Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 10, 1940, p. 6

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page 6 the georgetown herald wed neday evening april 10th 1940 our farm page items of interest to every farmer flow fanners can obtain profits from potatoes pear year of experimental work in middlesex show certified scfed pro per fertlhxinr early planting effi cient spraying proper harvesting and grading is the answer four years ago the ontario and do minion governments commenced ex periments on three soil types in mid dlesex county at the request of th oaradoc potato growers association in 1938 similar experiments were be gun in the alugton area south sim- ooe county growers in these famous potato growing areas asked investiga tions into such problems as low yields and difficulties in producing potatoes of high quality in addition to the main experiments demonstrations have been conducted on 38 middlesex farms on one acre plots with adjacent check plots results obtained on the experimen tal plots and put into practice on the demonstration plots showed ave main actors contributed- to mom profits from potatoes tuhese were certified seed of a suitable variety plentiful supply of plant food sup plied by barnyard manure green man ure crops and artificial fertilizers early planting efficient spraying proper methods in harvesting grad ing packaging and labelling good seed was found to be one of the most important factors in securing profitable yields although all other conditions might be ideal for a bumper crop the crop might be a failure if the proper seed was not used certi fied seed does not mean seed potatoes that are entirely free from all dis eases but it is an assurance that the mint mum of disease is present results of experiments in both mid dlesex and south slmcoe showed that the best time to plant po atpes was from the 18th to 25th of may those results are supported by similar find jpgs at the oac ouelph and cen tral experimental farm ottawa efficient spraying throughout the growing season increased yields on an average of 75 to 100 bushels per acre spray and dust experiments at the rldgetown experimental farm for eight successive years show that plots sprayed or dusted five times during the growing season gave an averagei increased yield of some 28 per cent over unsprayed or undusted plots growers should recognize that pro fits are not necessarily measured by the number of acres grown but by the yield of good quality tubers pro duced per acre the objective of ontario potato growers should be more bushels of high quality potatoes from fewer acres wonder if i could find a nla ch for this coat burn the trousers too while you re at it miss howler did my voice fill the drawing room mr bluntly no it filled the re freshmen t room and the conser vatory little chats on farm management no 4 what is your farm worth increasing interest is being shown in the ownership of farm land this 4scnaracterlstic of war periods it may be that a fanner will be ap proached by someone asking the sell ing price of his farm and in many cases this is not an easy thing to state farm values are determined by several different methods but probably the most usual is by comparing the merits of the farm under consideration with thoe of some oher nearby farm which has recently changed hands at a known price in some localities no sales nave taken place and it is neces sary to place a value on it by guess to the buyer who of necessity must pay for the farm with operation pro fit the farm value is very closely link ed with its productivity the prob lem ol securing a satisfactory meas ure or farm productivity as a basis of value is now being solved the economics division marketing service ottawa and the ontario agri cultural couege ouelph by means of the ontario farm management study have found that cash receipts in com parison with investment gives a meas ure of productive value and this is exnressed as the number of years it takes for the cash receipts to equal the capita investmen a study of 334 whole milk shipper farms for the year ended april 30 193s shows that it requires the cash receipts of 4 6 years to equal the total value of the farm live stock and equipment another group of 258 farms frcm which milk was shipped for manufacture required 52 years tor the cash receipts to equal the to tal capita value by uslrg these ratios of turnover to capital a farmer can arrive at a fair valuation of his farm cash re ceipts are made up of all farm sales during the year in order to make a fair estimate of these an average should be used of the receipts over a period or years this average multi plied by the figure given above ap plicable o tht type of dairy farm will give the productive value of the total farm capital if from this sum the value of live stock mnchinery and other moveables is deducted the bal ts a valuation for real estate george c brown norval phone 382 r 21 the homestead making big improvements u come into a legacy no sir i got a home improvement