yowtb a mot stork visits train en route from east the stormy weather conditions which prevailed throughout the eastern sec tion of the country during a recent week end did not deter the stork from visiting an upper berth in a sleeping car of the canadian national railways ocean limited train operating tween ilaltfasc nun nfuntiei livering a baby about half an hour before arriving at the metropolis the porter paged the train for a doctor but finding none on board a trained nurse from the royal victoria hospital swered the call and took charge of the case until a doctor and ambbjance ar rived at destination the sleeping car conductor reported that e til possible was done for the comfort and care of the woman and little passen ger who were immediately removed to the hospital on reaching montreal she td litie to ask you a question he ask it dear she am x the only girl whose you ever loved i i t 1 ki tht undi lrnble conterlt ice chrl ti ui truth into fain liar to ihi p npl iseholcltr vu 11 trait i in i tl e kingdom they b int r toi 1 o st thin s w- imrl plaved mu coit wa d it vvas tlieii pie servr the quests with mikht 1 avt ft u bj ithl n lml ligluful m n pleasan ta br ol nother task to freshmuis pi itf i dtan menu n its rnl lies cloves tilt wdt p ssed on travs ex hlbited latr on tin turio tables which uuse amt teen iee joung ladi s had is efully decorated with purph a id ia e wistaria blossoms and upon inch were arranged many beuuinl and interesting objects oi indian art out wa rtminded of a corner of the british empire building at the c n e here we admire the exquisite hand ork brought from our indian empire brass trays boxes book ends of carved walnut delicately embroidered cos ume kashmir rues and many olrrct objeets wire there to delight tht eye and stlmi late the interest these exhibits had been loaned for the oc casion by missionary friends in hamil on and by the church offices in tor onto while a number of georgetown friends hod added their own treasured bits of indian work to the display natural j the program of the after noon was the opportunity afforded those present to mee personally and as a group a real live missionary mlss grace paterson of kharhua girls school ontral india true to her calling miss paterson proved herself an adept in the art of education by means of lantern slides posters and pictures indian scenery was studied and descriptions of the home life of he people centered around objects found amongst the ex hlbits wh ch adorned the walls and tables perhaps the most interesting part of the talk concerned the costumes of india which were exhibited on models as in a fushlon parade the difference between ahe dress of the mohammedan and hindu women and the way each maintained purdah isolation clic tted much interest from the audience who were invited by the speaker to ask questions about any phase of indian life of interest to them at the close of the meeting miss paterson was also most generous with her explanations concerning objects in the exhibits about which individuals or groups wished information in this informal way much was added to the interest oi the lecture in the evening the young people s society were privileged to visit the exhibit when mrs overend repeated for their information parts of miss paterson s lecture april 1st 1940 is marked as a red letter dav in the calendar of vtm s programs thanks to the interest and cooperation of many people and es peclally to miss grace paterson of kharhua india whose work in that far off lane we shall follow with spec lal interest in the years to come father of norval woman erviefl mrs william moclements of nor val attended her fathers funeral in shelbum march 22nd always enjoying good health until mricken witfe a paralytic stroke two weeks before the late jonathan levis meredith died suddenly on march lth at bis home in rlvervlew the dundalk herald paid tribute to mr meredltb kindly jovial nature which made him many warm friends he attended the united church and was for over fifty years a member of the orange lodge besides his wife he is survived by 3 children a slater mother and half- brottier funeral service at the borne was followed by interment in sbel bums mortuary chapel quality that satisfies 2 tablespoons sausage drippings 6 uncooked sausage links combine applesauce sweet potatoes and cooked pork sausage links and turn into casserole brushed with saus age drippings cover with drop biscuit dough mi de with fjour baking powder salt milk and sausage drippings sec orate top wl i uncooked sausage links and s ices of red skinned apple bake in hot oven t43flpv until well brown ed akqut 30 minutes serves 4 to 6 this dish plus a simples salad and a light dessert if you wish it provides a complete meal the necessity of pre janng oher vegetable dishes is el imlnated esca hoped onions and cheese 2 tups small boiled onions 4 tablespoons butter 4 tabluspoons flour 2 cups milk i teapcon paprika 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon celery salt 1 teasoon prepared mustard cups cheese cut fine melt butter in top of double boiler add flour and blend add milk slowlj urring constan ly add seasoning and cheese and cook until creamy stirring corstantly place cooked onions in buttered baking dish pour over sauce ind bake 20 minutes in moderate oven these are salad days we arc prone to think ofsummer as uie salad season probably this wa true several years ago but today wa can secure most of our salad ingred ients all the year round then again winter time is navel orange time and what is better than a salad hi which thick juicy orange slices or segmenta abound or what is more healthful orange banana salad serves 6 ir 3 oranges lettuce 3 bananas 3 tablespoons lemon juice i cup finely chopped nuts walnuts almonds pecans or pea nuts peel oranges and cut lnro vi lncll slices on lettucecovered salad plate place 2 orange slices cover with 2 lengthwise quarters of bananas sprin kled with lemon juice and rolled ia nuts top with slices of orange gar nish with mayonalse and marchino cherry variation roll banana fingers in grated coconut club fruit plate in large section ol a grill plate place i banana split lengrhwlse and dipped in orang juice to prevent discolora tion top banana with 3 orange slices in smaller section of plate place 3 large cooked prunes stuffed with cot tage cheese moistened with orange julc several w halve and 3 i dates carrolls special brlglits pi v cherries c 15oz tin special jewel vegetable shortening 1 lb pits 13c i special queens royal ontario peaches ii 15oz tm 10 special neilsons cocoa j 17 lyons tea 3ss4q mgrapenuts flakes ground black pepper v 10 our creamy old cheese z5 sweet mixed pickles 2 18 lushus jelly powders 2 p- 15 mclarens puddings catarac dry ginger ale a champion l a durham w a infant delight w i cat food i i corn starch ii soap i j a xi p i p- y p j ca y p 3 pf- z5 a ik btb 19c deposit extra infants delight s o ap champion cat food a ai very special matches 3 18 economy soap flakes 3 19 babbitts cleanser 3 13 super suds soap powder x 18 lifebuoy carbolic soap t ivory soap x3 17 4 gold i 4 s o s lux laundry soap fa cat ta soap flaket b 4 p p 4sas f 2 a 23 p gold laundry soap bar 4 oranges med large extra ige 23c 27c 33c i new caufocnla carrots crisp tender ceusby hearts freah um lstttck jn bundle luc d 9c grapefruit 14c fruit and vegetable prices until saturday night only carroll s main sired georgetown free delivery plwae 3s7

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