Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 17, 1940, p. 1

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the seventythird year of publication wednesday evening april 10th 1940 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa halton music festival to be held at georgetown april 24 25 26 in the united church ballon prcsbylcrial wms eleventh annual meeting held at waterdown interesting programme provided officers elected for year 1940 r by- hiss a marshall press secretary the eleventh annual meeting of the halton presbyterlal of the wjms of the united church was held on tues day april 4th in the united church waterdown the theme of the sessions was christian stewardship the morning devotions were con ducted by the president mrs earl waison who presided for that session the story of the year as prepared by the presbyteries corresponctmg secre tary mrs j p klrfcwood was read followed by a poster parade by the se cretaries au of which were original a living poster a little girl from waterdown was displayed by the temperance secretary mrs h cald well as an emblem of purity straight man the hands of god she spoke of the immense sums of money expended in the liquor traffic in the province and the dominion asked that more thought and prayer be given to this department and entreated them to join hands in this matter and stop bickering as dramatics are very popular now mrs cajdwell suggested using our dramatic talent to bring temperance plays before the public a talk on our literature was given by the literature secretary mrs jr a mcdenmd reported 1he total amount raised by the presbyterlal for 1940 as 543170 the allocation and the dedication service was taken by the secretary of christian stewardship an open forum was conducted by mrs g c gifford several members of millgrove auxiliary took part in the quiet half hour at the dinner hour the president of waterdown wmb mrs o a bher- win extended greetings from the local auxiliary with an acrostic on the word welcome mrs r b galbraith of milton replied mrs charles readhead first vice- president presided at the afternoon session members of wesley auxiliary oortducted the worship service rev dr duncan macleod for 32 years a missionary in formosa who had to leave that country owing to the bitter feeling of the japanese cited many moving instances of the results of his work among the chinese of formosa whom he called his brothers and sisters mrs h inglehart conducted an im pressive memorial service for thirteen deceased members she chose the wards of jesus when speaking mary he said she hath wrought beautiful work on me she hath done wltat6he could as each name was called a pink tulip was placed in a vase by mrs r m clements after choruses by the waterdown mission band mrs a speight pres byterlal secretary awarded standard of recognition stars to balllnafad bethel burlington georgetown and waterdown bands and explained the five requirements in order to gain these stars a pageant depicting cus toms in india before and after the advent of the missionary was given by waterdown mission circle the report of the nominating com mittee was presented by the convener mrs w r graham conducted the installation of the officers mrs o foreman and mrs harper were appointed delegates to the hamilton conference branch meeting the following resolutions were passed 1 resolved that this presbyterial pledge its loyalty to the temperance feder ation in the task with which it is con fronted 2 resolved that this pres byterlal approach the candidates ir the next provincial election and ask them to state their stand on the pro hibition of liquor in the province and if they are in favor to sign a paper to that effect so that later there may be no misunderstanding an invitation for the presbyterlal to meet in acton in 1041 was accepted rev h s lovering chairman of the presbytery closed the session with prayer at the supper meeting which was presided over by mrs wilson greet ings were extended by the chairman of the presbytery the presidents of the wmb organizations of the an glican and presbyterian churches it waterdown and the wa of the con ventlon church the response by mrs t c dales of milton stressed the bond of christian friendship which prevailed rev d w gallagher pre sident of hamilton conference gave facts from mission fields at home and abroad mrs lamb extended the thanks of the courtesy committee af ter the closing prayer all present sang the national anthem the officers for 1940 are as follows past president mrs h inglehart president mrs earl wilson vicepresidents 1st mrs c read- head 2nd mrs f mcnlven 3rd mrs pick corresponding secretary mrs char les peer recording secretary mrs a e plckard treasurer mrs j a mcdermld secretaries of departments christian stewardship and finance mrs a o boswell circles mrs j a chapman cgjt mrs a k leonard mission bands mrs a speight baby bands miss e mckay associate helpers mrs w ounby supply mrs w n brownrklge