loan from the bank of montreal a simple matter no fuss or bother the rates are low and i m paying it back by instalments home improvement loans obtainable at b 25 per 100 repayable in twelve seasonojuiacomes repayment may be made in other convenient periodic instalments ask for our folder bans of montreal established 1817 w lamk imail acctiu am umjoam georgetown branch a c welk manager print new handbook dairy cattle feeding valuable wartime information for every dairy farmer issued by ont feed board through onfc dcpt of agriculture the ontario feed board through the ont dept of agriculture has is sued a 20page handbook on the feeding and management of dairy cattle that can be obtained free or charge by ontario farmers from the agricultural representative in his county or by writing direct to the sta- llstlcs and publications branch ont dept of agriculture toronto it would also be advisable to ask for the large convenient placard on dairy cattle rations which can be hung in a convenient spot in the barn near the feed bin this placard conatas sug- gested meal mixtures as well as rules and recommendation for dairy cows in milk it is pointed out by the hon p m dewan ont minister of agriculture that agricultural wartime efforts in ontario are not confined to increased swine produc ion but include cheese and powdered milk to stepup pro duction of these products dairy cattle must be fed wisely and the farmer must know feed values and their uses if he ts to profit the handbook on feeding and management of dairy cattle is just off the press and contains valuable war- lme feeding information for the farmer on every one of its pages deal ing as it does with the important fun damentals of feeding dairy cattle write for your copy now carpenter ants destroy cedar poles destruction by ants of cedar poles along teli phone and power lines in central canada is a relatively new problem even to entomologlsts in ont years public utility companies have noted a premature loss of poles due to the destruction of the heart wood by a large bjnck ant hie litest of its type known as the carpenter ant thts in eel bores through he orter portions ol llu annual rings or wood and alter a rew ears the ole y be 1 i tie mori thnii n hollow drum 1 inch to 16 hands dose to the ground wlupgoott neck short back deep shoulders and high wlhers welt sprung ribs good legs and feet good action and weighing from 970 to 1 100 pounds horses of light draught or light vanner type should be well broken between the ages of 5 and 10 years standing lb hands to 18 hands 2 inches in height with short back strong quar- t tt plnty of bone true action cap able of pulling a big weight off rough or broken ground and weighing from 1 100 to 100 pounds the desired proportions of the two types are 60 per cent cavalry and 40 per cent light draught c w spinney general manager bank of montreal the french navy at war i 8 003 niu csil miles of sea trade s i nnli 1 1 the brlash em inv to pint rt hipping from hit from ground lino to a height or some w ubirnni acrcplmie and mine i ten feet the poll becomt- wcikuiedjon sorou inn ml miles the french and at times unsafe man thousands of poles in central unada ni knovii o be inhmeel ml in some instances the norm il 20 yiar life cxptdancy of ome poles ls re duced to an actual 0 or 7 vtars in testation- are not restricted to power lines however verandah pasts mid other structuial timber are quite fre ntl nl acked the ant bores only prepare a suitable home in which to live and incroase the wood ts not cd as feod colonies once establish ed ma persist or mum years but crowei ii btton vidoit in the home alngtd males and females ml i e to establish now colonies while more or less atlsfictorv treatmens can be used o de troy these colonics uic real solution of the prob lem consl ts n protecting new poles from the pttack of the e ants many difficulties aie involved dut to pecu hnritips of the an bu a practical method of carpenter ant control h be ing investigated by the ion si ento mologlsts of the dominion depart of agriculture in the winnipeg la bora to ry on bru h h id it do llu hesi life line 2 509 french and oliu mei chant ships moh report continued from pace 1 for several years your medical officer of health has recommended the in stallation of recording thermometers in the pasteurizers in 1930 this was made obligatory we now have a per manent record of temperatures used in pasteurization the public can be assured of a clean sanitary supply of milk and no sick ness which could be attributed to im pure milk has been reported in 1930 c water there was a plentiful supply of wa ter during 1938 samples are sent from time to tune to the ontario depart ment of health for detection of pres ence of impurities some are graded low showing the presence at times of intestinal organisms these arc pro bably of animal origin but their pres ence indicates that pollution by human excreta eduld occur should such a person be a typhoid carrier a serious situation might develop because our reservoir