Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 17, 1940, p. 6

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1086 6 the georgetown herald wed nesday evening april j 7th 1940 good seed potatoes are still available 1 seed potatoes which ere 4lot good anmirh to qualify as oertlned seed mt8ht be very dear even as a gift when a potato grower figures his atbour costs for planting cultivating spraying and harvesting and hlstout- u for fertiliser and spray materials depreciation on machinery marketing costs and other items then it becom amy evident that success orlahure af file whole season s operations may depend largely upon the quality of the eed he is planting the weather condi tions during the growing period and 4he marketing situauon following tiarvest the weather haaards he is aware of he must of course take the weather as it comes but he can- arrange his cultural practices for eith er wet or dry seasons or both the decision he nuikes about seed however arust rest with himself and it is a jnost important decision to make for it may mean nof only the difference between a good yield and a poor yield fcut may make all the difference in the wbrw as to the disposition of the crop due to quality or marketability all good seed potato dealers now moommend only the planting of certified seed for the logical reaso chat they are convinced that certified jeed is improved seed and more growers are asking for it hie dealers bke to have a constant and dependable apply of well graded healthy vigorous eed potatoes for their trade and they fakw that certified seed has been elected grown and rogued for disea ses under supervision and is inspected and passed upon by an unbiased third party of sound integrity who is just es anxious as the dealers are that the sed purchasers are fully satisfied jtathermore the field reports of the ftvpeccors are available and can be ued upon which is better in their opinion than having to depend upon the grower s own interpretation of the quality of potatoes he may have for ale another important point is that the dealer knows that the table potatoes produced from certified seed are going to be more readily saleable ttt harvest and that will aid his table buaussjtegroajerlally further information aboutseed poz tatoes will be gladly supplied by kant protection division dominion department of agriculture ottawa or from the district certified seed potato inspector farm business management the successful farmer may be class dj as a business manager he no lon ger provides the major part of bis liv ing on his own farm he now pro duces farm products for sale u others and with the cash received purchases the variety of commodities which make jp his living standard the change from the old self sufficing farmingto the new commercial agriculture has made it possible for the successful farm business manager and his family to enjoy farm life to a greater extent than ever before the complete re volution in communication and trans- por atlon has brought to nun an op portunity to enter more fully into the life of the whole community the geteral manager of a business is recognized as a person of consider able ability certainly this is even more true of those who successfully manage a farm business in urban industry in canada there is an aver age of on general manager and 27 workers for each plant in canadian agriculture there is a manager for each farm and while the number of workers is not large the successful combination of labour and capital re quires real managerial ability almost every alternate man in agriculturt must accept the task of manager the number of managers per worker is thus 10 times greater in agriculture than in urban industry management ability is just as ne cessary in agriculture as in urban in dustry and training for service in this field to meet the changed and con stantly changing conditions of pro duction and marketing is particularly importan this is strikingly shown by a study of the business of more than 800 individual dairy farms hroughout ontario the earnings of individual farm operators for one year show a range of more than 7 000 be tween th least and most successfully itudy of a small trees not sprayed menace to orchard thousands of dollars are spent an nually throughout canada by pro spective amateur garden fruitgrowers for nursery trees of apple- pear plum cherry and peach that are profitable only to nurserymen states ft d i buga dominion experimental station kentville ns this is particularly true in ureas remote from the recog nized iruit growing sections one cees it on every hand a poor jte an unsui able soil improper planting with no thought of pollination and alter p antng neglect the trees soon lose hen self assertion and when this internal or inherent push is gone they become moribund linger and fall an easy prey to rodents winter injury nsect ps s and fungus diseases the prospective amateut gallaerr fruitgrower must be in a position jo feed cultivate spray and more or less coddk the young trees from the start this intensive care need not be so thorough after the tree becomes established but from the time the trees begin to fruit they must receive definite attention in respect to cul- ture cultivation and a proper spray program for the control of insect pests and fungus diseases improperly sprayed trees become a menace to the regular commercial orchards it is from these trees that mpny of the destructive fruit insects are being disseminated to infest or reinfest commercial orchards that have been inspected and found free of insects spraying of these garden orchards has become compulsory in some districts but has not proved wholly effcclhc because of the in accessibility of the trees and the difficulty of ge ting the work done at the propel time elimination of some of these garden orchards has already taken olacc lr ceitain districts and maj become general and compulsory for all kinds of quality printing phone no 8 the best workmanship at lowest possible prices new nired hand well boss what time do i have to git to work morn lnas parmer oh any time you like jes si it ain t later n half past four the wisdom of youth that a young man was wise beyond tns years was proved when he paused before answering a widow who had asked him to guess her age you must have some idea she said i have several ideas said the awing man with a smile the only trouhlue is that i hesitate whether to 4nake you ten years younger on ac ount of your looks or ten years older on account of your intelligence group or farms specializing in appie