community friendship mrs r mo- wat temperance and christian citiaen- shtp mrs h caldwell literature mrs w a shane missionary monthly and world friends mrs o w tunis press miss a marshall member without portfolio mrs c dales the preaching mission in georgetown the preaching mission conducted by rev duncan macleod which opened so encouragingly in the baptist church is gathering momentum nightly saturday excepted con gregations gather to listen with deep est interest to the moving presentation of the truth of jesus christ dr mac leod is conducting a series of studies on the life of jesus with such depth of insight and such vision as to n his hearers see jesus a winsome vine personality moving in the midst of his people and the only hope of our distraught world on sunday large audiences heard dr o c pldgeon ma of bloor unit ed church toronto in the morning and dr macleod ba in the even ing in the afternoon a most impres sive mens service at which ovss eighty men were present was con ducted by dr macleod the male quartette of the united church mil ton contributed two numbers that were deeply appreciated the services will continue through out the week to be closed on sunday when dr macleod will deliver his final message when men are fighting to the death to preserve our freedom to safeguard our civilization and to prevent chris tianitys being overrun by barbarism surely god is calling his people tc draw near to him to know his will and to leam that he only can save our world from utter desolation card op thanks the family of the late mr fred c bonathan wish to express their sin cere thanks to the many friends and neighbours who have been so kind and thoughtful at the time of the recent deuth of their father mrs j weatherston and bill bonathan preliminary contests for halton music festival evidence of j the interest in the ap proaching halton musical festival was seen in the large number of en tries in preliminary contests held last last thursday the morning session at brookvtue was for students in nassagaweya township mr lloyd tufford barrie was adjudicator winners of the classes heard were nsssagaweya schools under 15 pu pils sb no 9 sb no 8 schools under 25 sjs no 3 schools over 25 bjb no 3 sb no 5 combination motionsong sb no 3 sb no 8 girls solo seven to ten jean frank sb no 3 jean robertson sb no 8 boys 7 to 10 arnold service sb no 6 ronald king sb no 7 girls ii and over margaret robertson sb no 8 bessie early sb no 2 boys 11 and over gordon dauby sb no 8 kenneth bollard sb no 7 sight reading margaret robertson sb no b annie blackjack 8b no 3 duet jean mitchell and margaret wadand sb no 11 jean and margaret ro bertson sb no 8 in the afternoon a similar contest was staged in the parish hall nor- val and the following winners were selected esqueslng township schools 15 pu pils and under sb no 6 baulnafad school 25 pupils and under sb no 10 sb no 8 25 pupils and over ner val school glen williams school com bination mouonsong glen whltams sb no 8 girls 7 to 10 years ruth howden s no 2 maeve breensb no 8 boys 7 to 10 years john whitney nerval bobby henderson banbook- bum girls 11 yean and over joyce williams sb no 2 marlon hepburn glen williams boys 11 and over clark lyons norval herbert preston glen williams duet billy hunter and king redd nerval gladys muffin and kid fryer sb no 8 in spite of road conditions and un pleasant weather both tymn were well attended and the support given these local contests augurs wen cor the final festival m georgetown on apru 24th 25th and 26th uolns meet georgetown lions met in the mc- glbbon hotel on monday and enjoy ed an excellent dinner chief keuy occupied the chair after minutes were read and the kings health drunk with the sing ing of the national anthem business was proceeded with the sum of five dollars was voted to the halton musical festival pastchief mowbirter reported con cerning the midgets trip to copper cliff saying the boys did well and behaved well the cup is in lion d- brills window it was sugested that all cups wop under lions sponsorship be displayed and the public school was mentioned as a suitable place the suggestion was also made that the club sponsor juvenile hockey next year and organise now instead of later it was resolved that the club sponsor midget and juvenile hookey next season a committee consisting of e mcwhirter h c moclure and w h long was appointed for the pur pose it was also resolved that the club should invite the midget team to th next meeting a resolution of sympathy to mr 8 mcgibbon and family was passed the secretary was asked to send a letter from the club to lion king at guelph general discussion of the continuance of the dental clinic took place lion jack watson was appointed actingchair man of that committee during the illness of lion king and lion w g o thompson was added to the com mittee the meeting then adjourned with the singing of god save the king card of thanks we wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends and neighbours for the sym pathy and many kindnesses extended to us during our recent sad bereave ment in the death of our beloved mo ther mrs margaret russell t the russell family red cross hag shipped million pieces of supplies almost a million pieces of hospital and surgical supplies an clothing have been shipped overseas by the canadian red cross society during the past two months for the men of the canadian forces and for the distribu tion by ttfe red cross societies of wartorn parts of europe it was reported tuesday april 16 at the an nual meeting of the central council of the society in toronto delegates from all over canada were present from february 1st to march 31st 1702 eases were shipped to the can adian red cross society in london england they contained thousands upon thousands of the articles made by the women of canada hospital necessities and knitted articles thirty cases of hospital supplies were sent during the same period to the french red cross society 244 cases including clothing for refugee women and children to the finnish red cross 44 cases to the evacuee children of london 34 cases for polish refugees large quantities of woollen articles of clouung so necessary in the english wlnterublmate have been distributed to the canadian men in the aidershot area by the societys comforts com mittee in london and grateful appre ciation of the comfort of homemade socks has been expressed by many of ficers on behalf of their men dr fred w routley national com- lssioner yesterday received a report from the overseas visiting committee that volunteer visitors had been re cruited and were now attached to many hospitals in england and scot land it is the duty or these women to look after canadian men lying wounded in these hospitals and relay their needs to the london office from which parcels are forwarded regularly wherever necessary messages are sent by the hospital visitor to the patients anxious parents in canada this service which unfortunately must grow to large proportions as the war goes on is one of the most lmpor- lan pieces of work done by the can adian red cross society dr routley stated red shield drive a sueeess in georgetown area donations total 58192 thanks to donors i a letter from captain w c poul- ton of the salvation army reports on the splendid success of the red shield drive in georgetown expressing his thanks captain poulton says the executive of the citizens com mittee organized to raise the george town allocation of the red shield war and home services 1 00000000 fund report success in the completion of the drive georgetowns objective was 50000 and the treasurer was able to remit a cheque for 58192 on friday last mr nbdwell chairman mr mclintock treasurer mr hugh lin dsay advance gifts mr long indus trial mr norman brown business men and their various committees al so mrs f nodwell mrs a reeve and mrs hayes and their ladles commit tees thank the public spirited dtl- aens of georgetown glen williams and stewarttown for the courteous and genial treatment accorded them in making the canvass to the heads of all the industrial plants a sincere note or appreciation is accorded for their prompt and efficient manner of placing time and men at the disposal of the committee to canvass the em ployees of the industries of george town and glen williams elsewhere in halton county such fine success was duplicated acton raised m0940 as against an objective or s30000 norval accounted for 4050 and were asked to raise 2500 the salvation army through its lo cal district commanding officer cap tain poulton is indebted to its com mittee and its friends for their work and gifts respectively thank you is a poor way of express ing appreciation but it comes from many needy civilians and many lonely soldiers sailors and airmen through the red shield services salvation army tender their red cross shipment this week the georgetown branch of the red cross society have shipped this week to the toronto warehouse the follow ing goods 9 pneumonia jackets 5 bed gowns 26 pr pyjam 8 surgeons gowns m surgeons caps pr bed socks t bandages 97 handkerchiefs 62 army scarves 19 seamens scarves 32 sweat ers 106 pr wristlets 5 pr knee caps 6 ribbed helmets 1 dot broadcast mitts s pr half mitts 6 hehpets 14 aero caps 7 pr seamens socks 165 pr socks polish relief 6 rants 4 dresses 4 helmets 2 pr mitts 1 boys shirt 1 pr wristlets 7 pr bloomers 4 slips a bollywood film star recently sent her visiting cards to her rormer hus bands new bride tax sending them by air man she wired catriahly trust they dont ar rive too late to be of use to you former ballon warden duncan campbell laid lo rest many close friends in the george town district are saddened at the passing of duncan campbell of mof fat widely known farmer and cattle breeder mr campbell passed away last friday in his 66th year he had been in falling health the last few months his last public appearance was at