ls supplied by so many streams it ls practically im possible tc fix any one as occasionally being polluted heavy rainfalls and thaws carry in washings from fields which may bo some distance from these streams this condition has been present for many years water testa have been somewhat better last year and no sickness has occurred in 1939 which could be proved as due to im pure watei once yearly the reservoir is emptied and cleaned under the dir ection of the sanitary inspector mr w g marshall there is at times a temporary formation of a scum on the water in the reservoir caused by algae plant life this has spontaneously dis appeared without requiring any special treatment its presence does not con- stltu e a health hazard d licenses of boarded homes no report f control of communicable dls i eases in general the local board of health did not have occasion to deal with any out- bieaks o communicable diseases in 1939 which is a most gratifying sltua lion this low incidence can be main tained only by continued coopexailan of affected families in notifying the family physician at once and then car rying out strictly the regulations of isolation and quaiintlne the team work of georgetown physicians school nurse and sanitary inspector has been of gieat value in reducing the number ol communicable diseases to suth a low figure the immunization of chtldnn a tht public school ag jlnst diphtheria and small pox will be leirtd c later i sliil l ow procr 1 to review local ilth conditions in detail ccmimunic imc diseases mint it i lo nl is tal low cost insurance supply the needs of great bru i in and france kffplne lh i xs opn lo allied hipping and closed to the ontrnj s is i m tin p it of he iaits task in the retlm of economic warfare the french nnvy has been very active up to th 20th of january it had sue ceeded in intercepting 522 000 tons of goods going lo g rmnny of which 260000 have been seiztd as cortraband until the squndron of the new bat lleships king oeouc v class comis in o son c which will give bri tain th m i jvvrfit squndron on thi k is it is pnnre who pas e iv the nut t modern battle shli p nn the ships of the dunki tqut rlnss which came into oi vi 7 and 1938 and which are the fas t st 31 knotsi and best armed in the world wl h the three battle cruisers of the british nav y hood renow n and repulse the dimkerqtic and uie strasbourg are at the present time the only ships capable of outclassing unquestionably in speed and gun- power together the german scharn horst and gnelscnau as well as the pocket battleships deu sch land and scheer that the deutschlnnd and scheer firming ls a business natural be so bv many risks these risks may lnl de variable climatic conditions jh slble rnvages bv insect iws a and pin t an i animal di be inc irreo utr nrh funky method u vuioii md 1m sting and the arlbed to heir reluctance to risk he n f sci j in 1 unsuitable foun- ln brought to action not only against da t ion stock british but also aznlnst frmch naval resrnrrli by th st en isis and icsui j and studies bv the experimentalists amo prances 50 cruisers her 32 have shown very conclusively what j ulrs wkh a speed of 35 to 40 may be done to reduce or eliminate k nn ament of 5 5 inch guns risk in the production of crops and and torpec o tubes and excellent sea livestock states the agricultural sup ard tn r keeping tualttics are proving partic ularly valuabc for hunting patrolling 1 prcviiltnce dist a l ce ix bio ma menu chirkt njyix diphtht i in german mens rs measles deaths mi lps 0 plies board over the years n grea amount ol practical information has rt convoying france also brings been made available and is being i f utilized by producers to their great advantage even during the pas ten years the benefit that has been de rived from the application of such in- formation is beyond measure failure jif ij lo keep informed as to the results of agricultural experiment and itsearch may result in lasses which could easily have been avoided there b risk in outofdate methods in the- general routine of production reliable insurance against such rtskvj ls very jieap the premium may be no more lhan a postage stamp and a lotte- requesting information and advice from those who for years have been dealing with just such problems as yours information and advice on nil phase i of farm production and related activities may be secured from dominion and provincial sources by writing to the provincial department of agriculture agricultural college or the nearest experimental farm or sta tion the dominion department of agri culture has been advised by represen tatives of the french government tiiat they expect to purchase horses is canada according to present pros pects first inspections will take place during the second fortnight in may the actual purchasing is expected to be done through french purchasing boards operating at uie larger rail road centres in eastern and western canada two types of horses are wanted horses for cavalry purposes and horses of ught draught type horses of