production in quebec gave similar re sults the range between high and low incomes in this study was more than 4 000 research in this field is being conducted by the economics duislon dominion department of agriculture ottawa in co operation with provin cial departments and colleges of agri culture the data obtained by these studies pio des a sound basis for edu cational work in the realm of farm management ottawa names jas s duncan deputy for air masseyhabris ugad takes post to aid organized training ottawa april 11 james 8 duncan vicepresident and general manager of musaeyhrrls company was named this week associate acting deputy min ister of national defense in charge of aviation his appointment means that the thre i rvlces army navy and air i vill now each be under a deputy v n tcr all responsible to one mini- of notional defense mr duncan is coming to ottawa only for three months mr king said htu durjngthat period permanent arrangements for carrying on the work will be made the job of organiting for the erl- ish commonwealth air training plan will be mr duncan s heaviest task his recognized business experi ence as head of one of the worlds i visitor well jackie how do you hkfe your new little sister jickie oh she all right but here are lots of things wc needed worse order bray cttcks now md be lucky when egg price climb smstt fall see me or pbooe me right away personal attention george c brown norval phone 382 r 21 because of if high quality lowe brothers high standard house paint cotts lets per ufmmrm foot of wrfact patnted low grade punts analysed by recognized laboratories were fouod to contain as much as 65 of water and other evapwlhing liquids this left for sale by only 37 of film forraing- solids to protect tbe surface lowe brothers htgb standard liquid paint contams 90 of protective filmforming solids that is why one gallon of high standard paint will go as far last twice as long as two gallons of cheap paint src your dealer jas s duncan gieatest implement companies will be drawn on he is considered one of the mas incisive men in canadian industry and mi king expressed the gratitude of the government to mas sci harrit company for lending mr duncan to ottawa few men hive attained such out standing uccess in the business world ns hns mr duncan and his talents and abiliu in addition to his energy and cnniuhsm will be of inestimable value in lie organizing and building u of th dominion s great undertak ing in thr briish commonwealth air training plan while both army and navy expan sion has been along established lines lie rapid development of the air force in canada is breaking new ground in the i ppointment of mr duncan the government takes the attitude that the main need at the moment is business experience the chief of the air staff and he officers will look af tcr techninl air force problems w c anthony hardware plumbing tinsmithing and i electric wiring phone 46 georgetown bargain fares april 26 27 from georgetown to stations oshawa and east to oorawau inclusive uxbridge lindsay peterboro campbeufoki newmarket couingwood meaford midland norm bay parry sound sudbury capreol and west to beardmore- train 20 frida april 26th ah trains saturday april zlth to toronto also to brantford chatham goderlch ouelph hamilton london niagara palls owen sound st catharines st marys barilla stratford strathroy woodstock see handbills for complete list of destinations pot tares return limits train information tickets etc consult nearest agent t116a canadian national i he demands of our country and empire occasioned by another great war cause us to pause and recount the progress made in the quarter century since the beginning of the first great war then but 10000000 acres were sown to wheat in contrast to over 25000000 acres nowj then we exported but 25000000 lbs of bacon pnd ham to great britain in a year whereas this year our shipments will total over 260000000 lbs then the average yearly production of a dairy cow was 4500 lbs of milk which now has been raised to 6500 lbs farmers have been alert to the findings of science and the better practices developed ty our agricultural collages and experimental farms changed methods have brought vast improvements higher standards of products have been attained and maintained science too applied by practical men of knowledge has through the solving of many of our immediate problems greatly increased the productivity of our farms and added immense sums to the farmers yearly revenue rustresisting varieties of wheat have now ended the annual losses occurring from this perennial blight which is estimated to have cost the farmers of western canada in the 62 years of wheat growing an amount in excess of half a billion dollars grasshopper control efforts have been perfected to the poiht where the damage from these pests has been greatly curtailed one authority placing the saving from this work at several hundreds of millions of bushels of grain in the last seven years and the agricultural implement engineer has been busy designing machines to meet the specific needs of the moment speed tess man power and lower costs of operation 4tave been the goot and as- a result most -mochwes- have undergone great changes traders have been tremendously improved new machines have been made available oneway disc seeders till and sow in one operation cutting the cost of these operations by 40 to 50 the new small combines extend the use of this new low cost harvesting method to farms of all sixes saving upwards of 1 60 per acre in harvesting costs masseyhams is proud to hove played an important part in adding the contribution of the implement maker to those of the scientist and farmer in furthering the interests of agriculture etnd aaici2zahcl1tahctua oh laeyfl arris thcstrvkt larmofthe canadian farm i town country whether you lte in town or in the country heres a combination offer to please your reading tastes our paper and your favorite magazines at really huge savings make your selection and send as the coupon nowl big three offer this newspaper 1 tear and your choice any two in group hark an x before the two yon desire hncieana maiaatne l tr n national home monthly i t h clatwhlne hksdtm 1 t 1 canadian bom journal 1 tr d bod a odd la cauda 1 tr qabmrtou boy moa rarenta mactne i no borne arts needlecraft 1 tr american fruit grower 1 tr all tiireh only 25 popular demand offer this newspaper 1 year and yonr choice w other publication in group at the price listed oolllera weeklj 1 tr fsj qhedeonb 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