the funeral of his friend j moore and since that time he had been confined to his home native of the moffat district campbell activities were many and varied his lumber activities were spread over the province and for more than 20 years he was engaged in breeding prize shorthorn cattle and has won many awards at cattle shows in canada and united states at which he was a consistent exhibitor he was well known in municipal and political affairs was many times reeve of nftssagaweya township and was once warden of halton county in 1925 ho contested the federal elec tion as a liberal candidate he was president of the canadian shorthorn breeders association in 1035 and 1936 and an executive member of the national livestock records boards and a director and president of the halton mutual insurance company a mason mr campbell was a mem ber of campbell lodge campbellvule st clair lodge milton and guelph lodge guelph he was also a mem ber of the scottish rite in guelph and hamilton besides his widow he is survived by a son gnnt campbell bjsa of mof fat funeral services were held on mon day in nassagaweya presbyterian church and the service was attend ed by prominent citizens over a wide area senator duncan marshall and dr christie of the ontario college of education were among the mourners as well as friends from milton george town acton and other towns in the neighbourhood for the first time since the halton county music festival was be gun the contests will be held this year in georgetown this will afford talent of our counties school children in the past many have regretted the- people of this town an excellent opportunity to hear the musical being unable to make the trip to olhertowns now they have this chance of attending the festival time of the competitions is as follows wednesday april 24th 700 pm thursday apr 25h 900 ajnl0o pjn and 700 pan frday april 26th 900 am and 100 pjn the halton county music festivals is open only to students in attendance correspondence georgetown april 13 1040 the editor the georgetown herald georgetown ontario dear mr editor you published a letter m last weeks issue signed by hughes cleaver mp affecting the appointment of postmas ter to georgetown this letter is written in answer and we would ap preciate it if you would include it in your correspondence column this week mr cleaver advises us quote the office of postmaster at georgetown is an office- that- comes under- the juris diction of the civil service commis sion and is a merited appointment by way of examination no appoint ment has been made though a letter has been sent by the civil service commission indicating the man who has received tlw highest rating no political interference will take place mr hairy goldham of this town la the man who has received the high est rating in the competitive examin ations he entered into competition with his fellows he won farly and cleanly and received notification of his appointment but some socalled leading citizens some of whom were undoubtedly in competition with him have not been prepared to lose fairly they have endeavoured to promote public controversy in an effort to deprive the winner of his reward these complainers have been un able to lay a finger upon mr gold- hams record as a gentleman a busi ness man or a soldier so they have sought vo benefit themselves by criti cizing the civil service admlnlstra- tlon they object to the accuracy of the examination oral and wri tten and thereby cast a reflection upon the intelligence and integrity of the board that prepared the examination as well as the men who were appointed to supervise and direct it they imply that the civil service is either in competent or given to irregular pro cedure lr the performance of then- duties surely the citizens of georgetown the government and the civil service administration will not be impressed by such unfair unsportsmanlike and unbrltish tactics promoted by indi viduals who lost out in fair competi tion and who now seek to achieve their ends by roundabout underhana redherring methods mr gold hams appointment official as it should be or tendlng as it may be has been justly merited by his en viable war record he enlisted volun tarily at the age of eighteen years in the 164th battalion he joined the 116th battalion in france he won the military medal at amiens hi was wounded and gassed at combrai he was invalided to england and subsequently sent back to canada lo spend several months in a hospital in toronto he was discharged medi cally unfit in march 1919 without pension we are again at war and again we are prepared to make promises to our young men that on their return from overseas their services will not be for gotten we can ill acord at this time to break our word to the men who fought for freedom and democracy in the last war mr goldham fought well and hon ourably in 191418 he wrote an ex amination well and honourably in 1940 the citizens of georgetown have every confidence