va- valry type should be between the ages of 6 and 10 yean standing 1ft hands of which have o tonnage of 1 500 and a speed of 35 knots and as many escort vessels some of which with a displacement of 2 000 tons have an ex- to their dlesel engines and ore thus per- f eo ly su ted to the ocean escort of merchant convoys the 80 french submarines do inval uable work in guarding the entry to enemy pc rta and in every kind of pat rol work one french submarine the surcouf ls the largest and most powerful in the world her displace ment submerged is 4300 tons and she carries 8 inch guns as well as torpedoes on the model of the great trans atlantic seaplanes which for many years hav maintained the service be tween france and south america the french navy has built a number of gigantic long distance seaplanes of 15 to 30 tons dlsp a cement with 4 to 6 engines and invaluable for naval re- oonnalfsance nearer the coast num erous observation and bomber squad- drons are constauly scoring successes in french yards soon ready to commissioned are the battleships richelieu and jean bart each of 36 000 tons and various destroyers and escort vessels numbering in all 126 units together with the new battle ships of the king cfeorge v class the richelieu and jean bart each with eight 15inch guns and a speed of 30 knots will present a battle force infinitely superior to the forces which could by then be assembled against them by the oermans when we think of frances land ef fort we can still more appreciate an effort at sea which maintains a naval strength approaching half of the brit ish the clinic so it was tusconilnued on account of our proximity to sanatoria any suspected caaea are sent than for diagnosis and treatment if necessary as eon be noted u statistics of com ii munlcable diseases georgetown lall very free of his disease at prose a when cases do occur every effortwil made to have all contacts arntnw1 in ordixl to ensure that they are free of this disease this la for their own safest and to prevent its spread to others it la astonishing bow frequently sucte contacts are loathe to undergo such an examination fearing that they will be found to be affected halton county has one of the lowest morbidity and mortality rates in on tario this can be accounted for by tho comparatively high standard of living of the inhabitants the more gen eral use of safe milk and the proxim ity of sanatoria with facilities for earljr diagnosis and treatment the cos of such treatment for those unable to pay is no longer borne by the munl- cipallry recent legislation has made sanitorlum treatment obligatory when persons with active tuberculosis ar considered a menace to others jn v d control any cases whiz have occurred in 1939 have been intwtj uie care of private physicians cancer coivrrol no report health of the school child the local board of health is vitally interested in the health of the school children as reported every public school child has been given the oppor tunity of being immunized against diphtheria and smallpox all children aro examined for cross eyesight de fects dental defects and weights by the school nurse any child found unwell ls sent home by the school nurse with a note to the parents suggesting in appropriate cases that the family physician be con sulted in this way children suffering from communicable diseases sfcln rash i es colds etc will receive proper care and will not be a menace to oiher school children in cas of malnourlshed children it has been arranged through the gener osity of service organizations tnat- those whose parents cannot afford it e provided with extra milk each year parents of children found witn ear nose or throat defects e g dlsased tonsils and adenoids deafness etc are asked o have th ir children looked after bv the f illy physician if this cannot be sffordd they are ent to the sick children s hospital at toronto aft le eiving the parents consen the women s institu e and local council of women have some vears contributed to the expens of uch tieatment miid th lions club linve looked after transportation the hospital for sick children has con- ented o look af or these children for a smill fee in 19j9 tonsils and aden oids of 6 children wert removed and 1 child visits uie deaf clinic dental hvglene in 1939 th lions club with the assistance of the school nurse an aimed with our dcnilsts an examination of the teeth of every pub- lie schoo child cirtls were sen t the paitnts reporting all defects in de tail whfre arents could not afford the neccary treatment the lions club assumed the entire cast of the- dental a entton 70 children were thus cared for in 1930 summary of clinic services toxoid 3 clinics i under auspices of the beard or health number or resi dents or georgetown atfnding 33 vaccina ion clinic undt auspices of th board of health unmoor of resi dents of georgetown attending 30 eur nose and throat clinic under aus pices of the women s ins itute local council of women and lions club number attending 7 dental clinic in dc auspices lions club all public school pupils tublic health nursing the work of school nurse has been ooked after very efficiently and con- cientiousjy by mrs a squires until jim miss e marshall has taken up t i se oiities in a most efficient man- nei tie salary of the school nurse is provided by the public school board and is intended to cover her attend ance at he school two days per weelc thls ls only a fraction of the time that she gives to the school those closely associated with the school children can appreciate the extra time spent for their welfare the employment of a fulltime pub lic health nurse would be a boon to geonretown it ls very probabl that one or two towns in this vicinity would- contnbute toward the salary of such a nurse for a part of her time a full- tnhe public health nurse would bo available for school work pre natal and post natal clinics wellbaby clln- les conduct of first aid and home the possibility of such an epidemic is nursing classes home nursing calls not at all remote there ls no disease etc pin a ypnold ft poliomyellils 0 0 scarlet fever 1 0 smallpox 0 0 1 uberiulosls 0 0 typhoid fever 0 0 tjndulant fever 0 0 whooping cough 4 0 2i prevention the yearly immun ization piognmme has been carried out by your medicii officer of health and publii sthool nurse with the co opiation of the public school board i principal and staff thls consists of giving toxoid for the preven ion of diphtheria and vaccination against smallpox a diphtheria after uie school assemble in the fall consent forms are sent to the parents of children who have not already been immuni zed nny parents who wlsh to have their pre school children treated are welcomed to he clinic the treatment conslsls of 3 inoculations with nn in trrval of weeks beiwein each rnocu latlon tills rtndeis 95 of ihtm im mune against diptheria no child should be denied the protection affor ded by lhls procedure ib smallpox in february con sent cords are sent to parents for vacclnatio i of the children against smallpox and a clinic similar to uiai of typhotg ls held for this purpose the response has been gratifying but it ls noteworthy that parents who have come from the british isles ore much more interested in having their child ren vaccinated than canadian born parents in this country so little has been seen or heard of smallpox that there seems to be very little fear of it more serious or loath esome than smallpox and prevention is a simple procedure parents who deny their children such protection arc derelict in their duty both toxoid inoculations and small pox vaccinations arc administered to these school children tree of charge i3i extent of immunization pro- pramme the records of the local board of health show for diphtheria 32 persons immunized and 32 certificates granted smallpox 30 persons immunized and 30 oertlflca es granted note scarlet fever and whooping cough immunization is not carried out as a public health procedure in georgctovn as your medical officer of health is not convinced that it ls sat isfactory except in private praottce as aresult of the current programme and the work of former years it it estimated that of the 305 children at tending our public school 250 are pro- tectfd against dlphtheriaand 21jiayehc health in our nwrotcipeiui djirj been vaccinated against smallpox it should be noted that immunisa- ton of crildren should fce commenced at about 6 month of age a very small number of such children attend the public school clink special aothriues maternal and child hygiene no instruction in prenatal infant and prescbool care ls given in george- town except by famil ph tuberculosis control for i few years a diagnostic clink visited georgetown at regular intervals to ex amine any suspected cases the mun icipality lv4n the fortunate position of being unable to provide patients sanitary services public water supplies total num ber of samples of public supply sent for examination this year 6 number of laboratory reports lower than grade a l the following infections- were attributed to the public water supply this year none milk supply milk bylaw no 46j was passed in 1927 amended in 1928 is pasteurization compulsory yes number ol inspectors 1 number of pasteurization plants 2 per cent of total supply pasteurised 100 total average dally consumption 1000 quarts per capita consumption 08 pints number of producers 14 milk inspection visits made to l ducers 42 samples taken udder 60 distributors of raw milk none visits to distributors of pasteurized milk 14 there were no infections associated i with the milk supply this year in conclusion i wish to thank all who have assisted in the work of pub- the year i have the honour to gentlemen your obedient servant c v williams moh for georgetown ont grandpa said a little girl i saw something this morning running across the kitchen floor without any le what do you think it was orandpav studied for a while and gave up what was it he asked water said the young girl triumphantly

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