in mr cleavers clos ing remarks no political interfer ence will take place signed citizen of georgetown at public and high schools in the county elimination contests are first held and the two standing highest in each group in a district are chosen to compete in the finals since the introduction of musso courses in the high schools and tha consequent emphasis on the teaching of musicj there has been a growing enthusiasm among the children for music of all types the festival association has been fortunate in obtaining the services of mr g roy fenwlck provincial super visor of music to act as adjudicator when the festival has been held in other towns attendance has been ex cellent and the local sponsors of tha meeting are hoping that georgetown will not be en exception to this re cord miss frank miss harrison and miss beals have oeen working hard drilling the local entrants in their respective selections the high school orchestra the lone entrant in this class is practicing earnestly among the george students en- tered in the festival are douglas cole piano betty paut vocal mary and betty paul vocal duet ormie carter vocal helen blackburn piano betty piano james ruddell violin armstrong violin georgetown high school girls choir ruth brandford vocal june huller vocal betty- speight and jean ruddell piano duet donald early vocal betty speight vocal joy ruddell vocal george long cornet geor high school boys choir betty speight and mar ion dick vocal duet william arm strong clarinet roy peck tpbau robert early vocal georgetown high school choir georgetown high school orchestra june clark piano hartley coles vocal henry matthews vocal henry matthews and jamie- bums vocal duet june dark and jane early vocal duet jean cole lo cal june clark vocal admission price to the morning and afternoon sessions on thursday and friday is 15c wednesday and thurs day eve the admission charge is 25c copies of the program may ba obtained in advance at the herald office price 6c open house at georgetown high school thursday evening april 18th tha public is invited to the george high school where a varied program has been arranged this is an an nual event and it is hoped that par ents and friends will avail themselves of the opportunity of seeing just what their children are learning at school there will be gymnastic displays science demonstration in the lab an exhiblflpi of art work versespeaking contest and selections by the glee club and orchestra time of the event has been arrang ed from 730 939 pm norval rifle club the hlllsburg rifle team visited nor val last monday night and were de feated by a margin of 44 points thtt scores for 10 men hlllsburg 944 nor val 988 a postal match took place thls week between winnipeg rx3 and ntorval rc norval winning by a margin of seven points out of 700 the score were wlrnlpeg 690 out of 700 nor val 697 out of 700 the scores in the aggregate event are as follows h nurse 100 x 10 it atkinson 100 x 9 r w hall 98 x meredith 99 x 7 g h hall 100 x 7 dr stevenson 90 x 7 a w wilson 97 x 5 johnson 100 x 8 oantelon 99 x 6 robertson 99 x 7 norma hah 97 x 5 caves 98 x 7 lisk 97 x 4 hustler 95 x 1 soldiers comfort committee formed in georgetown teachers want minimum salary rural ontario again came into the news when delegates to the meet ing of the ontario public school men teachers association complain ed about the size of the salaries being paid to rural teachers the assoolauon decided to work to ward a nuhlmum stipend of 750 with mcrement of 50 yearly a rose by any other name higher in the seed catalogue the soldiers comforts committee has been formed to facilitate the sand ing of parcels to our local soldiers overseas this committee will func tion apart from any other organisa tion but cooperating with all who maybe mterestea funds will be raised for this pur pose and any contributions gladly re ceived to keep down the cost of sending parcels they will be packed and addressed to individuals but sent in one nfmig organbattons or individuals wishing to do so may send their own parcels for local over seas soldiers to be included in any it sent by the committee meeting held in the library on monday april 15th at which representatives from various organisa tions were present a committee was formed with mrs a reeve as chair man mrs sw mokenzle treasurer and mrs r guyot secretary cigarettes will be sent to the sol diers immediately and it is hoped to pack boxes very shortly any contri butions should be left with mrs xx livingstone georgetown or mrs r guy g wuuams any member of this commlseewfll be guvfltd 50p- ply information to anyone desirous of obtaining same the road hogs will soon be cavort ing about the highways quite as us ual it is the tourlegged hogs that are being shipped overseas in sod great numbers some chaps are such funny gtrjb that they will speak well of a feoonr townsman who isnt even sfcsc is alone dead

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